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Lucky Strikes for Dummies

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8/3/2019 4:36:48   
Primate Murder

So, Lucky Strikes are a pretty fundamental part of combat, but I've recently come to the realization that I don't really know all that much about them. Hence, here's a short list of questions for those with a better head for the game's mechanics:

- As far as I can figure, Lucky Strikes deal double the damage. How is it calculated? *2, +100% or some fixed amount based on your stats (presuming Luck = VStat)?

- Are LS affected by weapon effects (such as Bloodblades), boosters or miscs?

- When a weapon says "*1.5 LS damage", does that only apply only to the extra damage you gain via Luck?

- Do monsters have *1.4 LS damage (compared to the player) like they do with the regular attack?

- Is there some fixed LS damage bonus or is it purely decided by Luck? In other words, is there any point to putting just 5 stats in Luck?

Thanks in advance!
AQ DF  Post #: 1
8/3/2019 11:44:59   

I can't answer all of it, but I'll try to answer what I can~

First, Lucky Strikes are dependent on your luck and it's not a fixed amount of damage. It's definitely not just double damage either. Lucky Strikes add LUK*3/8 to the Random Part (base is unaffected) of the stat bonuses to your damage for that given hit.

Lucky Strikes are affected by Weapon effects, boosters and miscs~

I believe it affects the entire damage of the hit actually, because like... MCs are supposed to be a 5% bonus, so... a 50% bonus that applies to 10% of your hits seems about right, so it should be the damage of the whole hit instead of just the Lucky Strike extra damage.

No clue about monster Lucky Strikes, but I believe it is also multiplied by the *1.4.

Putting 5 points in luck will give you a mediocre bonus to your Lucky Strikes... So... The only real purpose of doing that is if you like seeing the green color in the Lucky Strikes numbers, because you won't even notice any damage increase between normal hits and Lucky Hits with 5 LUK.

Hope this helps! ^^)/
AQ  Post #: 2
8/3/2019 21:13:56   
Legendary Ash

Normal stat damage is Mainstat/8 with .25 in Base and .5 in Random, for purposes of averaging damage, we shift it all to base making it Mainstat/16, which for the old stat cap of 200 produced 12.5 stat damage that equates to 38.5% melee.
LS is 3/8 at a 10% LS rate shifting all to Random, for purposes of averaging damage, we shift it to base making it 3/160 which produces 3.75 stat damage that equates to 11.5% melee.

LS damage is a type of stat damage that is added on to the same equation as weapons' base and Mainstat damage, LS boosts are balanced around the standard LS rate of 10% and apply specifically to LS stat damage only.
Due to our pet receving an LS update, the Devs should have reviewed that the monsters do indeed gain the .4 LS from not having a pet.
As long as Luk is not at zero points, the engine wil enable a roll for LS occurrence, and yes negative LS does exist, it subtracts damage.

Stats points invested in any stat receive exactly that much of a portion of the stat's power at cap. Its not an all or nothing scenario, while 5 Luk may not do much at least for initiative, it gives exactly 5 stat points worth of LS damage averaged, BtH and combat defenses.
AQ  Post #: 3
8/3/2019 23:54:46   
Primate Murder

Thank you both for the prompt and detailed answers!

A few follow-up questions:

- Since an LS deals 115% melee damage, does that mean that *1.5 LS damage/rate MCs are strictly better than +5% damage ones?

- Do other stats affect the Luck's bonus damage? For example, do mages (who deal *0.75 damage) get less bonus from Luck on LS weapon attacks? Does a pet get the same damage from Luck regardless of 0 or 250 Cha?

- How does the stat cap raise affect LS?

Again, thanks for all the help!
AQ DF  Post #: 4
8/4/2019 1:07:33   
Legendary Ash

Let me clarify, a Warrior's normal attack is composed of 50% from weapon + 38.5% from MainStat and 11.5% from Luk
As an example MC LS boosts at 10% LS rate uses the equation .05/.1 = x1.5 to LS, which multiplies with 11.5%, thus .5*11.5 = 5.75% melee, which is stronger than a 5% MC.

See another thread's post regarding a Mage's LS

Pet LS is a mini version of Player LS, the percentage of damage gained is the same as the player since its based on the same amount of Luk but downsized to be *.4.

Stat cap raised to 250 simply increases stat composition of an attack, so at 250 compared to 200, Mainstat is 38.5*250/200 = 48.125% melee and Luk is 11.5*250/200 = 14.375% melee.
AQ  Post #: 5
8/4/2019 3:30:35   
Primate Murder

I see, thanks!
AQ DF  Post #: 6
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