RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (Full Version)

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IndieDrummer -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/28/2007 14:19:37)


A lufa in the shower today hit me in the head and I fell......what do you think of that?
ouch :( heavy loofah?
Would you rather club a seal with a stick or club Cysero?
:O neither!
Do you think clubbing seals is mean?
Do you think clubbing Cysero is mean?
How are you doing?
lol good! :D
Nintendo or Sony?
hmmm i don't really play either..but i guess nintendo. good hardward at least :)
You got seals to PWN so ill stop there...
lol i don't have any seals to club...but see you later!

Aitrus -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/28/2007 15:53:03)

Women? On the internets? LIES!
:O i am a lie? o.O
Hehe. Everyone knows that online all men are boys, all women are men and all little girls are FBI agents!
:O i'm an FBI agent? cool :D
Juuuust kidding!
So enjoying the horde of questions?
hehe. i finally made it to the last two pages ^_^
Do you like the houses in AQ? I haven't checked them out yet. I have a guardian i haven't played in years!
i love them :D extra storage is a life saver. and they refill potions too ^_^ you should play on your guardian then definitely :) lots of new stuff has come out!
Hehe can you tell me Why my forum post count was reset?
if you're inactive long enough so that all the threads with your posts in them were purged, then you'll go back to being a new member.
Do you like green eggs and ham?
to eat, no. to look at, no. to read about, sure. lol
Whats your favourite movie?
gladiator, batman begins, amadeus, pirates
Whats your favourite band?
don't have one
Tv show?
Want some icecream?
Can you change my forum name?
lol nope. only admin can do that
Or title? X.x i used to have the title of The ranting man x.x that rocked.
lol nope i can't do that either.

what can i do? i edit :P lol

Got milk?

Markin99 -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/28/2007 16:27:45)

Hi SiLvErWiNg
1.Hey why SiLvErWiNg why not GoLdWiNg
no real reason in particular i guess o.O silver > gold? at least by the name?
2.I thought u were a boy.
lol a lot of ppl think that apparently :P
3.What do u like most abt DF
i like the walkaround but i also like the nicer looking chars :D
4.Whats ur fav colour
green and silver and this blue isn't bad. i also like coral and some other warmer colors too.
5.Ur fav food.
a lot. lol
6.Do u like Pizza.
Thats all I guess..
Oh.Good luck on ur Knighthood

aww thanks!

SahdowOfDarkness -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/28/2007 19:04:53)

have you noticed you might get more hits than lord barrius!?
lol yay?
just 50 more posts and itll be done.
haha i think i've beat him because of the skirmish at the end XD
*sniff, ive been on the forums 3 hours a day and you srill don't recognize me since january!*
:O i haven't been around since january? i've been around since two years ago but only came back to active status in july...

O well. Fprgot 1 thing ... * Snuggles*
aww you too ^_^ *snugglehuggles back*

HippyMaster -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/28/2007 19:35:11)

I see that you haven't set a limit to the number of questions... time to wreak havoc!
nuuuu! ;_;
Why did you choose that name?
because i couldn't think of anything better. honestly, that was why. haha.
Favourite noise?
Favourite animal?
fuzzy stuffs. puppies, dogs, cats, kitties, big cats, etc...
Favourite food?
too many to count o.O
Favourite thing on television?
favorite thin on the tv? well there's nothing on my tv used to have an antenna back in the day. i guess the dust that's on top of the tv is my favorite thing? (since it's the only thing?)

ohh! i know! the buttons! those are on my tv :) and they make it do stuff.

