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=AQ= Meet The Archknights- thewastedsmile

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9/18/2005 22:20:57   
Oldtime forumite!

Well, I'm up for this week; before you ask.. I am single. =P Ask away!

(And my answers are going to be blue. Mmm. Blue.)

And as you can probably guess, I'm hopping around on questions, so if you ask me a load of questions (Cough. .Axel :P), may do the shorter ones first. But don't feel bad, I'll get to it. =)

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/26/2005 19:23:12 >


Wisdom Bits:
-Big ugly .jpg here? I think not!
-If you throw a PS3 controller, will it come back to you?
-If Sauron can see everything, can he see why kids like Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
AQ  Post #: 1
9/18/2005 22:23:23   

Well congrats. How did you become an archknight in the first place?

Well.. it all started on a dark and stormy night... Ensign Cossad said to turn down the valves.. the engine was running especially hot that night and it seemed unsteady. But it was too late.. ._. (Not really. Really, I've just been around w/AQ for a bit and when the AK crew started looking around for possible folks to recruit, I just got picked, to put it simply. Moral of the story: don't take candy from strangers. And yeah, kind of sporatic today.)

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/18/2005 22:33:44 >
Post #: 2
9/18/2005 22:24:12   

My question: Why post this in the GGD?

Mod related stuff: I don't have mod powers in OOC, which wouldn't allow me to edit and provide ye all with my answers as opposed to GGD, where I can do what I'm doing right now.

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/18/2005 22:34:40 >
AQ  Post #: 3
9/18/2005 22:29:29   

And my question... is there a particular reason for you being single? lol,sorry, coldnt resist

Hehe.. probably cause I'm doing this. :P That and girls got cooties. Tis scientifically proven, mind you.

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/18/2005 22:37:14 >
AQ  Post #: 4
9/18/2005 22:30:33   

What was your first reaction when you found out that you got picked to be the new GGD AK?
More of a... "Dang, cool." than anything else, personally.

What color do you use for edits? >.>
Blue.. tis a groovy color. Now if they had polka dot or tie dye though.. Hmm.

Got a special lock phrase like Katy Kat, Westwind, or Sarah_Renee (Just to name a few)?
Not particularly; I'm nowhere near that creative. I'm usually an inch away from throttling since most of my locks are from people not reading stickies. (Your forum sticky misses you; please visit it every once in a while.)

I see you got into the Gentleman's Club. Was it difficult? How did you feel after you were accepted? Is the community everything you thought it would be?
Not really difficult, per se, but overall, it's a groovy group of folks.

Are you single? :P
Heheh, yeah. Apparently, women don't find thorough knowledge of Star Wars and C++ combined with a throttling FPS addiction appealing.. yet.

If you were placed in a room with no doors or windows and a single, white source of light in the center with only you, a monkey and Gary Coleman, what would you do?
Well, it'd be dull to say the least. If anything though, hanging out with the Colemeister'd rock.

Good luck with this. Let the torture begin, eh? ~SB

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/18/2005 22:43:52 >
AQ  Post #: 5
9/18/2005 22:43:51   
Rai Spellfang
True evil needs no shirt!

Questions! Gack!

Are you really wasted?
Only on Tuesdays.

Do you think that right now, I'm wasted?
Eh, sure.

Should I be wasted while asking you questions?
If you'd like to be; whatever floats your boat.

Are you smiling on the inside or outside?
Both, perhaps? Some and some.

Or perhaps you're really a cheese demon?
Lactose intolerant.

Do you wear pants?
I rotate between a dragonhide kilt and spandex.

Would you rather be walking around naked?
Not particularly.. too hot in Michigan for that.

If x+3/5y^38=53.56, what's the square of San Fransisco?
San Fransciso ^ 2

How much pudding would you eat at 35.9 grams of saturated fat?
Two and a half kilogallons.

Can I have a dollar?
Nope; I'm broke.

Have you seen Kodi?
*checks in closet*

*gasp* Did you kill Kodi?!
I don't believe so.. at least.

Do you like pie?
Yeah, specially pumpkin. Mmm.

Are you a religious person?
Not particularly.

Are you a person at all?
I'm a smile.. duuh. In fact, the Wal-Mart smile's my cousin, twice removed.

Flying Squirrels.... are they birds or mammals or some frogzard type creature?
Baammals.. A combination between birds and mammals. I've got a Ph.D in this type of thing, you know.

