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=DF= Serenity Before The Storm War Stories

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3/15/2015 11:27:47   

Go on the offensive to save Serenity and then share your tales here!

Please remember that the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules and the Rules for Collaborations are in effect here.

1) Only one post is allowed per person. If you have an ongoing story or multiple L&L contributions, please edit them into your post.

2) Please reserve all commentary for the thread: =DF= Serenity Before The Storm War Stories Discussion

< Message edited by Melissa4Bella -- 3/15/2015 11:30:13 >
AQ DF  Post #: 1
3/15/2015 14:54:22   

Catapult Girl

The monsters never got close enough to the catapults to make an attack on the heroes manning the mechanisms- any foolish enough to make a break for the machines were obliterated in seconds. Phoenix, the rangy warrior girl who was one of the main catapult-based fighters, liked the peacefulness of it all.

That is, if you could call the shrieks of the undead and the massive explosions rocking the ground under her feet, "peaceful." Many other heroes grew tired of aiming and firing the war machines, sometimes for hours at a time. There were stories that a few heroes, years before, had even suffered hearing loss from the explosive blasts.

"We're moving forwards!" someone called from the front lines. Locking down the arm of her catapult, Phoenix yoked the oxen and began to lead them further into the Doomwood. The other catapult fighters followed single file along the rocky path. "How far?" Phoenix called forwards. The messenger, a weary-looking young Soulweaver covered in slime and fur, shook his head. "I don't know. I think there was another clear space to set up the 'pults, not half a mile from here."

"Thank you," Phoenix said as she tried to calm the oxen. They were restless from spending so long in the Doomwood, and the army was slowly working into the darkest parts of the forest.

"How close- how close do you think we are?" the messenger asked. Shrugging, Phoenix replied, "Maybe a third of the way? There's new monsters in the waves, or so I've heard."

"Yeah. Werebats. Ugliest things I've ever seen, and the scouts say there's cultists guarding the castle itself. I don't think we'll ever get there."
"Coffee?" Phoenix offered, holding out a metal flask.

"We'll get through soon enough. Maybe you could spend some time back here- cut back maybe six hundred monsters an hour, just with one 'pult. And we're almost to the next campspot, I think."
"Thanks. What was your name again?"

In silence broken only by the clash of metal on bone, they walked forwards into the endless night.

< Message edited by gakorogirl -- 3/18/2015 22:28:12 >
DF AQW  Post #: 2
3/15/2015 23:58:07   

Over the Hill and Through the Woods

Part 1: Need to be There
The castle still seemed so far away. Monsters just kept on coming, either trailing him and Chronus, the Guardians, Ash and Symone or attempting to cut them off. They could not let a figure that almost all of them had grown to know so well in the past few years fall into the hands of someone like the Baron. Serenity was a pillar of normalcy and peace in the sea of chaos and war that seemed to be so unnaturally attracted to Falconreach. What ever would happen to the town, and more importantly their innkeeper, if Valtrith’s plan is seen through to it’s completion was not something the defenders of Falconreach could even bear thinking about.

Kor darted through the crowds of monsters, cutting them down as he sped towards the castle. He was already well ahead of most of the army, they were just slowing him and Chronus down. It was his fault that he wasn’t there to help. It was his fault that the Cultists had got exactly what they wanted, that Valtrith had got exactly what he wanted. If he had been more prepared a month before, and had taken the Voidwalker’s warning more seriously, than this would never have happened.

That was always an issue with being around. Events deviated too far to even have fully comparable events too long ago to even hope that he could glean as much information as Ashendal had about the future. Despite his chronomancy he was absolutely hopeless in regards to the future of the world he had gotten too involved in. But he could keep the present from becoming bleak and hopeless. That was all that mattered.

A Heartseeker burst apart as one of Kor’s twin blades, Hours Past, tore through it. The creature was almost as thick as the miasmic mist that impeded their progress almost as much as the monsters that lurked in this section of Doomwood. Hiding monsters until they were close enough to pounce, making the path ahead unclear and leaving an uneasy feeling that only got worse when the mist was thicker.

More and more monsters came, more and more slashes kept them at bay. Chronus roared somewhere to his left, followed by an intense flash of light and the sounds of several Deadwoods falling down. Kor couldn’t help but smirk. The dragon probably knew Serenity better than him at this point, the little guy refused to leave the timeline without him and so went to Serenity while the chaos left in the wake of Wargoth and Jaania made travel difficult alone. Both of them had a dear and constant friend in danger, and both of them were throwing themselves in harms way to reach her. Already these last few months were hard, finding the people they knew so well so changed by the Rose’s existence and his disappearance rubbed him the wrong way. He wasn’t there when so many needed him, and he had no way to be there, that he needed to be there for everyone now.

The sounds of war cries and monsters falling began to catch up to the pair, signaling they need to pick up the pace and make the advancing army’s job a little easier. That was what they needed to do. They both were going to be there when someone needs him for once, before it takes a turn for the worse.

Part 2: If Only
Every moment started to blur together. It no longer was a conscious decision where he struck. Kor devoted every last ounce of energy he had to carving a path through the woods. They wasted too much time on the weapons cache, even if the Baron’s monsters were less thick in this neck of the woods.

He did not notice too much of a difference though. It was all the same, for every skeleton or Bloodgem he killed an eyeball or Tremor leaped from the shadowy mist. The sound of battle raging on behind him, slowly catching up to him. The gates were in sight, the end just beyond them.

From deep inside the castle the sounds of cultists chanting echoed threateningly. It would be close, far to close to be acceptable. With each passing moment the chant grew louder and louder. Kor knew they were getting close to the end, for both sides. If only they could have carved a path straight through. If only they had enough strength left to make that one last push to the gates. If only, if only, if only.

That was the most frustrating part to Kor. A Chronomancer could change things, and that was what he done hundreds of times. But all of those things just kept adding up, and he had been present in the timeline at all those key moments as well. There was no way to prevent it now, only to change the outcome.

“Hold on for just a little longer Serenity, Falchonreach still needs you!” he shouted at the top of his lungs towards the castle. The roars of agreement behind him briefly drowning out the chanting for a brief moment. They were so close, it was almost certain they could reach her and Valtrith. He would not win, he would not have his way, he would not make it through the day.

And then it felt like he hit a wall. The gates of Castle Valtrith were an arms reach away, but unreachable nonetheless. “No. No, not now! We are so close...” He did not have the strength left in him to force time to a standstill for even himself nor enough to open a hole in the barrier by himself. Just past the gate were multiple cultists, backs turned towards the castle and producing that horrible chant.

The sounds of battle thinned as monsters withdrew from the battlefield. Only the chanting of Valtrith’s cult and the ragged breath of the Guardians and heroes remained after several minutes. The mages still left in any condition to cast spells quickly went to work on the barrier. No one said a thing as they worked. They were cutting it close, everyone could tell that.

