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The Warrior of Old

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7/15/2011 18:47:24   
Dragonslayer Chaos


This story was written by a man who had lost his brother.
It tells the story of a warrior roaming a destroyed world. He gains friends and allys on his jorney to find the women he loves.
The warrior will face mighty foes, unpredictible storms, and many challanges.
And, if he endures it all, he will regain his prize.

The author of thisstory has long been dead. his name was Agris Shade.
His brother was a mighty warrior, who died protecting the women he loved.
Agris wrote this story in memory of his brother.

This story is a Romantic Tragity. It is also a story full of action.
DF AQW  Post #: 1
7/15/2011 19:12:44   
Dragonslayer Chaos

The Warrior of Old


A man in a heavy looking cloak was traveling across the remains of a dieing world.
This world was once a beautiful worlld. But war destroyed its once great beauty.
The man crossed it with one goal in mind.
He wanted to save the women he loved.
He had been traveling this world for well over a couple years now.
He was no closer to finding his love than yesterday, or the day before.
His foe was a winged demon, who resembled a bat.

The man reached a small town.
It was centered around a small oasis.
The oasis was almost dead dry.
This town was doomed to die.
The man went into a bar in the town.
It was full of evil looking characters.
From bandits to demons. No one there was who the man looked for.
The man went to the bar tender.
He asked for a small drink.
The bartender gave him a small glass of a brown liquid.
The man drank and gave the bartender a couple silver pieces.
Right as the man was about to leave the bar, a couple guys got in his way.
One was a big heavy built man.
The other, a demon that looked like a man, only had red skin and two small horns sticking out of his head.
The deamon said,"Who are you?"
The man replied,"I am but a traveler."
The other guy whispered in the man's ear,"We know who you are."
He ripped off the man's hood.
He had a jet black skin color, with red eyes, white hair, and two pointed ears.
He was a drow.
The drow unsheathed his sword.
The two backed away.
"Get out of my way."
The demon attacked.
The man sliced off his hand when he got close.
The demon screamed in pain.
The man got of the drow's way.
He sheathed his sword, and walked out of the bar.
A man followed the drow.
"Who are you sir?"he asked.
"My name dosen't matter until i get back the one I love."
"Then let me join you."
"I don't need your asistance."
"Yes you do. I can control the storms."
"I don't need help."
"Then i'll follow, no matter what you say."
"Why do you not stay?"
"See that oasis?"
"Even with my aid, it will not hold that much water. This town is dieing faster than the world."
"Then find a new home."
"Thats what I plan."
"I'm going to be traveling a long time. I want to find my love before its to late, and leave this world."
"I'll join you. i don't care what you say."
"Very well, but you'll need suplies."
He snapped his fingers, and some idems began to float twords him.
"No. I don't use magic. I can comand the very elements themselfs. But i can't cast spells."
"I see. What about a weapon?"
The man pulled out a couple axes, both iron, but twice the size of a regular hand held axe.
The drow started moving north.
The sun was setting.
Here the sun sets in the north, and rises in the south.
The man followed the drow.
This was the start of a new journey for him.
He would finaly find a new home.
DF AQW  Post #: 2
7/16/2011 14:56:17   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 2

The drow and man were now crossing t5he wastelands.
The man looked thirsty, unlike th drow.
The man summoned thefew clouds there were, and made a small rain.
He filled his cantens, and continued following the drow.
The drow just sighed and filled his cantine.

They continued on until night forced them to stop.
It was turning from unbearibly hot to bone chilling cold.
They set up a couple tents, ate a small meal of cooked scorpians, and went to bed.

The drow dreamt about the day his love was taken from him.
He and his love, another drow, with long white hair, were resting next a giant oasis.
They had a small picnic.
The sun was setting.
They kissed.
Then, a creacher came from the direction of the setting sun.
It apeared a mix of human and bat. His feet were clawed, his arms were wings, his head was that of a bat.
He landed right in front of them. He let out a horrid scream that stunned the couple.
in the confusion he grabbed the female drow, and flew off.
The man snapped out of it in time to see his love arried away in the direction of the setting sun.
It was then, he decided to track down this demon, and take back his love.

The man was dreaming of the world as it use to be.
Trees everywhere, wonderful rivers, towering mountains. Even a great winter day.
He layed under a tree. Next to him were two little boys, his dead sons. A women was sleeping on his shoulder.
He let out a tear, and stared at what his life once was.

Both woke up and packed up everything they unpacked.
They continued walking off.

The man said, after a while,"I never learned your name drow."
"Do you want to know?"
"I like to know the names of my new friends."
"I am called Drender."
"Drender? i'll just call you Dren."
"As you wish."
"I am Ter Bellder. Most call me Ter though."
"Do you know what your getting into Ter?"
"Your hunting the demon bat."
"You know him?"
"Rumors. All I know is that he abducts people. He runs all the crime on this world."
"Do you know where he is?"Dren asked with a desperite voice.
"All thats known is that he lives in the north. He flys to and from the north. Noone knows the exact location."
"You just narrowed my search Ter. Thank you."
"Its not a problem. He toke something from me as well. I can never get them back though."
"I see. Let go."
Dren looked saddened by this news. He never suspected Ter had lost something.

That following night, Ter drempt he was with his family again. This was their last day together.
Ter was younger. His hair was dark borwn, instead of its current silver. His eyes looked less burrdoned.
His wife, a young maiden with blone hair, was laughing.
His sons, twins, had dirty blone hair, their father's blue eyes, and tanned skin.
They were having fun.
They had lost track of time.
The sun was setting behind a row of trees.
Right as they were about to leave, a demon that looked like a bot came from the direction of the setting sun. He looked like a bat.
The demon flew right up, and tried to take Ter's wife.
Ter grabbed his sword, and attacked the demon.
The demon got mad, and grabbed Ter's sword.
He landed, and put the sword in his claw on his left wing.
He attacked Ter.
Ter dodged and punched the demon in the face.
The demon was so enreged he shifted his attention to Ter's family.
The demon slit his wife's throat.
He killed one of the boys next.
Ter was shocked at what the demon had just did.
He was unable to mave as the demon toke his last living son.
The boy cried out,"DAD!!!"
Ter shouted to his son,"I'll find you one day."
It had now been twenty five years since then.
The world had become that wasteland only twenty years ago.

