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Meet the AKs: eagle88 is out....

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3/13/2006 0:23:48   

Welcome one and all- this is eagle88, and this is my Meet the AK moment. Well, most of you know the drill so on to the questions ^_^

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/16/2006 6:21:33 >
AQ  Post #: 1
3/13/2006 0:34:46   

Only two for now:

1) What kind of eagle is your favorite? (To be specific, what species?)
The Golden Eagle- now there's a bird with some Talons ^_^
2) In the debate club, you used to use definitions in many of your arguements to help further your point, but since I haven't read any newer posts of that type by you in awhile I gotta ask. Do you still like using the dictionary as a debate tool?
Heh- well, I've often found it useful for me in some debates to define what a subject is before going further- a small philosophy technique I was taught when trying to tackle tough issues (the basic idea is to not overshoot your goal- start simple then work your way into the meat of the discussion). So no, I have not abandoned this technique- I sometimes like to try other ideas and techniques, see if they will work better ;)

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 1:06:12 >
AQ  Post #: 2
3/13/2006 1:09:04   

since pae is a gecko and your a eagle, does that mean you'd eat him/her if you had the chance?
O_O I'd never eat Pae- she's too darn cool ^_^
whats it like being an eagle?
I molt a lot sometimes >.>
do you veiw board members as prey?
Nah- only spam and it's relatives ;)
is it exciting to swoop down on helpless victims?
If the helpess victim is a small vertebrate- yum!!!
do you like locking threads?
*shrugs* It is what it is
whats your favorite weapon?
My way with words- hopefully it will be the only weapon I'll ever need :)

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 1:28:18 >
AQ  Post #: 3
3/13/2006 1:18:58   

Let's see.
*looks around*
Do you ever sleep?
That sleep thing again....I'll let you know if I ever do sleep ^_^
Exactley how out of hand must a debate topic come before it's Taloninated?
Like anything else that gets Taloninated (nice word there)- when it breaks the rules

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 1:37:21 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
3/13/2006 1:33:46   
Crystal Lion

Do you like lions?
As long as they don't try to eat me :)
Are you allergic to prawns?If not,then what?
A prawn?! I don't know....
Are you Chinese?
Did you get the helpful title before becoming an AK or were you picked without a special title?
Naw, I was a Debater before I was tapped.
Wanna read my story?Click on the second link in my sig.
Whee- something to read!!! ^_^
Read the Diplomats of Lore and tell me what you think of it. Worraworraworraworraworra!

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 1:47:00 >


Sent away to a leper colony like everyone who once loved Herosmash.
Post #: 5
3/13/2006 1:45:26   

Where would you have found the worlds largest eagle?(its extinct now)
I did read somewheres about an extinct one called haarst's Eagle that had lived in New Zealand- that was a big bird O_O
Do you remember being tied up with daisy chains by some hippy?
Not really, but then my memory is kind of faulty these days.....
How do you handle all the responsibility of being an AK?
I do the best that I can- what more can one really ask of a person? ;)
Have you lost or gained any (forumite)friends now that you are in such a high power? ;)
I hope that I have not lost any friends along the way- I may be doing different things on the forums now but that doesn't mean I've changed who I am- I am who I am ^_^
Would you like to be tied up with a daisy chain???? LOL, you probably don't even remember.......:)
Now I'm worried I HAVE missed something in the past, oh dear.....LOL ^_^

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 2:16:38 >
AQ DF  Post #: 6
3/13/2006 1:49:22   

Oh no they are brainwashing more of you.
Ack- I had better hide my brain then!!!
^_^ !ereht ih
you wont see me around the OOC much.
^_^ I can understand that- there are many awesome forums here to post on!!
Where did you come up with that name?
A combination of my favorite number and an award I received when I was younger.
That's it for now, might be back for more.
Ok, I'll be gliding around ;) *squawks a goodbye*

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 2:22:59 >


My level 99 Spellcaster
Post #: 7
3/13/2006 2:21:24   
Crystal Lion

If all the roads really went to the giant dustbin,what would you do?
I'd become a dusty eagle XD
Do you like potatoes?
Sure do!!
What kind of eagle are you?
I am a night eagle :D
What do you think of my stories?

