Chubbs Resource Pack *Updated* (Full Version)

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ponycoltraine -> Chubbs Resource Pack *Updated* (7/7/2007 17:35:06)


Render from, games, animes, and life:

C4D's that ive collected over time:

Stocks I've collected, these include portraits and more backgroundish stocks:

*note* i didnt make any of these C4ds, renders (actually 1 :P), or take on any of these stocks thanks.

AND 1 -> RE: c4ds (7/7/2007 18:03:22)

OMG thnx Chubbs. =)
All your c4ds are awesome!
Thnx for sharing.

Might wanna add a preview tho. :)

AND 1 -> RE: c4ds (7/7/2007 18:13:34)

Hmm, they're only on 28%...

Edit: Finished. Those c4ds are badass. Sry for language, but it was completely neccesary. Thnx for sharin. :)

ponycoltraine -> RE: c4ds (7/7/2007 19:09:10)

np ill add a preview in a lil bit. <note i didnt make these>

AND 1 -> RE: c4ds (7/7/2007 19:13:49)

That doesn't mean there can't be a preview..=/
xD Oh well, thnx for sharin.

Nicky -> RE: c4ds (7/7/2007 21:00:21)

Rawr, I see two of my renders.
Ripper! D:>
Nah, just kidding :3

Thanks for sharing Chubbs, some of them look very nice. :)

DeathKnight2 -> RE: c4ds (7/7/2007 21:03:03)

:D Lmao I'd be happy if some of my renders were in there thats means they're good :D...

Good pack I need more C4Ds Good Job :D

Bramble -> RE: c4ds (7/7/2007 21:04:55)

I see none of my renders ;_______________;
Thanks for sharing.

ponycoltraine -> RE: c4ds (7/7/2007 21:07:42)

sorry bramble i know u have some Kick *rudy patudy* lol ones out there but i guess i never saved them :P

Rain -> RE: c4ds (7/7/2007 21:09:35)

Thanks for sharing! ALOT! [sm=fun_08.gif]

Badger Boy -> RE: c4ds (7/7/2007 21:47:17)

Yeah, thanks for sharing.
I might need to use these. >_>

DeathKnight2 -> RE: c4ds (7/7/2007 22:37:32)



I see none of my renders ;_______________;
Thanks for sharing.

XD I have some of your renders...There just too good to host :D

BreeMote -> RE: c4ds (7/7/2007 22:48:20)

Godjesus, I rarely use C4Ds (mostly because I don't know how to use them and make them look good) but I randomly download packs as I did with this one.
And oh my god, that is a crapload of stuff O_O

Thanks for sharing. I can't imagine how long it took to collect all of those.

ponycoltraine -> RE: c4ds (7/7/2007 23:30:12)

ive been collecting for about 2 months :D, thx.

DeathKnight2 -> RE: c4ds (7/8/2007 8:33:33)

Lol its gonna take me a half A hour long to download XD but then again

Good C4ds < Cookies

Wen Su the Tank -> RE: c4ds (7/8/2007 11:10:53)

well it took me and my computure 1 hor and 30 min wand 17secs to download so they beter be good

Lightnin10 -> RE: c4ds (7/8/2007 12:01:38)

thnx 4 sharing chubby =D
i will use them

.oblivionDawn// -> RE: c4ds (7/8/2007 12:06:43)

teh hawtness... these are awesome! Tanks...

Cooldude123 -> RE: c4ds (7/9/2007 16:46:17)

Thanks for sharing Chubbs.

ponycoltraine -> RE: Chubbs Resource Pack *Updated* (7/9/2007 22:52:44)

thanks coo dude.

Wen Su the Tank -> RE: Chubbs Resource Pack *Updated* (7/10/2007 12:01:21)

well now i am downloading the stocks god these take along time to download

AND 1 -> RE: Chubbs Resource Pack *Updated* (7/10/2007 14:43:46)

The stocks won't download correctly for me. C4d's are ftw though, thnx for sharin..again. :)

BreeMote -> RE: Chubbs Resource Pack *Updated* (7/10/2007 20:01:17)

I'm downloading the stocks now ^_^
/me likes stocks she'll never use :D

AND 1 -> RE: Chubbs Resource Pack *Updated* (7/10/2007 21:21:22)

Hmm, I now have all three categories! They're all sweet!

BreeMote -> RE: Chubbs Resource Pack *Updated* (7/10/2007 22:22:15)

Hahaha, I'm so dumb :P

I downloaded the stocks, then realized I was on my PC, which doesn't have PS. Go me! XD
Oh well, I have a transfer cord, so I can just move them to my laptop whenever I'm not feeling lazy :P

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