Hi. First of all i would like to say i really like the current graphic EpicDuel has, and i like the game itself, and appreciate all the work the developers put into it so please don't flame me for this post as this is merely a suggestion on what we can do to make it even better (: Issue: Some times it can be hard to differ a characters arm from his/her armor, especially on those very detailed armors. You can see it if some one have an armor that has same color all over it. So far we got a thin black line around every texture so that we can differ character from backgrounds and so on, and a glitter to help us see all the details. I am no expert on graphics but i may have some ideas the developers could take into consideration. Of course Performance have to be taken into consideration as well, which will require some testing on computers of different levels in performance. Suggestion: I don't know if you can do this... But; -Use a 3d technology. -Make the thin black line thicker. -Change shadows, colors, lightning I think this could increase the graphic over all to give it a cleaner look. Maybe it will just make it uglier, maybe not, try it as an experiment. Sorry for the long text, but i hope it helped you understand better :b Thanks for reading, and feel free to contribute, but please keep useless flaming posts to yourself. Have fun in EpicDuel!