The next day, while they were on the move, Ter told Dren about what had happened to his family.
From Ter's veiw, it looked like Dren was crying.
Ter decided to be quiet for a while.

They reched another town, since the decision to go north.
It was centered aound a giant, around a mile big, oasis.
DF AQW  Post #: 3
7/16/2011 16:10:22   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 3

Ter and Dren went to a small inn in the town.
The inn was doing well.
Ter ordered a cup of a brown liquid.
Dren ordered a mug of strong ale.
They drank their beverages, and went out to find information on the bat demon.

After a couple hours, all they found out was that the demon was called Berix and he lived in the far north, where it snowed.
They continued for a few more hours before they went back to the inn.

They went back to the inn and reserved a room.
It was nice room. Two beds and a window to see the town.
Through it Dren saw something ood. It was no regular town. It was a prospering city.
The to decided to get some sleep.

The next day, they ate a good breakfeast, payed thir bill, and left.

They asked a few more people about Berix before leaving through the nnorthern exit of the city.
When they were about a couple miles from the gate, a man came running after them.
He was roughly two feet taller than Ter, had black hair, yellow eyes, and was very tan.
He stopped them and asked,"Are you trying to find Berix?"
Dren looked at him and said,"Yes, why?"
"I can help you out. I have no grudge against him, but I know how to find him."
"How?"Ter asked.
"I know where his fortess is."
"Where?"they both asked.
"Due north, at the point where its frozen."
"The frozen mountain?"Dren asked.
"Then feel free to join us...whats you name?"asked Ter.
"I am Zenotar,"was his reply.
The other two introduced themselfs.
Do you have supplies?"Dren asked.
"Yes."He showed them what he had. Five catine full of water, a cantyine of pure mead, a short sword, and some dried meat and fruit.
"Then lets go,"Ter said with a blood thirsty sound in his throat.
With that, they went due north.
They were now closer to finding Berix than ever.
DF AQW  Post #: 4
7/17/2011 20:09:42   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 4

It had been to days ince they left the city. There wasn't a town for miles.
Dren as the only one who didn't look thirsty.
Ter and Zenotar looked like they were about to pass out.

They had treveled for a few hours that day.
Ter felt something cold touch him. Snow.
Zenotar and Dren looked up. It was snowing.
They were in north of the world.
Dren knew to keep going north.

After a couple more hours, they set up camp.
Instead of three sepeate tents, they made one big tent for warmth.
The three set up a fire, and cooked some meat from a kill the other day. It wasn't roting yet.
Once they ate, they went to the tent and went to sleep.

Dren dreamt of his love again.

Ter dreamt of his family.

Zenotar dreamt of Berix.
Berix was flying over the wastlands, twaords a giant castle formed out of a frozen mountain.
In his claws was an unconsious man missing his left arm.
The man looked familiar, but who?

They woke the nextday, and got ready to treck through the snow.

They were traveling for five hoursbefore they got into a blizzard.
Ter commandedthe storm to cease.
It turned down to a small amount of snow.

They went on for a couple more miles before setting up camp.

They traveled for two more days before the mountain came into veiw.
It wasn't a mountain though.
It was apalace made of rock and ice.
Dren clenched his fists, and ran twoards the castle.
Ter and Zenotar ran after him.

Berix waswatching these intruders.
He leaned onthe railing of a balcony.
He cracked smile, showing his fangs.
Two gauds in iron armor came up.
Berix told them,"Ready the guards for battle."
Both guards just saluted him, not saying a word, and walked off.

Dren stopped at the door to the castle.
Noone was guading the place.
Ter and Zenotar came up, and unsheathed their weapons.
Dren pushed open the doors.
a dozen guads clad in iron armorcame bursting out.
DF AQW  Post #: 5
7/17/2011 23:04:02   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 5

Zenotar and Ter held off the soldiers coming out of the castle.
Dren was stunned. He had not thought of people protecting Berix.
Dren raised his sword and began defending himself.

It toke about a hour, but they had beaten all the soldiers.
Dren was the only one not exhasted. Ter and Zenotar were gasping.
Dren went into the castle. Ter and Zenotar followed.
What they saw inside was nothing they expevted to see.
Inside was full of people chained to the floor.
When Dren looked, they were a mix of demon, drow, human, and multible other races.
Dren looked at all the faces in front of him.
He didn't see his love.

They spent the next hour freeing the prisoners and asking questions.
It turned out there were a total of five fortresses all over the dieing world.
Dren's love was in one of them.
All the people they freed decided to aid them. they had almost all lost their familys.

Ter kept asking people if they knew, or were his son. He asked them questions about their pasts.
After a couple hours, he thought he had no leads, until an old man came up to him.
The man said,"I hear your looking for your son."
"Do you know anything?"
"I am the oldest man here, I know all the people who came through this place. I remember a young boy who was brought here twenty-five years ago. he always said his father would save him. He became my first friend here. He gave me a share of his food, always talked to me when no one else would, eventoke the blame for something I did."
"What happened?"Ter asked.
"I had stolen a little extra food from one of the guards. Number 58, as he was called, no one knew his name, toke the blame, said he gave the food he toke to me."
"Where is he?"
"He was beaten up by the guards, then shipped to one of the other fortresses. No one has seen him since."
"I see. and what of the guards here?"
"They are creachers called The Hollow. they wee once human, until berix killed them. Then he toke their souls and made them into those."
"I see."
"I wish to join you."He looked Ter in the eyes.
Ter looked surprized."Why would you join us?"
"Berix killed my wife and my daughter, eaten my brother, and taken my friend. He has taken to much from me. I wish revenge."
"Can you journey the watlands?"
"Any elf can."
Ter had not noticed the pointed ears. The old man also had a flawless face like Dren's, only human skin color.
"Your not to old?"
"Not even close."
"Then feel free."
"Thank you."The man smiled.
"What is your name sir?"
"I don't remember my original name, but everyone calls me Number 12."
"Well i'll call you 12 then."
"Very well."
The two went to Dren and explained the situation.
Dren sighed and agreed for 12's help.

The group found an armory and armored all the prisoners.
Ter and Dren didn't need armor.
Zenotar and 12 put on some armor though.
They also found a map of the wastland. It had five marks on it, each one of Berix's fortresses.
Dren smiled. He could now narrow down the search.

