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=DF= December 17th Design Notes: Living in Lore

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12/17/2015 17:45:44   
Wolf Rider


Living in Lore
So, Captain Rhubarb is amazing and, in the last few months, he has made some fixes to the super secret database and to server widgets and things and it is now waaaaay easier to create house and house item shops (trust me, it... was not a fun process prior to Captain's heroics in the chaos of the Server Maelstrom).


1) If you could live anywhere in Lore where would it be? (i.e. what house backgrounds are we missing?)

2) What existing items do you totally want to steal for your house? (i.e. what stuff, that exists already and will fit in your house, do you want available for your house?) (i.e. part duex... no, you can't have Tomix! #sterngeo)

3) Realizing that houses themselves are actually pretty complex and take a long time to set up, what style of house has your hero always wanted to live in but hasn't been able to? (super important note: please note, with extra notes, that setting up a house is pretty complex and takes a long time. Then copy those notes and tape them where you can see them while replying to this question. ;o )

Tags: Houses House Items geopetal

< Message edited by geopetal -- 1/1/2016 22:17:42 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
12/17/2015 18:11:54   
Aura Knight

One of my favorite backgrounds in the entire game is in the area where True Mortal npc's at. There's something about that night time scene that's calming. So, we should totally have a house that's actually just a tent there. Nothing like living in the great outdoors.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 2
12/17/2015 18:17:53   
Baron Dante

I'd be down to having that massive gold Cysero statue Valencia has. That was what, 1 Billion Gold? (I mean technically, as long as you place it OUTSIDE your house, it fits in your house. I'm amazed by how little sense this sentence in itself makes)

I need to check around and what incredibly dumb things I would want to fill my house with.
Just like in real life!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
12/17/2015 18:23:00   
AQW Lore-titician

I think Ravenloss Book 3 or Pelow Village would make great house locations, and maybe make some new Guests "statues" like Aegis (book 3), Tomix, Sir Ano (yes, I still remember that guy, he is fun xD).

As for houses, why not an Espina Rosa cell xD? I don't know if Houses count as canon, but it would be hilarious to live in a cell in Espina Rosa, kinda makes you feel like Riversong in Doctor Who.
DF AQW  Post #: 4
12/17/2015 18:23:05   

I would like for Sepulchure's tower fortress From the ultimate orb quest and Sepulchure's Flying Castle to be House's. or Sepulchure's Castle as a Background or The tower in the Deadlands as a Background.

< Message edited by lightriftwalker122 -- 12/17/2015 18:30:01 >
Post #: 5
12/17/2015 18:25:15   
AQW Tester
Lore Adept

I don't know about everyone else, but I want a background of Mootopolis. A Sandsea background would also be pretty cool. In terms of house items, I would like to have a device that can teleport you to all those places you visit frequently that aren't on your map. Griffin transportation is getting old. Another cool thing would be a boss randomizer.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 6
12/17/2015 18:31:08   


2) What existing items do you totally want to steal for your house? (i.e. what stuff, that exists already and will fit in your house, do you want available for your house?) (i.e. part duex... no, you can't have Tomix! #sterngeo)

Arghhhh......I guess that means Serenity is off the list.

Say.........what about expanding the members of the plushie gang?
Both versions; eg the house decoration item version and the pet version.
We already have plushie versions of Xan, Noxus and Seppy, I see no reason forbidding Wargoth, Roirr, Baron Valrith and Caitiff from getting their own plushies too.
Yes, I did just include Caitff, I wonder how she looks when she's both scary looking but also cute at the same time.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 7
12/17/2015 19:17:36   

I second the True Mortal notion. Also, The Void Core/Ynnungaap. I feel like that would complement the existing purple furniture set very well, while leaving less work for you since the furnishings already exist. As for items... What about a statue of Arester that lets you access his Ascended Chickencow menu? Both the challenge fights and the item shops. I'd also like a shrub/outdoor representation of the Stone of Falconreach Tower, from the Final 13th, and maybe a statue of Celestia like the one in the Guardian tower.

Edit: ...And while I'm thinking of it, the Anomaly would make a pretty awesome interior as well. Maybe use the Milkgrass Arena as a sort of inner courtyard area. Hm...

< Message edited by cenarius345 -- 12/17/2015 19:18:47 >


"It's said that love is the most powerful force in the universe.
I am attempting to harness that power to create weapons of mass destruction."
AQ DF  Post #: 8
12/17/2015 19:39:35   

Hey Geo...since we cant get the real Tomix....can we just get the little TiaB*? Please? Pretty please?
*offers a pile of Gold, a pile of cookies and a HUGE pile of /Insert things Geo love/ *

Its extreme, but i really, REALLY want the TiaB.

