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8/11/2011 6:56:33   
Fay Beeee

Well I see we have some new rules on the forums.

Do not quit the game because of the rule changes.

For those of us that came over from the Old Ed Forums. We adjusted (it took a while but we got there) lol

This is the same. Chill a little then just rethink how you post.

Admittedly we will probably get a few locked or redirected but we will learn.
Think of it as part of the game. We have challenges to overcome (like we do in game) but we rebuild and we move forward.

So keep going guys. Do not give up just yet.

So my question is........
Are you up to the challenge? Can you work within the new rules?



Epic  Post #: 1
8/11/2011 6:59:26   

This will be hard. Time is the answer... Strictness is enforced. Should be a warning before this happens, IMO.
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 2
8/11/2011 6:59:30   

fay beee
as nice as u are. this is gonna get deleted.
and no i think the new rules are unfair.
and probably made by that new head mod which i dont like.

i mean i been to the old forums and read topics there and they are much better.

IMO i think it was the AE forums that drove off all those good players from beta that used the EDF back then.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 8/11/2011 7:00:56 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
8/11/2011 7:04:43   
Fay Beeee

But if we had been pre-warned there would only have been more threads posted that would have trolled or spammed.

We have it now, so we have to deal with it.

No hate threads please. :)
Epic  Post #: 4
8/11/2011 7:05:38   

Rules are a good thing, but these Archknights are just taking the biscuit.
Circe said he would do something for us, to help us out with the move, seeing how we was free-to-do-whatever on the old ED Forums. Now we get treated like kids.

I for one ain't gonna get used to new rules added when a Archknight feels he can do whenever he can.
There just Barmy fay. =P
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 5
8/11/2011 7:06:59   

Well, the locking rampage seems a bit, um, overkill?

Say what?! How in the world is that thread against rules?

< Message edited by drinde -- 8/11/2011 7:11:14 >
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 6
8/11/2011 7:08:27   

im sure the archknights hate being arch knights now because of the rule changes made by lord barrius.
i will LMAO if the arch knights quit their position because of all the rule enforcing and hate they would get if they "follow procedure"

i mean come on
lord barrius even deleted the congratulations thread.
that is a bit over kill and unfair right there.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 8/11/2011 7:10:11 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
8/11/2011 7:11:00   
Fay Beeee

So lLambo are you saying you will not post any more?
Or that you will post as you used to and get threads removed / deleted?

Seems a bit of a waste of good ideas, because I know you are intelligent. So post in a way which will be heard and respected. :)

You can do it, just think before you post (like in real world) lol

and on a side note - I am barmy. :)
Epic  Post #: 8
8/11/2011 7:11:20   
King FrostLich

The good thing is I don't see that much stickied topics AND separated topics which contain similar content.
Epic  Post #: 9
8/11/2011 7:12:52   

yeah but he deleted some important stuff.
like the CONGRATULATIONS thread. (watch me get a warning now for using caps on CONGRATULATIONS)
how am i suppose to congratulate (publicly) my faction now every day we win a medal?
or a WD?

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 8/11/2011 7:13:21 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
8/11/2011 7:15:33   

A majority of the locked posts were to do with balance discussion, which now has an official thread so it can all be in one place.

The team is aware of the situation involving lag. They don't need to hear it again and again.

The Congratulations thread is very similar to the Accomplishments Thread. Capitalising a few words for emphasis is fine. Capitalising everything is spam.

< Message edited by Kosefira -- 8/11/2011 7:17:19 >
Post #: 11
8/11/2011 7:15:45   
Fay Beeee


May be post on the HQ Board or go to the suggestions part and ask for another board. Either in the station (where all can see) or for your faction.
Just a thought. :)
Epic  Post #: 12
8/11/2011 7:19:06   


A majority of the locked posts were to do with balance discussion, which now has an official thread so it can all be in one place.

ahh so we are suppose to talk about Balance between classes, balance between weapons, balance between levels, balance in the different battle modes, and balance between skills in 1 thread?

that sounds like a huge cluster fudge cookie -.-
(cluster fudge cookie to put it nicely)

obviously lord barrius didn't cover all of these things when he made that thread.
does he even play ED?