“Are you going to be up for this Kor?” a hand reached out and grabbed his shoulder. A bit of healing magic flowed from the hand into his body, “You look terrible. Once we have Serenity back, safe and sound, you promise me to rest up for a week, you and Serenity both need it. No exceptions. Got it?” It certainly was a neat trick that Ash had learned while he was away for so long.

A nod was all he could manage, even with his energy partly restored. The goal was just ahead, the war was over. So why did something feel so wrong? Every hair on the Chronomancer’s body stood on end, an uneasy feeling permeated every cell in his body. They had to end it quick. They had to end the Baron quickly.

It seemed like forever, but the barrier fell and Kor immediately rushed past the mages blades at the ready. There was no turning back now. Other footsteps followed soon after. He would not be alone, and he would be there in Serenity’s time of need. However he did not hear the wingbeat of Chronus as he flew to be by his partner’s side. Part of it made Kor glad, the dragon had fought almost as hard as he did. The dragon needed rest just as bad as he did.


They put up no resistance as he neared. The cultists simply gave way as Kor, Ash, and Symone all made their way towards the bonfire burning on the bridge in the middle of the castle’s courtyard. Their chant never ceased or quieted, the strange and horrible words repeating endlessly. Whatever meaning they had was lost on Kor, but their intent was all to clear.

A pale man stood just in front of the burning bonfire, the lone figure in the crowd whose face was visible. The man that bore what was left of Baron Valtrith, his face contorted in a way that made him appear to constantly have his head tilted to the left. In front of him was the person they had both been fighting over, Serenity, the innkeeper. She lay sleeping on an altar as Valtrith loomed over her, a hungry look in the pair of eyes that belonged to him.

“Stop! Serenity!” Kor shouted. The words brought the Baron’s eyes off of her. Kor prepared to charge his way through the few cultists at the Baron’s side. A smile crept up the face of the monster’s vessel as they neared. He stopped a few inches from the bridge, the garden still fairly close by.

Valtrith’s laugh sent a shiver down his spine and then he spoke, “Why would I stop now? After waiting so long for you? I planned all this, and then you arrive late. Tsk tsk.” His vessel fell to his knees as his skin bubbled and Valtrith smiled.

Anger started to swell up inside Kor, why drag innocent people into this if all he wanted was for him to come here? Why send an army to stop him if he did not want to wait so long? “If you wanted for me to come, than all you need to do was ask,” he stated coldly, “I am not afraid to end you anytime you wish, Valtrith.”

“I only wanted you here on my schedule, Chronomancer, and only now is the time right,” the Baron retorted. His face contorting in anger as his body began to bubble once more, “Rushing leads to forgetfulness, is that not right?” His vessel whimpered in agreement and apology with his master, “I... am sorry...Mas... ter, you.... are right.”

This sickened Kor immensely. “I do not care for your schedule. Let Serenity go and we can get this over with, it is me you want after all,” he brought his blades up as he prepared to leap at the monster.

Again, the Baron laughed, chilling Kor to the bone, “You may have beaten me once, hero, but not this time. While you were busy fighting your way to me, I made sure that I had all the artifacts needed for my victory were here."

Symone stepped forward and retorted, “No matter the evils you add to yourself, monster, you will never be stronger than us. You have exhausted your supply of evil the first time, and Kor and I took care of the rest!” She pointed her gun at his head, waiting for the battle to start.

“There is evil you have not considered, hunter, as always your family knows so little,” he sneered. “Even a tiny fragment of the World Destroyer’s Egg is enough to grant me the power I need, and this here hero was so kind as to leave laying out for me!” A sphere rose up from behind the altar, a piece of a shell that Kor remembered quite well floating inside it.

The Baron and his vessel both sneered as Kor felt something move just behind him, “I would like to thank for one thing however, Kor. You seem to have brought me the one thing my cultists failed to recover.”

He felt Ash and Symone both turn towards him as a brief flash of light radiated from his backpack. “What does he mean?” Symone asked, glaring at him.

Ash grimaced and turned back towards the Baron, “Liar! I know Kor would never help someone like you!”

Something leapt from one of the trees behind the group, launching itself at Kor. It managed to reach inside his bag before Kor could throw the thing off, a squirrel wearing one of Valtrith’s masks. He sent it flying, a strange piece of cloth in it’s paws.

Symone and Ash both gasped in horror as they realized just what it was. “You... should have destroyed that,” the Shadow hunter whispered still reeling from the realization.

“Even the tiniest scraps of an object so thoroughly infused with evil are enough to fuel me. And it is all thanks to you,” the looks both pairs of eyes had was one of pure hunger. They both lusted for the power that was left in the tiny piece of the Stranger’s cloak. And Kor had given them exactly what they wanted, needed to win. He placed it in a similar orb and set it on the altar as the chanting reached a crescendo. “This time, I have left nothing to chance. Every piece put forth for my recreation belonged to a villain who rocked this world. One who brought this world to it’s knees, causing death and destruction and nearly drowned the world into true Darkness!”

Valtrith grinned as once more, his body began to bubble, his vessel blubbering incoherently, “This time, I will create my own artifact to aid my completion.” He ran a hand through Serenity’s hair as energy began to swirl around them both.

They had waited too long to bring him down. All three of them rushed forward intent on killing him once and for all. As they sped towards the altar, the Baron waved his hand and ignited the edge of the bridge in black fire. The fire burned too strong for them to risk going through. They could only watch as the Baron got what he wanted.

His vessel began to bubble even more fiercely, and then the skin popped open. A cloud of inky black matter poured up into the air as a projection of Serenity rose from her body, and opened her eyes, “Oh! I finally fell asleep! It feels like it has been so long...”

“Serenity!” Kor and Ash shouted together. The sound of the Guardians making their way to them gave them a bit of hope that she would make it out alive.

Her body stirred briefly, “Huh? What is going on? Ash? Kor?” Both her spirit and the Baron’s vessel became raw magical energy before merging together with the artifacts. A small burst of dark magic caused the flames to dissipate, allowing them through. From the swirling mass of dark magic, a body began to form. Silence now filled the woods.

A clawed hand was the first thing to become discernible in the mass floating over Serenity. Then came the mask, appearing from seemingly nothing. More and more of the Baron’s form became clear as the mass of magic became solid. His laughter broke through the silence and filled Kor with rage and dread.

It should not be this way, could not be this way, “No! No! Give her back you monster! Or... Or I will destroy you and pull her soul back from wherever you have banished her! Give her back!” He was not there in time for her, but he could at least save her here. That was what he needed to do.

Valtrith lowered himself back to the ground behind the altar as an axe, one he recognized as an accursed weapon that had been sold by the Mysterious Stranger all those years ago, rose up just in front of the Baron. “Her soul wasn’t merely banished, Kor,” he grabbed the axe waving it about with an oddly eager look in his eyes, “I have consumed every single bit of her. From that moment I absorbed her, she no longer exists. You have no way changing this, Chronomancer. I pulled her very essence from her, from time, and made it mine. She is nothing but a soulless husk. There is nothing left to save. Not here, or in any other time.”