Berix saw his guards defeated.
Seeing this, he transported hiself to antoher one of his bases.
He was at another base. He cast a spell and fled to antoher one of his bases.
He had lost one of his five fortresses. He was angered by those three anoying intrudrs.
So, he began planning his attack on the three.
DF AQW  Post #: 6
7/17/2011 23:25:19   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 6

Dren had been studying the map the whole day.
The rest of the group had fallen asleep.
Dren was planning which fortress to goto next.
The closest involved a treck through a volcanic wasteland.
The farthest involved a treck through the vast desert.
The one due east of them involved five days of hicking.
And the last one was an eight day jorney from there. but it was bigger than the rest.

The next morning, the other three woke up and found Dren studying the map.
Ter was going to go up, until Dren rolled up the map.
He said,"I know where to go next."
Ter sakde,"Where?"
Dren unrolled the map and showed them the location of the base closest to them.
Dren smiled and said,"Its not that far away, but it involves a trip through a volcanic wasteland."
"It could be worse,"Zenotar replied.
"Then when do we leave?"12 asked.
"As soon as we get something to eat, and replinish out supplies."
They ate, dressed in new clothes, even Dren dressed in new desert rags, and packed up their supplies.
Everyone there decided to stay and guard thefortress as thire new land.

The group left around noonish.
Dren was cracking a smile, he was closer to Berix.

Berix watched the group as they crossed the dessert, twoard the volcano lands.
Berix cracked a smile. He would see if they survived and got to his base.
Berix was not there tough.
He was at his last base, his most recently built.
It was last base mentained. But it was not on land, or in one place.
It was flying.
DF AQW  Post #: 7
7/18/2011 13:04:51   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 7

Dren, 12, Ter and Zenotar were only a days journey from the volcano lands.
The four of them were so near to the volcano lands, Dren was smiling that he would have his revenge.
Zenotar had a bad feeling though. it felt as though they were doing something they shouldn't.

Berix was watching them.
At his flying base, one of his eyes was watching them.
He was watching them through someone else.

After a day of constant hicking, the volcano lands were in site.
They decided to camp. They woud have to continuesly hick in order to survive those wastelands.

After a camp was up, they cooked a few scorpians, and ate them, along with some dried fruit.
They went to bed. Four tents were up.

Dren dreamt of him fighting Berix to the death.

Ter dreamt of seeing his son again.

Zenotar dreamt of being under a tree with a man that looked like him, a beautiful women, and a man with brown hair.
Zenotar was not under standing this at all.

12 dreamt of his friend.
The boy had black hair, yellow eyes, and was very pale.
They talked.
The boy, 58, said,"What do you plan to do when you leave this place 12?"
"I don't know,"12 replied.
"I understand. All I want to do is see my dad again."
"He is the last of your family isn't he?"
"Yeah. My mother and bother were killed by Berix."
"You don't wish revenge?"
"I do, but i can't be the one to kill him."
"I see."
"Here comes the food."
A guard cam up and handed each of them a loaf of bread and a cantine of water.
When the guard turned his head, 12 toke a couple more loafs of bread from him.
The guard walked away.
"You want one?"12 asked.
"I'm fine 12."
"Very well."12 began eatting.
A guard came walking by, and noticed the three loafs in 12's hands. He walked up to the old elf.
The guard asked,"How did you get that exta bread?"
12 didn't answer.
The guard kicked 12 in the stomach, making him throw up the loaf of bread he just finished eatting.
The guard asked,"Did you steal them?"
"No sir."
"LIES!!,"shouted the guard.
Right when the guard was about to kick him again, 58 said,"I toke the bread."
The guard looked at him, and said,"Say again, this time louder."
"I toke the bread!"
"Come with me you brat."The guard grabbed 58 by his arm and carried him away.
12 was worried by this change in events.
He continued eatting though.

The next day, 12 told Ter about that day his son was taken away.
Ter just smiled and said,"I may not have made it in t5ime to get his back, but he was good enough to keep an old man from being shipped away. I'm proud of him."
12 smiled.
They were now in the volcano lands.
The sky was nothing but a black cloud of ash.
This was an evil place.

They trecked for over eight hours before finaly exiting the volcano lands.
Ahead was a towering fortress.
It apeared to made out of black stone.
It was the second fortress.

Berix laughed when they mad it out of the volcano lands.
They were one step closer to death.
DF AQW  Post #: 8
7/18/2011 13:22:56   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 8

The group had reached the door to the fortess.
Each had their weapons drawn.
Dren pushed the doors open.
An army of The Hollow came out and attacked.
They were clad like the ones at the last base.

They eventualy defeated the guards.
Then another came out of the base.
He was clad in silver, and had ram horns on his helm. He also carried an axe.
It appeared to be their commander.
It raised its axe and shouted,"For Master Berix!"
Dren raised his sword and faught the comander.
The creacher was strong, but not as strong as Dren.
After a few minutes, Dren sliced the axe in half, and sent his sword through the monster's chest.
The monster fell to the ground, dead.
The group went in.

Berix became mad. his forces have failed twice.
Berix called someone to him.
It was a girl. She was clad in gold armor, and had pale white skin.
He told her,"Ready the armys young one."
"Yes master,"she replied.
Berix had lost two fortresses.

Inside the fortress were multible people, man, women, even child. They were elfs, drow, demon, and human.
They questioned about the two missing people.
One of the female elfs told dren his love was taken to another fortress not a month ago.
Dren had been so close.

Zenotar was walkingf around.
A man grabbed his arm.
He was a demon with green skin, goat legs, two ram horns on his head, and a fanged mouth.
He said,"So you returned.'
"You know me?"
"You were once a prisoner here."
"Why don't I remember?"
"Berix whiped your mind of almost all memories. You kept saying how he toke your family away from you."
"My family?"
"Yes. You had a brother, mother, and father."
"What happened to me?"
"Berix whiped your mind, and let you go free."
"Can you tell me what you know about me?"
The demon told Zenotar everything he knew. It had turned out that Ter was closer to fining his son.
Zenotar was Ter's son.
But why would berix let him go free?

Berix was angered byv the turn of events.
Zenotar was never to regain his memories.
It now made since why Berix could see the group. He was watching though one of Zenotar's eyes.
DF AQW  Post #: 9
7/19/2011 14:11:18   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 9

Zenotar was going to tell Ter about what he had learned, but decided not to. He would wait until he found out more about what happened.

