Legendary Loremaster
With this weeks release the third cycle of the Flecks comes to a crashing close. And by the end many niggling questions that have existed since Flecks I and beyond should be answered. Flecks will not however answer all of the questions raised in the other ARCs that interconnect with it, and by the end o0f this is pretty much everything the player does. Flecks will not resolve the situation with Absolix and Ryuusei. Flecks will not resolve the issue with the Order or even with the return of the Villainous version of Atlas Maxwell, Flecks will not fully reveal the history of the Fall of Darkovia (though it sets the stage for the resolution of all of these things), Flecks will cast light on but not resolve the issues raised by The Countdown and the Breaking Point. The Shadow Saga is far from over. Flecks will not reveal the Truphma's great plan but it will hint at what is to come. Whoa that is a lot of things Flecks won't do; so, how about a few it will strive to do. In no particular order. - What caused the corruption of the Alternate world that the Brilhado previously invaded. (Xitra Regerik, Duh! But how and why?)
- Who is Erebus? What is Erebus' Nature?
- What happened to the Shadow Universe to make it as it is.
- What is Erebus' goals and motivations (Well okay, it only gives a half answer here)
- Why were the players drawn strangely to the TDR anyway? And how did the TDR recognize a shadow when it saw it?
And MANY MANY more. I will be posting some additional design notes and some "teasers" to whet your appetite later today. But the end is nigh friends! #FightTheShadows Falerin Ardendor Demipower of Lore: Discovery, Knowledge, and Secrets