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2/23/2013 2:05:48   
Tri Phoenix

Hello Everybody i was thinking that the credits we get in omega for battles are not enough and the prices of the weapons are too high
i think the staff should lower the items prices or make our win credits even higher ex:
1 v 1 battles - 32 credits -> 50 credits
2 v 2 battles - 70 credits -> 96 credits
Juggernauts - 70 credits -> 96 credits
or maybe lower on 2 v 2 and juggs :) thank for reading this
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
2/23/2013 11:55:05   

i agree also but that would make people stick to 2 vs 2 battles and jugg and leave the 1 vs 1

but it would be great if they lowered the weapons prices
Epic  Post #: 2
2/23/2013 11:59:38   

And what about Varium? It's a shortcut but won't be one if Credits will be easy to come by..
AQ Epic  Post #: 3
2/23/2013 12:01:13   

Not supported!

Varium would be next to useless if they made it easy to get Credit.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 4
2/23/2013 20:30:41   

not supported simply because it would devalue varium even more, if you think it takes too long to get the credits then buy varium, otherwise have patience and stop complaining, the credit price is already low enough.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
2/23/2013 20:50:51   
President Obama

Supported, All of you people saying, "Buy varium", thats not always the right choice. Some people are less fortunate and cant afford the varium!

Make this game fair for people that aren't rich or for people that don't have a job. They shouldn't have to stay on this game all day just to get a couple thousand.

#inb4alltheYourThePresidentPost's, I am not the president it is simply a name. I cannot lower taxes to where people can afford this varium! If you want to discuss that then please go HERE

^^^^That is obviously a joke^^^^

< Message edited by Mecha Mario -- 2/25/2013 9:27:41 >
Epic  Post #: 6
2/23/2013 20:59:26   

@ obama

non variums can also farm offers of atrix points so they can get varium without playing as well. That option has been there since epic duel gamma. Many players including myself have done this to get varium.
Epic  Post #: 7
2/23/2013 21:08:42   
Cursed Darkness

Not supported because i don't want Varium 2 become useless.

< Message edited by Mecha Mario -- 2/25/2013 9:27:47 >
Epic  Post #: 8
2/23/2013 21:11:16   
President Obama

@ mother how long does it take you to get 10,000 artix points because most promotional item packages are starting to be OP. I have done offers in the past and I have gotten viruses.

Edit: ^The point I was trying to make was that, it takes a good deal of time to go through and do the surveys.^

< Message edited by Mecha Mario -- 2/25/2013 9:27:34 >
Epic  Post #: 9
2/23/2013 21:19:10   

Okay, maybe this amount of credits is abit much, but how about we decrease it from

1 v 1 battles - 32 credits -> 50 credits
2 v 2 battles - 70 credits -> 96 credits
Juggernauts - 70 credits -> 96 credits

To this:

1v1- 40 Credits
2v2- 75-80 Credits (When defeating two players of max level)
Jug- 75-80 Credits
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
2/23/2013 21:31:26   

@ obama

And the people who buy varium have to work for that money which is guess what? investing time in your life to get. It is the same thing with credits and the offers to get varium. So it is either time in game to earn credits, time at work to earn money to buy varium.
Epic  Post #: 11
2/23/2013 21:41:52   


Edit: ^The point I was trying to make was that, it takes a good deal of time to go through and do the surveys.^

what kind of excuse is that? the option is there ages ago and you think it should be easy? time is money that's why they made varium items have a credit option and artix points=money, if you can't find time to or are too lazy to do surveys, then its not anyone's fault but yours.
they gave us a option to earn free varium packages but people don't do it simply because they can't be bothered.


Supported, All of you people saying, "Buy varium", thats not always the right choice. Some people are less fortunate and cant afford the varium!

Make this game fair for people that aren't rich or for people that don't have a job. They shouldn't have to stay on this game all day just to get a couple thousand.

it is a business too, they can't afford to lose money simply because some people are less fortunate, life isn't fair but they already made it fair for people by nerfing varium and giving varium items a credit option, like i said before, if you are too impatient then you should have more self control.