@fay beee
lol i said congratulate publicly. if i do it on HQ boards that means only faction mems can see it.
plus others like to congratulate us.
and we congratulate others when they win.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 8/11/2011 7:20:04 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 13
8/11/2011 7:20:34   

Fay, I'm just gonna post how I used to.
If a release or something is a good idea, I'll go along with it. Post good. =)
If something is bad, a release, people flaming my friends or stuff on that, I'll go along with it. Post bad. =(

Archknights should just stop treating us like kids though. The more rules they add that stops us from discussing stuff, we barely get to anyway, people will just make topic's just to be annoying, which I'm all for. Treat us like kids, then that's how we will act. =P
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 14
8/11/2011 7:20:45   

kosefira we have had lag for 7 months now how much longer do they want another 5 years


Epic  Post #: 15
8/11/2011 7:22:14   

I was kind shocked to see LB go on such a rampage because he was a good AK on the AQ boards, but now that he has more power, I think he let it go to his head. Not the first time a mod or AK went lock happy and unfourtunely it won't be the last. It reminds me when AVA locked nearly everything(not trying to troll just stating what I've seen). Hopefully AE picks their mods more carefully in the future, like not having an AK that works one game takeover the section of another game.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
8/11/2011 7:22:30   

@gold: They all class as balance issues, so you can post them in =ED= Balance Discussions. It's better to discuss everything in one thread so it reduces the amount of replicated threads emerging again and again. There's been countless threads about "Tac Mercs being OP", so it's better to compile all balance discussions and ideas in one thread.

I don't believe that Lord Barrius plays ED. And I do agree that he's going a bit over the top with these extremely harsh rules.

< Message edited by T.600 -- 8/11/2011 7:27:12 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
8/11/2011 7:24:03   


The Congratulations thread is very similar to the Accomplishments Thread. Capitalising a few words for emphasis is fine. Capitalising everything is spam.

yeah i know i was being sarcastic about the getting a warning for capitalizing a word.
that was to symbolize (sarcastically) how strict the forums are getting


It reminds me when AVA locked nearly everything(not trying to troll just stating what I've seen).

ehh dont remind me. i got 3 severe warnings because he made the mistake of not telling me there already was another thread for the topic i was discussing.
when he did tell me tho, i already got the warnings.

well T thing is, there too many categories for balance.
it needs to be made into different threads.
Weapon balance discussion
skills/class balance discussion
battle mode balance discussion
Lvl balance discussion

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 8/11/2011 7:26:53 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 18
8/11/2011 7:26:54   

LB would not have taken on this position if he didn't feel he was qualified. Even then, he would need approval from administration. The locked posts were made at different times, they were just locked at that time.
Post #: 19
8/11/2011 7:27:25   


I don't believe that Lord Barrius plays ED

He's a programer or story writer for the original AQ.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
8/11/2011 7:27:41   


obviously lord barrius didn't cover all of these things when he made that thread.
does he even play ED?

That as been a question in the back of my mind for quite a bit of time. I made a couple posts about it that got deleted/lock of course. Who are those AK ? I know Ashari, see her regulary in game. But what about the others ?


I am kind of a big deal, so don't act like you're not impressed.
- Abraham Lincoln
Epic  Post #: 21
8/11/2011 7:29:33   

I'd Lord Barrius to suggest those ideas gold :).

And yes, LB is a writer for AQ.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
8/11/2011 7:30:27   
Fay Beeee


I don't believe that Lord Barrius plays ED. And I do agree that he's going a bit over the top with these extremely harsh rules.

Well I am sure he will learn also.
After all, there are always new things to learn everyday or we will stagnate.

And this includes the AK.
They follow the letter of the law first, then they learn the heart of it.
Epic  Post #: 23
8/11/2011 7:30:35   

If you think an improvement can be made, make a suggestion in the Forum Suggestions, which you seem to have already done.

Sometimes, rules need to be put in place for a reason. I have heard incidences of multiple pages of threads of trolling, complaining, flaming and spam. Being able to post on these forums is a privilege, not a right.
Post #: 24
8/11/2011 7:32:50   


Being able to post on these forums is a privilege, not a right.

and being an arch knights / moderator is also a privilege, not a tool for unfair control -.-

and wow my other post got deleted.
more anarchy
can the person who deleted it tell me whats wrong with it?

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 8/11/2011 7:34:51 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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