Ter noticed Zenotar had something onhis mind. He went up to him.
"Something wrong Zenotar?"
"No. I ust have to think some stuff over."
"If you have something on your mind, you can talk to me. Remember that my friend."
"I will."
Ter went to talk to Dren.

Dren was talking to the female elf that told him his love had been taken away.
It turns out that the two had been friends for a while.
His love had done nothing wrong. Berix just moved her to another fortress.
Dren had his choise of two fortresses now.

Ter came up and looked at the map Dren had.
Dren was looking at the one farthest away.
Ter was going to say something, until 12 came up and told him not to.
Dren kept his eyes on the map, not even looking at Ter or 12.

Later that day, around mid afternoon, 12 was walking armound the fortress.
Zenotar was looking for him. He wanted to talk to his friend.
When Zenotar found him, 12 just smiled.
12 said,"Hellow Zenotar."
Zenotar said,"I need to talk to you about something 12."
"Is it your going to tell me your 58?"
"How did you know?"
"Your eyes. They are the same since I knew you."
"Have you told anyone?"
"No. Not even Ter."
"Don't tell him just yet. He can't know who i am. at least, not yet."
"I understand."
The two begane walking, and talking about what they had delt with since they departed ways.

Dren had been studing the map to see which fortresses to attack next.

After a couple more hours, he decided the one farthest away.

Berix kept watch through zenotar's eye.
He had heard everything 12 and Zenotar had talked about.
It was nothing of interest.

The next morning, Dren called the group together.
He showed them the map and said,"Our next target is the base farthest away."
"Thats at least a one month travel,"Ter said.
"I know, but its our best chance."
"No, not that fortress just yet. Go for the one in the east."
Dren looked to see a demon, the one Zenotar talked to.
He was wearing an iron chest plate and a leather loincloth.
He walked up and said,"I wish to join you."
Dren asked,"Can you fight?""
The demon smiled and said,"Best here."
"Then whats you name?"Ter asked.
"I am called 47."
"Well then 47, you better get some supplies,"Zenotar said.
"I'll be back,"was his reply.
Only five minutes later, he rturned carring twice the amound of supplies that the others. They were surprized an old man like him could carry so much.
"Don't worry, demons are stronger than any other race, decpite our age."
"Then lets go,"Dren said.
The group set out.

Berix laughed at them.
The group was not going to survive if he had anything to say about it.
He told a couple guards to bring someone to him.
A couple minutes later, the guards brought someone to him.
It was a female drow. She had long snow white hair and bright red eyes, full of hate.
Berix said,"Your love dosen't give up so easily."
The women smiled and said,"i wait for the day he comes and kills you Berix von Dredger."
"How dare you use that name?!"he said so loud that the drow and the guards had to cover their ears.
"Drender will kill you Berix. and i will wait for that day."
Berix laughed and said,"You are so foolish. He can barly beat my guad alone. He woun't beat me so easily."
"Your wrong Berix. My love will be victorious."
He walked up to the drow and said,"Your hope is strong, but useless. I will kill Drender and bath in his blood."
"The dorw's eyes glowed brighter, and she whispered,"Your wrong."
Berix just sighed. He told the guards,"Take numbr 132 back to her cell."
"I have a name Berix. My name is Venderel."
"Not anymore. Take her."
Berix just stared through Zenotar's eye. He kept his watch on the group.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 7/19/2011 14:12:21 >
DF AQW  Post #: 10
7/19/2011 23:36:51   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 10

It had been two days since they left the second fortress behind.
They had decided to go for the one closest to the last fortess. It would be roughly a week before they arrived.

The group sat down around a fire while their food cooked.
47 said,"What do you plan to do when we find Berix? He stronger than any demon or elf."
"We'll kill him,"Dren and Ter said at once.
Zenotar just stared at the fire, thinking.
12 had fallen asleep.
When the food was ready, the group ate up.

That night, Dren saw his love in chains.
She had multible cuts and bruises.
She looked in the direction of Dren.
She smiled and said,"Its been a while my love."
"It has."
"Don't be fooled by this. We are not in the same room. You are still far away from me."
Dren looked at his hands. they were transperant.
"What happened to you?"Dren asked.
"Berix,"she said with distaste.
Dren felt a tear roll down his cheek. Berix had hurt the women he loves.
"He will pay for this Venderel. I swear it."
"Thank you my love."
Then Dren started to vanish.
But, before he completly vanished he saw Berix for a split second.

Ter dreamt of his son.
It was the last day they were together.

12 stayed awack that night. Same with 47.

Zenotar saw odd things.
He was in a flying fortess.
When he looked in a mirror, his face was that of a bat.
He was Berix.
Berix cracked smile.
"So, you are seeing me then."
Zenotar tried to say something, only to find himself mute.
"I'll tell you this my little pawn. I know what your doing."
Zenotar would have shouted if he could.
But, before he could wake up, Berix ripped Zenotar's consious from him.
Zenotar saw his mind and body leave each other.
Berix laughed and said,"Now I have way to end those fools."
One of The Hollow came up. He wore a black armor, even blacker than the iron armor.
Berix grabbed The Hollow, and replaced him for Zenotars soul.

The group woke up.
They had a small breakfeast, except Zenotar.
They began heading twoard the fortress.

When they settled down for the night, Zenotar began acting weirder.
He didn't eat anything. he just starred into the fire not saying anything.

Zenotar was forced to see this abomination the whole time.

When the group had fallen asleep, except 47, Zenotar snapped out of it, and went to Dren's tent.

Dren was dreaming of his love.
He waseeing her in chains, with Berix staring at him.
He heard a noise and opened his eyes.

Zenotar watched as his body went into Dren's tent.

47 saw Zenotar go into Dren's tent. He followed.

Zenotar stood over Dren.
Zenotar unsheathed his sword. It made a noise.

Dren woke to see Zenotar over him with an unsheathed sword, and a murderius look on his face.
Zenotar raised his sword, getting ready for the kill.
Dren didn't have time to get out of the way.
Then, right when the sword was only an inch from his face, 47 attacked Zenotar.

Ter and 12 heard the noise and ran to Dren's tent.

Zenotar frorced 47 out of the tent, twoard the fire.

Zenotar gaged in horror at what was happening.
His body was going to kill his friends.

Dren got his sword, and went after Zenotar.

47 was loseing ground, being forced into the flames.
Zenotar was going to kill him.

