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Solution to a big problem!!!!

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2/16/2013 13:27:41   

With many new changes in the game.
I have an idea that will take Epicduel to the right level again.
I suggest that we remove varium entirely from packages and instead replaces it with credits.
When you buy varium package you should get the following as an example.

The old packages
500 varium
1250 varium
2500 varium
5000 varium
10.000 varium bonus weapons

They new packages
25.000 credits
62.500 credits
125.000 credits. VIP = 7 days get extra battle tokens.
250.000 credits. VIP SILVER = 15 days get extra battle tokens, And twice the Influence.
500.000 credits. VIP GOLD = 30 days get extra battle tokens, And twice the Influence.

Then all the weapons and core entering the game,
Should everyone have the possible to buy with credits of course.
But raising the price of the event things.
Examples of it.
The sidearms come with Azrael's Will
The auxiliaries come with Azrael's Torment
Should then be 125,000 credits each.
Would you like to have all four it would be tottalt 500,000 credits.
= A great package $ 50,
Or if a new luxury armor would come on an update,
It would go for 500,000 credits!

What I mean by this is that every time new things coming to the game so the price should reflect ,
That you can only get the thing or things if you spend a total of 500,000 credits on it ore them.

Let's say there are five major updates.
Nr1, I buy a $ 50 package so I get all new stuff.
Nr2, I buy a $ 50 package so I get all new stuff.
Nr3, I buy a $ 50 package so I get all new stuff.
Nr4, I do not have money right now to buy the big package.
But to buy a smaller package so I can afford a new weapon that fits my build. Ore I can farm credits for one weapon.
Obviously, I will then be glad I did not miss the weapon that came.
Nr5, I buy a $ 50 package so I get all new stuff.

This way you can choose for themselves how much credits you need to buy to get one or more new weapons / cores.
And free players can also manage to farm up all the cases 1-2 new weapons per month if they want to.
But then it is also necessary that they are very active for the price is not the normal price.
But it still can have the ability to purchase weapons that suit their build

What would this mean for the paid players.
1, You know what you pay for when you get it in the credits that become the game's real money
2, Several players will start buying credits even smaller package. =
1000 players want a new weapon, but they miss 25,000 credits.
Then select them to buy the little packets,Since many can afford them smaller packets than the larger.
For those thinking right now why should I buy when I still can not get a special weapon?
While purchasing elite players them bigger packages, then they get VIP.
Plus the ability to purchase all new weapons without playing 24/7.
3, They never miss an update, new weapons, then you can always farm and save so you can buy one or two,
Getting off thinking that you missed an update, then you sometimes may not be able to charge a monthly $ 50.
4, Replacing builder and classes more often and thus get a great gaming experience

what would this give free players.
1, The ability to purchase exactly everything that they could not before.
Just save them up to the example houses and gadgets.
2, The ability to purchase new weapons as well as all others.
But they have to think extra so they do not spend it all on unnecessary things.
right things to their build, so to speak.
3, Most important of all, Better chance of any of them buy credits sometime.
When several players can afford them smaller packages.

What does this mean for epicduel?
1, More players will start buying credits sometime.
2, Greater balance between pay and free players.
3, Loyal paid players do not have to miss any weapons that they really want.
Then they can have a certain amount of credits saved.
4, Happier players simply so more stays and more enjoying epicduel.
5, 100% sure that epicduel also will make more money this way.
6, More money for epicduel = more stuff for us players :)

Okay to round off :) know that many do not have forums account but reading this.
If you support this. Change the color to green on your character in the game 100% green.

// The Priest


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Post #: 1
2/16/2013 13:44:08   

AQW Epic  Post #: 2
2/16/2013 13:57:51   
The Incredible Hulk


The currency is to high. Omega is already expensive, and if that came along, it would destroy the game. people are running out of credits as it is + cores cost a lot also.

Not supported
Epic  Post #: 3
2/16/2013 16:05:51   

nope, definitely not supported, what is the use of spending money on this game if you know that you would be the same as everyone else? removing varium means removing varium only perks, that would put paying customers off if name change, XP/CREDIT boosters and houses can all be obtained without spending a single cent on the game, this suggestion would cause the game to close down, a very bad idea in my opinion.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
2/16/2013 16:43:55   

Agreed with above, definitely not supported, this game has already took a turn for the worse from what it was a couple years ago due to free players keeps complaining about themselves being what they describe as "Training dummies" for the paid players but honestly ask yourself how many Mass Multiplayer online games doesn't use that same model - i.e. attract paying customers through giving some advantage to them. Epic duel staff is already very sympathetic to its general free player base, if you ask other non-artix game staff to do something as making everything free they will just ignore you. Making everything free might as well as ask epic duel/artix staff to change their for-profit business model into charity of some sort that makes free games for kids.
Post #: 5
2/16/2013 16:52:53   
King Oranges

Half Supported.

