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Starting Class?

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10/4/2011 16:09:05   
Zean Zapple

Do you have a loyalty to your starting class? Has it stuck to you?

Have you ever switched classed but then felt empty after playing?

Epic  Post #: 1
10/4/2011 16:14:47   

I started as a Normal Merc. I hold no allegiance to it, in fact I despise it.

I have spent 13500 Varium on switching so far. Frankly, my favorite class was TLM. I admit I am a coward and noob that can't make a single build, so I love it for the quick kills.

AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
10/4/2011 16:27:09   

Started as a TechMage untill level 32, then I tried BountyHunter for a month or 2, then Back to TechMage.
Then I became a Tact merc for 15 mins, then a BloodMage and now Back to Techmage.


Having a Signature is too mainstream
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
10/4/2011 16:44:16   

Mage :) I chose the best class right from the start.
Post #: 4
10/4/2011 16:51:57   

i started as a bounty hunter the switched to a cyber hunter.
like i wanted a change in order to fight mercs more efficiently
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
10/4/2011 17:26:31   
  Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

Started as Merc up to level 29. Then i went: BH, TM, BH, CH, TM, TLM. Lots of changes (to me)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
10/4/2011 18:25:32   
Nub Apocalypse

Back before there was class change, I made one of each class, so I don't really have a "starting class" but since I played on my merc the most, it got to lvl 30 first. And I really couldn't be bothered training the other 2 to lvl 30 (yeah, too lazy) so I just stayed with my merc, and yes I was quite loyal to it, I did class change a few times though but I liked merc the best, even though I think bounty is the most fun (but only at higher lvls, not much variation at like lvl 25).
Post #: 7
10/4/2011 18:42:22   

I have never class changed, and I'm loyal to tech mage, even if it becomes really up I will still be a tech mage
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 8
10/4/2011 18:54:52   

I was a TM at the start. Then this is the order changed in.

TLM- this is where I am now
AQW Epic  Post #: 9
10/4/2011 18:58:42   
ur going to fail

My favourite classes were MERC and CH. I still enjoy using CH once in a while. Choosing a class isn't much. The people that spent like 10k+ var on class change didn't do anything wrong. Even ask commi. If it wasn't for class changing you all would be bored out of your minds by the tiem you get your next 50k-ish wins.
Epic  Post #: 10
10/4/2011 19:00:48   
One Winged Angel1357

Mage forever and always well i might try Blood mage for awhile but other then that im a TM
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 11
10/4/2011 19:07:19   

Post #: 12
10/4/2011 19:20:02   

Mage forever.
AQW  Post #: 13
10/4/2011 20:55:10   
Chosen 0ne

started merc, changed once to tlm
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 14
10/4/2011 21:29:34   

Bounty hunter. I went mage, mercenary, hunter, TLM, hunter. Switching to cyber soon
I love BH. The way it plays is extremely effective and fun to use. The biggest up-side, I find, is it's probably the most strategic class. Most classes are hack-n-slash, or basically just deal a lot of damage in a short period of time, whereas hunter can do it all.

Hunters forever.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
10/4/2011 21:46:08   

i decided to stay as BH. i liked stealth and stuff but with some more magician like styles such as the power to regen energy. i decided to pick BH over mage because stealth to me is more importanat than magic based skills. i couldnt get used to bloodlust that well...i just couldnt. then, when CH came, i knew it was for me. even though ppl say it is crap, i win so many fights with it.
its just i hold many secrets to use it
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 16
10/5/2011 1:27:39   

I started off as a tech mage but I've been forced to change class due to the discriminatory and biased balance changes against the class. I am a tac merc now, but I plan on returning to tech mage eventually :D.

I've changed class numerous times just for entertainment value as well, but I've never planned to stay as a different class; I always plan on changing back to tech mage :).

< Message edited by T.600 -- 10/5/2011 1:28:39 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
10/5/2011 1:36:29   
King FrostLich

Started off as a tech mage. I loved my own look and build and did very well against level 30 founders at that time. Then I switched to Blood Mage because of wanting bloodlust and berserker with deadly aim still intact but the loss of reroute made me a little disappointed. Ever since berserk was nerfed, I still use for last attempt hits to deal 40+ damage.

< Message edited by King FrostLich -- 10/5/2011 1:41:11 >


Epic  Post #: 18
10/5/2011 1:36:36   

I started as a bounty hunter at Jan of 09. Still a bounty hunter.
Post #: 19
10/5/2011 3:13:36   
Baron Dante

Started as a TM, changed to some other class for a minute or two for an achievement and then back to TM. TM is pretty underrated if you ask me, so I rather play with it, using some of the things people (used to) claim they suck.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
10/5/2011 3:39:54   

started as merc, then switched to tlm
Epic  Post #: 21
10/5/2011 4:58:14   

When I first started, I created a Bounty Hunter, so I can't really say I've had much class loyalty to my starting class, but I will say I like my new adopted class, the Mage, much better! Whether I'm a Tech or Blood Mage, I really enjoy that playstyle more so than any other class.

I'm not a person to hop classes just to play whatever was overpowered at the time, and Mages have been flexible enough to be successful regardless of whatever the latest craze was, be it 2-turn Zerker Mercs, 5-focus Bounties, support Merc or any of the other "flavor of the month" builds.

That's not to say I haven't switched classes. I've played all 6 classes and have several non-Mage alts, but I just find being a Mage most enjoyable (plus who doesn't love Super Charge). I guess I should have been a Tech Mage from the start.

< Message edited by Ashari -- 10/5/2011 4:59:06 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
10/5/2011 6:30:03   

Hunter Hunter Hunter.

Made so many builds that switching without trying them all felt like a waste.
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 23
10/5/2011 6:36:22   

Always been an hunter; always will be the Hunter.
AQW Epic  Post #: 24
10/5/2011 7:34:35   

I love the bounty hunters but i have got a tech mage and a merc but I definitely find bounty hunters the best and the most enjoyable

< Message edited by jordiuss -- 10/15/2011 7:30:56 >


AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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