Favourite part of any of the AE games?
hmm...i like the complexity of AQ since it was my first AE game back in 04. but i like the walk around and char looks in DF.
Favourite toppings on a pizza?
cheese? meat?
Favourite NPC?
ooh tough. i like a lot of them. probably twilly and warlic and valencia too.
Middle name?
ag wing. no middle name.
Question mark, or exclamation mark?!
? why?
Have you ever abused your AK powers?
only to edit ppl's posts with snuggles :P
Do you plan to abuse your AK powers?
to edit ppl's posts with snuggles :D
What was the first thing you did when you became an AK?
lol went back to ratings? oh this time around! um...probably to delete something that glaringly was upsetting ppl in the DF GGD :)
What was the best question in this thread?
could have been any of the last two plus the favorite npc i guess
Who is your favourite staff member?
<3 them all ^_^
Would typing in your colour like this confuse you?
:O someone already asked that o.O
Favourite AE game? (AQ, DF, AK, ZW, Firespawn etc.)
Who is your favourite forumite? (Except SiLvErWiNg. He's everyone's favourite! ;) )
lol. right. who is this male silverwing we are talking about? i'm a he be stealing my identity? :O
i actually like a lot of the forum members that i've talked with :) they're all fun to hang out with and talk to ^_^

What do you think of my characters?
:) nice
Favourite form of locking?
lol...there are multiple forms?
How did you become an AK?
well this time around, Reens and alac saw me wandering around DF GGD and NH and then proceeded to kidnap me and put me to work. last time around, see the first post of my thread ^_^;
How many bribes did it take?
:O none!
Coffee or tea?
What's an ArchKnight?
someone who plays the aborted AE game, archknight. but also someone with mod powers on certain boards.
Can you answer invisible questions?
Did you notice that I just recycled my old questions from the last Meet the AK thread?
:O you did?!
That's all for now!
...oh... and Congratulations!
lol thanks
P.S. *Snuggles*
*snugglehuggles back*

Trizkial -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/28/2007 20:05:14)

Hello! ^_^
hi there!
Are you having a good day?
Do you like being an AK?
i do indeed
Adventure Quest or DragonFable? Why?
AQ because it was there first and thusly more developed. i'm also more familiar with it and it seems to be more complex, at least for now
Why do you edit in the color that you do?
i actually was having problems finding a color to edit in, so i dunno...but i just adopted this color o.O
In DF whats your favorite 1.weapon 2.back item(capes,wings,etc.) 3.Head item(helmets,etc.) 4.Armour colors (Base and trim)
1) not sure
2) i like the rare wings that were around, especially the gold and white ones. too bad i missed that treasure hunt though :(
3) i like my hair? lol
4) green and silver :D

Thank-you ~TGB~

thanks for coming to visit me!

Obinna970 -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/28/2007 20:47:59)

rawr! why are we quoting me? o.O that's certainly not necessary :P
hi ^_^

swissarmyknife -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/28/2007 20:59:08)

have u ever stolen yogurt from cy?
do u ever plan to?
do u like ur job?
yup :)
what is ur favorite face? (ex. O.o T_T :D :P...)
i like :D, @_@
are u very busy with ur job?
lol pretty busy yeah. hardly a spare moment once i get online ^_^;
do u like ice cream?
i do indeed :)
what flavor?
mint chocolate chip
all i can think of now, so bye i guess [:D]
hokay. bye!

general greivous -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/28/2007 21:24:44)

Wow, you been gone so long, missed yah ;)
general greivous! :D *snugglehuggletackles* haven't seen you in the longest time! omg! :) nice to see old faces
Anyway, standarts: What is your favourite zard?
i like the new MoZard :D it's clever lol
What happened to Spelly? I spent hours talking to her >_>
she disappeared on us :( i have no clue where she went either...
Do you feel happy to be back?
i am very happy to be back :D
Wich is your currently favourite, AQ or DF?
Give me a five!
*gives you 10 plus snuggles*
Have a pleasent week ^_^
you too! drop me a pm and we'll chat sometime and catch up :) *snuggles*

Little_Edge -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/28/2007 22:15:37)

Wow...getting a "Meet the ArchKnight" post by me...You must feel honored (as I do very few^^)!
deja vu o.O someone else said that earlier too lol. well i am honored by your visit :)
Anywho--Question time! your name?
Batt, Ag. your favorite color?
silver, green, this blue i guess.... your quest? the average ground speed of a Swallow?