Do Everything you said,
But make it so there's some variums only perks because thats whats keeps epicduel going.
Plus Lower Everything by around 2x-3x
and make iit a hour of double battle tokens- to 3 hours.
and dont do double influence.
because everyone will just buy the package to get world doms or influence off too easily.
AQW Epic  Post #: 6
2/16/2013 17:30:37   

The Incredible Hulk My reply to you

The currency is to high. You say,
it will be the same like it is right now?
And if you farm like 2h its day you have a new core in abut 7days.
And you also get the ability to buy one of the event weapons.
If you play a lot and farm,
That now you can only get by buying a package for $ 50 for all events things.
Or save up for three months and then buy an event weapons coming regularly.
Or simply buy a small package of credits and in such way to get an event weapons faster so you can constantly update your build.
It will not be easy to get credits but it's Possibility to farm to the 125,000 credits
a month depending on how active you are. If not,
you will save up or buy small packets if you can not afford a big package.
But this way you get the option in all cases be able to purchase event things too.
And the usual weapons and new cores can come in as well,
which costs 7000 credits each weapon 20000+ credits
it was only for events things that would raise the price.
Then it still pays to buy things for the game. But everyone gets the chance.

TRizZzCENTRINO My reply to you

I buy the normal way each month a $ 50 package.
Most recently, the yeti things. But like many other players who are buyers like me.
Are you worried about what happens if they then remove the core that we have bought with varium etc..
With a new update, we get the 30% again? and again .. and so on.

Then it is better that you only have credits so you know what you pay for.
At the same time you also get VIP status, which offers advantages in the game.
If you buy a more expensive package. That way, you get value for money.

Examples that your fac easier to take a flag, even if you are not online as much.
Plus, there are new things all the time,
so even the possibility is for you to have a chance is to buy the $ 50 package when those good things will be there.
With this so do it to them smaller packages can also be purchased.

And as free players to farm up 500,000 credits each month.
Congrats I just say well done you deserve it.

I was doing marketing before, I know that this will give more money to epicduel.
If I am right now could buy one of them there new guns that came out for 125,000 credits,
I would now have bought a package 125,000 credits.
Plus also think that maybe at least 1000 players to would have bought a small credits package
to be able to get one of the weapons to their build.

When the weapon will go away soon? This would lead to the following.
1, Some buy the large packages = all weapons.
2, Some would buy smaller packages = to get a weapon.
3, Others would be happy for the credits that they have saved enough for one or two weapons.
= Greater balance in the game when several players would have weapons
And epicduel would also make money on small packets simultaneously serve them on large
packages = more money in your pocket ( Epicduel) = more stuff to the game faster.

Then everything goes around in a circle, Epicduel want to make money this is the solution.
Post #: 7
2/16/2013 17:32:43   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph

Like trizz said this would destroy the game.
All current var players will instantly ragequit the game because they lost everything they paid for.

How is this fair to the var players, seriously?
Epic  Post #: 8
2/16/2013 17:43:41   


there can be both varium and credit packages... :D
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 9
2/16/2013 17:53:41   


Blitzex/Sr. Zeph

Honestly, did you read the thread?
Varium players will get all this for the large packet 50$

1, All events weapons armor if the want or buy 2-3 things then save credits.
2, 30 days of VIP = get extra battle tokens, And twice the Influence
(and if they raise the lvl limit of 35 get the extra exp also)

In this way, they contribute to their fac so much more.
Then you usually buy things for a game when you do not have time to farm.

At the same time, one can get the following if you want to buy small packages.

1,You can buy a small package so it is more than enough,
to get an event pistol and an event aux.
For your specific build that you have. So you can still keep you updated.
But you only have to focus on things for your build that you have.
So you will not have to miss events things you can not buy a $ 50 at the time.

