My question to the fourmites who recall me is: Do you think The Dealer is obsolete? I mean, yergen has his business, and CP runs the evil side of things. i had fun with the char, but I'm starting to think that since all I have is politeness and selling to other villains, I may be past my sell by date. 1. Yergen don`t got his own business. Though I can see why you would think that, what with his name on everything. He`s the mayor, this was only stated in the DN`s though so, I don`t many people know it. I`m guessing his name everywhere is like celebratory in, or maybe he donated tons of money, that or those business are city owned, and Yergen`s got a big ego. 2. The Dealer has lot more depth then Yergen and CP. 3. The Dealer has some victories on his side yet CP has no victory to show in this world. 4. In RL, when a lot of new faces come on the business scene, do they run away and hide? NO, they improve there company and destroy the compatition! THAT`s THE DEALER MUST DO! 5. When I made Professor Jhono, was The Dealer obsolete? NO HE HIRED DARKNESS TO TAKE CARE OF JHONO! What bout Professor Pythgores and his compneay, or that Maria person from that one story? The Dealer wasn`t obslute then, in fact that`s when it got interesting. 6. You forget he`s alot more then a business man. Behind Omnicorp the business lies a vast crimneal empire! He has his own private army, he has access to things that aren`t even from this solar system. He has contacts across the globe, not to mention he "takes care of" his compation. There`s also the fact he lives in a floating battle station.