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 2:54:10 >
Post #: 8
3/13/2006 3:09:08   

Heya eagle
Hey- 'Tis Chandler ^_^ ~/me stabs that 'l' out of existence :p
Just one question... Where did 'eagleplushie' come from? I may have asked this before, but meh. I forget.
Hehe- I'm not sure either, I think it happened one of those times my feathers were used to make a pillow and to save typing space I turned into a plushie *shrugs* That and plushies are cool XD

< Message edited by Chandler -- 3/13/2006 3:42:18 >
AQ  Post #: 9
3/13/2006 3:12:24   

*appears through a void*
Hey now- that's one way to get around!!
back with more.
Most excellent :)
what type of spam is your favorite prey?
The kind made out of ham and pork XD
what would you do if you encountered a real dragon?
Probably say: "Oh look- that's a dragon." I know, not too exiting, but then not everthing in life is :P
is there going to be an uprising agains't the mods led by the aks or is it just superstition?
Ah, no- and mentioning such things brings about bad karma
i havn't invoked your wrath have i?
If you mean Wreath, then yes *Wreathes the Kirby :D*
is balegwaya truly evil?
I'll ask next time our paths cross ;)
do you eat demon mammels?
Naw- they digest funny
*plucks off tail feathers and runs like crazy*
O_o Hey- bring those back!!!
i'll be back with more if you don't kill me next time.
Let's just say you had better return those feathers- they're dry clean you know!!! XD

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 3:42:44 >
AQ  Post #: 10
3/13/2006 3:20:59   
Crystal Lion

I meant dustbin as in rubbish bin.
Ah...then I'd have to ask where Rick Moranis is, as he shrunk us all again ^_^
And I don't think lions like to eat eagles anyway.
*Phew!!!* I'm glad to hear that ;)

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 3:45:09 >
Post #: 11
3/13/2006 5:03:34   

Heya Sublex :)
Why Eagle88?
Combination of my favorite number and an award I received a while ago.
My nickname
Do you owe an eagle?
Not as such- I just like them ^_^
Favourite eagle?
Golden Eagle
Are you bald?
*Checks* Nope, it's all there ;)
Thanks :)
You are most welcome ^_^

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 5:40:49 >
AQ  Post #: 12
3/13/2006 5:28:56   

why are u soI
...And as we need a translation for that term I'm afarid I must take it out. That makes my answer to be so-so

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 5:42:56 >
AQ  Post #: 13
3/13/2006 5:41:21   
Draco von Krieger Jr

Let's see...Whats your favourite
I don't play favorites- it can beceom a messy game :)
Bologna, peanut butter and mustard- you asked!!
One that croaks
Pae ^_^
Praying Mantis- patience indeed
User in AQ?
Too many to like just one ;)
AQ Staff Member?
O_O I have just one?! XD
Are you...
I am......
Uh, nope
*checks birth certificate* natta
Only when I get BBQed in the IRC ;)- they always char-broil me for some reason
Well, that depends on your definition :)
Only when provoked- It's an avian thing :p

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 5:51:00 >
AQ  Post #: 14
3/13/2006 5:46:04   
Jade Rose

Yeah, look what I found eagle's MtAK.
Uh oh- 'Tis Grafh O_O *dives and hides* ;)
Snuggles for eagle.
Snuggles for Grafh :D
You know I have a eagle plushie, he came in a can. :)
O_O.....so THAT's where I came from- not an egg but a can!!!
Yes I did let him out, I felt bad for him, I prefer canned gecko.
Uh oh- better keep that toned down a bit ;)
Err, I didn't say that.
I agree- that was some other Graph, yeah *methinks this might not work!!!*
I'll go hide now.
A sound idea, to be sure!!! See ya later Grafh (hopefully!!) ^_^

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 6:00:43 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 15
3/13/2006 6:03:13   
raiden x434

Hi ^^
fav super hero?
fav NCP?
Don't really have one- I like em all (even Zorbak :D)
best ever time of your life?
Fishing in the Gulf of Mexico- Those were some good times indeed!!!
fav mod/AK/KoO/admin?
I like them all (yeah, I know- shameless answer. But hey- I feel no ill will towards any of 'em- they are good people and work hard at what they do :) )
thats all thanks
Ok- see ya around ^_^

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 6:13:37 >
AQ DF  Post #: 16
3/13/2006 6:07:56   

Hello again.
You have returned O_O Welcome back!!
Just a thought -
One thought? :D
Are you and SeaHawK sworn enemies?
Uh, well being that he's my fearless leader an' all nope XD
Have you ever Neg-rated anybody?
Sure- I've also given positive ratings too :)
First word that comes to mind:
breakfast- oh, we haven't started yet, my bad ^^
Determined ;)
Feathers (which I sometimes lack >.>)
Over easy
No problem :)
P.S. Most commonly misspelled word for you?
yuo :p

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 6:23:38 >
AQ  Post #: 17
3/13/2006 6:44:52   

Hello Master Eagle
I'm hardly a master, just a crazy bird :p
How does it feel to fly above everyone?
Well, being that I'm afraid of heights, I'm not that far off from everyone ;)
Is it fun being a birdy?
Sure- I have lots of feathers :D
Can you chirp a song for me?
I only Squawk, and my renditions are often off key- my Tiki Room impression is good though :D
Anyway you are a good birdy, but I must leave.
Aww- You shall be missed :(

See ya!!