Console Game?

PC Game?

Animal (You know you want to say Bird or Penguin)?

Artix Entertainment Game?

Have you/do you play--
Half Life?

Counter Strike?




Zoo Tycoon?

Super Smash Bros?

Zelderex Online

War of Empires
i've only played melee and civilization

Have you/Do you watch--
Anime? If so, list.
nope not really
Code Lyoko?
nope to all the following shows



What country do you live in?

What do you do in real life?

Are you well known in real life?

How creative are you?

Do you have an MSN or AIM screenname?

Have you been bugged by people on the forums?

*puppy dog face*Do you loev me?

Am I one of the few people who actually give you good questions that have a point?

aha!! this is copied and pasted! :O you can go read my answers from the other post then ;)
edit: i don't remember some of these questions though...*is confused now*

aNyThInG -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/28/2007 23:48:23)

Boo? :D *snugglehuggiespwnsalot* XD
aNyThInG! you have the same name capitalization thing as i do :D *snugglehugglepounces*
Back for more!! Well, I guess...
Hmmm, when is your b'day? :D hahaha seems like no one ask that.
lol it's classified ^_^ 23059/23857/23984732945 :D
Are you good in cooking? XD or bad? =O Or even worse, you don't know how to cook?! =O!!!
lol it's not that bad :P it's ok :)
What is the meaning of "life"?
it' munch on stuff?
Pae, Pie or Pay? XD
pae :D since i don't get pay-d :P

Serious question this time.. Long answer please.

Do you think Science could prove everything in this world? Your thoughts?
the boundaries of science extend exactly to proofs. there are many things that the scientific world, regardless of how great the theorem, simply will not have sufficient evidence to prove as true. something like evolution is a great example. while every fossil, etc...points in that direction, there are continual discoveries that add to the complexity and challenge the theorem because we have a lack of information and a lack of means to get that information. another reason why science can't prove everything is because everything is a lot and to state that you could prove it all would be beyond presumptuous :)
What are your thoughts about Global Warming? Do you think it such a big issues in this world?
global warming is a phenomenon that is cyclical but getting to a point that hasn't ever historically been seen. the way that they are measuring it by correlating the carbon dioxide and temperature levels can be a rather confusing thing due to the lack of causality from what i know. (or at least questionable causality) the point remains that because the temperature is warming to levels that have never before been seen, the impending possibility of another great Ice Age much worse than the last one (due to the shut down of ocean conveyor belts, etc...) is a frightening thing. what makes that threat worse is that like the movie "day after tomorrow" when the entire world is engulfed in an ice age, it can occur in about ten years. o.O
What do you think of Celebrities? Example like Paris Hilton since she goes to jail. Do you think they are really that bad that ended up in jail? I mean, they are celebrities! Shouldn't they have perfect lives?
i think that celebrities can be split into two types: the paris hilton types who honestly want to flaunt their lives for all to see and think that their stupidity is funny and use it to make money and the ones like johnny depp who want nothing to do with the paparazzi and thus move to a different country altogether to get away from it. i'm with the latter group. celebrities are humans and honestly as ordinary as we are. they don't send paparazzi to our doors, why should we send such pests to theirs? while they may have more plastic in their bodies, they have the same 99% of DNA that we do that distinguishes us from chimps. i don't think that they should have perfect lives because they are subject to the same rules of conduct and the same biological rules that we are. paris deserved to go to jail and she deserved to go back to jail after her escapade of getting out due to "illness" (whining, last i checked, was not a justifiable symptom of any disease, nor was being famous for the wrong reasons.) i think that celebrities should have fame that they deserve for doing the right things and that making money off of stupidity is absolutely setting the wrong example.