< Message edited by TRizZzCENTRINO -- 2/23/2013 21:46:32 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
2/24/2013 5:58:19   

You donīt need to work to get money for artix points.
You can just sign-up in GPT sites like PrizeRebel and start completing offers and you can refer other people.
I know a guy making $1000 in a day at PrizeRebel
You can redeem Ultimate Game Cards to get Artix Points by GPT sites.

< Message edited by G4m3r -- 2/24/2013 6:00:47 >
Post #: 13
2/24/2013 6:01:41   

Only issue i see about ED's marketing strategy is them forcing us to need to buy rather than "We love ED!" kind of needing-slash-wanting-to-buy .
AQW Epic  Post #: 14
2/24/2013 7:05:25   

@above not really, many are doing fine without the new promos, just the past promos like the infernal interdictor, bionic battlegear, bunnyzookas etc.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
2/24/2013 7:28:03   

^Well those promos , yeah it doesn't feel like it , but now it does .
AQW Epic  Post #: 16
2/24/2013 7:40:05   

@above its not the promo's fault but rather the balance update's fault, they nerfed resistance and strength then left support untouched, if only they nerfed support like they did with strength then we wouldn't have this problem.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
2/24/2013 9:16:48   


there is people that are out there in different countries, i tried making offers and believe me it's hard to get 2 or 3 offers a MONTH when you are living in Egypt and the 1 dollar = 7 L.E, and if you say that the 2 or 3 offers are high in points then think again because it +25 maximum and +4 minimum.

so my point of view: 1- it's hard to afford varium
2-no offers
3-credit players like me had a great chance in powering up by buying varium weapons but that means to waste a lot of time in the day to get 4k or 5k when the weapons are 27k and armors are 30k + bots are with 40k-45k
4-even if we could buy varium weapons and stuff we are still out advantage because of the rare cores and special ability.

just think that other people than you are suffering in this game
Epic  Post #: 18
2/24/2013 9:24:25   

If you cannot get Varium (which is a shortcut) then deal with it and work for your Credits, nothing else. You pay your way through or farm it which takes your time instead and costs no money. Offers are like a free way to get Varium so whether you get them or not, is not that relevant (although free Varium = free shortcut but still).

And still, if you give out too many Credits then you're gonna devalue Varium which upkeeps the whole game. Credits are a free currency, Varium is not. ED doesn't live off Credits. And lowering Varium prices in-game just so Credit reward can get higher is also not the way to go since Varium will last even longer thus lowering the sales in the long run. Or it'll stockpile for some people which may push them away from buying Varium even more due to lack of uses for it.
AQ Epic  Post #: 19
2/24/2013 9:25:36   

Varium is useless... Its only a shortcut. Its not like varium users get extra stats now or anything.
Therefore, there should be no reason to complain. The devs gave nonvariums the biggest buff ever, and now you are asking for more.

Credits are supposed to be hard to earn, otherwise who would buy varium?
Either way, buying varium and earning credits both take time.
AQW Epic  Post #: 20
2/24/2013 9:38:53   

I am so sick of these people who complain about 2 things
Azreals will is very op (i agree)
Varium is useless (i disagree)
On topic. Not supported because people who worked very hard before omega to earn those credits now would feel cheated.
And yes variums would no longer be that great short cut BUT they would still have HUGE addvantage because of azcreals will witch is so unbalanced.
They go perfectly with tech mages... High malf does over -50 tech. You use energy shield they deal 100% damage AND remoove your buff. now you use assult bot
to not have -50+ tech taken away. With deadly aim gun special they make you to strike. And then they rage and you die.
So variums still are extramly OP! Making every one the same in battle as they promised didnt happen as you can clearly see from so many complains in forums and even
the weapon users.
Post #: 21
2/24/2013 10:29:50   

I prefer varium-players with battle vantages and varium only itens instead of a "hard way to get credits".
Post #: 22
2/24/2013 20:08:34   


non variums can also farm offers of atrix points so they can get varium without playing as well. That option has been there since epic duel gamma. Many players including myself have done this to get varium.

Due to where I live,good offers and offers that actually work are scarce but I do understand what people are saying about varium being devalued. However it's not like all of us have no lives outside of the game. After school/work and spending time with family or studying there isn't really much time to farm credits.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 23
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