It seems to me that a lot of skill cores that are out so far benefit STR builds the most or STR builds very well, (chairmas, azreal's will, lucky strike, azreal's torment, assault bot, azreal borg, and all the strike damage increase ones) This is one of the reason STR is so strong these days. I think it's time for some which benefit STR builds the least or counter them the most. To encourage this I am gonna make a list which I think are creative, balanced, and don't benefit STR builds very much to give the devs some ideas. Feel free to suggest your own idea's for skill cores of this classification. Armour Skill Cores: -Regenerative shield: Gain 5 def and res, whenever you don't attack in a turn (use a non-rage giving skill) for 1 turn. (passive) - - Primary Skill cores: - Chi Strike: Strike with 70% damage but lower your opponent's next attack by 50% of the end damage. (activateable) - - Side Arm Skill cores: -Precise Shot: Shoot the enemy with 95% damage that improves with DEX rather then STR, and can not be deflected. (Activateable) - - Auxiliary Skill cores: - Drain Blast- Apply you class's debuff using your auxiliary (Activateable) - - Robots specials: - - - - Will add more as I think of them.
< Message edited by Remorse -- 2/18/2013 5:01:41 >