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 23:18:26 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 18
3/13/2006 6:49:37   
Crystal Lion

Are you able to read my story now?
Yup- I'll add comments here when I get a good chance to read it (give it a proper read over y'know ;) )
OK- so I read it: It did seem short, but then I think there is great potential there for something bigger and better to come out. I must admit, I am curious to see if you continue this piece out- good job ^_^

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/14/2006 4:58:59 >
Post #: 19
3/13/2006 7:31:25   

Hello, master eagle and this is another winged human or angel flying.. *crashes into the ground* ow.
Hello....wowzers, that looked like it hurt *goes and gets an ice pack*
so, have you ever heard rumours that some poster made a story of mods, star wars style? (nope, the mods ain;t the bad guys)
Not that I can recall
heard of rice?
Sure- it's tasty with chili ;)
Nice wings... care to switch with me?
Naw- mine work just fine XD
anyway, do you like school?
I'm no longer in school, but it was fun while I was there :)
now if you had a choice of being a drakel or elf which one would you want?
Hmmmm....not really crazy about either, but maybe an elf
Aquella or Valencia?
Questions like these deserve a logical complete decision making process....*flips a coin* Valencia ;)
if you heard about rice, well answer this question.. can you tell me how to solve my rice addiction.....????
Cold Turkey ;)
imagine with granemor, battleon and lolosia fought against each other, romance of the three kingdoms style... nvm.
Ever read ctrl-alt-del?
Once and a while- not too shabby
ever watched anime? if you do, label your favourites...
Sure- I only really like Cowboy Bebop though; great music in that series
hey, has wallo ever posted a meet the ak post?
I believe he has
This is winged slayer, flying off..... *flies off*
Until we glide again (ouch, really bad pun!!!)
~ "our fingers have no use but to pull the triggers of guns!!"
- from an anime....

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 23:29:21 >
AQ  Post #: 20
3/13/2006 7:34:59   
Prankman Hifly

Hello & nice to talk to you
And the same to you Prankman Hifly
What is it like to be an archknight?
*checks* Well, I'm still me ;)
What is your favourite element in AQ?
Ice is a fun element- slippin' and a slidin' fun XD
What do you like & dislike on the forums?
I like the many parts of the forum (so many places, so much info, many dedicated forumites)
Dislikes- I'll let you know when I find one :)

Do you listen to music when playing AQ & the forums?
Sure do
If do, what do you listen to?
Movie Scores mostly, but I do toss in some comedy music to lighten the mood :)
What do you like doing when you're offline?
Study the concept of sleep XD
OK! That's me done! Bye!
OK- me say bye then!! XD

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 23:41:34 >
AQ  Post #: 21
3/13/2006 8:30:03   

Greetings, ol' hunter of the OOC forums,
Greetings, but I'm more like a watchful Eye (looking for my other eye- have you seen it?!)
You would know me in the IRC chatroom as Doomsday, anyway here are some questions,
O_O Doooomsday!!!
Why are you always on the hunt?
Told ya- I'm looking for my other eye XD
Are you allergic to plushies?
Not at all :)
Do you like plushies? If yes why?
Sure- mainly because they are plush XD
Do you fear the almighty Gecko as everyone does?
Why fear an ally?! ^_^
Who is Cyrus to you?
One awesome fellow :D
Thats all the questions I can think of, good luck on your hunting :)
Ok, thanks for stopping by Doomsday!!

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/13/2006 23:56:38 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 22
3/13/2006 9:23:19   

If you were a cookie, What type of cookie would you be?
Oatmeal Raisin
It's a good mixture of ingredients
I would be a Snickerdoodle...Don't know why jsut would...maybe its the name...meh
hehe :)
Do you like Pie?
In moderate doses, yes ;)
Do eagles even eat Pie!?
I cannot tell a lie- I as an eagle do eat pie (hah- I can rhyme too!!!)
I guess its one of life's mysteries like cheese, spoons and Ship in a bottles...
No mystery- chees comes from the moon, spoon ran off with fork and those ships have hinges to the masts so you can fold em down to put them in the bottle ;)
SQUAWK! Like my eagle impersonation?
Heh- it's coming along :)
Thats all I guess ^_^
Okie dokie- later!!

