@above Yeah I'm pretty sure that's what rej meant. The idea of just transferring varium from one account to another is nice but I think it would still be much easier to just have varium on one bank (the account). Theres no point to transfer if it is all there already. About credits, I think that shouldn't be a good feature as lower level characters would be able to already have the best gear once they reached a certain level for the item instead of having to work for it. Another problem would be it becomes too easy to make credits, imagine 4 characters doing npc's every hour, 1 minute a npc, 15x4=60x32=1920 credits a hour and that x 10 =19200, about 20k a day if you played for 10 hours .... @Rej I don't think thats a good idea as this game's sole way of making money is through currency, DF or MQ was more through membership so for $5 more, it would make Artix lose too much money. Also this is mmo vs rpg so it costs more.