That's all I have to ask =) Cheers!
well the last serious questions were interesting and stimulating :) thanks for asking them and visiting me! :D


turkeylurkey -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/29/2007 7:50:21)

the turkinator is back again!(and this time with a spell checker that recetly was added to mozilla)
lol hello :)
what are your opinions on smurfs?
they are really blue o.O
what about narf?
uhh narf? who is narf?
what is better: smurf or narf?
neither? o.O
a voted smurfs, smurfs pwn.
lol sure :)
see yah!

boomies -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/29/2007 9:49:55)

Hello AUWing....Hmm. Somethings not right. maybe too much PB. ARGH! Too many periodic elements! Darn you chemestry!
lol gold wing, lead wing :P that would keep me from flight o.O not that silver is a particularly light element either...maybe i should have gone with something lighter...except HeWing sounded funny XD
Did you read the Silverwing trilogy by Kenneth Oppel?
lol nope but ppl ask me that a lot :P
Do you know what AU, PB, AG, and HY stand for?
gold, lead, silver, and hi o.O
So, AG, AGWing, or Silverwing, what do you prefer?
lol anything is fine :) i had just never seen it written AG before o.O i always just wrote it as Ag lol
Short on questons, as I just did Cubal, so Ill end this now.
hehe :) ok
PS-Cubal needs to lock his, been more than a week.
lol yeah mine has been going for like a month XD i'm a delinquent >_> but shhh....

krazy demon child -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/29/2007 16:51:39)

I'm it's time to answer a couple ebil questions.
1.Does this color make me look girly?
2.If you could choose any song in the world as your theme song what would it be?
uhh i'll get back to you? O:) that's a tough one
3.WiiLL yU Be mY fweND.
sure :)
4.What type computer do you use.
a brand new one ^_^ a pc
5.Do you live in Idaho?
does you stalk me? o.O

lol no :P

6.Do you like my signature?
:) it's nice
and finally R u huked on foniks?
lol huked? and no.

spy9993 -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/29/2007 19:27:30)

1:whats random
you are apparently o.O lol jk
2:who are these questions to O.o
me, myself, and i. oh and some gremlins who like to edit stuffs while i can't :P
3:whats do u think of the word wings
i like wings :)
3:deja vu?
4:wats 12986213987321231 x 982166213621398218213?
a really large number that explodes the calculator on my computer :P
5: five questions so far now wat
now a sixth. i am physic 8)
6: did i run out of questions
doubtful :P
7: classified means secret right? now wat kind of secret would be a secret if not 1 person knows cause unless i hear TOP secret its not rly a secret now to the point wats ur df's characters pvp id?
lol it's actually top top secretly classified since only a handful of ppl know it >:D
8:was the last question to long
8: do u think this was a mistake i covered up or not?
8: how many 8's u think i can do? many 8s do you think i can answer? :P
9: not to many eh wat do U think of the word SIEWFEIWEADE(EEWREFRE)EFEWOFWE<FCXW
o.O uhh that's a good thing?
10: thinks the word from the last question is even a word?
o.O no.
11: mind unscrambiling number 9
i'd rather not ^_^;
12: can u FIX ANY GRAMMER AT ALL form the last 11 + questions?
;_; do i have to?
13 how are you?
because :P
14: ARE u sure?
16: 100%?
17: think im trying to annoy you?
haha :P ok
19:well as you know there has been 21-24 questions so far or am i wrong O.o
o.O there have been a lot @_@
20: think you can anwser the question below?
X_X sure? do i get a choice?
22: yea i knew u couldnt
my line! :O *chomp*

