Legendary AdventureGuide!
This is something that likely would not work very well and is not really overly needed. First off, when you send the request, if you have not met them, they may or may not be online. If they are online, then they may have the 'display buddy requests' option unticked in the settings. So the likely hood of it making it to that person anyway, is not that high anyway. The issue is, though it may sound like a simple feature, it would require coding. Then you have the fact that surely if both of you know each other to the point that you would be buddies in-game, you would have a way to organise a meet-up, whether over the forums or by another communicational means. This being the case, the only reason I can think of you needing a feature such as this is for you to add random people who are either famous or that you've heard of and hope they are online and accept you. Since if it is someone you genuinely know or are friends with, you'd already have added each other or as said, be able to organise a meet-up. Feel free to give me some further reasoning that proves the above wrong, but at the moment, for the work that it would take, it is not really a needed feature and seems like just another way to spam someone.