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lord of order class

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11/18/2019 19:12:03   
the warden

Just wondering what a good enhancement is for it.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
11/18/2019 22:23:58   
Swordsman of Worlds

Really anything will do since Lord of Order is purely a support class. I'd say either Wizard for a general boost to your heals and rank 5 skill, or Luck to increase the potency of your crits and crit heals. At rank 10 you have 100% hit rate and crit rate, so you might veer towards Luck. Granted, the class is not that powerful even with the rank 10 passive but as I said it's mainly a support class (and let's be fair: that rank 10 passive would be utterly OP on just about any other class).
AQW  Post #: 2
11/19/2019 1:36:27   
The Finnish Phoenix

I would without hesitation recommend a full set of Wizard enhancements.

Lord of Order is considered a Caster class, and so Intellect increases its Haste. While it's true that at Rank 10 you crit constantly and so Lucky enhancements will add the greatest amount to your own skills' numbers including to that of Ordinance (your Heal), Haste allows you to use each skill a bit more often which not only helps offset the additional damage per hit Luck provides (particularly given that the Strike of Order auto-attack draws upon Spell Power) but more importantly means your support skills will have significantly less downtime.

In any situation that you'd want to use Lord of Order, its own damage should be an afterthought compared to that of the combined damage inflicted by your allies on top of your own, and that combined damage will be so much stronger and faster with Wizard enhancements that will render Lucky enhancements' extra boost to your own hits negligible by comparison.

< Message edited by The Finnish Phoenix -- 11/19/2019 12:55:11 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
11/19/2019 7:36:28   
Constructive & Helpful!

Firstly, the rank 10 passive is what you would call a "rank 1" passive, since it's active from the moment you get the class, it just occupies the rank 10 slot because it's easier coding wise, presumably.

Secondly, the class already has max haste via passives and Axiom's (4) buff. Even if it didn't, the buff timers already match the cooldowns of each skill, or in the case of Harmony (2), the buff timer is even longer than the base Cooldown, meaning that even with any semblance of base haste, you wont ever be in a situation where anything is unloopable (unless you spam too much at a lower level and run out of mana). The ability to be able to use buffs more frequently (in a theoretical world where Lord of Order doesn't max it's own haste) would only cause you to spend even more mana and/or have longer periods of not using skills, since the buffs would just refresh itself upon use. It would make the class feel a lot more sluggish since you would need to space out skills more, and no one wants to space out skill unnecessarily.

Thirdly and most important, mana and damage:
1. The main reason you use Luck is to gain more mana. Since 3/4 of your kit isn't damaging abilities, you wont gain mana back from any of those, making your auto attack the only real source of mana. Blessing of Order (5) still costs you a couple mana on use unless you have major damage buffs from either items or other classes. The lower your level, the more important the Luck stat is as well for this very reason.

2. The damage, while not as nuts as a Stonecrusher with a large group of people, is definitely not negligible as it still ties with most half decent DPS classes while also being a very tanky class in general. You could use it as a "not too shabby" high damage threshold soloer, in which case you would want to use Luck for the increased healing and overall damage. The only benefit of full Wiz is ~200 more damage on Blessing of Order and losing ~200 damage on your auto attacks (your auto attacks triggers 4+ times more often than Blessing of Order), as well as losing a couple hundred more healing per use of Ordinance (3). This is with all buffs applied at level 90.

If Harmony didn't increase the Luck stat as well, then MAYBE you could make an argument for Wiz enhancements, but because it does and the Luck stat is just utterly overpowered, sometimes even compared to Wiz on a caster class, it ruins any chances of Wiz Enhancements to be the prime choice for Lord of Order.

You could also make the argument that while Wiz is inferior to Luck for this class, that it is still "good" as per the original question of the thread, or at least good enough since you would still be what you are intended to be, a support class, with the same buffs. Unless you just happen to switch from a Wiz enhanced class into Lord of Order and is too lazy to switch Enhancements, you should always run Luck if you are looking to maximize the class' efficiency in combat.

< Message edited by Metakirby -- 11/20/2019 6:24:25 >
AQW  Post #: 4
11/19/2019 12:54:07   
The Finnish Phoenix

Metakirby is correct. I didn't realize the max haste threshold was that low. Lucky enhancements are in that case absolutely optimal for Lord of Order and disregard my previous post which was based on the premise that it increased Haste relative to Luck when in fact it doesn't for Lord of Order.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 5
11/19/2019 21:33:19   
Swordsman of Worlds


Firstly, the rank 10 passive is what you would call a "rank 1" passive, since it's active from the moment you get the class, it just occupies the rank 10 slot because it's easier coding wise, presumably.

Ah, so that's why the rank 10's description starts with "starting at rank 1, . . ." Thanks for clearing that up, and the class in general.
AQW  Post #: 6
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