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7/6/2011 17:32:39   

Do you prepare yourself one day before to get 1vs1, 2vs2 or fame leaderboard? You ask your friends for fame or you go to a full server to get faster wins? Discuss about it and have fun !


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 1
7/6/2011 17:36:58   
  Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

I tried preparing for daily fame, but i never got it, used several social networking sites to notify friends of such, and asked about in game.
1v1 is.. something i won't get for a while, as my build isn't really made for fast kills but i like it how it is so i won't be changing.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
7/6/2011 17:39:20   
Mr. Black OP

i woke up 1 day was like im goin for 1v1, i got 3rd almost 2nd put the 1st place was brainwashing so i gave up and fell to 3rd lol
Epic  Post #: 3
7/6/2011 17:42:43   

@Digital: Today Im trying to win daily fame and have been all day writing these''fame for fame please im going for rising star today:)'' . I have got more than 70 fame votes right now and im with the hopes to win the rising star achievement.
@Zman2: If you give up just a little moment you get crushed like crazy by the other participants xD.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 4
7/6/2011 17:44:27   
Mr. Black OP

i woke up with 12 hours left and said im goin for it
and i gave up cause i was 80 behind and he was gaining wins fast cause of brainwash lol
Epic  Post #: 5
7/6/2011 17:51:16   

^But..but...YOUR STR BOUNTY! With the best gear too!

I never went for anything, but my friend Marc.S did. He was going for 2vs2, and ended up 2 behind. Dropped from 3, since i ended in a 2vs2 with number 1 guy on same team and left. He got owned by 2 sup mercs :D. It was close...
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 6
7/6/2011 17:51:50   

i go for 1vs1 champ when i have a reason first time i wanted the medal then i got greedy and won some more after that its for lvl cap or 1vs1 faction
Epic  Post #: 7
7/6/2011 17:55:36   
Mr. Black OP

when i started he was 300 ahead
i got up and lost by 100 and he was a str merc
and besides with 12 hours u gotta admit that was pretty good with only 30 npcs total
and he was 80 ahead with 2 hours left and still going strong

< Message edited by zman 2 -- 7/6/2011 17:56:07 >
Epic  Post #: 8
7/6/2011 18:03:23   

When I was still non-varium I planned for 2vs2 championship. I got it in 3rd try. Few months later I only wanted to get some credits so I fought in 2vs2 and easily won. lol...


Epic  Post #: 9
7/6/2011 18:10:06   
The UnleaShedWolfZ

idc.. kinda have no time for 1v1/2v2/jugg or fames..


_______________ - | ~W0lF`[Z]~ |- _______________ []
Epic  Post #: 10
7/6/2011 18:21:39   
Chosen 0ne

famed ya death gaurd :)
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 11
7/6/2011 18:29:24   

If you do daily 1vs1 and f4f everyone, chances are that you will get daily fame and 1vs1. Same for 2vs2/Jugg. Jugg lower levels want fame since they 100% do not have 100/1000/
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 12
7/6/2011 19:09:07   

the only thing i did for 1v1 is go to exile (it was back when most of the pro players used epic, so, fast wins )
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
7/6/2011 19:30:51   

Took me me 3 times to win the 1vs1 daily. I will go for the 2vs2 soon . . .

How to prepare ?

- Don't play for a few days before you go for it. You will have less chances of getting bored.
- Look for friends during the day and have a couple PM windows open so you can talk to people to break the monotony
- Be prepare to play for 24 hours
- Switch from server to server from time to time
- Make sure your got a good built (duh)
- Do your npcs and use all your brainwash (1vs1)
- Be aware of the possibility of buttchecks sweating (especially if sitting on leather chair)

I may think of more..stay tuned


I am kind of a big deal, so don't act like you're not impressed.
- Abraham Lincoln
Epic  Post #: 14
7/6/2011 20:19:02   
Fay Beeee

add have plenty of fizzy handy
plenty of choc (for energy of course)
Take short breaks and walk around a bit.
Good Luck if you go for it. :)


Epic  Post #: 15
7/6/2011 20:20:47   
Epic Pwnser

I went for daily fame, and I won by a 100 fame margin. Thanks to my friends, and my paranoia that even though I had a 100 fame lead.
Ended at 272 fame at the end of 24 hours straight.

How do I prepare?
I didn't sleep for 36 hours, so there was no preparation.
What I suggest is a good sleep just right before.
Take a shower or something, get a cup of water.
Take a break whenever you can. Unless ur going for a record like Narc.

I won't do anymore more daily leaderboards anytime soon. ;)
Edit: Took one try of course.

< Message edited by Epic Pwnser -- 7/6/2011 20:21:24 >


Epic  Post #: 16
7/6/2011 20:26:04   

I once won a 1v1 on accident when I was a red str mercenary. I woke up like 8 hours after reset, and I was a str merc and got 600 wins. No competition that day, I got that many cuz my faction was going for 1v1.

Yes, I do prepare normally though.

The Secret to winning Fame is going to 1v1 and faming everyone without asking for fame back. I never had to ask for fame since I won rising star when it came out, because I automatically got it. I was on all time fame.

2v2, its pretty easy. Just need to get a good lead.

Juggernuat, it is even easier. Get lots of support and be a merc and there you go. Its very good percent too.

Good luck guys,

Epic  Post #: 17
7/6/2011 20:34:35   

@Fay beee: You forgot gatorades 5 hours.

@Deimos: You won fame by not asking for fame back? So you didin't gt any fame.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 18
7/6/2011 20:52:39   

Wow, I got some really interesting replies :) I prepare myself just wake up at 11 am and start to beg for fame like crazy, to bad Im 100 fame away from first place but Im try tomorrow again maybe I can hit the jackpot and thanks for the ones who famed me. Anyways I want to try 2 vs 2 leaderboard somedya so what kind of build should I choose and what preparations can I do to make it secure? I think this thread makes happy to anyone because they can share their experience in the game, well at least I'm happy for the awesome replies and maybe I'm taking some advices from the replies
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 19
7/6/2011 22:49:09   

Shoot man yall too relaxed lol anytime I go for something like that I hit Wal Mart and stock up on supplies. Lol where I'm at it resets the day at 1 in the friggin morning man which is when I usually am just going to sleep and I can't ever get any sleep prior so when I do it I'm up for roughly 17 hours before I even start the daily haha and I don't stop until there's absolutely no doubt whatsoever even if a player dummies to beat me which means I can't stop and end up playing friggin 24 hours straight that day everytime... 5 hour energies and massive amounts of caffeine are a super help except when I'm sitting here all jittery then lose a match I got so much energy I start destroying stuff haha I actually had to get a new laptop last year from punching straight through my old one playing this addicting game lmao...sad....really sad....

PS if I don't get that friggin rising star sometime soon this laptop is liable to commit suicide I do believe....

< Message edited by DeathSpawn -- 7/6/2011 22:50:11 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 20
7/6/2011 22:54:31   

^Thats insane bro I don't drink too much coffee I like the caramel granita im addict to it and get crazy when I drink it *Get crazy, get wild (8)* xD Anyways I lose like 6 hours goin to the mall and now I got less posbilites to win though, tomorrow I will try again :).
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 21
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