Dren attacked Zenotar.
Zenotar blocked the attack faster than any human should have.
Zenotar pulled out another sword.
He attacked with so much speed, Dren was barely able to block attack.

Ter and 12 were about to attack, until something happened.

Zenotar was attacking Dren.
Zenotar disarmed Dren and was about to kill him.
Then, 47 jumped on his back.
Zenotar was trying to shak him off.
47 was shouting,"Something is wrong with Zenotar. This isn't like him."
12 replied,"I agree, but he'll kill us if we don't do anything."
Dren sliced at Zenotar.
Zenotar had a giant gash going down his chest, but no blood came out.

Zenotar tried to break free from Berix's grip, but to no evail.
Berix laughed at what he saw.

Dren stepped back in horror.
That gash should have killed him.
Zenotar came at him.

Zenotar forced himself out of Berix's grip, and returned to his body.

Zenotar stopped mid attack.
Dren looked at this.
Zenotar had stopped moving.

Zenotar faught the creach with all his strength.

Zenotar let out a scream that was a mix of growl and scream.
Dren stepped back in horror.
Something was coming out of Zenotar's mouth.
It appeared to be a black mist.

Zenotar was forcing The Hollow out of him.
The Hollow appeared as a black mist.

A man in black armor appeared in front of the group.
The group noticed him as one of The Hollow.
Zenotar went unconsious.

Berix was angered by this outcome.

Venderel laughed. She somehow knew what had just happened.

Dren pulled out his sword and sent it through the monster's heart.
The Hollow vanished in a black mist.

Berix let out a scream loud enough to be heard through out the entire fortress.

Dren and the others stayed guard around Zenotar's limp body.

After about five hours, Zenotar woke up.
The gash in his chest had turned into a large disfiguring scar.
Dren looked at Zenotar with disbelife.
Before Zenotar worried about them, he ripped out his left eye.

Berix howled in pain, he felt the eye being ripped out.
That was the eye he watched them through.

Everyone starred inhorror at what was happening.
Zenotar threw his eye on the ground.
Dren said, after they stopped Zenotar's bleeding,"What happened Zenotar?"
Zenotar told them everthing. He told them that Berix had been spying on them, that that thing toke control of Zenotar's body, after Berix removed his soul, and everthing else that hapened in that time.
12 said,"all this time. And you didn't know?"
Zenotar shock his head."Now i know why he let me go free. I was to be his spy. And I didn't even know about it."
Ter looked at the eye on the ground. He grabbed the eye and threw it into the sands.
Zenlotar grabbed some cloth and wrapped it around his open socket.
He said,"Now its time for revenge."
The group packed up their stuff and went twoard the fortress.

Berix let out a howl.
The women in gold armor came up and kneeled before Berix.
Berix told her,"Get all the forces ready! I want their heads!"
"Yes my master."
She walked away.

Venderel smiled. The howl of pain from Berix was joy to her.
Her love and his friends were giving her more hope.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 7/19/2011 23:38:33 >
DF AQW  Post #: 11
7/20/2011 19:30:52   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 11

The fortress was in sight.
Dren and Zenotar stared at the fortress, waiting for something to happen.
When nothing happened, they decided to wing it.
Dren drew his sword, and pushed open the door.
The guards attcaked them with out mercy.
On of the shouted,"You killed our commander!"
The group fought them.

It toke a couple of hours to kill them all, but they eventaly feel.
The group went into the fortress.
It was like the other two.
The prisoners were all in one room.

When the prisoners were free, they asked qustions about Berix and his fortresses.
An old drow, he looked older than 12, came up. He wore torn up rags instead of clothes.
He said,"Berix needs these fortresses."
Dren asked,"Why?"
The drow told them, once Dren unroled the map,"That fortress,"he pointed to the big one,"is his main one. It flys."
"How?"Ter asked.
"Each fortress has been enchanted. These four fortresses,'He pointed out the other four,"make the main one fly, unless their comanders are killed."
"Like the man in black armor?"Zenotar askeed."And the one in silver armor?"
"Exactly,"he replied."How many fortresses have you faught, and how many comanders have you killed?"
"Three fortresses, two comanders,"Dren stated.
"I see. He is keeping one safe."
"What do we do then?"12 asked.
"You go for this base,"he pointed to the one farthest away.
"Then what will happen?"Dren asked.
"Berix will come to you."
"Then lets go,"47 stated.
Some one came up in torn clothes.
She had long black hair, pale skin, and emerald eyes.
She said,"Allow me to join you."
Ter, 12 and 47 looked puzzeled.
Dren looked at her and said,"Can you fight?"
She pulled out a small axe and said,"What do you think?"
Dren asked,"What do you have against Berix?"
She smiled,"He killed my father. He was all I had, and Berix killed him."
"Gather some supplies and you can join us."Dren walked away.

An hour later, after everyone gathered some more supplies, they got ready to leave.
The girl came up.
She had tied her hair back, showing pointed ears. She was an elf.
She had changed out of the torn clothes into iron battle-armor, axe strapped to her side.
On her back was a pack full of supplies.
They left.

Berix was angered that he couldn't see what was happening to them.
When Zenotar ripped out his eye, he lost contact with the body.
The girl in gold armor carried in Venderel.
Venderel looked even worse than the last time Berix had her brought to him.
Her face was swolen in multible places. she had bruises all over her arms and legs. Along with cuts on her sides.
She laughed at Berix."You will not stop them Berix. Drender will come, and i will be free."
Berix slapped her across the face."Quiet whelp."
"Master?"the girl asked.
"Ready the fortress to fly. Were going for my last fortress,"was his reply.
The girl bowed and left.
Berix chained Venderel to the wall.
Venderel didn't bother fighting. He strength gave out a few days ago.
She both hated and felt sorry for Berix. He woul die so soon.

The group set up camp.
The elf said,"My name is Elender. pleased to meet you all."
They all introduced themselfs to Elender.
Once they were all introduced, Ter said,"Elender, would you mind if I called you Elen?"
"Thats no problem at all Ter."
They continued to talk for the following hour until the food was ready.
When they finished eating, all but 47, 12 and Elen went to bed.
47 kept watch over the camp, since demons don't sleep that much.
12 and Elen were talking about what their lives were like before Berix captured them.

12 had lived with his borther and father.
They were enjoying a fine feast with their friends.
Berix came to the feast and killed everyone, except 12.

