Blitzex/Sr. Zeph
Well, i just thought about it, and assuming Omega wont be released in the first 3 days of January. I cannot play in Omega nor the Yeti tournament during my holiday, and that is just the worst thing of the delay. I wouldnt mind if they delayed it two times in November instead of December because i then still had to go to school. But now, i basically dont have a chance to get that Golden Yeti, and also i cannot complete all the missions on time before they go away. And that is just the worst thing. And yes, i do am aware that the devs cant do much about that, but i only wonder why they didnt release Omega some time before Christmas, so they dont have to do all this features in such a small time. I think they just started way to late with Omega, and should have started earlier. On another note, if it wasnt delayed i wouldnt get a 2 for 1 offer, but that doesnt really compensate since i cant play anymore since the release is just to late. I mean, there are some benefits, like you can provide from the still Rare offers like the Harvest gear and Dragoncon items. But this doesnt really make it better for all the people who need to go to school on the 7th of January. So no, i would not mind these delays if they were a month ago, so dont immediatly attack me But how is your situation with the Delays, do you mind or dont you really care since you already left school?