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/14/2006 0:02:01 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 23
3/13/2006 12:16:19   
Warrior of Aero...

These things are fun....
Uh oh....that's what we call a lead in ^_^ hello aerowarrior1
When are you and Swallowtail going take over the forums?
Never (hides some "paperwork")
Favorite video game?
Super Mario Bros. 3- first game I beat
Do you like the simpsons?
They're ok
If so, favorite episode?
The one with Al Yankovic in it
Favorite football team?
KC Chiefs- Go Chiefs!!!
Favorite movie?
Casablanca, with the Maltese Falcon coming in a close second
What forums do you ak in?
jumpropes or pogo sticks?
Pogo sticks XD
eyries or drays? (<--For squirrels)
Both sound like tasty squirrels :)
do you ever take energy things?
If so, what's your faovrite method of consumption? (drink, gel, bar, chew, jelly bean...)
Drink form
yes, there are jelly bean energy things, they're called sport beans, and they're made by jelly belly.
Sport beans- how novel O_o
do you like greek mythology?
Sure- It's been a fun Study
what's your favorite myth?
favorite norse god?
Thor :D
odin or thor?
Thor smash!!!
non sequitor or the far side?
Toughie- both are very good
have you ever tried on those bose headphones that block out all of the sound except for the music?
uh, nope
Do you watch House Md?
what about Boston Legal?
animation domination or adult swim?
Adult Swim
contacts or glasses?
Glasses (reading)
mac or pc?
favorite pray?
Our Father ;)
pencils or pens?
uhmmmm... knock knock?
*check the door* sneaky pranksters!!
Favorite forum? (other than the ones that you ak in)
L&L- some good reading to be done in there XD
What is your favorite... (all AQ)
Frostvale- 'Tis a good time every year!!
Dragon (any of em)
Light Dragonblade
Moglin War party
Carnax Warrior
I like em all :D
Our weekly challenges ;)
Do you own a ps2?
Ever played Dragon Quest VIII?
uh not that I recall
Do you play zardwars?
If so, what's your favorite item/monster?
Don't have one yet
Armor or Armour?
Do you like Mardi Gras beads?
Do you keep track of CAD?
If so, what do you think of Ethan and Lilah getting married?
O_O Party time!!
Favorite emoticon?

Favorite smiley (text)
What is your view on abortion?
Longer then one line- I'll answer this one some other day ;)
Favorite author?
Agatha Christie
Do you like stephen king?
Meh- he's ok
If so, what's your favorite book of his?
Murder on the Orient Express (whoops- that would be my favorite Agatha Christie book ;) )
Do you have any hobbies?
Yup- Fishing
When was the last time you saw the sun?
What's the sun? ;)
Favorite farming spot for gold?
Farming >.> Yeah, if there is no event on I just hit RA or battle monsters- sometimes I'll visit another town
Favorite farming spot for exp?
^See above ^
Favorite non-battleable monster? (merchant, savvy mearchant, kibbles, gnuvian, anyone else I fogot)
Have you beaten FireSpawn yet?
Not yet
If so, do you think that the ending is kinda a let down?
Do you like the harry potter series?
It's an ok series- nice detail in the books
Does your computer ever make a wierd buzzing noise?
Only when I kick it :p
Mine just stopped, I think that there's something wrong with my cd drive....
Give it a kick :p
How old are you?
Do you have a job?
If so, what?
I'm a dispatcher
Do you like greek mythology?
Question has already been answered- yes
Has your brain been rotted by all of these questions yet?
*twitch* Not at all XD
What do you think of the suggesiton in my sig?
O_O I thought that was another question :)
Did you know that some falcons can dive at speeds over 150 mph?
If you could get any rare weapon, what would it be?

