This thread continues as a centralized hub to ask for and give answers about Mastercraft items as they currently exist. Please do not ask what they may be like at some point in the future, or what items will be considered Mastercrafts at X time, or anything similar. To quote a section of the AQ Q&A FAQ: quote:
0. Question about future content Questions along the lines of "When will _____ happen?", "When is _____ coming out?", "What is going to happen next!?", "Is _____ going to ________?", or "Why isn't _____ in the game?" are not to be asked. Unless there is a formal announcement by members of the AQ staff regarding upcoming releases, the player-base has as much information about such content as you do. As a result, proposing such questions serves little to no purpose. This thread does still need to abide by the AQ Q&A Forum Rules. Please use the information and links below to find the answers to any questions before asking them here. Question: What is the definition of a mastercrafted item? Answer: Chii, an AQ staff member, has described mastercrafting as: quote:
What Mastercraft means: Mastercrafted items have extra power, versatility, or abilities which are paid for by having a higher price than normal items, instead of having penalties which would otherwise balance out the item's power so that it remained roughly equal to other normal items. A normal weapon with a trigger could deal 110% damage to undead, 95% damage to normal monsters, but a Mastercrafted weapon would deal 110% damage to undead and 100% damage to normal monsters, in exchange for having a higher price. That is Mastercrafting, partner. Accept no substitutes. quote:
Mastercrafting increases the cost of an item by 10% and yields one of the following: 1) Passive increase of one of the item's parameters (such as damage or BTH) by 5% 2) Enabling of the item to have a "free" trigger effect (generally increasing damage by 10%) without a downtrigger state 3) Reducing penalties associated with having expensive effects 4) Enabling the item to have a "free" skill without a compression penalty (but still having item compression pricing where applicable) 5) Combinations of the above or other similar effects In other words, it gives the item abilities and whatnot in exchange for costing more, whereas normal items wind up being weaker if they have any of these. Question: What is a "Yearly Mastercraft Set"? Answer: A Yearly Mastercraft Set is simply a collection of related mastercraft items found at the end of a long quest. The release of a new quest and set is an important annual AQ tradition. Beyond timing & quest style they are no different than any other set. Question: Where can this year's Yearly Mastercraft Set items be found? Answer: This year's set "The Mecha Knight Set" can be found by visiting Travel Map > Travel East > Mt. Thrall > Hollow > What are you building? > Underworld Saga (Temporary links: Armor, Weapons(s), Shield, Pet, Spell, Misc , Extras: Weapon(s), Shield, Misc(s)/ Guest, Pet ) Question: Will the past "Yearly Mastercraft Set" items be updated to have high lvl tiers like the newer Sets? Answer: Yes, all such sets will eventually be updated to match their newer counterparts; however, there is no specific time frame for these updates. Please do not ask for estimates. Question: Are there other sets/mastercrafted items & where can I find them? Answer: Yes. In addition to the Yearly Mastercraft Set, a variety of standalone mastercrafted rewards are released. Occasionally, sets of equipment will be released (with or without a mastercraft bonus) outside of the yearly mastercraft set. Information on these items can be found in the AQ Encyclopedia; if assistance is needed, please ask all mastercrafted related questions in this topic. Question: What is a Full Set Bonus (FSB)? Answer: A FSB is an additional effect or skill unlocked when wearing all parts of a mastercrafted or lesser mastercrafted set. For information about these bonuses, please visit the AQ Encyclopedia page of the set in question. Question: Will I still get a FSB if I mix and match pieces of equipment from different level versions of a set? Answer: Yes. However, the FSB will only be as strong as the lowest level piece of equipment in your set. For example, if you have a L105 version of the weapon and armor, but only a L85 version of the shield, you'll only get the L85 version of the FSB.
< Message edited by DragonUltraMaster -- 1/23/2025 14:23:03 >