Are you trying to prepare for next year's gold contest? It's worth remembering that you can store multiple copies of the same items if you utilize the Shared Vault. Otherwise you can only buy 1 of the item per character. And I would say at this point a Shared Vault is pretty much mandatory for competing in gold contests. That being said, other ways to get rid of lots of gold other than storage chests: 1. War's Legacy. Very little questing required too. The armor costs 120m gold. Yulgar's Inn -> Lounge -> Sage Uldor -> Burning Solstice -> The Answer. 2. Subrace armors. Each of these costs 96m gold, and there's usually 4 iterations of the same armor but with different elements. Although Neko has 8 iterations. Altogether Werewolf, Vampire, Werepyre and Neko have 20 subraces you can buy between all 4 subraces. 3. Mutant Troll Clubs. Each club costs 96m gold. Granemor -> General's Tower -> Mutant King War. 4. Various Compression items. There's no shortage of items here but these usually cost double the regular cost of items so this is a nice way to get rid of gold. A few of the shortlist: Silver Lightning Rod in Warlic's Shop Zardwart's Wand in Warlic's Shop Carnafex Blade/Spear/Scepter in War of the Giants Part 4. Stonerule -> Riona -> How do you Feel? -> War of the Giants -> Part 4 Paragon Ice Blade in Guardian Tower Shop Gemini Pendant in Guardian Tower Shop Fairy Godmother in Guardian Tower Shop Paladin's Oath. Yulgar's Inn -> Yulgar -> Shopping -> Advanced -> Shields -> Misc Category Hollow's Weather Remotes. 3 iterations of 48m gold each. Map -> East -> Mt. Thrall -> Hollow's Garage -> What are you building here? -> Visit Hollow's Shop! Warmaster's Reaver. Same quest where you find War's Legacy. Comes in 2 variants each costing 48m gold. Essence of Carnage + War-Torn Heirloom + Carnagebringer. Burning Solstice -> The Greatest Warrior 2. Essence of Carnage costs double the normal spell cost, and the War-Torn Heirloom Shield is a compression shield that costs 48m. Carnagebringer is a compression weapon that costs 48m gold. 5. T3 Class Armors. These do get the 1/2 cost reduction but otherwise these still cost 48 million gold each. Paladin has 3 iterations of the same armor so that's a nice way to get rid of 144m gold. Necromancer also has the same deal of 3 iterations of 48m gold each. 6. Gvnuvian's Abode Shapeshifts. They have MC and non-MC iterations but their costs are standardized at 44m and 48m respectively. Since this is on a daily rotation this is a little slower but after you go through every iteration you should be able to have spent 736m gold over 8 days. 7. Various MC quest items. Not of of them have the same cost, but these are also usually some of the most expensive items in the game, but also require the most questing. You can find most of these through Warlic's Shop -> Mastercraft Items. Keep in mind Nemesis and Solaris aren't updated. Other notable sets: Alnaphar Sets. All 3 require long questing but otherwise a nice way to spend a lot of gold. Map -> Go South -> Alnaphar. Remember to click on the Rainbow to access the Golden Set. Horro-Show set. The 10th anniversary set while not at max level should still make you spend a significant amount of gold. Twilly -> Quests -> 10th Anniversary Kindred Set. Map -> East -> The Kindred! Thunder Mountain. Map -> South -> Thunder Mountain. Also has the Thunder Mount set along with the normal Thunder Set at the end of the quest which is also quite expensive. Taladosian Set. Map -> East -> Southeast -> Taladosian Set It's also worth remembering that sometimes these sets have multiple iterations of the same item in Melee/Ranged/Magic forms or a variant that complements the set. 8. Other notable expensive items. Various items scattered throughout the game but also cost a lot of gold: Ultimon's Armor. Map -> East -> South -> Ultimon's Fortress -> Finale Torontosaurus Rex. Limited Time Items -> Armors. Can also be found at Chilly's Shop in Frostval. Tempest Power Armor H-Series. Warlic -> War Between Shadows -> Once Upon a Scheme Shadowfall Armor. Warlic -> War Between Shadows -> Finale Archmage Research. Yulgar's Inn -> Devourer Saga -> Epilogue. There are probably more ways to spend gold in this game, but these are the tricks that I used during the most recent gold contest.
< Message edited by PD -- 3/2/2022 18:06:16 >