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Idea for our servers.

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2/18/2013 10:41:32   

Now we have 4 servers right.
But why can not we make them more unique?

Maybe like this?
One for 1vs1 players
One for 2vs2 players/Jugg

For right now, all scattered on different servers.
Plus believe it would be easier to find a battle.
When players are on the server wants the same as you.

Maybe even a server for beginners for lvl 1-25.
Think there are many different ideas for this.
Post #: 1
2/18/2013 11:40:29   
i like bounty hunter

The level 1-25 support but not the 1vs1 and 2vs2
And now the haters will come and start non supporting
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
2/18/2013 11:48:20   


i like bounty hunter

I understand you actually, when I myself tend to switch between 1vs1 and 2vs2.
But sometimes it feels like a server may be full. and the other is 50-200 players.
And some of them might be doing mission boss fight NPC farming etc..
So then the rest of them on the server harder to get the right fight, so to speak.
Then sometimes adjust their build for either 1vs1 or 2vs2 or 1vs2

So would like to hear your explanation why not a 1vs1 server and a 2vs2 server .
Mean it in a serious manner and not that I know the most.
Then I think the answer lies in all the explanation a little more why one thinks like you do.

< Message edited by ThePriest -- 2/18/2013 11:49:27 >
Post #: 3
2/18/2013 12:14:37   

Going from 4 servers to 2? Not supported in the least.

What happens if someone want to do 1 vs 1 and that server is full? They won't be able to do that since there will be only one server for it.

Plus having to switch servers if you want to do a different battle mode? This would be annoying to those players since these servers will be for only 1 battle mode and possibly cause other issues.
Epic  Post #: 4
2/18/2013 12:30:50   



no do not mean to take away and make it to two servers only.
there will still be 4.
But just came on, what two servers could be used for.

Thought others might make your own suggestions what those other two may be.

Yes, if the other is full so one can always play on the others.
But then you would at least know what type of server and what the players who are on it.
So you change the build to 2vs2 for example.

For what you do now if a server is full, go after all the other server.
Says 100 players there. 30 do NPC farming 55 is too low lvl for you.
Follow these 15 players are left to make either 1vs1 or 2vs2 or 1vs2.

But with different servers so it would mean that you more or less can expect faster battles also met various players :)

but as like i like bounty hunter say.
He likes the idea of a 1-25 lvl server

That way maybe you can still have the mix servers anyway.
Since many low lvl players disappear from the high player servers.

Just trying to come up with solutions :)
Post #: 5
2/18/2013 12:54:10   

The level 1-25 level server would hurt Jugs as it would take away some of their opponents so I could not support this server idea.

Due to the level range being increased lower level jugs would be hard pressed to find opponents since they would just be on this level 1-25 server which in my opinion another get out of jug card for a short period of time.

Epic  Post #: 6
2/18/2013 12:55:31   

Change the level 1-25 server to level 1-10 server were you get alot of help on how you play and I'll support.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 7
2/18/2013 13:11:34   
SouL Prisoner

Arr .....

Can anyone explain how jugg will work???

If their is only the preditor's, whom will they all prey on ??

If Only juggs, whom will they fight in the server ...

Sorry but least support ...

"Not Supported"
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
2/18/2013 15:27:42   

OH god well i like the thought but the idea isnt good. Lets start with jugg. Jugg is a 80-90% loose for low lvls so noone would go on that server unless they would have jugg destroying build so it would hurt jugg. 2nd if a server was from e.g. lvl 1-25. lvls 25 would RUIN it because they cannot fight someone like lvl 30 but they can fight a lvl 20.
If you want to change battlemodes you would have to change servers and also it would be extreamly hard to impliment and they would have to run all 4 servers allways (electricity)
making in game currency (varium) a lot more epensive and making it OP again so its NOT SUPPORTED from me.

< Message edited by EpicIsEpic -- 2/18/2013 15:29:01 >
Post #: 9
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