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NaNoWriMo 2009

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10/28/2009 1:20:01   
Argeus the Paladin

Anyone joining?

At first I thought I would be unable to, but now that I realize my exams only run till the 13th and I've got a fresh new idea on the way...
DF  Post #: 1
10/28/2009 1:21:51   

I'm too busy with other stuff, looks interesting though.
DF MQ  Post #: 2
10/28/2009 3:29:24   

I would but it averages out at like 1,666 words a day, and er.. I have mocks and stuff :P
AQ  Post #: 3
10/28/2009 19:10:33   

I'll try.... maybe.....
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
10/28/2009 21:56:26   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

I am going to try. And I am using this opportunity to exercise a point of view I hate writing and have a lot of difficulty pulling off. First Person.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
10/29/2009 5:23:22   

I don't quite know what it is. But I shall join (once I find out what it is, of course!).
AQ DF  Post #: 6
10/29/2009 12:20:24   

I'm joining. I've been working on outlines and characters for several days now. I probably won't make the 50,000 word goal and it'll be a pile of rubbish, but it'll be a good experience.

AQ DF  Post #: 7
10/29/2009 19:45:25   

I can't do it. I've been writing, but I'm working on a story right now and can't figure out the right way to write myself back out of the corner I wrote myself into without a Deus Ex Machina, and I don't want that. So I'm writing, but almost everything's getting scrapped. Unless you count English homework.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 8
10/29/2009 19:50:39   

Mail Moogle of AdventureQuest

Can someone exlpain to the moogle what this is, exactly? <.>
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
10/29/2009 20:24:27   

Here's a link: NaNoWriMo 2009
DF MQ  Post #: 10
10/29/2009 20:34:13   

Mail Moogle of AdventureQuest

Ah, yes, thank you very much. Regretably, since the contest requires a novel during the month, I will not participate as I only have ideas for my current novel. Best of luck to those who do.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 11
10/29/2009 20:49:12   
Fleur Du Mal

Although there is a part of me that thinks this would be very suited for me to get back to the rhythm of writing I had going on last year's summer, I know I don't have the energy nor the time for this now.

Still it tempts... Writing 50 000 words for a drawer isn't exactly highly motivating. And eventhough the word-counting software on the NaNo site would be the only one to read it, it's still more 'out there to be read' than in me drawer. A place to post a story I could not post here, and thus has a very low chance ever to be finished.

But anyways, realities are realities. If I choose to inflict a burnout on meself, this would probably be an enjoyable way to achieve it. =P
DF  Post #: 12
10/30/2009 4:24:01   

You know, this is actually quite interesting. I would like to be a part of it, but I'm not that 'dramatic' about writing 50,000 words in a month.

Anyways, Gd luck to whoevers going to join.
Post #: 13
10/30/2009 5:56:48   

Alright then, I'm in!


Not posting on NaNoWriMo website. Shall post in my Eng101 thread (or I could get approved before the 30th of November and post it bit by bit in N&P)

< Message edited by Wolfstorm -- 10/30/2009 5:59:29 >
AQ DF  Post #: 14
10/31/2009 4:31:54   

I dont think I'll join >.>(Yesh I have a short story on mah PC...)
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 15
10/31/2009 16:37:28   

I'm participating, as anyone who goes on IRC will know (I've been bugging people to join me). Or else I'll never get any writing done these days. And you can add Alix into the mental count; he's doing it too, last time I heard.

This means my L&L time /should/ be nearly zero for the next month, since that's the time I'll be sacrificing for the writing (can't sacrifice my homework time, as much as I want to).
AQ  Post #: 16
11/2/2009 23:33:46   

I wish I could take part, but my homework, sports, and procrastination time combine to make it impossible... maybe next year when I'm a lazy senior with nothing else to do. :) Good luck to those trying it. Let us know how you come out!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
11/3/2009 1:03:19   

I just joined about half an hour ago. I originally wasn't going to do it because I did not want the pressure to be there...but once you start writing, it becomes relaxing. You just have to keep in mind, it isn't about creating a perfect story. The goal is simply to write a story. Any story.
AQ AQW  Post #: 18
11/3/2009 10:24:22   

What is that?


AQW  Post #: 19
11/3/2009 11:52:57   
Fleur Du Mal

@pWnedLTU: NaNoWriMo is an abbreviation from National Novel Writing Month. It's "an event" where the participants take a shot in writing a novel in a month. The goal is to produce 50k words during this November, the focus being more on the quantity than on quality. It's not a competition related to these forums, but quite naturally, many of L&Lers are interested, because it's a writing competition. You can check the site for the event from the link shreder110 posted earlier in this thred.
DF  Post #: 20
11/5/2009 19:18:46   
Alixander Fey

Firefly talked me into doing it and I'm about 12,000 words in, I think. I'm trying to tear it up right now--if I finish just a bit more I will have done 60,000 words in the last 30 days. That's with mid-terms, a conference, and a full week of nothing but oblivion lol.
DF  Post #: 21
11/6/2009 4:34:34   

Gd luck Fey! You too, Firefly! You'll be needing it.
Post #: 22
11/8/2009 19:59:56   
Constructively Friendly!

Good luck to all participants. =]
Post #: 23
11/26/2009 0:54:14   

*pants* Just... letting everyone know (assuming y'all still remember me)... I just finished... NaNoWriMo. Done... 50K... actually more if you count what I wrote on paper. About to kicked off from the computer, so I'm just posting here to say that I'm still alive and well.

And good luck to whoever here is participating. I suspect many of you are already done (and I know Alix is or must be), except you guys aren't so annoying that you'll announce it right away like a certain person (me). To those of you who are not done: write! Speed up! But don't stress yourself! Remember that winning is important, but even if you don't win, the amount of words you've already churned out is a win all on its own.

(Final note: I wrote 50K but didn't finish the novel. Which was my plan to begin with, as it wasn't meant to be done in 50K)
AQ  Post #: 24
11/26/2009 20:00:48   

Flight, for the record, you're completely insane.

Just thought I'd get that out there. Congratulations!! *showers with confetti but refuses to offer cookies* :P

Edit: ConfettI. (Confetti? Confetii? Confenetyyyyyyi?)

< Message edited by jerenda -- 11/26/2009 20:01:35 >
AQ DF  Post #: 25
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