Can guarantee you that this would be more successful than you think.
Right now begin their so called varium players as you say would be angry.
If my idee would be introduced, to leave epicduel.
Before, you could see just varium players out there?
Right now plays bass most no varium players. Want to know why? They are already angry!
Post #: 10
2/16/2013 19:35:54   

nope not a good idea, especially the 30 day VIP, what if we are casual players? we hardly get to enjoy the VIP status, thats why i never paid for a membership in AQW thats more than a month, paying players enjoy using varium only features whenever they wanted, not restricted by time, plus with all weapons having similar stats, who would need a new weapon? unless they like the art of that item, i haven't got any package since i got the platinum's pride armor and i'm still defeating those who has the new promo and its core, like i said, your suggestion have a massive flaw which could mean the end of epicduel, it doesn't matter if you are fine with it but i do not think other paying players would think like you, its their money that you are talking about.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
2/16/2013 20:19:14   

I'm non-var, but even I can see this would ruin the game. Half the fanbase would quit, varium only-perks would be no more, all incentive for paying would be lost except for laziness!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
2/16/2013 20:31:45   



You are stubborn but I'm also stubborn :)

The reason that you should get VIP is to benefit the hardcore gamers who buy for 50$ regularly :)
Not the players buying sometimes.

Then you can choose to purchase various credits package such as a $ 50,
and get as 500,000 credits that you can save while you farm.
And when it comes event things like event weapons with specialized cores.
or perhaps even special single cores that you can put on your weapon that you already have.
That way, you get what you already have now? You suggest that you do not play often when you did not want VIP And you do not buy often varium package, then you can simply save 500,000 credits if necessary.
Because if you do not play often as you seem to say. So you should understand that 500,000 credits will probably take you 5-6 months to get together.
Or you simply then you buy a small package when you feel you need to get extra credits when it comes to our attention that you want?

Exactly as you want it right?

Other players like that who pay around $ 50-100 a month to play epicduel?
Actually, we are 25 that kind of player who likes this idee.
But now it is I who brings an action for them here on the forum,
The reason why we even insist on picking it up here on the forum.
Where we talk about to stop playing again as more of a half of us came back for omega.
And we are not satisfied so far? Therefore, we think that this is a good solution.

We can buy each month varium package if we want with OP weapons,
No problem, I burned 4 10,000 varium package that swapped classes while I wait for the omega would come? of type 6 weeks.
But right now epicduel has more players than they have had in a long time on their servers????

Do you know why?? For free players have a chance again.
What do you think will happen if all the OP weapons only ports of 10,000 packets,
and not everyone has the chance to be able to get one ?
varium players will start to take the game again!
Free players get tired and we are back where we were before?
Less players on the server and it was fun when it was 300 online? right

Regular pay players get the advantage of this.
Players who pay at some time, can keep up to date.
Free players can farm for at least 1 special weapons every three months,
I would say all of them active cases at least.
Then it's just choosing the right events weapon such as a tech mage might focus on energy aux, etc.
In this way the balance between all the players.

I'm there in the will buy as often as I can and that's because I love to change classes.


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Post #: 13
2/16/2013 20:36:08   

Not supported.

The already took enough away from the paying player as it is. This idea will make varium players completely equal with non varium in every way in and out of battle and in a business sense this would be a horrible move.

No advantage in anyway means no need to by packages. No need to buy packages means no money. No money means epic duel shuts down for good.

So not supported and never supported.
Epic  Post #: 14
2/16/2013 20:43:20   



If you are a free player let me ask you this.

You want it to be OP weapons in 10,000 packages to us with varium?
Even if you get the weapons next year,
Do not you think we've got other new OP weapons from the other new 10,000 packets.
That will beat the old ones ???

Do not you want the ability to accumulate credits and be able to purchase an event weapon,
for your build that normally only comes in 10,000 packages?

So in other words, do you want us varium players to be OP again?
Sure sounds nice to us but very strange attitude from you, I must think.

Post #: 15
2/16/2013 20:52:23   

@ the priest

Undersoul just sees that this move would do more harm then good. As it stands right now they stripped varium players of everything but luxuries and shortcuts thanks to them making promo's available for all in a year.