24: if u rawred on top..IM TELLING MY MOMMY!!!!
i didn't :D i chomped
25: wats 2x2
two by two? lots of things are.
26: HAHA! i said x not times wait isnt x times but if x is times then wat i X?
27:did u awnser the above question right?
surely not? :P
28: wats a yes or no anwser?
your question. yes.
28: do you think im running out of questions?
haha :P no. i wish.
29: well i am this is a yes or no question to so anwser wISE|Y
30: think how i spelled wISE|Y was a hint?
o.O no. of course not :P that would be too easy :P
31: this is the hardest question so far
32: are you ready im saying this to get you ready
these last two aren't questions :P
33: okay here we go
34: if a ninja faught a pirate but the pirate was tired and the ninja wasnt and was very stealth and the pirate wasnt on top of things who would win?
the ninja clearly.
35: think the above question was hard
36: just to tell you it was a trick question like this one
wonderful :P
37: so0o0o0o0o0o please try to anwser this unscramble this
ok. yeah i'd rather not :P
38: blah bleh bloop mloop gloop glep
..... ..... ........ ...... ...... ....... ... ....... ..... ...... ^_^
39: do YOU think i ran out of questions?
nope :P unfortunately not.
40: are YOU sure
41:wana know why im capitilising YOU
42:well fi you said yes ill tell if you said no skip to next question well if you have to capilize I then why not YOU?
43: dont anwser the above question HA HA!!!!
o.O i did :P it wasn't a question really...
44: think im ebil?
for asking so many questions. yes :P
45: want me to stop asking?
that might be nice ^_^
46: BLAH BLEH BLOOP!?!?!?!
.... ..... ....... ....
47: DRAMA YES OR NO!??!?!
49: CLIMAX BUILDING UP!?!?!?!?!?
50: you done with the questions :)

51: you thought i would let you off easy didnt you yes or no?
haha! i figured not from teh length of the post >_>
52: last question for sure
haha ok
53: if superman flys and batman floats but robin swings and iceman freezes yet king kong is strong and just has to step on them but mr.incredible can throw him like a tooth fairy but the tooth fairy isnt real like most of these wich is real?>
you are o.O
53: ha okay now this one is
lol ok
54: if i gave u a snuggle bear costume wat would YOU do with it@!??!?!
i would bear snuggle everyone! :D
55: wow 55 questions alot aint it? what si i spelled wat like taw?
yar @_@ it was a lot to answer
56: jsut a some stuff to say in a questionable fanshion :O well congratz hope some of them made you laugh O.o anyways HAPPY umm.. happy umm HAPPY MONTH DAY!
lol thanks! :)
57: i see you love geckos do you like eating them O.o x.X
lol i happen to like pies ^_^
58: okay i rly dont have a limti on this do i?
no apparently not o.O
59: almost there almost there 1 mroe question left right?
60: will you be my friend if i gave you this...
o.O bribery?

aww cute! :D but it wouldn't take that to be my friend :P i'll do it without the bribe. lol

gladiator hawk -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/30/2007 4:32:41)

*gives SiLvErWiNg a cookie*
*munches happily ^_^*
Spy9993 went crazy, eh?
lol yeah @_@
Lets start the torture with the questions.
:O noooo
Sooo.. you have been kidnapped AK'ed?
lol yup. again.
How does it feel? (the chains)
uhh...they're heavy? and shiny neon purple?
Who kidnapped AK'ed you?
Reens and Alac :)
Why were u kidnapped AK'ed?
umm...? because they needed more souls?
Why not stick with CR&A?
hehe well after i retired and came back, my old niche had been taken over. and due to competitive exclusion, i have been resituated. but i like my new home :) i'm trying to go back to CR&A too though.
Like my sig?
yar :)
Fine by me.
:O it was even a negative comment!
Favourie food?
too many to count lol :P
Favourite drink?
umm...water? yeah i'm boring like that :P
Favourite places to travel/were you have traveled?
ooh :D this is a fun one. i like more exotic places, with pretty waters and beaches ^_^
Like the weather?
lol too hot :P
Mee too, its rainy here =(
XD lol or that too
Enough of this *gives another cookie*
thanks! :) *munches some more*
Good WiNgY, now sit... stay..
:O pavlovian training! :O *spits out cookie bits* :P
PEACE!bye! thanks for visiting!