The axe stabbed Serenity’s husk with the Doom Weapon, taking everyone a back. A sickening crunch was followed by something even more horrible, it began to sink into her body, causing it to twitch and shift. Color drained from her body as black, gray, and red plates grew from her skin tearing the clothing from her body, her eyes glazed over and seemed to partially rot inside her skull, an axe like structure growing from her chest, the skull at the axe’s center hissing as it emerged. Every last bit of Serenity was gone, replaced by the spirit inside the Axe. “Thank you Master. For Freeing me,” Serenity’s head hung limp as the skull spoke, “You have the power of the Elder one... Caitiff will serve you, master.”

A brief flash of confusion appeared on Valtrith’s face, before returning to the look of hunger and triumph, “Welcome to the world you shall help me destroy, Caitiff.” The cultists began to praise their master and his newest servant, bowing down in reverence to them. Confusion spread among the Guardians as they joined the trio. No words of encouragement, no words at all, came from Kor as he stared at the abomination the Baron created.

“What...,” Symone said, her voice barely a whisper, “What have you created?”

A deep, pain filled moan came from the thing that used to be Serenity, “May I take that one apart, Master?” It leaned forward slightly, eager to destroy, to consume, using it’s new form.

Cultists fled the grounds, making way for whatever destruction would follow if their lord and master let his new weapon fight. Even behind the mask, it was clear he was excited to see his new toy destroy those who would now only be in his way, “Yes. Show me what you are capable of, Caitiff!”

The air began to hum with magic as the abomination drew in all the dark magic floating around it, gathering it all up for a single burst of power. It was over. The war was lost. Serenity was lost, replaced by a demon of immense power. The heroes were in the path of it’s destruction. If only they had gotten there sooner. If only.

Part 3: Not Here or in Any Other Time
He slammed his fist into the wall, leaving a gaping hole in the wall of the Inn. This was wrong. It had to be. This was the third time now, and it was always the same. Serenity lay there, dead. Patrons gathered around her, mourning the sudden death of their Innkeeper. And no one could find a reason, they all said one moment she was alive and well and being her usual, kind self, and the next she was dead. And she always died at the same moment. A week after the thirteenth, at seven in the afternoon.

It was more than coincidence. The Baron had managed to learn the extents of his power, and made the perfect countermeasure. Something had always seemed off about the Baron, but now Kor was certain that whatever Valtrith was, it was not completely mortal. Perhaps the cult had brought him up to an almost divine status, perhaps that was what drew the cult in the first place, but either option made that monster more than what he thought.

“I’m sorry, so, so, so very sorry. Serenity, I should have been there sooner,” his voice was lost among the surprise and panic of the other patrons as they tried in vain to save her. He left, and headed for an empty alley to go back and mourn Serenity with the one group that did not have a body to bury.

He was so exhausted. They had barely made it back to Falconreach before Kor was off again, to other versions of the town. The words of the Baron haunting them the entire way. The monsters left them alone, perhaps knowing that they were the victorious ones this time. Beaten and battered, the long and uneventful trip back home seemed so much more painful than cutting a path through a horde of monsters.


Kor could not keep the promise he made to Ash, sleep was the last thing on his mind. They may have confined him to a room to rest, but it was impossible. “...Not here or in any other time,” those words seemed metaphorical to everyone else, but he knew the full meaning of those words.

It seemed so impossible then, Ashendal’s warning that even he couldn’t save them from the events that transpired seemed more like him threatening that he would not help. What little he was able to ask the strange Voidwalker only broke him further. It drove him to go and see for himself. As he lay under the covers, Kor thought of just how he could make this up, how he could fix this. This was the one timeline he could change, his presence, his actions, had seen to that. And now they reached beyond affecting only one.

He had nott failed to save just one person. He failed to save an untold number of variations of a single person, changing the course for so many timelines. He let a monster create a weapon of amazing power, and gave him all the ingredients he needed to rise to power once more in this one. He was unable to stop the abomination that could have easily killed them all were it not for Ash. Was he still a hero after all of this? After everything that came before this recent failure?

It was too late to turn tail and run back to the ones who might have been able to help. His own timeline had it’s own problems now, who knows how much of their research had just been negated by Serenity’s death alone? They were still reeling from last month. “They wouldn’t have help anyway. How... no why, would they have helped? There are more important things to worry about, right?” his mind turned to things that went even further than just this world, to things he had trouble wrapping his head around. Why did everything have to become so complicated?

Something wiggled under his blanket, rubbing it’s scaly head on his chest. He hugged his dragon, Chronus briefly clawing him and his pajamas in protest before settling down. The dragon whimpered softly, he missed Serenity as much as his partner did. “I still don’t want to think she is gone. She was so nice to me when you were frozen,” the rumbling growl Chronus spoke in was oddly soothing, “She didn’t deserve to vanish like that. I am going to tear him to shreds next time! Serenity deserves that at least...”

The rest of the night was quite, the Inn void of the usual partying travelers and locals. Only the faint sounds of Spruce crying as the moglin did Serenity’s duties and of a few patrons who knew Serenity quite well mourning the loss of the innkeeper in the place they had gotten to know her so well in. The somber mood permeated the town, their heroes came back broken, with nothing to show for their efforts, and a figure almost all of them had know to some degree was irrevocably lost. The trust and faith in their protectors lost in the process.

< Message edited by kors -- 3/22/2015 1:54:12 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
3/16/2015 10:15:19   

Dancing though the Woods of Doom

A Bodycount in Doomwood

It's been a long battle, lots of sweat, mist and undead and it was far from over. Eric been swinging his blade at undead all day or is it night. It was hard to tell in the Doomwood. He lets his sword sink into the dirt as he supports himself on it for a while.

"Count Spiritus!" someone calls and Eric looks to his left to see his Captian and loyal friend and companion approaching as he takes his time to catch his breath before asking.
"How is the battle faring so far?" Eric asks

"Not so good Count Spiritus The undead is still massing and there doesn't seems to be an end to them" The Captain answers with a worried look as he reaches for his sword. Another three skelleton minons seems to be approaching the two. Eric follows his loyal friends eyes and gets a proper grip of his sword before pulling it out of the dirt and turn back to back with his companion.

"We got this" He says as he still trying to catch his breath as they gets surronded by the three undead minons. The undead is let the first swing which the captain easilly blocks and then shatter the skelleton into a pile of bones with one swing of his sword. The other two undead swings at the Count and Eric blocks away the first incoming blade while giving a fast swing toward the other skelleton before he even gets the chance to swing at him. The next swing Eric does goes toward the lower part of the Third undeads legs before shattering him from the chest aswell. He places his sword back into the dirt resting and catching his breath once again.

"I hope you didn't leave the men scattered like that when you came looking for me?" He ask
"No, I wouldn't let the Baron's forces get at us that easy my Count, I left them in good stratigic positions don't you worry." The Captain answers.
"Good, now what was the problem again?" The Count asks.