Swords, Axes, Staves, or Ham-steak?
Ham-steak, for the sheer goodness of ham.

Mages, Rangers, Warriors or all of the above?
Mages > all

Favorite element in AQ?
Fire; why? I dunno. Just fire.

Favorite element in our world?
Copper. Not sure why, though.

Favorite element made up off the top of your head?
Balabium.. I dunno what it means, personally.

Okay... I'm done for the moment :D

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/18/2005 22:52:25 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 6
9/18/2005 22:45:45   
kidloco ref

Well.. I got nothing.


Thanks.. I guess?

question: what anime you like most?
Gotta say, not really an anime type of guy. *Gasp*

wha type of wapon yo like
Battleaxe.. tis just cool.

and hwat type of car you like?
Hybrids, cause I'm a hippie. :)

ok a stupid question but nesesarie becuse i dont much of htepoeple here..

you are girl o not?
Nay, tis testosterone over hither.

you like surf? or otehr xtreme sport?
Not particularly; the nerd physique isn't build for, say.. being outside, per se.

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/19/2005 15:08:17 >


Anime otaku
lover of winry ^^

the loco rocker ninja smaurai alchemist XD
AQ  Post #: 7
9/18/2005 22:45:55   
Creatively Chibi!

RB's!! *glomp*

How's it going?
Too many questions.. yaar. But groovin, groovin.

Why are you so awesome?
I blame it on said relation to the Wal-Mart. There's only a few disembodied smiles out there that can slash prices and wield a sword.

Keep up the good work, buddy. ^_^

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/18/2005 22:54:24 >
AQ DF  Post #: 8
9/18/2005 22:46:42   
The Chosen Warrior

How long is your left big toe?

About 1/2 an inch (or 11 cm for our Canadian friends.)

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/18/2005 22:55:18 >
AQ  Post #: 9
9/18/2005 22:46:58   

Same questions I posed to the last Arch Knight. though with slight variations XD

Hi! Yay!

Fav. Type of music?
More of an older music type of guy. (You kids and your newfangled.. rap-rock.) I'll direct you to the wonder that's AS for the full shindiggle.

Fav. Band?
Dittos w/above; my band list would take up a good page and a half. :O

White bread or wheat bread? Perhaps Rye?
Pumperknicle, baby.

What's the last monster that totally pwned your face in AQ?
Carnax.. Alas, I've got a weak'un.

What's the last monster that got totally wrecked by you in AQ?
Frogzard... Eh, what can you do.

And finally

If Akriloth is undead and made of obsidian at the same time would he still like to sheep as normal dragons do?
I didn't think sheep could be used as a verb though.. Hmm. 'I'll sheep you!' 'Not if I sheep you first!" *whack*

Thanks for putting up with the randomness!


< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/18/2005 22:59:30 >
AQ  Post #: 10
9/18/2005 22:51:18   


Tis meh.


How come this is in GGD?
*points up near the top*

Shouldn't his be in Archknights?
*points up again*

You're quite profound.. Ahh.

Do you like apples?
Hoo yeah.. Reds are the best, IMO. Mmm. Apple.

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/18/2005 23:01:09 >
AQ  Post #: 11
9/18/2005 22:58:28   

hey smile.
if you were to stop smiling would it not be a waste or would you cease to exist?
Probably a bit of both; it'd be more of something on an interdimensional level and I assure you that existence would cease to exist if the smile stopped smiling. So, therefore, it'd be a waste. (I suppose, at least.)

is the meaning of life only found by standing on your fingers and toes with ur tounge on your chin as you recite and ancient unkown language?

the big one...is pie round or square? i swear just the other night i ate a round one but then the next day i was told its square. i definitely Aced geometry too.

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/18/2005 23:02:51 >
AQ DF  Post #: 12
9/18/2005 23:10:41   
Sillian Darmac


What's going on?
Eh, nothing much.

I don't post in many of these, so bare with me ^-^

Since you're currently a snoozin while i write this, how was teh sleepin?

Eh, no big whoop. Sleepin.. yeah. Not much to say, really.

How wasted is the wasted smile?
Some and some.. eeeeeh.

Wasted in the "put to ill use" sense, or wasted in the consumption of materials innapropriate for a 13+ forum?

I be teh clean; to be honest, I'm not really sure. The handle's like three or four years going now; tis an oldie.

