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why mages new skill is not good

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2/19/2011 7:10:05   

i want to ask everyone why mages need a staff to use there new skill and bounty hunter and merc dont need there main weapons to use new skills
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
2/19/2011 7:19:47   

Is this a question,if so it should be in the Q and A section. If not, the reason why assimilation isn't so good is because it can be blocked and it only takes away 10 energy at a max level. I use it at lvl 2 but i dont rely on it.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
2/19/2011 7:20:42   

Thats because admins want mages to be more and more uped , mage has the most skill that require class specific weapon , and admins add 1 more skill.


Epic  Post #: 3
2/19/2011 7:27:02   

there should be a change in mage new skill
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
2/19/2011 7:28:06   

They should add a 25% crit chance to assimilation, who agrees?
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 5
2/19/2011 7:31:51   

I just want it to be either unblockable or usable with a sword . Period
AQW Epic  Post #: 6
2/19/2011 7:32:48   


i dont agree , we can use asim only against mercs , BHs will block always and its useless against Mages.The problem isnt 1 skill , if we do asim %25 crit and useable with sword still mages cant do anything.

< Message edited by TurkishIncubus -- 2/19/2011 7:33:11 >
Epic  Post #: 7
2/19/2011 7:32:59   

I agree with Matgon
Post #: 8
2/19/2011 7:52:38   

i think we should change assimilation weapons from staff to sword and also critical chances should be made in assimilation
AQW Epic  Post #: 9
2/19/2011 7:58:52   
Tor Kul Na

Maybe its your build?
AQ MQ  Post #: 10
2/19/2011 8:08:37   

no its not my build i have seen almost all mages have sword instead of staff .
take a player example

players like deimos , deathknightmare, dax ,bunjara, staber sundra they are the most powerful tech mages who uses sword not staff

< Message edited by rajkumar -- 2/19/2011 8:12:34 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 11
2/19/2011 8:14:37   

^STABER uses azrael,lol
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
2/19/2011 8:27:18   

not every time t600 because i have fight staber many times and he uses that independe type weapon which is a energy sword
AQW Epic  Post #: 13
2/19/2011 8:37:02   

leave this and first we will talk about bh and merc new skill do they need any weapons to use their new skill. i dont think so they dont require a single weapon to use their new skill
AQW Epic  Post #: 14
2/19/2011 9:13:53   

Blood shield is pretty useless and mercs stopped complaining about it, maybe mages should stop comliaining too. -.-

< Message edited by 8rlx0 -- 2/19/2011 10:22:32 >
Epic  Post #: 15
2/19/2011 9:19:41   

ok i give up i will never support mage from now.
AQW Epic  Post #: 16
2/19/2011 10:13:29   

assimilation is a good skill. y are u mages saying it is useless,not good ect ect. it can distroy people easily makes people think and make sthem angry at times. well i just hope the energy drain becomes unblockable cause seriosly 1-10 energy minus and it is blockble. is blood shield even useable idk i use it sometimes but really not many people would want to max it and use it every battle when they already have hybrid armor. as for bh skill it got a support requirment now. str bh hate support = they dun or wont use that skill. i dun like the idea of asim being a sword skill mages need to use thier staff more often cause i rarely see a mage use a staff when there was no asim now i see lots of mage using staffs. i also do hope they make a few new phy staff cause there is only 1 now.

< Message edited by Luna_moonraider -- 2/19/2011 10:32:36 >


AQW Epic  Post #: 17
2/19/2011 10:15:37   

@8rlx0 ,

Very mature thing to say . We're going for balance of classes . Let me guess ,you're a bounty hunter
AQW Epic  Post #: 18
2/19/2011 10:23:36   

^I am merc
Epic  Post #: 19
2/19/2011 10:29:02   

I see . Well you have all your skills amazing . All of them can be used in different situations . Whileas the mages' skill tree is increadibly weak . The right part is basically unusable . Plasma bolt , Overload , Plasma rain and Supercharge are not nearly as powerful as their merc equivalents .
AQW Epic  Post #: 20
2/19/2011 10:38:00   

Has anybody here even tried Celestine's Assimilation +5 Focus Support Build? Works wonders
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 21
2/19/2011 10:45:52   

plasma bolt and overload are great skill. i do agree sc and plasma rain are kinda useless but mages have Deadly aim. deadly aim was introduced because mages have weak dmging staff. do u see mages carry a weak staff now a day hmm i dun think soo. most new var staff have like +31 dmg. wat bout the other passive reroute which basically lets mages have like 48 energy without increasing it so basically no points is even needed in energy for mages. at higher lvl reroute and deadly aim is way better than hybrid armor. bh blood lust have a tech requirment now wat bout mages reroute do it have any.No it does not. all clases have theirs so called useless skill. mercs: blood shield, Bh: multi shot and mage: super charge.

< Message edited by Luna_moonraider -- 2/19/2011 10:50:41 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 22
2/19/2011 10:49:29   

the new skill is good for mages thats why u need a staff ... to use it
Epic  Post #: 23
2/19/2011 10:52:02   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

The skill is useless to the mages who won't try thinking out of the box and try builds with Assimilation in it. If you try 20 decent looking builds with it and can't make it work then it can be considered UP'd. It's not UP'd just because you can block it or it drains only 10 energy at max. Most of the times it takes only 1 energy point to ruin a battle strategy.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
2/19/2011 10:53:28   

@Luna Mages have three useless skills. Plasma Rain, Supercharge and Bludgeon. Do you ever see any good mage put points in bludgeon except to unlock Reroute? Do you see any mage put points into plasma rain except to unlock Deadly Aim? No. Multi Shot is useless and Venom Strike has been made redundant by Shadow Arts.

Mercs have no useless skills. Blood Shield is not useless, it can save a Merc from a Mage's malfunction, but it has to be used at the right time. Its probably a Mercs weakest skill, but it is far from useless.

< Message edited by Nebula -- 2/19/2011 10:54:00 >
Post #: 25
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