Elen had lived with her father all her life.
She and her father were traveling to a new country.
On their way, Berix stopped them, faught them, toke her, and left her father for dead.
She knew her father was dead. Berix showed her his body two years after she was taken.

They continued talking until the sun came up.
Elen felt happy when she was with 12.
12 felt the same.

When the sun rose, they woke the others.

They traveled for twelve hours, eating while walking, until the sun had set.
They had covered so much ground that day.

They went to sleep after eating, except Elen and 12.
Even 47 slept that night.
They talked about many things.
They talked about what made thme feel happy.
All was going well.
12 said, after a few hours of talking,"Another thing that makes me happy is being with you."
Elen blushed. That statement made her feel a bit embarised.
12, realizing what he said, said,"I'm sorry if I said something wrong."
Elen replied,"No, its no problem at all. you just surprized me."
12 starteed laughing. Elen blushed and joined in laughing.
They continued to talk until the other woke up.

The group did the same thing for the next eight days.
They would travel for twelve hours each day. They would camp after they traveld far enough. They would eat a small dinner. then sleep.
Except Elen and 12. They talked the night away.

After eleven days of traveling, they reached a small ridge.
The fortress was in sight.
They traveled a great distance in such a short time.
They set up camp, and ate up a good meal for the battle to come.

That night, the group slept.

Elen woke up in the middle of the night, to see 12 starring over the ridge.
Elen was wearing a silk night dress. It made her look even more beautiful than before.
She went up to 12.
12 looked at her and smiled,"So i'm not the only one not sleeping."
Elen blushed and said,"I woke up not that long ago."
12 laughed.
Elen blused when he laughed.
12 then said,"You look beautiful Elen."
She blused so hard, you could swear she was angry. She looked to the ground, heart racing, and said,"Your kind. I'm not that beautiful comparec to most."
12 grabbed her hand and said,"Maybe not on the outside, but on the inside, your more beautiful than anyone else."
Elen pulled her hand free and backed away, heart racing faster than ever.
12 looked surprized.
Elen, when she was herself again, went up to 12 and said,"Your words are like poetry to my heart.'
12 blushed.
"I have a question,"she asked."Do you love me?"
12 was at a lose for words. He had to stop and think over the past few days.
When he found what he was looking for, he said,"I do. I love you Elender."
She smiled and said,'As do I 12."
She looked him in the eyes, and kissed him.
12 closed his eyes enjoying this moment, hoping it would never end.

Berix was in his throne, watching the ground move under him.
His flying fortress was only a days jorney from the last fortress.

Armys from the other fortresses were heading in the direction of the last fortress.
They meet together only the day before.
The giant force would be at the last fortress in only a few hours.
This would be the last battle aganst Berix.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 7/21/2011 13:41:46 >
DF AQW  Post #: 12
7/21/2011 13:41:31   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 12

Dren and the others woke to find 12 and Elen asleep by the fire pit, holding hands.
Dren just stared at them, thinking of his love.

After a couple hours 12 and Elen woke to find the rest starring at them.
Ter said,"Congratulations."
The others gave their congratulations to them as well.

After a quick breakfeast, the group got ready to attack the last fortress.
Until, a band of people jumped out of nowhere.
The were dressed in pieces of armor, all carring weapons.
They wern't Berix's soldiers, biut they looked familiar.
Then it accured to them.
They were the prison ers they freed.
Dren shouted,"We are not your enemys!"
They lowered their weapons, remembering that voice.

The former prisoners told them what had happened when they left the fortreesses.
Each prisoner had been getting ready for war.
They wanted to help kill Berix.

When they finished, Dren said,"There is no turning back. your putting your lifes on the line you know."
The biggest man among them, human, said,"We know."
"Very well, join in if you want,"Dren replied.
The man, apearintly their leader, told one of the prisoners to go to the others, and meet them there.
The man said,"My name is Benndren."
The others introduced them selfs.

Ter walked off after all the introductions were done.
Zenotar followed.
Ter was looking at the last fortress.
Zenotar went up and asked,"What are you planning?"
"To go in there and get my son back,"was his reply.
Zenotar looked at the ground and said,"Hes not in there."
Ter looked at Zenotar puzzeled."How do you know?"
"Because hes right here."
Ter was shocked to hear Zenotar say that. he looked into Zenotar's eye. It had changed color, but it was his son's eye.
Ter backed away from his son. He had not expected this.
Zenotar went up and hugged his father.
Ter began to cry, and hugged his son as well.

Benndren's men came up to the group.
They were roughly one million strong.

Berix's flying fortress was only a couple hours from its destination.
He was going to kill them personaly.

Dren and the others readied the forces.
They kept it up for a couple hours.
When everyone was ready, they charged the fortress.

Berix sent an order fo the guards at the last fortress to attack.

Guards came running out of the fortress.

Dren attack first, then the others joined in.
12 and Elen were holding hands while fighting.
Ter and Zenotar were watching eachother's backs.
47 was letting out all his demonic power on the guards.
Benndren was commanding his forces while fighting off the monsters.
Eveything was looking to their side, until the heard an odd noise.
It was Berix's screech.

He sent down the comanders of the norther fortress, and the comander of that fortress.
The northern one wore armor armor the color of copper.
The other wore rusted red armor.
They were looking ready to kill.

The forces started to back away from them.
Dren knew what this meant.
"Ter help me out!"he shouted.
Ter came running up, axes in hand.
Two comanders came up, one in copper armor, the other was rusted.
The comander drew their swords.
Dren attacked the one in the rusted armor, and Ter attacked the one in copper armor.

Dren disamred the monster in no time, then beheaded the monster.

Ter had managed to slice off the other comanders hands, and then sent his blade through the monster's heart.

The Hollow attacked with their full force, trying to avenge their fallen comanders.
Dren and the others killed them easily.

Berix sent down his most powerful forces.

Dren and the others wern't ready for the second attack.

During the fight against the second wave, 12 and Elen snuck into the fortress, freeing the prisoner, and reading them for war.

More forces came out of the base, and the attacked The Hollow.
They faught hard enough to make someone feel useless.

Dren managed to find Benndren, Ter, Zenotar, 47, 12, and Elen.
He said,"I have a plan."
He explained that Benndren's army would hold off the main forces, while Ter, Zenotar and Dren went into the flying fortress.
The others liked this plan. They agreed to it.