What type of music you listen to?
EDIT: AH! see? i'm tired, you already were asked that question ^-^

Are my questions bothering you yet?
Not really.

Do you actively participate in teh wars? We need help to finish this war before the Piratey of talk day... *pokes*
Alas, not as much as I could. Classes.. yargh, class.

meh, well, since sleep deprivation kinda keeps my brain out of commission, I guess thas all the questioning for now...

Oh, and say hi to your cousin for me! *waves stupidly from 2 feet away*
Shall do.

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/19/2005 15:13:55 >


Proudly BTN.
AQ  Post #: 13
9/18/2005 23:26:47   

zOMgs, teh OWA!!1!1!!!1!!.. (and so on)
Itz teh 1wingdded invazionz of teh ONE WING!
Hold on... That didn't really make sen-... wait it does make sense. HAH!
It does? Hmmmm...
So how are you doing my Wast3d buddy of IRC?
I be chillin, like a villain, having some.. billing? Eh, I'm no rapper.
And I'm surprised no one called you TWS by now...
Need more IRC folkums.. Yaaaar. *fist*
Either way have fun with all the tiring editting... I know my was tiring >_<
Ctrl-V.. Ctrl V...

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/19/2005 15:15:24 >
AQ  Post #: 14
9/18/2005 23:36:07   

Teh Suikos!
Lucky you, you have GGD. Hardly anyone noticed my thread in it's little tucked away place last week :P

Favorite color?
Fluorescent magenta.
Favorite game? (board, video, and sports-like)
At the moment, Doom 3 for mah PC's addicting.. and scary as heck. O_O

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/19/2005 15:17:47 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 15
9/18/2005 23:42:58   

Yo,wastedy,how goes it?
Eh, the usual.
Whats the best part of a chicken?
Thighs, by far. Mmm.. thighs.
I think its the part that dances,do you like that part?
Feet are the best part.. specially pickled. (Don't believe me? They're quite good.
So,why do you waste your smile?.
Not sure, really. I blame my parents.
How did it waste?
Forgot to put it back in the fridge, and it went bad.
When did it waste?
Who wasted it?
Mr. Plum, in the library with the lead pipe!
Were is it on the day of today...Squeee!!!
Do you pet your wased smile?
Well, I don't have a wased on.. as for a wasted? Well, I'd be that.. unless I pet myself? Hmm.
If you could lead a class,what class would it be?
Competitve Knot Tying
Heres a Vephoma quote:So,your swimming down the road on your jet skis,when one of the wings falls off.Becasue of this,how many rice cakes does it take to build a dog house?Keep is mind that snakes dont have armpits. Awnser by Reens:364,752,only because it takes a lot of toast to stack up a race car.Whats your awsner (sorry if I was off on some of the stuff)
Reens quote:Whats your real name?Its not that I don't think your name is thewastedsmile.Its just that I don't think your parents named you thewastedsmile....Squee!!

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/19/2005 15:23:42 >
Post #: 16
9/19/2005 0:00:54   
Banned - Multi

Hello, thewastedsmile
what is your take on the true master zorbak?
Good guy, bad tipper.
do you enjoy your job as a mod/archknight?
Tis a quite groovy job, to say the least. But the threads sometimes.. yar. *pirate fist*
that will be all...for now

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/19/2005 15:24:34 >
AQ  Post #: 17
9/19/2005 0:06:30   
Ancient One

Greetings TWS!
Huzzahs! Teh Ancient!
Starting off with an easy question: Who is your favorite pile of dust?
Teh Ancient! *glomp*
What would you say is the best part about being an Archknight?
The secret handshake and the 20% discount at Archknight-Mart.
What would you say is the worst part about being an Archknight?
The threads... the beating of the awful threads! (+5 points for the reference)
Do you enjoy having to work in GGD?
GGD manages to keep me on mah toes. =D
What other boards do you visit on a somewhat regular basis?
OOC, primarily. Why? I dunno.
Favorite part about AQ (Games/Forums)?
IRC, baby. :)
Age, provided you're willing to share?
The ripe old age of 16.
The fact that you're single... do you regret it ^.- ?
I refer to my previous statement. Regret though? Eh, I dunno.
You call yourself the wasted smile. What does your dentist think of you?
"Brush better!"
Shall I be back with more questions?
Certainly.. I shall be ready.. Yaar. *look*
Regardless of the answer to the previous question, thanks for answering all these so far ^_^