"Sorry, Problem?" The Captain ask back as if not understanding.
"Alexander! I told you to be honset with me, I asked you how the fight was going you said The undead seems to be never ending. Do We Know Where They are Coming from?" The Count answers with a frown.
"No, Sorry Count Spiritus but I thought you ment something else" Alexander answers worried.

"I'm getting to old for this..... Do we know anything at all? Is there any good news?" Eric asks again.
"Maybe we should get you back to camp. The Undead might not need to eat but y..." Alexander says before getting interrupted
"ALEXANDER! I asked you a question, Don't shy away from it!" The Count says frustrated that his friend can't answer his question without feeling the need to remind him of his health.
"I--I'm sor... I'v sent two of my best scouts They should report back soon" The Captain answers nervously tying not to anger the Count to much.

"Not soon enough" Eric answers as he pulls his blade out of the Dirt once more and keeps it drawn to his side as he walks away from Alexander "Tell your Scouts to mark the area and then tell your men to go look for small groups of undead and leve the horeds alone. We leaving this with minimal casualties." He says as he walks away.

"Where are you going?!" Alexander shouts after Eric.
"Getting Prime" The Count shouts back as he keeps walking.
"What?! You want to burn the whole forest down?!" The Captain shouts in protest.
"Good idea, Would be easier for the rest of you to spot the Baron's Castle with less dead trees" The Count says as he keeps on walking with his drawn sword pointed down however not even looking back at the Captain.

"What?!" The Captain shouts as if he did not hear what was said.
"I'll be carefull!!" Eric says as he dissapears into the fog of evil.

A bigger skelleton shows up behind Alexander as he tries to spot Eric behind the mist and Roars at him from behind losing the element of surprise only to get stuck down by Alexander's blade turning him to a big pile of undead bones. Alexander sighs and keeps on walking in the opposit direction from where Eric went.

Brothers in arms and blood

"Getting tired there brother?" A knight says while punting aswell as smiling at the same time as if he thinks this was fun.
"Shut up Primus!" The brother answerd furiously keeping his blade up ready to defend himself against the countless waves of undead they seem to have had themselfs surrounded by.
"Shut up? Maximus you seem to be on edge today, but then again you always on edge" Primus says with a chuckle.
"I said shut up!" Maximus yells as he furiously waves his blade at one of the incoming monsters. One down many more to go

"Could you two for once stop fighting?" A female knight says who seems to stand by them all three back to back
"I don't know if that is a possibility, It runs in the family I guess" Primus answers with a smile as he swings his blade at the minions coming at him.
"That's not what they say about your father Primus. Now stay focused!" The female knight says.
"Well... My father didn't have a brother did he now?" Primus answers.

"Less talking and more coming up with a plan to get out of this you two!" Maximus say as he fights off two more minions.
"Okey, okey good idea.... Alexandra any ideas" Primus asks
"You are uselly the staratigic one Primus I thought you would have one the way you was focusing more on taunting your brother!" Alexandra says furiously.
"Hey cheer up, He fights better when angry, right brother?" Primus says with a smirk on his face his eyes sharped toward the endless undead circles.
"PRIMUS PLAN NOW!!" Maximus yells.

"Okey, okey! Fire!" Primus says as he gets an idea.
"I'm out of Arrows" Alexandra says
"No, I mean you know one thing or another about firespells right?" Asks turning his head toward Alexandra.
"Yeas? How will that help?" She asks curiously before poking her bow into one of the incoming minions eye before kicking it away with another question "And why do the Baron use giant black rabbits?!"
"Wait Primus has a point, We only need to burn us a path to run out off from this mess" Maximus adds
"Exactlly!" Primus comfirms.

"I'm not an expert Pyromancer you know.." Alexandra says looking at them with doubtfull eyes
"Doesn't matter, It only need to be big enough for us to charge out of one after the other. Me and Maximus will make sure to knock them over once we run past. You just need to make sure you keep them distracted with the fire and follow us" Primus says.
"So that's your plan?" Let me do all the hard work?
"Got any better idea?" Maximus says as he throws another swing toward the incoming waves

"Fine lets do it." Alexandra says as she puts away her bow and channels and prepers a fire spell. Soon enough she looks around and finds a weakspot in the waves and focuses the fire toward that spot. Already dead trees catches fire and it spreads around to some of the other minions nearby. Both Primus and Maximus charges after eachother with their blades risen to their side and swings at the already distracted Undead on each side making them fall over eachother. Alexandra starts running after them and just before here fire leaves her hands she had already been outside of the circle of the undead. They ran and ran intill their legs was no longer able to keep them running with the weight of their armor but they was far away from any undead by then but surrounded by fog which they was unable to look though.

"You th---you think we lost em?" Alexandra says while catching her breath.
"I don't know I don't see anything" Primus answers looking around.
"Then stay quiet you two!" Maximus says quietly still raising his sword ready for anything while catching his breath "I don't think they can see us either"
"Good point" Primus answers. As he sharpens his eyes and looks around trying to spot anything though the fog "Lets get back to camp. We've been here far to long and it's time for a debriefing and a new plan"
"For once we agree on something brother" Maximus says letting down his guard for abit.
"You starting to sound like your father you know that?" AAlexandra says looking at Primus.
"Well... That's not a bad thing... I mean he is The Captain and all" Primus answers.
"I never said it was, Lets just go" Alexandra says as they start walking though the woods.

They walk and walk stucking down any minion of the Baron they come across on their way back to the camp. It's been a long day filled with Horror and unmaching odds and undead minions, did I mention the undead minion? The fog starts to clear once as they nears the camp where they are greeted by one of the guards.

"Your father been waiting for you" He says to the group approaching obviously aiming it more toward Primus and Maximus. "And you two Alexandra" he says aswell as nodding toward her.
"Let me guess, We are slowing down, the undead is coming in bigger and bigger masses and we need to rething our plan if we want to maintain the situation?" Primus says to the guard
"Don't be a smartheadshake" The guard answers Primus
"What do that even mean?" He asks
"Don't bother just come inside the briefing is about to start" The guard says as he lets them pass into the camp.

Plans under The Moon

The Night seems to never end and then moon have been up there for what feels like days. All the soldiers in there are regaining their strength by resting and eating. Primus looks around the camp as he walks alongside Maximus, Alexandra and the guard who greeted them at the gate. He looks at what looking like watchtowars and simple made walls. This is only temporary as they all know they won't stay here for long but it will do for a solid defense with their training. Others are eating soap and sandwiches. The wounded are looked into and getting treated. It's a rather small camp however and somewhere in the center a gathering is taking place which is where Primus and his companions are headed.

Alexander watches as his sons and the last of his knights are approaching before turning his look toward the others gathering around.

"Anyone missing?" He asks outloud to make sure everyone heard him. The Knights says nothing.
"Right lets get to it then. Knight Sillah, what did you uncover during your scouting misson?"
"Lots Captain Veran There are a few spots in the woods that I'v seen an extra amount of monsters, abominations and undead coming from." Knight Sillah answers with around the confidence. Alexander turns to another knight and ask.
"Knight Nelos, how about you?"
"About the same Captain Veran, I also noticed some enemy supply camps while I was at it. I belive they are weapons in there. You know, undead doesn't need to ear." Knight Nelos aswers with just as much confidence as Sillah.