Berix watched as his forces wern't losing ground.
He had a third wave ready for battle any time.
His General, the women in gold armor, came up."Master."
"Yes General?"
"The main forces are ready, just let me know when to let them attack."
'Release them."
"Yes my lord. Release the main forces!"she shouted.
An army started to fall out of the fortress.

Dren and the others had manged to find a catipult in the fortress they toke.

After an hour of work, they managed to make it so it could fire an arrow with 3 people on it.

Benndren's forces were being over run by the monsters.
But he knew if Berix fell, his minions would die.

The three were ready for launch.
47 chopped the rop holding the arrmo back.
It went strait into the fortress.
They had landed the arrow in the outside all of the fortress.
The three got off the arrow, and went into the fortress through a window.

Berix heard the arrow hit the fortress.
He sent some of his guards to the location.

Ter heard the guards coming before anyone else.
The three drew their weapons.
The guards were wearing a spicked version of their regular armor. They attacked.
Dren attacked, killing two of the guards, before he was sent flying back by one of the guards.
Ter started calling forth a storm cloud.
Zenotar was holding off the guards while his father called forth a storm.
Ter opened hios eyes and a giant tempets began swiling around him.
It obsorbed the guards, and sent them falling to thir deaths.
Dren had managed to get to his feet, and began heading in the direction the guards came from.
This was going to be a tough fight for him.

Berix heard the tempest.
He had a plan ready for Ter.
He called forth his General.
He said,"Take off your helm."
She did. Her face was that Ter could never hurt.
It was his dead wife.
DF AQW  Post #: 13
7/21/2011 16:14:32   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 13

Dren, Ter and Zenotar were heading twoard Berix's throne room.

Berix had everything ready for his battle against Dren.

Venderel was smiling. He love was near.
Her heart was racing. She would wait till he came to her.

The Genreal went twoard Ter, Dren and Zenotar.
She was wearing a set of gold plated robes. She had a golden sword in her left hand.

The group was near to Berix's throne room.
They stopped.
A women in gold plated robes was in their way. She had a golden helm in the hsape of a bull's skull on.
Ter said,"You go on Dren, me and Zenotar have this.
Dren noded and ran toward the lady.
She tried to stab Dren.
Dren jumped over her.
He ran up the stairs.
He would face Berix.

Ter and Zenotar readied their weapons.
The lady raised her sword and jumped twoard them.

Benndren was fighing off some of The Hollow with 12 and Elen fighting next to him.
Benndren was worried they might lose.
He hoped that dren's plan worked.

Dren had made it to the highest point in the fortress. He pushed open the door.
Berix was standing there, covered in iron armor, and an axe in each hand.
Berix let out a loud scream before he attacked.
Dren blocked the demon's attack, and attacked back.
Dren still wore his desert rags.

Ter and Zenotar blocked the lady's attack.
Ter called forth the powerful tempest again.
He sent a large storm at the lady.
She simply raised her sword and cut through the cloud, making it vanish.
Ter raised his axe, making a lighning bolt hit it, and sent a large arc of lightning at the gold plated lady.
She almost dodged the lightning. It hit her on her helm. Making it split in half.
When Ter and zenotar saw her face, they stopped.
It was her, Ter's dead wife.

Dren and Berix were fighting it out.
Dren was attacking Berix with all his strength.
Berix was blocking Dren effortlessly.
Dren manage to finaly land a blow on berix, slicing off one of his ears.
Berix howled in pain. He raised his axes and hit Dren's sword with all his strngth.
The sword brock in half.
Dren grabbed the hilt of his sword.
He charged at Berix.
Berix dodged the attack, and made a large gash in Dren's back.
Dren yelled in pain.

Benndren hear a loud yell come from the fortress.
Both armys heard it and looked at the fortress.

Ter and Zenotar were to distracted by the fact they were looking at her, to notice the loud yell.

Venderel's smile vanished.
That was Drender yelling in pain.

Dren fell to the floor, near dead.
Berix left Dren to die, and walked off.
Dren closed his eyes.

He was in a world of pain and death.
All around him were the faces of people in pain, people he knew.
On of the faces came up and said,"You should fight my love."It was Venderel.
Dren felt like crying,"Your dead?"
The voice said,"Not yet, but I will be if you don't wake."
Dren felt worse than ever.
Ter voice shouted,"Don't die!"
Zenotar said,"We will die if you die."
12 and Elen said together,"Don't let your friends and love die Drender."
47 said,"You should be ashamed my friend."
Bennder said,"We fight for you."
None of them managed to stir Dren from his state.
Then, he heard Berix laugh and asy,"I win."
Dren became angered.

Dren opened his eyes. Berix was at the door.
Dren mouthed a simple healing spell. the wound on his back began to heal.

Berix felt something was wrong and looked behind him.
Dren was on his feet.

Dren mouthed another spell. His rags began to become a silver armor. His sword was also reforging itself.
The rags melted away. He was now wearing a bright silver armor.
He yelled and charged, holding a newly fixed sword.

Benndren heard the second yell, and his army faught with new found strength.

Ter and Zenotar heard the second yell, and snapped out of it.
The General had gotten to her feet.
They charged her.

Venderel smiled again.
She had found the strength to break free from the chains when he yelled again.
She was finaly free from those evil things.

Dren was finaly overpowering Berix, forcing him tlo drop one of his axes.
Berix was forced to flee.
His wings and arms seperated, and he flew out a window.
Dren mouthed another spell, and silved wings sprouted from his back, and he flew after Berix.

Ter and Zenotar had managed to hold off the General's attack, disarming her.
Ter had one of his axes at her neck.
He was about to kill her.
Then, she sent a sworxd through his stomache.
He colapsed from the pain.
Zenotar attackt h monster that was once his mother.

Dren and Berix were fighting in the air, sword and axe coliding while they manuvered through the air in complicated motions.
DF AQW  Post #: 14
7/21/2011 16:51:03   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 14

Berix was being overpowered by this drow.
Dren raise sword, and swung it down.
The sword cut off one of Berix wings.
Berix howled in pain as he fell to the ground.
Dren went after him.

Zenotar swung his sword, colliding with the General's sword.
Zenotar kept swining and swinging, hit in the foes sword until it broke.
The genral fell to the ground with the hilt of a sword in her hand.
Zenotar raised his sword, and sent it through her heart.
The general began to catch fire.
Zenotar grabbed his father and jumped out of the fortress right before the genral exploded, destroying the fortress with her.

