The Hollow
AQ Lead
12K Z-Token Package - Legion's Violence: Violence does not rely on cheap tricks to defeat his opponents, becoming a maelstrom of swirling blades and death. Able to read your opponent’s weakness, this powerful spell will deal either Darkness or Ice damage. Both of the Legion's Violence spells/skills have an "HP Cost Overcharge" variant, which charges 100% Melee in HP cost, to deal +50% damage, as well as an efficient variant that charges 50% Melee in MP cost or 25% Melee in SP cost to deal -37.5% damage (so Overcharged deals total of 300% Melee, Efficient deals total of 125% Melee). Six variants in total:. Normal skill, normal spell, efficient skill, efficient spell, HP overcharged skill, and HP overcharged spell.