RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (Full Version)

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cielitojeff -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/1/2007 14:12:40)

hey dude if it was a Harry Potter world what wizard would u want to b?

do u even like reading?

if it was a pirates of the carribean world which pirate would u be?

If u were a ghost which would u be?

are u getting tired of my "if t was a..." questions?

if it were a transformer world what transformer would u b?

am I getting annoying?

should I stop now?

do u believe in ghosts?

do u believe in jesus?

do u believe in happiness?

what does it take to be able to run for being an AM?

is there such a thing as a "Mega ArchMagician"?

if not then do u think it would b cool if there was?

k last question I want to know how long it took u to answer me so tell me what day it is

firelight49 -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/1/2007 16:20:09)

Cn y rd n vwl?

What would you do if your weapons started to tell you what to do?
a) listen to them.
b) ignore them.
c) throw them off a cliff.
d) do the opposite of what they tell you.
e) get therapy so the weapons stop talking to you.
f) annoy the weapons with really stupid questions.
g) give the weapons therapy so they realize that they shouldn't be able to talk.
h) have a long talk with them.
i) become your weapons' best friend.
j) sell the weapons.
k) say many complex things to confuse them so they start speaking jibberish.
l) insult them whenever they talk.
m) make the weapons comedians so that your almost always laughing.
n) get some earplugs.
o) sing a lullaby to them so they're asleep.
p) tell them your whole life story.
q) make yourself deaf.
r) magically fuse them to another talking weapon that they'd constantly argue with.
s) brain wash the weapons.
t) poison the weapons.
u) rip the souls from the weapons and put them in a candle.
v) sue the person who sold you the weapons.
w) give the weapons to Psycho.
x) use them to make a bomb.
y) ask them why they can talk.
z) zzzzz...Oh sorry fell asleep, so uh the option is...zzzzzz....I'm awake!!! So anyway, the option is go to sleep. You no what that sounds like a good idea....zzzzzzzzzzz


Do you think Mr. flibble deserves to be punted?

How long do you think it will take for me to make you go crazy?

Which of the following images do you like best, 1, 2, or 3?

Wll tht's ll fr nw.

krazy demon child -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/1/2007 17:09:15)

ahh so your putting the MtAK in questions so no one will find it eh.

1. how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

2. what type music do you like.

3. how old are you in dog years?

4. does this color look girly?

5. do you play any musical instruments?

6. do you own any pets?

7. do you like my sig.

well I'm done for now. goodbye

Ryuuzaki -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/1/2007 17:17:15)

Heya, Magic! Come to IRC more often. ^^

1) C4n u und3r5tnd m3?!1

2) Did you make your own avatar?

3) What's it like being an Arch-Magician? :D

4) Pizza or.... Dun dun dun... Pie?!

5) Pirates of Ninjas? Kiyah!

6) Japan or China?

7) Someone took this question.

789123_234234.3) Do you like pigeons? :D

93280148329489823094823.324) Do you think I'm a happy soul? :D

firelight49 -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/1/2007 17:25:30)

Can you guess the significance of the number 91?

If so please state your guess (if you already guessed feel free to say something random).

What would you get if you got a were-yeti and had it bite a penguin?

What's your name?

What's the color of the sky?

what's the opposite of the direction you would have to travel after travelling right, up, right, up, down, left, right, left, left to end up where you started?

How long tell I cause you to become crazy now?

e a' a o o.

Hyperkid -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/1/2007 17:33:11)

alrighty then! hi Magic number 23!

When do you think my questions will start?

If my questions started next line, would that cause a flux in the time-space continuum?

Randomnessissityoscityness is cool?

If you are the #23 magic number, where are the other 22 magic numbers?

Do you like it when someone types bunch of smilies?

Again, I ask you when you think my questions will start?

If a guy drops scissors in a courtroom full of nothing but numbers and his only escape is to get some magic How would he find you?

Ok, once there was a warrior who worked only to destroy everything that he could find. Also he loved to be insane. insanely random. If he gets thrown into an asylum, who, what, and where is he?

Alright, time to begin the questions:

1)Hi! if you were a soccer ball... what is your favorite not-food?

2)do you play a game called archmagician? :D

4)If you could pilot a vortex which led into another world...would the vortex be an airplane?

Too bad I never got to those questions, seeya!

Edit:posted too many questions before

Sara -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/1/2007 19:22:28)


Dogs or cats?

Closest thing to your right or left foot?

Have you seen me before?

How did Reens pick you and what did she do to you?

Why am I posting this?

What is the meaning of life?

Why do the forums exist?

Favorite food?

Favorite AK and MOD?

Favorite Member?

DF or AQ?


Am I an idiot?

Boy or Girl?

Do you like my sig and avvy?

I will be back! *Evil Laugh!*

firelight49 -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/1/2007 20:19:25)

Please say one word and tell me why you said it.


Why did I do that?

How close am I to destroying your sanity now?

Are these threads just a clever way for AKs to find out about regular members so that they know who to look out for on the forums and be able to have a pretty good idea of who is most likely to break the rules of the forums and make bad threads or posts?

If yes well, sorry about that.

Oh and also if you answered yes to the blue question who is on your list of likely trouble makers, and most importantly am I on the list?

e tht's a fr o.

Crz_Mirror -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/1/2007 21:18:25)

Hello, and congratz on becoming an AK but don't you dare try to use magic on me.

Do you capitalize the letter e, if so you will be punished?

Do you like elves?

Do you attack lawn gnomes?

Can you do the moonwalk? Have you seen a magician do the moonwalk?

I own a magic shop, so will you put a little word for me to become an AK? jk.