Dren was racing down twoard Berix.
Berix was bearly able to escape death at that moment. He use his wing to glid out of the way just in time.
Dren stopped before he hit the ground.
Berix began to run from Dren, killing anyone in his way, servant or not.
Dren followed his him, sword at the ready.

Benndren saw the fortress explode, and Berix running from Dren. The plan had worked.

The enemy army became weaker, and more recless without the general around.
they charged, not thinking of anything but death.

Ter use what strength he had left to make a small tempest to slow down their decent.

When they were on the ground, Zenotar got one of the soldier who knew how to heal to come over.
Ter was looking very bad.
He looked at Zenotar and said,"You look a lot like i did when I was your age. You have never disapointed me son."
"Dad, son't talk to much save your strrngth,"Zenotar said while trying to hold back tears.
"I need to say this son. I will die this day."
Zenotar began crying and said,'You can't. I just got you back dad. I can't let you die."
Ter grabbed his son's hand and said,"Everyone dies. You, me, even your mother. You have to learn to accept it."
Zenotar began to cry harder.
Ter looked at his son and said,"Grab my axe."
Zenotar grabbed it and asked,"What are you planning?"
Ter grabbed the axe from Zenotar's hands and put it to his chest.
"I give you my birthright, my power. I give you the strength to control the storms. You now have my power Zenotar."
A cloud began to form around Zenotar.
Ter looked happy.
Zenotar forced the cloud to let him go, it obeyed.
Ter smiled and said,"Now I can die...a happy man."Ter closed his eyes, and never opened them again.
Zenotar bent down leting go all the emotians he had held in.

Benndren was to busy killing the enemy to focus on Zenotar.

Venderel was on the ground, she had a sword in one hand, an axe in the other.
She began to attack the monsters.
She had escaped the fortress before it was destroyed.

Dren waschasing after Berix.
Berix was bleeding so much he would collapse any time.

Zenotar had finaly stopped crying.
He grabbed his father's axe, the other destroyed in the fortress, and joined the rest of the forces.

Venderel had finaly gotten to the rest of the forces.
She had killed her way through the enemy army.

12 and Elen were fighting together with 47.
47 was waving his weapon as though it was nothing.
12 and elen never let go of each other's hands while they fought.
12 threw Elen up in the air, where she threw her weapon at the enemy army, killing multible of them on impact.
12 caught Elen when she came back down.
Elen toke one of the monsters swords, and continued to fight.

Berix, unable to run anymore, finaly colapsed.
Dren landed, and began to walk towards Berix.
Berix would have run if he could anymore.
Dren was standing over Berix, sword raised.

Venderel saw Drender with his sword over Berix.
Her love had won.

Dren sent his sword down, sending it through Berix's black heart.
Berix began to turn to flames.

12 and elen were focused on fighting, that they din't notice a monster sneaking up on them.
47 noticed it, and got in the way of it's attack. He let out a loud howl.
12 noticed it first, and killed the moster that delt the blow.
Their allys began to hold of the army.
47's last words were,"Be happy my friend."And he died.
47 and Elen both cryed at this.

Benndren began to notice that the enemy army had begun to erupt in black flame.
there was only one explanation, Berix was dead.

Venderel ran up to her love.
Dren looked back and saw her running toward him.
She came up and kissed him.
He closed his eyes, enjoying the moment.
Berix was dead, and he had the women he loved back.

The enemy amry was gone.
Benndren found the others, and they began to have aproper funeral for those who had died.
Then, something odd happened.
Grass began to sprought around them.
The world was being reborn

Dren, whose spells had worn off, and Vanderel were going back to the others.
Dren was back in his desert rags.
It began to rain. Grass and trees began to return. lakes and rivers were being remade.
DF AQW  Post #: 15
7/21/2011 21:48:06   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 15

Dren and Venderel meet up with the others.
They sat and told each other what happened.
Dren inrtoduced Venderel.
A healer came up and healed the wounds on Venderel.
When Dren heard Ter and 47 were killed, he felt little shocked.
Those two were togh old men.

The group were readying graves for the ones who fell.
For Ter's grave, Dren placed his sword into the ground.
For 47's grave, 12 placed his sword in the ground.
There were fourty others who died as well.

The next day, Dren and Venderel went to a ridge that had been made when the world rebuilt itself.
It was looking over a beautiful lake.
Dren had changed into black leather clothes. And Venderel was wearing a pure white dress.
The two sat under a tree that grown over night.
Berix's death had made a wonderful new world.
Venderel said,"This world was beautiful, then destroyed, now it is even more beautiful."
Dren looked at his love and said,"Not as beautiful as you my love."
Venderel blushed a little, then kissed him.
Then, Dren stood up and knelt before Venderel.
He looked her in the eyes and said,"Venderel my love. I have loved you since I first meet you. Will you marry me?"he pulled out a beautiful golden ring.
Venderel looked at the ring then at Dren.
She began to cry tears of joy, and said,"I will Drender."And they kissed.

Meanwhile, 12 and Elen were sitting undr a tree, watching a feild where wonderful creachers were grazing.
They were watching, holding hands.
12 said,"I love you Elender."
Elen smiled and said,"I love you to 12."
12 sighed and said,"I widh I remembered my real name."
Elen said,"I don't care what your name is, I love you."
12 smiled and said,"I will always remember this day."
12 got up, knelt before elen and asked,"Will you marry me?"
12 showed Elen a beautiful silver ring.
Elen's eyes began to tear up, and she said,"Yes my love."
She kissed him.

Two months later Dren and Venderel got married.
Dren wore a set of leather clothes worn by drow men at weddings.
Venderel wore a wonderful red wedding dress.
At the end, the two shared a wonderfu kiss.

Only a month later, 12 and Elen got married.
12 wore a suit of silver armor.
Elender wore a wonderful white dress.
They too shared a kiss at the end of the wedding.

The two new familys grew up in a new world.
This world was going to live for a long time.
The two familys stayed close friends.

Two years after their wedding, Dren and Venderel had a wonderful son.

Only a few days after, 12 and Elen had a beautiful little girl.

The two grew up to be best friends.
When they were old enough, the two even got married and a family of their own.

Thus ends this tale of romance and tragety.
DF AQW  Post #: 16
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