Have you ever heard of the alpha/omega orbiter?
it's some really old weapon...
Do you have any idea of what it looks like?
Pretty cool editing colour you've got there...
Why thank you
Do you play an instrument?
I used to
I play the trumpet...
Cool- Trombone was my specialty
Do you ever get songs stuck in your head?
This is the song that never ends.... :P
Ever heard the song Centerfold by the J. Geils Band?
Isn't that the worst thing to get in your head?
There are many things stuck in there *smacks head*
well, that and barbera ann by the beach boys...
Favorite breed of eagle?
Red bull or Vault?
Ever heard of a drink called jolt?
that stuff really gives you a lot of energy...
Favorite smell?
Clouds XD
Least favorite smell?
Wet clothes
favorite food?
Sparrows ;)
least favorite food?
Liver XP
favorite domesticated animal?
...I have one?!
least favorite domesticated animal?
don't you hate those little dogs that look like rats?
cats or dogs?
Aren't platypus's wierd?
I mean, a mammal that can lay eggs, has webbed feet, a bill, and has venomus spurs is definately not normal...
Sounds like my kind of mammal XD
Do you like james bond?
He's ok
If so, favorite movie?
Favorite super hero?
If you could have any 3 good-oriented superpowers, what would they be?
I'll let you know when I get some ;)
Favorite super villia?
The Joker :)
If you could have any 3 evil-oriented superpowers, what would they be?
Heh- like i'd let y'all know that in advance XD
Do you plan on seeing "V for Vendetta"?
I hope to
Did you know that the guy's mask is based on guy fawks?
also, it was origioanally a comic book.
Do you like familly guy?
Tis an ok show
what's your favorite episode?
Meh- none pops to mind
Who would win in a fight, batman, or the chicken from family guy?
We'll have to wait until next week to find out XD
do you like the matrix trilogy?
Eh- I didn't care for the last 2 movies all that much
did you find that you were underwhelemed by the second installment?
Not really
do you like the hitchikers books?
Sure do!
do you find it funny that it's a trilogy, but it has 5 books?
Part of the charm :)
do you like the mighty mighty boss-tones?
I don't recall the crew
do you like theis song "the impression that I get"?
Never heard it
do you have an iPod?
doesn't it seem like everyone has one nowadays?
*shrugs* it is what it is
if you do, do you find that if you put on the earphones, you will become invisible (meaning people won't bother you because you're listening to music.
Not really, as they can't stop dancing!!
favorite genre of music?
Movie Scores and Comedy
favorite genre of movie?
favorite tv show?
if you could make a weapon in aq, what would it's name be?
do you like the weapon warhawk?
Haven't tried it yet
do you like the monster thunderbird?
Tis ok
what about pheonix?
^See above^
helium balloons or water balloons?
Water- especially when I have one XD
ever wondered what would happen if you filled up a balloon with gas and then set it on fire?
I've seen it done ;) (Note: such tests should be done by a trained person, like a teacher)
if you could do anything for a living, what would it be?
favorite helmet (can be in the g-tower or from mogloween)
*shrugs* I don't use them too often
encylopedia or uaq?
do you like aqua teen hunger force?
Don't really watch the show
who do you like better: meatwad, master shake, or frylock?
do you like the ratchet and clank series?
Never seen it
uhmmmm... squack?
>.> Squawk!!
wow, i'm really on a roll here...
do you do any extreme sports? (rollerblading, skateboarding, bmx, surfing, etc)
Not really
if so, what's the most extreme trick you've ever pulled?
Changing the channel when they do those stunts ;)
worst injury?
Neck and concussion at the same time- fun fun
jokes or riddles?
In bunches or pecks?!
spanish or french?
parlez-vous francais?
Oui, un peu (yes, a little)
habla espanol?

spechen ze deutsche?

aht m'dah b'ret eev reet?

oday ouyay eakspay igpay atinlay?

nee hwa shwo zhong when mah?

kabeela fortunex cresfileeek?

You don't have to answer that last one...
Don't forget that we need translations when using another language on the forums ;)
baghette or dinner rolls?
cookies or brownies?
cologne or body spray?
do you plan on watching american inventor?
Not unless I'm tied down and forced to ;)
Alright, last one...
Do you like muppet treasure island?
Alright, that's all...
See ya!!

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/14/2006 1:36:34 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 24
3/13/2006 12:25:57   

Want me talk all N00by way?
>.> Uh, no?
are you sure?
i will act all N00by!
Fooled ya!
Heh heh
Wants a Peanut?
A very good comic strip
Why did you turn a AK?
We can turn AKs around?! I must go find one and try that out XD
GHwt3836a .5758215 ae32tgudnha?
Want to the Way of the Dragon?
I walk like an Egyptian sometimes ;)
Better go make one
Favorite Anime?
Cowboy Bebop
What do you think about my Char?
Tis an ok character lad ^_^
Are you Evil?
Am I? *ebil grin* We shall have to see, won't we?!
Are you Good?
^See above^
Are you Twiggish?
Go Twigs!!!
Why does people inside Zorbak's Hideout (Including the Intelligent Guys there) Think that Twig is a Evil Mastermind? They should know that i did Assassinated Riona with a Poison Arrow back in the Carnax War. MEEP! Did i say that loud!??!?!??!
You did- you ought to work on that you know :p
PUFF! *Disappears*
Exit, Stage left!!

< Message edited by eagle88 -- 3/14/2006 1:18:03 >
Post #: 25
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