If you take away luxuries such as names changes, homes, and anything else that is non battle related then there is truly nothing else left. There has to be some perks that varium players can get that non varium's can't and your ideas for perks for buying packages can be gotten with token boost which all will be able to get due to credits ruling everything if you plan went into play, and the VIP membership idea is already in the FSI and was rejected so in reality your perks won't be perks.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 2/16/2013 20:53:31 >
Epic  Post #: 16
2/16/2013 20:54:57   

@Mother Couldn't have said it better myself.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
2/16/2013 21:04:18   



Honestly there are advantages in buying credits package.
Same as buying varium package???

I buy, say, one $ 50 each month.
I get VIP makes so I get more tokens exp etc. for the entire month.
I get 500,000 credits = 6,000,000 credits in a year

Plus Event weapons will cost That's very much credits.
So in order to be able to have them all so you need to have much credits?
More weapons more builder more opportunities.

Please read the thread again .... And try to understand that this is the solution.

Post #: 18
2/16/2013 21:08:57   

@Priest I read it, and I get where you're coming from. You're wrong though. No matter how many times I read your posts, the facts don't change. This would do quite an amount of good things, but they would be far exceeded by all the harm it would cause.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
2/16/2013 21:12:55   

As I stated before your perks wouldn't be perks period.

The token boost wouldn't be a perk because since everything would be ruled by credits I could just use credits to get myself a token boost as well so there goes your first perk.

Credits items having a high cost? For a few credits I can get myself a credit boost as well which will have me gaining more credits to buy these items.

The only thing that could possibly be a perk would be the VIP thing, but at the same time the staff already rejected that idea a long time ago so it wouldn't be included with the packages. Plus with your perks not being perks why she me or any other playing player buy something we can get through playing the game?
Epic  Post #: 20
2/16/2013 21:20:02   


You are stubborn but I'm also stubborn :)

so now you are saying that im stubborn because i do not agree with you? very funny XD


The reason that you should get VIP is to benefit the hardcore gamers who buy for 50$ regularly :)
Not the players buying sometimes.

Then you can choose to purchase various credits package such as a $ 50,
and get as 500,000 credits that you can save while you farm.
And when it comes event things like event weapons with specialized cores.
or perhaps even special single cores that you can put on your weapon that you already have.
That way, you get what you already have now? You suggest that you do not play often when you did not want VIP And you do not buy often varium package, then you can simply save 500,000 credits if necessary.
Because if you do not play often as you seem to say. So you should understand that 500,000 credits will probably take you 5-6 months to get together.
Or you simply then you buy a small package when you feel you need to get extra credits when it comes to our attention that you want?

and how is that fair? we should all get the same benefits from buying the same package, so now you are saying that hardcore payers are more help to the game than casual payers? well sorry to break it to you but, there is no hardcore payers anymore, most hardcore gamers pay to get advantage in battle, if your system is implemented then the hardcore gamers would be the same as a typical non-paying player with no battle advantage what-so-ever, again, your logic is flawed.


Other players like that who pay around $ 50-100 a month to play epicduel?
Actually, we are 25 that kind of player who likes this idee.
But now it is I who brings an action for them here on the forum,
The reason why we even insist on picking it up here on the forum.
Where we talk about to stop playing again as more of a half of us came back for omega.
And we are not satisfied so far? Therefore, we think that this is a good solution.

We can buy each month varium package if we want with OP weapons,
No problem, I burned 4 10,000 varium package that swapped classes while I wait for the omega would come? of type 6 weeks.

they won't pay anymore if this happened :P
how do i know that you are not lying about the 25 players? so far no-one has supported this.
and all i can say is that you have poor control over how you use your varium, wasting 40k varium on class change is ridiculous, its your fault, you could have done something more useful in that 6 weeks of waiting.


But right now epicduel has more players than they have had in a long time on their servers????

Do you know why?? For free players have a chance again.
What do you think will happen if all the OP weapons only ports of 10,000 packets,
and not everyone has the chance to be able to get one ?
varium players will start to take the game again!
Free players get tired and we are back where we were before?
Less players on the server and it was fun when it was 300 online? right

Regular pay players get the advantage of this.
Players who pay at some time, can keep up to date.
Free players can farm for at least 1 special weapons every three months,
I would say all of them active cases at least.
Then it's just choosing the right events weapon such as a tech mage might focus on energy aux, etc.
In this way the balance between all the players.

if you have learned marketting then you should know that there needs to be a incentive in the game, there always need to be a gap, not too wide and not too small, remember the paying players keep the game up, if the promo weapons are the same as ordinary weapons but with better art, i doubt anyone would get the 10k package, especially if it was available in-game with a cheap credit price, as i said, if you don't mind it, it doesn't mean others won't, plus the new promos are not that powerful if you know how to play properly, i have the weak omega weapons and i still managed to defeat many of the players with the new promo, i have the same power as a normal non paying player, so that means if i can beat them then they can too.
don't you get it? this is not delta anymore, a non paying player can be as powerful as a paying player with just a basic club upgraded to their level, they are not forced to get event weapons in-order to compete, now we get things for their looks.