"Good, good. Once this meeting is I need you and Knight Sillah to grab some arrows and take a group to those location. We need them marked as soon as possible and get out of there fast. We don't have much time. Also.... Maximus, Hear in with the scouts about those supply camps. You taking a small group with you. That goes to you aswell Knight Eris and Dalen." Looks around at the Knights he just mentioned "You all got that part?"

"Yes" They all say
"Good, I don't want to have to tell you how important it is for you not to be seen." Captain Veran replies.

"Lieutenant, Vrix and Dan, Knight Chrins, Melan, Xern, Oran and Dex you are all taking small groups of three and look for lone or small groups of undead you can easilly deal with and put them to their final rest. Avoid bigger groups at all cost and avoid the marked areas"
"Don't Worry Captain, we'll have it done." Lieutenant Vrix says.
"Good to hear, Lieutenant" Alexander says that with a nood before turning to the group again.

"Primus, Knight Dricen, Miren and Calus. You are all going take a small group with you aswell and go plant traps around the woods. Make sure the other heros from Falconreach doesn't walk into them so place them well. And for the sake and love of the Avatars don't tangle yourselfs into your own too...."
"Sounds like fun" Primus says with a smile
"I'm not done yet" His father says.

"Those who is on Marking and trap duty I need you to take a map with you each and mark the areas on it then meet up back here and compile them together for us to use. Knight Seren will then take a copy of this map and head to Symone's camp where you will give her the Copy so that they know what we are planing. and don't get themself tangled in our own traps and dangerous areas. Tell them expacially to stay away from the marked ones."

"Knight Gran?" The Captain ask. Alexandra looks up at the captain before speaking.
"Yes Captain?"
"Congratiolations you've just been promoted to Lieutenant. I need you to keep the defenses up here. Grab a few arrows and get ready. you're incharge while I take my own small group for a special misson."
"Thanks you Captain, I won't dissapoint I promise" Alexandra says somewhat happy that her hard work have finally been reconized and paid off.
"You've earned it, Lieutenant. Now Everyone knows what to do?" Alexander says as he turns to the rest once again. A dragons Roar can be heard in the distance and everyone looks up to the sky trying to spot where the sound came from.
"Yes, uhm.. Yes I think we got it Captain." Knight Xern says somewhat nervous by the sound of the dragon. Another roar can be heard and everyone keeps trying to spot it. Archers readies their bows as they watch the skies.

The dragon is spotted flying right above and past the camp but noone fires as it seems to be owned by a Dragon Lord most of them reconize.

"Alright that's our cue, get to work everyone we expecially need to mark those crowded areas asap! Lets crack up a bodycount faster than they get reinforcement. Move it!" Alexander shouts as he claps his hands together for everyone to get to it. Everyone gathers their groups quickly and gets to work.

< Message edited by Adel -- 3/19/2015 9:09:56 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
3/16/2015 19:37:53   
Alm Nullamors

I do hope this isn't too long. Smashing through war waves really gets the inspiration flowing.

Dragonlord's Doomed Doomwood Assault of DOOM

Slowing Down: The Strains Of War

Within the depths of Doomwood, all was quiet. Bones were scattered. Dead Werebats laid on the floor. The destroyed remains of several Tremors littered the forest...

One of the infamous Doom Weapons was planted, blades into the ground and handle pointing upwards. The Sanguine ShadowReaper of Doom.

Formally belonging to the Paladin Artix, this legendary weapon was being used... as support for a kneeling Evolved Dragonlord in red and black armor, panting heavily as the malicious spirit within the axe rolled his eyes at this mortal.

For you see, this Dragonlord is part of an assault on the castle of Baron Valtrith. After getting wind of his apparent kidnapping of the local innkeeper last Friday, the Dragonlord rushed out. He was one of the most determined of the force. 200 Endurance will apparently do that to you.

But now, this Dragonlord, who has no memory of his real name and goes by the name of Master, was starting to tire.

And before you ask, I don't know what his self adopted name means either.

"Hahhhh..." he panted, absolutely worn out. "I'd completely forgotten how big Doomwood is..."

The malicious spirit was displeased. After Master survived the use of the weapon without losing his sanity since buying it at Level 20, it had hoped that this certain adventurer would be more dominant in the assault. It had been holding back for a very long time, staying with the weapon during the rise of the Mysterious Stranger and being put out of commission alongside it not long ago by a powerful freezing spell.

With one glance out from the red gem in the centre of the weapon, it decided that the chance was now.

"Just throw in the towel... Clearly this is beyond your abilities..."

Master shook his head, visions of the DoomKnight Sepulchure flashing through his memory. The DoomKnight who had been completely controlled by his own Doom Weapon, the Necrotic Blade of Doom. After defeating the trecherous servant, this ultimately led to what everyone believed to be his death.

"You are... not ordering me about..." he said, trying to sound tough to his own Doom Weapon. "Your brother may have gotten a stranglehold on his wielder, but I'm not giving up..."

"Really...? What if you arrive at that pathetic Baron's castle after several months and find that innkeeper... dead? It would serve her right, after she intended to throw away me and my bretheren..."

He knew exactly what the cursed weapon meant. Serenity had come close to throwing away the SkullStaff of Doom, Twin Blades of Doom, and the ShadowReaper of Doom. The Mysterious Stranger had recovered the three weapons and sold the axe to Master. A hefty sum of 28,000 Gold.

Axe and Daggers had clashed since then, with the Twin Blades of Doom somehow falling under the possession of Sepulchure's Falconreach Spy. The spirit within the Sanguine ShadowReaper of Doom couldn't help but feel the slightest twinge of Envy, as though the Corrputed Elemental Spirit were still alive...

"Watching the moglin in the inn... Why don't you just give up on this pointless charade, go back there, and punt it?" the spirit said, to Master's disgust.

"No, I'm going to see this through." Master replied, reaching out to use his Mightiest 100K Scythe instead. At least that one didn't talk.

Unfortunately, his Doom Weapon was stuck fast in his grip. As though it were wielding him.

After a brief struggle he started to succumb, flashing through those he had lost and all the hardships since starting the fight against Sepulchure and beyond.

Xan's destruction of Falconreach and his valiant but ultimately unsuccessful attempt to defeat the Pyromancer. Being defeated by Fluffy. Hearing the newly unmasked Purple Necromantress's heartbroken threats. Sek-Duat's plot. Galanoth's struggle with the dragons of Dragesvard. Sepulchure's war on Popsprocket. Konnan's anguish and downfall into madness. Kathool's nightmares. The double titan battle for the Earth Orb.

The fall of the Guardian Tower. Losing to Sepulchure one on one. Quickly losing the five Orbs he had worked tirelessly to secure. The revelation and death of the Sandsea Spy. The creation of the Ultimate Orb and Drakath's theft of it. The Mysterious Stranger and his fusing with Drakath's corpse following an exhausing battle. The loss of the sun. And so much more, even after the stranger's fall. The Anomaly. Xan. Jannia. The Professor. Wargoth. Warlic's responsibility in the whole disaster. Being frozen for many years. And more recently, the oppressive and thorned Rose cult.

