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=AQ= 22nd Anniversary Celebration

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10/6/2024 4:18:17   
Bu Kek Siansu


Rare Monster Hunt - Aurora the Bright Huntress
A year after the slaying of a Knight of the Energy Realm sent his squire fleeing into Lore, a new flock has emerged! This time, sentinels from the Light Realm were ready for the incursion! These avian scouts are searching the realms in search of the failed raiders, clad in enchanted copper armor to redirect their fell lightning. However, their overzealous scouring is frightening the people! You must hunt high and low to calm the unrest caused by these Light Realm sentinels. As a reward for your efforts, you'll gain exclusive access to a special shop, offering powerful gear forged in the Light Realm.

Don't miss this opportunity to engage with the elusive copperclad knight owls as they will only grace Lore's skies for a limited time!

22nd Anniversary Limited-Time Shop
Make sure to pay a visit to the shop, where you'll discover a festive array of special copper gear, alongside a delectable chocolate chip anniversary cupcake and more!

Newsletter Link: https://mailchi.mp/artix.com/2024-22nd-anniversary

Ooo chocolate cake! Nomnomnom. ~Tag you're it. ~Anim

< Message edited by AnimalKing -- 10/6/2024 7:56:31 >
Post #: 1
10/10/2024 20:31:18   
  The Hollow
AQ Lead

The 22nd Anniversary event is live! None of this would be possible without our incredible community. So a massive THANK YOU! for your support and for continuing to join us on these quests for adventure!

UPDATE: Ianthe has pinpointed the performance issues affecting Fungibushi. She is working hard to fix these problems by making some important changes to the game's code. While this is a big task, she is making steady progress. We'll let you folks know when we have a better idea of when the rest of the gear will be ready.

< Message edited by The Hollow -- 10/10/2024 20:31:18 >
AQ  Revisions: 1 | Post #: 2
10/10/2024 22:32:30   

We have an ETA on Nightmare Queen shop in ballyhoo?
Post #: 3
10/11/2024 15:35:19   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

22 years, good grief. Happy anniversary :)

Lots of memories have been made and will continue to be made.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
10/12/2024 5:06:09   

So I've been doing the Paxia Defense Forces and attacking Luciani since the event went live and a few random battles and using the event page. I still have not run into the rare Aurora Bright Huntress yet. So I wanted to see if anyone else has had any luck running into the monster yet.

Never mind I finally found it

< Message edited by magma333 -- 10/12/2024 5:36:01 >
AQ  Post #: 5
10/12/2024 8:51:02   

So I wanted to buy the Festive XXII Anniversary Knight Helm F face for my adventurer character, but I noticed that It's a face only purchasable by Guardian characters. My main is a Guardian as well, so it isn't some Essence Orb thing either where you just need ''a'' Guardian character on your account.

Should an anniversary item really be made available for Guardians only? It pretty much feels a bit unfair to Adventurers to be honest.
Post #: 6
10/14/2024 13:47:09   
Grace Xisthrith

It's great to see another monster hunt with lots of useful items, and an interesting set of bleed gear. I really like the art on the anniversary items in particular.

I saw some folks talking about teacups the other day, and that made me think, I wonder if older Anniversary LTS paintings could be added to the current LTS shop, so that people could access those items. It seems a shame for those items to be going rare each year, and I'd assume that the older LTS paintings could be added pretty easily without much hassle. That's just a thought, if it would be helpful I can get the names / IDs of all of them.

Looking forward to using these new bleed items, particularly the bow as it scales with the ranged BTH ramping.
AQ  Post #: 7
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