I'm there in the will buy as often as I can and that's because I love to change classes.

yeah good for you, good luck wasting varium on class changes.



If you are a free player let me ask you this.

You want it to be OP weapons in 10,000 packages to us with varium?
Even if you get the weapons next year,
Do not you think we've got other new OP weapons from the other new 10,000 packets.
That will beat the old ones ???

Do not you want the ability to accumulate credits and be able to purchase an event weapon,
for your build that normally only comes in 10,000 packages?

So in other words, do you want us varium players to be OP again?
Sure sounds nice to us but very strange attitude from you, I must think.

strange attitude from him? he has common sense, and quit questioning his judgement just because he is a non varium player who sees balance in things and wanting epicduel to continue its existence.
like i said before, if promo weapons doesn't give paying players a little edge in battle, then whats the point of paying $50?
its even worse if the promo item is available in-game with a credit option, if that happens then it will mean the death of ED.
again you have a massive flaw in this suggestion.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 21
2/17/2013 0:39:33   
King Oranges

Why Doesn't ED just release something like this everysingle month:
first var pack:a aux
2nd one:a gun
3rd one: a armor
4th one:A Weapon
The 10k package: The entire Set With a Robot.

So that means that if someone just wants a aux or gun they can just buy a 1k or 2k pack.

And this is every month then it updates to a newer one in the next month.
plus they come with special but similar cores.
AQW Epic  Post #: 22
2/17/2013 0:47:30   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph


Honestly, did you read the thread?
Varium players will get all this for the large packet 50$

All this? They get credits with VIP?
VIP already is pretty much useless since when you remove var out of the game, everyone can get the tokenboost, EVERYONE. (influence boost excluded)


1, All events weapons armor if the want or buy 2-3 things then save credits.
2, 30 days of VIP = get extra battle tokens, And twice the Influence
(and if they raise the lvl limit of 35 get the extra exp also)

Whats the point of VIP when everyone can get the thinks that makes you a VIP (influence boost excluded but that will also never happen)


In this way, they contribute to their fac so much more.
Then you usually buy things for a game when you do not have time to farm.

This will even be extremely unfair to those f2p factions.
How are they supposed to compete with a faction like meganet when they get influence TWICE as fast?
And how are they supposed to capture a flag when the other whole fac gets DOUBLE tokens?

This would be outrages to the f2p factions.
This will make the daily faction championship (1vs1, 2vs2 and jugg) impossible for the f2p factions and will also be a battle of= Who has the most VIP members.


1,You can buy a small package so it is more than enough,
to get an event pistol and an event aux.
For your specific build that you have. So you can still keep you updated.
But you only have to focus on things for your build that you have.
So you will not have to miss events things you can not buy a $ 50 at the time.

They already dont miss event things with the current varium packages, do they?
One of your ideas is good, that is seperating the big promo packs in smaller ones for lower var packages


Can guarantee you that this would be more successful than you think.
Right now begin their so called varium players as you say would be angry.
If my idee would be introduced, to leave epicduel.
Before, you could see just varium players out there?
Right now plays bass most no varium players. Want to know why? They are already angry!

And how do you think they will feel?
You not only make VAR players equal to all players in the entire game, but you will also stab a knife in their back.
You are taking all var-only perks away from us, and you then think var players wont quit?

And do you also think people will still buy stuff when they can get every single thing in this game by farming?
Get your mind straight. this is a bad idea

< Message edited by Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -- 2/17/2013 0:52:20 >
Epic  Post #: 23
2/17/2013 1:27:09   

nahhhh keep varium lol totally not supported... sorry
Post #: 24
2/17/2013 1:34:23   
the final hour


Like trizz said this would destroy the game.
All current var players will instantly ragequit the game because they lost everything they paid for.

but thats alreasy happened

on topic

not supported it would make the game die faster then it already is.
Post #: 25
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