His final attempt at getting up proved futile, before his trinket shined and enveloped him in a yellow-gold crystal.

Soul Purifier. His one salvation. The one remaining link to the light...

Following the mental replenishing, Master stood back up, stored the cursed weapon away withing his pocket dimension of a bag, and took out his Mightiest 100K Scythe before rushing back into the fray.

Repelled, the spirit retreated back into the Sanguine ShadowReaper of Doom... for now...
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 5
3/16/2015 21:56:27   

The Memories that Come to This

I remember the day Serenity said she heard voices.

I remember nightmares flowing through my head.

I remember our loss last Friday the 13th and the danger that came.

I remember seeing Spruce all alone and fearing for the worst.

I remember the grey spot near the well where I spotted the mask.

I remember when my own humanity was taken from me alongside my loved ones.

But not today…..

I will help Serenity if I must save myself.

I cannot lose, not now.

Fighting the Baron is my sole reason for being alive.

AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 6
3/18/2015 16:53:17   

Moon Over The Castle

In the sorta-almost-not-quite peaceful quiet of the Doomwood, things were still. Of course, if you went right a little and up a ways, you'd find a bunch of adventurers fighting a bunch of monsters in a march to their destination. This little part right here, however, saw no disturbance.

Then an electric blue hole ripped open in the middle of the air and threw a somewhat diminutive teen out. The local wildlife didn't really react. They've seen some stuff, man.

The teen laid on the foggy forest floor for a fitful few moments, not finding the frightful flora and fauna that filled the area. Fsteak. After grumbling uselessly about 'sophisticated, advanced technology that never bloody well worked right,' he pushed himself up into a sitting position, running a hand through his hair, the right side of which had a shock of white among the brown. A moment later, his hand froze at not finding a certain accessory resting on his face, and he bolted upright.

"My glasses!" Zen shrieked, his voice reaching surprisingly far in the dense woods as he scrambled around, looking for the misplaced article of mention. "Where did they go? Must've fallen off when I was deposited by the trans-dimensional tunnel. I need those glasses to...well, I don't actually need them to see, I just like wearing..."

His own panicked mumbling having calmed him down slightly, the teen genius finally look up and discover where he was. The haunting trees of the Doomwood surrounded him, and glowing eyes all varying sizes stared at him from the darkness. Zen visibly gulped, and when he next spoke, his somewhat high pitched voice rose another octave. "W-well, this isn't good. I mean, I shouldn't be one for taking things at face value, but still..."

He would've stayed frozen there a few minutes more had a cry from some kind of bird not startled him. Whipping around to try and find the source of the noise, he was instead met with the growl of another animal, vaguely resembling a wolf. All of a sudden a cacophony of frightening sounds and cries descended on Zen, terrifying him to higher levels of fear. Constantly turning as if to catch a glimpse of one of the creatures that were surely coming for him, he instead locked his eyes onto the most noticeable landmark around.

In the distance, rising high above the treetops stood a dark castle, spires climbing up into the night sky. It rose in front of a shining crescent moon, as if trying the block its light from reaching the ground. Shadows kept any details from view, but it couldn't have looked more ominous if there had been a lightning flash.

Something comparable to a calmer state of mind came upon the frightened teen, and he nodded. "To be honest, it's probably filled with things worse than what's out here, but I'd rather take my chances inside."

Zen strode forward to his new destination, the same destination of many an angered warrior coming to save a friend, periodically checking beside and behind him. The castle loomed high in the distance, foreboding. Above all, the moon shone down.
DF MQ  Post #: 7
3/18/2015 23:36:07   

had posted this in fanfiction first did not knew of this place...

No Serenity before the storm

The catapult maintenance crew was working hard this time, the lack of light on doomwood made keeping those tecnological wonders working properly a though job.

A lone tecnomancer was leting his thoughts wander while tinkering... Going to call him Tecno for short.

"Those adventurers really don't know how to take proper care of this stuff..."

The recent years were not kind to him, the rise of the Rose made all magic researchers go on hiding, leaving fields like his craft without inovation or creativity. For an inventor, that was like taking away his hands.

"The Nitroglycerin Reaction Negation Field seems to be in order..."

On the other hand, Falconreach was still a safe haven. Thanks to many heros, the Rose conducted it's bussiness quietly, making their moves only on the magical creatures of Lore.

"Humm... the calibrations are off, gotta fix that..."

Heck! Although not a tecnomancer himself, Lim's scientifical way of seeing the world helped Tecno to see the world on a new light, helping to improve his few inventions...

"Danm! when will they learn that they cannot shoot so close to the catapult? This ruins our Monster Repelent Barrier..."

Yes, while not perfect, things had a bright side. So why did everything seemed so off?...

His loose toughts were interrupeted by a loud shriek, a small detachment of undead had come to camp!

Tecno simply used his tecnoglove on grenade mode to send some skeleton bones flying. Blood gems were approaching, changed into force sword mode to engage the in melee. Although rapid moving, the little legs of the gems had no chance to fight the reach and weigth of that force sword.

More came from the skies, eyeballs and werebats attacked the maintenance crew; "If those flames reach the nitroglycerin we're toast! Bow mode!" Plama arrows were shot, taking down most of them. He sighed in relief, and took a heavy hit! Comming fron behind a mighty tremor had charged at him... and rock bodies where not known by being light...

Raising from the ground he evaluated his options... his sonic attack held the least risk so he used it first, and the beast pretty much ignored it; it's second charge was evaded with some help of the shield

"If you wont stop then... Drill mode!"

The two ran, one towards the other, and a horrible noise came out of the impact of drill on rock... The tremor seemed dizzy, but Tecno's right hand was shaking and numb; he would not be doing tecnomancy for a while...

"I guess trying to drill a hole in solid rock with a drilling punch was not a good idea after all..."

He decided to make a bet, he would use his left hand and try tecnomancy without a catalist...

It might not seem like that much of a big deal, after all, mages do magic with their bare hands all the time... But tecnomancy had an unusual basis: it worked by making mana flow through a tecnological piece, making it a magical object only during it's activation, in other words, without a catalist there was only raw mana, so tecnomancy without a catalist was impossible by the very basis of that magical school!

"There is always a catalist..."

Well ain't that curious? There is a way of contradicting tecnomancy's nature; if you consider one's body as a tecnological piece of nature, magic could be done by it... But such a catalist had almost nothing in common whith most tecnocatalists, making this magic in particular, based on pure guesswork...

"Halt my foe and make it burst in flames... Complete Debug Program!!"

No more undead were at sight, they were safe for now... Tecno was quite the lucky guy, most people would lose an arm atempting to do what he did, and yet all he lost was mana.

