In the shadows...
Ground To A Halt Location: Popsprocket -> Yix -> Random Quests! Level/Quest/Items required: None Release Date: May 8th, 2009 Objective: Airheart's mechagryphon has been throwing off sparks and making an unsettling grind-y crunch-y noise when it takes off. She's hoping the Mysterious Gnome will have something to make it run smooth again! Objective completed: Now that all its joints are well-oiled and its hinges greased, Airheart's mechagryphon is ready to show you just how advanced gnome-tech really is! Scaled Yes/No: Yes Monsters (9) Cyklon Centurion (7) Cyklon Pummeler (2) Gear Golem NPCs Airheart Rewards Daggers Conductor OverCharged Conductor Staves Electro-Generator Overcharged Electro-Generator Swords Circuit Breaker OverCharged Circuit Breaker Dialogue Yix: Airheart is reporting that her mechagryphon has been throwing off sparks and making a disturbing grinding noise upon takeoff. Yix: She suspects an act of sabotage, but hopes it's only a mechanical problem. Yix: She's heard that mysterious gnome has a wide selection of widgets and gadgets to fix things. She'd like you to see if he has anything to help her. Quest! Back After you return with oil Airheart: Thanks, <Character>! A well-oiled gryphon makes for a smooth flight! Thanks to -- Peachii for corrections. -- Voodoo Master for pre-quest dialogue. -- Stephen Nix for coloring. -- Stridoom for correction.
< Message edited by Jay -- 3/17/2020 19:23:45 >