Aquapyre -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/30/2007 12:16:03)

Hey SilvErWiNg.
hi there! :)
You mentioned something about majorly updating your guides, how soon are you planning on doing this?
soon in AE terms = weeks to months >:D lol no i'm almost done with crucial guide to the rating arts. i promise :P
country or city?
city state ^_^ it's both :D
Apple or Windows?
Random q's are done now
hokay. bye!

Cataclysm -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/30/2007 13:07:58)

Bwahahaha! I am back from page 1!
o.O! >> <<
Do you pwn monsters, or do you own them?
lol neither XD i get pwned/owned. haha actually i just mana dump them :D
Does the following sentence make any sense: Fredrick von Schnouser is a doggie's doodie?
:O dirty mouth? clean it with some orbit!
How do you feel about Wendy's Baconator?
it's teh scary? o.O
How many mods/AK's do you think have watched Monty Python, and the Holy Grail?
lol probably most of them if not all of them? it's a fairly famous movie :) i know that i've seen it
Do you have a DL? I have a Best looking DL thread up! I'd be honored to rate a DL of an AK/Mod!
:) i think we might have to resurrect that thread ^_^; btw...
Wait, what question am I on now? 42, that is right...
:O ;_;
Wilst thou saveith thine noble quest? Yae verily or Nae?
Ya verily
To see a Dancing Frogzilla, checkith the top link in my siggy.
lol no! not that thing again! :O
If... Great Aunt Sally ways more than I do, what is the square root of 144?
if great aunt sally ways what more than you do? o.O the square root of 144 is clearly a christmas tree then!
Thanks, now I can finish my homework! In summer!
:) lol it's no longer summer XD i'm teh slow
Favorite Trobble? Those Troublesome Trobbles, tricky, tricky troublesome Trobbles?
hmm...trobble-san? he's cute and ninja :D
the meaning of life? :O
Thank you... you are psycologically well... I think. It uses large words... larger than Frankenstien... so I don't understand all of this...
o.O i'm what? i'm confused now...
Art thou ready for more randomness?
lol certainly
Pray tell, dast thou likith typing like this?
we doth not liketh writing in such manner.
Could you please press F5 or Alt F4? It is really cool!
ha! not falling for that one >_>
If I run out of questions, I will self distruct...
:D wait no...that's bad :P
Self Distructing in 3, 2, 1: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM!!! Wow, that pie tasted nice! AUL8R (annoy you later!)
lol bye!

videogame92 -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/30/2007 13:30:45)

hi! :D
1. What's your favorite thing to do?
chomp :D lol no jk. i like to watch tv and read and play piano and hang out on the forums and on irc. i also like volleyball :D
2. Do you like to poke little green geckos on Isle d'Oriens?
lol no. i used to. but they kept chomping me :( so...
3. Are you ebil?
i should think not?
4. Who's your favorite Moglin, Twilly, Zorbak, or Kabroz?
twilly :D
5. What's your favorite smiley?
:D or @_@
6. What's your favorite thing to munch?
chomp! chomp i say! lol and no.
7. What's your favorite word?
ooh. i'll have to get back to you on that one.
8. Do you get fat from munching?
yar ;_;
9. Do you like my sig?
:) it's nice
10. How many threads have you locked?
lol i dunno? quite a few? ^_^; i only do it when necessary. i also return threads if they've been wrongly eaten :)
11. How many sigs have you munched?
0 :D i don't have that much munching powers.
12. Who would you rather be, Artix or Reens?(choose only from the choices provided please)
lol boo :P i would rather be choose. :D yeah. lol both? ^_^; is that allowed? Reens is really really nice and awesome but her job is very demanding and she does a great job. Artix, i don't know, but i'd imagine that he's a fun and great guy to hang out with, not to mention he runs a now huge and successful company :P hehe
You get a snuggle(from your answer to question 4 and 12) after you answer all my questions.
yes! :D *snuggles back*

UZ -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/30/2007 18:58:49)

First, gongrants to you, SiLvErWiNg!
thanks! ^_^

I have few questions for you:
*looks up from meal of questions* what was that you were saying? o.O

AQ or DF?