Tecno started to ponder. "Why are so many comming here this time?" He was no warmonger, but had seem his fair share of battles to comprehend how weird things were. In normal wars Falconreach would be the base of opperations, numerous Doomknights would make the frontline, less powerfull adventurers would either fight some small detachments of monsters or bonbard the enemy forces with the sponges soaked in nitroglycerin.

While it was mostly the same, this time they were away from home and on the offencive nonetheless! Also, their first attempt of breaking trough the enemy ranks ended up being a waste of time, since they ran into a mountain...

They were being led by shiny objects on the way, they were making many twists and unnecessary turns, and they were in a hurry. Tecno felt mostly disturbed by that rush... Normaly they would win a long battle, taking down enemy after enemy yes, but they never hurried it up so much... Even he himself made a rushed decision, he would never try non catalist driven tecnomancy, it was an easy way to get crippled, a fool's act!

"Maybe I am just tired..."

He needed a drink, a warm bed, and ... bread?

He then understood what was so different.

They were in a hurry.
They were not thinking before acting.
They had lost their Serenity...

"Stupid girl... you didn't had to carry all the burden on your own..."

Only when fighting away from home he understood how much those little things really meant; a good meal, a warm place, and a gentle smile, that never swayed as long as there were people comming to the inn.

"You could have stopped smiling once... then we would ask what was wrong, how we could help... But you couldn't could you, you had to let the heros save the world. Your problens were too small for then... YOU STUPID GIRL!"

Tecno screamed those last words, rage taking over his senses, he knew taking care of the catapults was his job, and the most efficient way of winning the war, but he could not stay there any longer. Grasping his trustworthy Destiny Dagger he decided to fight in the frontlines.

It did not matter if it was a fool's errand.
Nor if he could get himself crippled in this war.
It only mattered that they had lost their "serene state of mind", and would only get it back when their favorite inn keeper was back.

< Message edited by Brasca123 -- 3/19/2015 4:29:56 >
AQ DF  Post #: 8
3/19/2015 20:28:25   

The Waves are Passing:

To the tune of "The Ants go Marching"

The waves are passing one by one, hurrah, hurrah.
The waves are passing one by one, hurrah, hurrah!
The waves are passing one by one,
The heroes start to have some fun,
As they all go marching down.
To Valtrith's.
To rescue Serenity.
Bom Bom Bom

The waves are passing two by two, hurrah, hurrah.
The waves are passing two by two, hurrah, hurrah!
The waves are passing two by two,
The heroes bid their sleep adieu
As they all go marching down.
To Valtrith's.
To rescue Serenity.
Bom Bom Bom

The waves are passing three by three, hurrah, hurrah.
The waves are passing three by three, hurrah, hurrah!
The waves are passing three by three,
The heroes' enemies start to plea,
As they all go marching down.
To Valtrith's.
To rescue Serenity.
Bom Bom Bom

The waves are passing four by four, hurrah, hurrah.
The waves are passing four by four, hurrah, hurrah!
The waves are passing four by four,
The heroes try to speed up more,
As they all go marching down.
To Valtrith's.
To rescue Serenity.
Bom Bom Bom

The waves are passing five by five, hurrah, hurrah.
The waves are passing five by five, hurrah, hurrah!
The waves are passing five by five,
The heroes fight onwards to survive,
As they all go marching down.
To Valtrith's.
To rescue Serenity.
Bom Bom Bom

The waves are passing six by six, hurrah, hurrah.
The waves are passing six by six, hurrah, hurrah!
The waves are passing six by six,
The heroes flee from the Penguin, Nix,
As they all go marching down.
To Valtrith's.
To rescue Serenity.
Bom Bom Bom

The waves are passing seven by seven, hurrah, hurrah.
The waves are passing seven by seven, hurrah, hurrah!
The waves are passing seven by seven,
The heroes cheer and support their brethren,
As they all go marching down.
To Valtrith's.
To rescue Serenity.
Bom Bom Bom

The waves are passing eight by eight, hurrah, hurrah.
The waves are passing eight by eight, hurrah, hurrah!
The waves are passing eight by eight,
The heroes knock over the Baron's gate,
As they all go marching down.
To Valtrith's.
To rescue Serenity.
Bom Bom Bom

The waves are passing nine by nine, hurrah, hurrah.
The waves are passing nine by nine, hurrah, hurrah!
The waves are passing nine by nine,
The heroes new Destiny weapons shine,
As they all go marching down.
To Valtrith's.
To rescue Serenity.
Bom Bom Bom

The waves are passing ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah.
The waves are passing ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah!
The waves are passing ten by ten,
The heroes win and the war does end!
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 9
3/20/2015 22:47:54   

Baron Valtrith Awaits!

It is cold in the forest shrouded in a cloak of permanent night. The dark woods with something sinister in every bush. Doomwood. A group of people were standing in an opening near an altar, where vile black magics had just been performed. They were all looking, with various reactions, upon a humanoid with a female frame. A very disturbing abomination created from said black magics. A pale man, with white hair, a broken hockey mask adorned his face and a robe of various evils wrapped around his body. He speaks to the abomination, which he had just crafted. His name is Baron Valtrith.

Unknown to the crowd in this clearing... another humanoid shaped creature lay hidden in the infinite black of the night produced by the forest. Keeping its presence from being known, it merely stayed still, watching, listening. Baron said unto his newly created monster;

"Caitiff, welcome to the world you're going to help me destroy."

A battle experienced woman, named Symone, spoke.

"What have you created..."

The other two near her said nothing. They remained completely stunned. The demon -- for lack of a better word -- created by Baron took her turn to speak, to her master.

"Can I take that one apart?"

"Show me what power you have, Caitiff."

The Axe shaped crest buried within Caitiffs torso let out a howl. The skull ornament on the center opened its mouth and a massive beam of vile, darkness infused energies exploded forth and destroyed everything in the vicinity ahead of her and the Baron. It struck the shocked trio, leaving nothing but destruction in its path. Meanwhile...

The hidden person was caught in the wind of the blast produced by Caitiffs attack. A masculine voiced grunt escaped his lungs as he was thrown away from the chaos and further into the darkness of the forest. A small sliver of moonlight revealed miniscule portions of this character as he stood up and brushed the dust off himself. A rich blue robe flowed down his entire body, masking any armor or weapons he might have underneath. His hood blew off his head revealing a light skinned, blue haired, seemingly human man, with a scratched face from the ordeal he just had.

Scratching his head he picked up the very unique-looking spear he dropped when getting blown away a small distance. Not wanting to stick around before those monsters possibly found him... or any other danger in Doomwood for that matter, he briskly made his way northwest. He looked up at the moon and spoke to himself, slowing his pace down in the process.

"Darkness, is a natural thing. But... what a terrible disturbance, that was. Better hurry out of here."

The last thought on his mind was 'Darkness and Fire must not blanket this land again' before the forests night consumed him, hiding him as he made his way out.
DF AQW  Post #: 10
3/20/2015 23:02:40   


"We Failed. And they took Serenity" whispered the hero, as he sat hunched over, on a stump. His two companions were both bent double, gasping for air. All three had run from there as quickly as they could manage, but even then, they felt it wasnt fast enough.