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/19/2005 15:50:08 >
Post #: 18
9/19/2005 1:12:56   

Whats your favorite pet?
Like any specific classes?
I refer to the previous statement: Mages > You
What do you like about AQ?
The community.. IRC's mah second home. :)
that is all for now XS

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/19/2005 15:52:40 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 19
9/19/2005 1:22:57   
Wolven Moon

Exactly what is the Gentleman's Club? I've noticed that a lot of the most respectable players are in it, including you, Doc Zhivago, and a lot of others.
*patpats DD & teh Dust Tis a group, quite obviously of folks, to put it simply again.
*Yeah. It's alright. Leave me out. Go ahead. ^_^ ~AO*
*sniffle. Me too.*
:'( -DD

Lol, sorry, didn't know you were in it Ancient and the rest of you too lol, sorry. Didn't know THAT many of you all were in it! Wow... I definitely want to be in it too, now.

But anywhowhat, do you think I could join the GC?
At the moment, nay. Check yonder threaddy for the details.
Hypothetically, if I offered, would you want some advice on women?
Heh.. possibly later.
What's your favorite non-AQ game?
Painkiller.. fun fun times.
What's your favorite band?
At the moment, Booker T & The MGs
Favorite book(s) (that is, if you're the reading type)?
At the moment, going through 1984 for about the fifth time.. Good book.

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/19/2005 16:04:53 >
Post #: 20
9/19/2005 1:43:37   
How We Roll Winner

Er I had homemade pasta for dinner did you¿
Can't say I did.
What's your take on those pesky imported cheeses¿
Not too bad, personally. I'm a fan of cheese.
Do I really smell like everyone says¿
I don't have smellovision, personally.
After you check out my art thread and post a comment will you psot your opinion again here¿
Quite groovy, dig your stuff.

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/19/2005 16:06:22 >


AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 21
9/19/2005 1:48:47   

what is your favourite food?
Hot dogs & ribs.. good times.
who is your fav popstar?
Bah.. pop's not my thing, really. Check on page one for mah AS profile.
which is better, dill pickles or gerkins?
Pickles, totally.
okay, im done for now. Bye!

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/19/2005 16:07:13 >
AQ  Post #: 22
9/19/2005 2:01:34   
The Infinite

*Cracks knuckles* My turn!

How did you get started in AQ? What drew you to the game?
Actually started around '03, back in middle school.. twas a long time ago. The community's really what got me hooked though; I took residence in IRC and I've been there ever since.
Where did you come up with the name thewastedsmile?
Tis long forgotten in the annals of history. (IE, last year but it just stuck. It's a good handle.)
And what are you wasted about?
Not the slightest idea.
And for the girls for you(to prevent something):

Ooh.. nice. =)
I hope this helps!

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/19/2005 16:11:00 >


Post #: 23
9/19/2005 6:24:28   
Bilbo Baggins

Male or Female?
Maleness, baby.
Asian (making up less than 1% no less. Go Michigan!)
Sleep for how long everyday?
Inconsistent, and probably recking havok on my growth.
Favourite thing in AQ?
IRC. :)
Country love most to travel?
Well, my traveling range consists of my fridge and Canada, which is far cooler, so would have to go to with the frosty neighbors up north. That and they've got centres, rather than centers. Centres are far nicer.
Been mountainclimbing before?
Can't say I have.
what u do in AQ?
Various things.. like answer this, for example.
Show your signature plz.

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/19/2005 16:14:44 >
Post #: 24
9/19/2005 8:39:28   

Teh Reensy! *glomp*
Since Ancient stole most of my questions, *pout* I'll skip right to the silly stuff.

Guava or Kumquat?
Guava, totally!
Your cousin the Wal-mart smilie got a girlfriend...does that make you jealous?
Yeah.. it's all cause he gots a logo and a sword. I couldn't even write out 'TWS' if I had a sword; t'would take too long.
What's your favorite dinner?
BBQ ribs.. Mmm.. ribs.
What's your favorite drink (non-al)?
Bawls Energy drink.. gotta have mah Bawls.
Who's your favorite snugglekitty?
Reens, by far. Although Pae comes in a close second for snuggleghecko. *snuggles*
*snugglehugglewuggleglomps teh Wasted Smile*

< Message edited by thewastedsmile -- 9/19/2005 16:19:53 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 25
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