How many languages do you speak?
i speak good :D and i write good too :D

lol probably four?

Classified! lol no i'm a girl :P

Do you like Zorbak?
more than kabroz :)

Do you like Twilly punting?
lol kinda. never finished the game though :D

What is your favourite TV show?
friends probably although discovery has some awesome stuff ^_^ like mythbusters

Where do you live?
classified! :O

in a land of silver winged persons where rainbows are made of various golds and gems and clouds act as chairs and beds and tables and waiters :)

Do you consider me stupid?
i should think not

What you do most of day?
i hibernate. sleepywing :D
lol no. i venture out into the daylight every so often as is befitting a batt o.O and i work and study and play and such. i eat. yeah.

Pie or not?
gekko :) surely!

Do you think pizzas will rule the world someday?
hmm you mean they don't currently? i was misinformed then >_>

These were all questions. Goodbay, and gongrats!
thanks for coming to visit me! :)

UltimaOblivion -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/30/2007 19:30:31)

hi! u like df better then aq or vise versa?
i like AQ and DF a lot both (i used to ak CR&A and H&S for AQ but DF is coming along quite nicely as a great game too :) do you become a AK
lol read the first post :D
you're asked by Reens or another mod :) dose it feel to be an AK
lol not really any different, except that we can help out more and munch inappropriate stuffs and such :) i'm still a member too :)
4.are you a boy or girl?
lol the avvies didn't give it away? i'm a girl.

*Whatshisname* -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/30/2007 19:50:09)

-Sigh- I just could not keep away =o MtAK Threads are so fun ^_^
lol :) i'm glad one of us likes them ;)
-Thinks of his regular MtAK questions but fails- Lé poopie?
:D yesh!
So, exercised your powers on some unsuspecting noob member yet? xD
lol nope. i'm only here to help and snuggle ;)
How many times have you been mistaken for a boy so far? xD I made that mistake with Alac once... ¬_¬
lol a lot! probably least five or six times to my face, screen? but i'm sure more than that that i haven't noticed. hehe.
Which leads on me on nicely... Ever gonna join the Gentlemen's Club? (If you haven't already tried)
i'm already a part of it :) it was in one of my avvies because Chii helped me edit in the letters; after that i got lazy :D
So who sent you the Uber Letter of Doooooooom and ArchKnightness? (In other words, who promoted you and how much did you pay them? xD)
Reens ^_^ snuggles?
My mind's a-blank today -_- I need some more tea. See chyoo around -Insert cynical laugh here-
lol yesh :D more time to hibernate for me!
[/'phalure', as TheNameless put it -scowls-]
lol not at all :)

homstar09 -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/30/2007 21:54:58)

ooo ooo i want to have my post be eddited
lol just for that i should have answered without editing somehow o.O
1.rpg or shooter?
rpg mod or fishing rod?
fishing mod? what's a fishing mod? o.O fishing rod definitely :)
3. icecweam or fish?
ice cream ^_^ the hokey pokey REALLY what its all about?
no. it's REALLY not actually.
5. vampires or werewolfs?
vamps i guess?
6.Do you think im tired of typing?
lol highly doubtful
7.dragon lord or dracomaner?
hmm...dragonlord probably
8.necromancer or palidin?
goodbye i like pie but the pie has die
bye! :)

God of thunder -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/30/2007 22:33:59)

*hic* 'ello der buuuuuuuuuuuuuuddy.................*hic*
XD hi ^_^
1)How many languaes can you speak?
probably...four? :D

2)commo esta senor?
senorita to you! :O bien.

oui oui

4)do you want a cookie?
sure :D

5)do you wnt to see my dragon rider idea?
sure :) sent it to me sometime if it hasn't already been locked up :) (or even if it has)

6)do you havea bird pet?
nope :(

7)did a déja vu happend to you?

