Incase you all have not realized; This is the best update to ever happen to the game. Ever. Well, not ever, but this counteracts so many misdeeds done by the devs. First of all, Removal of Focus from damage. This alone was a HUGE step forward. This gave the equivalent of +20 strength at +5 Focus, giving you a minimum of 65 strength to your attacks. Oh, and that 5 damage was unchangeable, meaning your minimum hit would be 8, not 3. This allowed Heal Looping builds to thrive, as they maintained a 60~ Strength Damage output, with Deadly Aim added on. But, now that Heal Looping is virtually gone, this affect is better seen on the Focus Tank mercs, or support mercs, who used their gun as a nice bonus damage while their robot or aux was recharging. Now onto the Stat Reductions. While some may think this was not necessary, or even something to be praised, I assure you it is. Have you red PD's post on stat inflation? How those +8 stat boosters, on Str or Support, would give exactly 2 levels? Well, now it won't, because nobody really carries stats under 50 anyway. But, now a player will need to put that extra point into a stat to make it increase. I'm very sure skills are unaffected by this, so this is also making your skills stronger; You are investing more points. With the Tech changes, Focus Mercs will have less all-around-bulk (HP and defence, not resistance), as they will increase their tech to maintain their very strong bot assault. This allows you to hit those lower defences with untouched skills, or even attacks. You might not have that Focus boost, but they won't have that defence. Mercs are STILL very powerful; This change lessens their damage intake, so they can survive with lower health and higher defences. Watch out for that robot; It has much gotten stronger now... PLUS: New EggZookas are great, to be honest. Just enhanced Bunnies. I don't even have Bunnies, but these zooka's should be given to those who do, for free. EDIT: This makes Heal Looping MORE gone, actually. Now they have -20 strength to their Primary and Gun, and have less defences because of reductions/Agility. Post merge. Please don't double post. Either wait till someone else post after yours, or edit your first post. ~Mecha
< Message edited by Mecha Mario -- 4/9/2011 15:19:08 >