Seriously: I just want a really simple thing: A basement. maybe with some huge pile of Thrithril.
Or a clickable trophy wall wich displays your badges when you click on it
Or maybe some kind of training area where you can test your skills against....uh....some training dummies. Or Sneevils....or the SMUDD...

EDIT: And in what kind of house i wanna live...well, i'm happy with my castle...but it would be great when we could move into Pandoras shack....or into the Ynnungaap complex.
EDIT2: or maybe there could be a special quest with Aria that let us choose some kind of...Guardian Pet for our house...some kind of Monster that attacks you when you click it or move near to it..maybe a DemiDrone....or a sneevil....or something like that

* TiaB = Tomix in a Bubble

< Message edited by docblade -- 12/17/2015 19:45:27 >
DF MQ  Post #: 9
12/17/2015 19:47:08   

Man I am glad I mentioned that Frostvale background in the other thread. Now everybody gets house stuff!

As far as other house items that would be cool, I agree that having some items that make accessing some of the harder to access guests would be nice. A theoretical Dragonfable "phone" of sorts (like a modified Cysero orb) that lets you contact your besties from the past to have them be your guests.

< Message edited by Ephialtes -- 12/17/2015 19:48:45 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 10
12/17/2015 19:57:27   


I know people that can make that happen....


That was quick
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 11
12/17/2015 20:48:49   

1: the void

2: altean house

3: Doomkitten...>w<
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 12
12/17/2015 20:53:41   
Silver Sky Magician

Espina Rosa! We did stay there for two weeks, after all.
Post #: 13
12/17/2015 21:12:13   
Lord Noonien Soong

This is a barely insignificant detail that struck the heartstrings that'd I'd wanted since I began the book 3 Tomix saga, but could we have a bigger picture of Aspar's "Mommy and Me" picture from Pandora's shack?

Also maybe a Pandora's Synchronization cube on display?
AQ DF  Post #: 14
12/17/2015 21:22:59   

What I really want to have is a Geopult!


Angel of darkness
DF  Post #: 15
12/17/2015 21:45:55   

Can I live in Yharnam? With a big, Gothic Cathedral? That's where I want to live.

More seriously, I suppose the Royal/Temple district of Ravenloss, Pellow Village (don't tell me that it's dangerous to live in the Void!). In appropriately styled buildings.

Definitely still want to live in a Gothic Cathedral, though. I need it.

As for house items, I can't really think of must-haves already in the game off the top of my head. Maybe LQS/Special Offer weapons to hang on the walls?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 16
12/17/2015 23:41:25   
Alchemist Gira

could we possibly have like a pedestal with Pandora's Cube/Box on it :o?
like floating? i always thought that'd be neat
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 17
12/18/2015 0:03:13   

Well one thing I liked about the Dragonlord House I use currently is interaction with my Dragon. I'd like that updated. Update the map, add ssome fun interactions, ways to level, maybe add a reason to go there like he sometimes gives out gold or something I don't know.
DF  Post #: 18
12/18/2015 0:14:58   

Something simple, I guess. A background from the Swordhaven. Or a house on a cliff. Or a house having a room, that is actually a balcony that overlooks a certain area.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
12/18/2015 0:15:16   

geo's book 3 statue, it's really nice looking
AQ DF  Post #: 20
12/18/2015 0:48:42   

Y'know, I imagine this is beyond the scope of DF, but it'd be cool if there were a homestead, where we can attract/hire people to live and provide services for us. A blacksmith, a cook, a medic, a mage, an investment banker to do something with our millions of unused gold. It'd be pretty cool if the hero's home could become a town in its own right.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 21
12/18/2015 1:20:53   

Mordred: You mean something like how AQ's houses and Estates work? Yeah I'd be up for that. But I also think it impossible.
DF  Post #: 22
12/18/2015 4:00:00   

Make it float.
DF AQW  Post #: 23
12/18/2015 4:28:05   

I forgot the name of it, but somewhere in the Atelean city would be a neat home.
DF AQW  Post #: 24
12/18/2015 4:31:27   
Doomful Lord

Guardian tower home with stairs? Not a big home, but one that goes upwards instead of to the side could be cool, and possibly hard to implement. But cool...
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 25
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