8)if you had 1 wish to spend on, hat game woud you spend it on? DF or AQ[;)]
lol wish. i would spend it on something other than a game necessarily but since my options are limited, i'd say probably AQ since DF has Artix's attention right now and it's newer and being developed more so it would be nice for AQ to also get some more ruckus in its corner :)

9)Eskimos are very good hunters, but they never hunt penguins. Why not?
lol they're in the north pole and penguins like the south better :)

10)Find 4 letters to complete the analogy: H is to GRAM as D is to ?
H : Gram :: D : Cat
11)thee you smelt it delt it? was it you?
o.O wah?
12)working hard or hardly working? =P
working hard :) always

p.s if you dont find the answer to number 9&10, pm me[;)][:D]
lol sounds good. i might ask you about 10 then.

bye for now......(notice the "for" =P)
o.O rawr :P

Darius -> RE: (You're at page 7, post 162)=AK= Meet the ArchKnight! ~*~*~SiLvErWiNg~*~*~ STORAGE for answering (7/30/2007 23:08:45)

*checks calendar* Good, it's not 8/1/07 yet! Hi, I'm InterFed, which is short for Interstellar Federation, a game series I plan to make someday. Which brings me to my first question:
lol i'm only a month late in answering XD sorries.
Do you have any dreams for your future? College, career, family? If so, list 'em pl0x.
hehe :) all of the following? and flight. definitively flight. that was a good question :)
actually i'd like to be able to travel to exotic places (and not get malaria or dysentery, or ebola o.O) and really see as much of the world as i can. i'd also like the time to work on some fine arts and such :)

Also, do you... Hmm... That's one goooooooooooooood question... I'm not sure I have enough chi to summon another question like that... Well, I guess there's just a few faves questions I tend to ask in MtAK threads quite often, and they are as follows:
hehe ok :)
Fave AQ Über? That means armor/shield/weapon set, not some lame copout answer like Mighty Mosquito gave me when he answered with UIK.
Golden :D i <3 AuSet not only because of its rarity but because i use it all the time. and the newly buffed (well not so new but new to old people like me :P) heal function is quite the nice bonus to add to it that wasn't there before.
Fave TV show?
friends probably. although mythbusters and quite a few other shows are great fun.
Fave movie?
ooh a lot :P gladiator, amadeus, batman begins, the pirates*wanders off to go watch something*
Fave book/play?
ooh play :D that's quite a new one. i really liked faulkner. absalom, absalom was quite an amazing text, although i've heard that sound and the fury is also amazing. as for play, i'm a big fan of the greek tragedies and shakespeare. i think the entire oresteia is pretty good but i'm torn between the tragedies and crazy aristophanes and his comedies (clouds and lysistrata). i also really love hamlet (trite but the language is amazing) and julius caesar.
Fave anime/manga?
lol i don't really watch anime or read manga. i've only really seen two...inuyasha being one of them and bleach being the other. i <3 them both.
End of the world: Will it be via meteor impact, another ice age/ice caps melting, or will mankind destroy itself with a nuclear war?
hmm...i doubt it will be the third due to the fact that everyone now knows about the blow up the world issues :P i'd say that the "end of the world" in reference to the implosion or whatever of the earth will come in about 10 billion years when the Sun becomes a Red Giant (i think is the prediction) and swallows up the solar system. as to the destruction of mankind as a species, i'm not sure exactly what may happen there as evolution is a very slow process but my guess would be that if something does happen, with the current level of science and medicine and technological advances the biggest danger to humans are humans themselves.
That's all the chi I can muster for MtAK questions at this time. Have fun going crazy! Cuz it's fun to watch AKs go crazy! :3
lol i'm glad you enjoy watching us tear our hair out ;) thanks for visiting me! :)

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