"There wasn't anything you could have done" panted Ash, his bright sword giving little light to their surroundings. He focused and the light vanished into the void, and the Sword whispered something to its master as it too disappeared. "Cant have any light. Cant let them Know we're here."

"He's right. We got there as fast as we could. We just had too many enemies to deal with." said Symone, her sword and gun beginning to disappear too.

In the darkness that followed, they could still hear the explosions caused by The Puppet.

"We...." began the hero. "We fought...." He covered his face, even though his helm would hide it. "We fought everyone! We fought the Pirates. We Fought the Ninjas. We Fought Sek-Duat. We fought Akriloth! Twice even, when that blasted dimensional rip opened! We fought Drakonnan! We fought Xan! We fought Sepulchure, Drakath and the SMUDD." His voice reduced now to a whisper, and it shook with the frustration and anger he felt, but could not contain any longer. "We fought armies of Undead, we fought armies of Mechanical monsters, against the void creatures, against the riftwalkers, ascendants and the cryptics. Worgoth! We won against every single one of them,and so many besides!! How could we lose NOW?" he shouted the last part. Ash and Symone looked at him weakly.

They knew about the countless battles the Hero of Lore had to go through. Ash was with him when some of them happened. They were both there during the Final 13 event where the hero helped restore the Sun, even if neither Ash nor Hero knew about Symone, while she looked up to these two.

"I'm going back!" said the Hero, as he got up and turned towards the direction of the Castle. Whispering words of power, he donned his armour. The one given to him by Lady Celestia, all those years ago. It still had a few dents and nicks, but it worked just as fine. The Shield, while inconvenient, was practical. His sword, the fabled Deathknight blade, as powerful as it was when he pulled it from the crumbling remains of Sir Malifact, gleamed cold.

"I'm goi-" he began, as he turned around to face his companions. He was cut short as Symone butted the end of her gun into the Hero's head, knocking him unconscious.

"Fool. You'll only get yourself Killed." she said. Ash, unable to decide between wearing an expression of horror or relief, said nothing, but got the Hero into a sitting position.

"This Hero... Always so headstrong." said Ash. The two companions whispered into the darkness and at the Hero's armour till it faded into the void, and the Hero was wearing his old Deathknight Armour. "There. That should stop the shining and gleaming and wont give our position away." Taking the unconscious hero over his shoulder, he said: "We need to leave. NOW. The Puppet could be following us, or it may not be. We need to find Artix, and the other heros of Lore and.... Hell... even the Rose. This isnt something we can handle alone. It was ridiculous of us to try and do so in the beginning"

"Where do we go?" asked Symone softly, as she followed both male companions.

"Where this began. Where tonight's loss was felt most. We go back to Falconreach and to Serenity's Inn. We help clean up, set up a base of operations, and then we plan. We strike back. Mercilessly." said Ash flatly. The steel in his voice surprised Symone, and would have surprised the Hero, albeit less so. She did not know that all those years of staying in Falconreach, Ash had made a valuable friend in Serenity. She also did not know that the young boy in him was mentally cursing all the avatars of Lore, Death, and anyone else, for letting such a calamity fall on such a person.

Where the hell was Artix? he wondered as he walked back slowly towards Home.

< Message edited by Roxas45 -- 3/20/2015 23:31:57 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 11
3/21/2015 0:46:34   

Interrogation on The War for Serenity and Aftermath.

Subject: Master SoulWeaver Variel

Interrogator: Sir Spicious

-Begin Interview-

Sir Spicious: So, Master Variel tell us what happened after she was taken?

Variel: Well It was a Friday night, me like other heroes began to prep . I tuned out my soul claws and made sure things at the inn were left well. I aided the moglin at the inn a bit before we left. Ash came to me and told me that Symone would lead the charge. Many new faces out there too , though the veterans knew it would be a bloody path into the depths of Doomwood. I had been out that far to the Baron's Castle before during the hunt for Thursday in Amityvale. See for a seasoned adventurer like me on a regular night this was cake walk. As you know Sir we left on a Friday 13th only a month after our last. The woods deeply saturated with darkness and malice. I could sense the foul soul pressure in the air ... my young soul weaver apprentice seemed tense he stood next to me as we awaited in a crowd for Symone's call to step into the forest. I assured my apprentice that everything would be okay this wasn't my first rodeo...though as I stared at the the dense forest in the moonlight it....it...

Sir Spicious: ...Master Variel?

Variel: *ahem* It stared back at me sir.

Sir Spicious: Says in the final report you took most the graveyard shifts that week, why?

Variel: Yea I did, We were a veteran squad late night few off us while the rest slept but a strong lot. Riftwalkers, Deathknights,Doomknights,Dragonlords and Mastersoul Weavers like myself. Experienced classes took night watch with Symone. Only fitting considering the horde was less at night though fearsome and cunning.

Sir Spicious: So tell me Friday through Wednesday the productivity is reported as "rapid" and "involved", What happened wednesday night?

Variel: ...That was the night it all changed shortly after the last "Day Raid" our own started coming back severely injured. Deep wounds, soul contamination beyond any thing the Barons skeletons and living trees were capable off. Yes, something was different it wasn't till got out to the battlefield that night that I noticed...

Sir Spicous: noticed what?

Variel: The horde had changed, Unidreads and Phantasms that were highly armed and even Gorgon Medusas. It was a massacre, few made it out that night from there on nothing was the same. The warmongers grew exhausted and resources vanished first the catapults and by the time we reached the shadow of the castle the not even dragons could be used. I felt the spiritual pressure in the air rising each every day
we stepped forward. As it rose moralle lowered As Friday loomed on the sunset gave way to the castle gates and by dust we were in it's courtyard...I..should have known...we we're too late. It was like were meant to fail. A barrier went up and surrounded the inner sanctum of the castle...chanting could be heard inside. Our wizard and riftwalker squads stepped forward to work on the barrier. I told my apprentice to get some rest. I proceeded in to my tent alone and began soul meditation to detect if Serenity was still alive within, we were finally close enough to do it despite the barrier. Her soul was still grounded to our plane which meant she was still alive but great darkness surrounded her. It was then that I heard the deep spark and crash of the barrier. I soared out of my tent for one final charge....

Sir Sispicious: But you were too late...

Variel:In Time!!...Time enough to see her soul torn from her body!!!! Time to so see them bound a cursed axe to her lifeless remains and turn her into an atrocity!!!! Time to get away like cowards as she turned to evil incarnate!!! Time!!!! Time!!!! time.... time...if only...time....*begins to sobb and tear up**places hood over head ,eyes covered by shadow*

Sir Sispicious:Master ...*Sir Spicious reaches over to Variel*

*Variel dismisses the kind gesture gets up and storms out in fierce rage*

-End Interview-

Note:Subject is deeply traumatized. Guilt looms over him...Deeply Volatile...Best course of action to be left in Isolation for now.

Sir Spicious Sigining Out
AQ DF  Post #: 12
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