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12/1/2024 2:47:08   

Hi y'all! I recently got back into the game and I'm a lucky beast mage and was interested in maybe respecing into a lucky beast ranger and wanted to know if it be more or less effective at dodgelashing because that's my play style atm thanks!
AQ  Post #: 1
12/1/2024 11:38:51   

In terms of efficacy, both builds can play dodge very well. However dodging as a beast mage is going to be much much easier since you have the huge pool of MP to draw from for your MRM buffs and blinds and dodge guest upkeep etc etc etc. Both builds have dedicated “dodge” items that supplement the play style while being exclusive to a their respective mainstat which is something to think about because both builds do have interesting options. But when it comes down to it the MP bar just makes things way more simple pretty much across the board.
AQ  Post #: 2
12/1/2024 14:59:36   

Yeah that's what I was thinking Thanks for the help!
AQ  Post #: 3
12/1/2024 20:36:02   

Depending on how long ago you played, it might be appropriate to mention that dex no longer helps blocking. All builds block the same now.

So yes, Dizzle is spot on. That MP bar can be used for blind spells, guest upkeep for defboost guests (Like Bun Bun) and the stat revamp increased guest upkeep enough such that SP upkeep for guests is less manageable than it used to be, where as MP upkeep while is also less manageable, you still get 2600+MP at the start to utilize. FDBR IMO got nerfed , or at the very least, got re-drawn (the positive changes cancelled the negative changes) That's a bit of a subjective opinion, but I found my FDBR was searching for SP too much so I swapped it for a reg non beast FD Ranger..which got a huge buff due to adaptive lean and procmastery additions, and so using SP for a more offensive style instead of for beasts IMO wins the day, partly because EO exists.
Post #: 4
12/1/2024 23:01:36   

Thanks for the insight!
AQ  Post #: 5
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