One Winged Angel1357
@Dragonnightwolf There is no question Dage is one very skilled artist. Personally I picture Dage in some big game company making serious bank just because of his skill but he is working at AE which could be seen as godsend to some people. But with that said EpicDuel is supposed to have realistic weapons based in science or nature and Dage's gear is defiantly in the realm of the super natural. I mean we don't even have normal bug on this Planet they are robots created by man. The possible walking skeleton we know as Admin 11 is a robot created by Descarl. So just Dage's existence on Delta V go against all the rules we have set into play for our Reality in the game. quote:
Every day the ranks of my undead army swells with ravenous souls ready to do my bidding, and now my unholy empire has grown beyond one world. I mean right there we have something that counteracts the laws we have set in place for our reality. And my favorite bit of Delta V is that the magic the Mage class uses is from the, well lets say mutations, caused by exposure to Varium which is all coming back to science. So we have no real magic on this planet and yet Dage, who came here via interdimensional travel which is a legitimate scientific reason, is the embodiment of magic which, as I keep harping at, does not existence on Delta V. So it does not make sense for Dage to become a fixture on Delta V but if he is just going to be a guest NPC and go rare then I can deal with that.