Can you use magic on forumites?

Well I'm done c'ya.

Edit: Are you stalking me, first you join Click, Click, Boom then Cysero's Defenders?

P.S. I got a magicproof barrier, just incase you tried to use magic on me.

Izon -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/1/2007 22:05:37)

G'Day Magic!
Hey :D

Remember me?
Of Course old friend.

Just kidding. (You better remember me. lol)
Course I do.

How goes the AK-ing?
Not so good.

Anybody dead under mysterious Circumstances after posting spam?
Of course not.

lol jk you wouldnt do that... Would you?

Any chance you can talk the powers that be into giving me a Unlucky Doom Essence? lol
Most likely not.

Well I will keep this short and sweet, mostly I just wanted to say congratulations again on reaching the ranks of the Ruling Class. #Strategy forever!!!
#strategy 4 ever!

Zeazer -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/1/2007 22:13:35)


So is this what you was busy with?

I dont know what to ask...

Do you like hard rock?

Do you remember me?


hockeynerd19 -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/1/2007 22:30:51)

I asked you almost everything when i first found out you became an arch-musician/rider so just a couple questions.

Do you like hockey?

That should be all and thank you for anwering.

Tenseiga -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/1/2007 22:34:43)


1. Look up. . .see the exclamation marks? Did you match it? You better have. . .

2. /me snugglewuggles

3. Wuxia?

4. Favorite thing to do in the world?If it's IRC/Forums, then second most favorite thing to do :P

5. Are you a rebel?

6. Do you have a cause?

7. Like to gamble?

8 /me snugglewuggles bais

Yes, these are bad questions, but we know each other so well on IRC already :P

Mr.Irish -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/1/2007 23:11:44)

Magic it's good to have you aboard!

What will be your AK Super Weapon?

Do you have plans of forum domination peace?

What was your reaction to becoming an AK?

Name (The Real One)?

I'll be nice and only post 4.

Welcome again!

firelight49 -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/1/2007 23:44:16)

Please put some thought into the answers for the following questions.

What is normal?

What is a normal person like?

If doom which is mood backwards was a mood what mood would it be?

What is your response to the brainwashing beam pointed at you?

Would you say that therapy is the equivelant of brainwashing?

Why do you think I asked that question?

if i decided to copy artix and cysero at the same time would aytexo be a good name for the personality of the artix cysero combo?

boomies -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/2/2007 0:59:54)

Edit-Max of 15 questions? Uh...i didnt read that.

Nix! you were supposed to PM me![:@]

Hello. These are my preliminary questions, the ones I ask every AK. Here.



What's your favorite color?

How did you get your name?

What level is your best character?

What do you like better, AQ or DF?

Whats your fav console game?

Am i an idiot?

Do you have any plans to ban me?

Do you believe there are spies everywhere?

Are you more a old AQ guy (Ok graphics and punnier), or new AQ (Good graphics and less punny)?

What is the max amount of questions you are allowed to put?

D0 U UND3RS7AND CYB3RSLANG ??? 1337 !1!

Do you like or hate GW Bush?

Whats your opinion? Nerf UM or not?

Where do you get the time to answer all my idiotic questions?

Am i stupid now?

Is the computer made of donkeys or cows?

Are you strict on rules?

Are you used to annoying people?

Do you have any siblings?

How many cupcakes do you eat in a day?

What do you spend your day doing?

If you where to make a monster in AQ what would it be?

If you where to make a pet in AQ what would it be?

If you where to make a guest in AQ what would it be?

If you where to make a armor in AQ what would it be?

If you where to make a weapon in AQ what would it be?

Same only in DF.

If you where to make a monster in DF what would it be?

If you where to make a pet in DF what would it be?

If you where to make a guest in DF what would it be?

If you where to make a armor in DF what would it be??

How often do you hit your gold and exp cap?

Am i stupid yet?

Did you do all the quests in AQ and DF?

Maybe I'll ask you some more questions now.

If you where to make a weapon in real life what would it be?

More questions.

Do you think im stupid yet?

Can you rate my char?


Do you like pie?

What about bran muffins?


How do you answer all these qusestions?

Are you in school? (Like me)?

Am I dumb yet?


How fast can you type?




And now even more questions. Lol, you must be insane now.

How are you?

Am I an idiot now?

How many questions must I ask for me to be a idiot?

Change your mind about any of those other questions?





Deja vu??

So? Is everything repeating? Are there alot of echos?

So? Is everything repeating? Are there alot of echos?

So? Is everything repeating? Are there alot of echos?

So? Is everything repeating? Are there alot of echos?

So? Is everything repeating? Are there alot of echos?

I'm finished that now.

Yes I know I'm mean.

Am I evil now?

These are stupid questions, time to get serious.

Who's your favorite AK?

Artix or Cy?

Who's your favorite non AQ/DF related person?

Howdy ho?

Why is the sky blue?

Could you explain the reason of the universe?

Now, for more questions.

How does this sound? The evil ninja smurfs of doom sporks?

Can I PM you questions when this is locked?

Favorite sport?

Favorite book?

Favorite band?

Favorite type of music?

Play any musical instruments?

Play any sports?

Favorite food?

Favorite Forum?

Anyways, I'm low in questions now, I need to find some way to spare you.


Shh, be careful. There are spies everywhere.

What is...I'm captured!1!

Now that I thought of a way to spare you, I thought Id leave now.

Be careful, and lock this up before i can strike again.


Markx29 -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/2/2007 1:50:03)

Hi Magic Number25 or was it 23. you probably don't know me [nobody does[:(]] so here are my questions
[0] i still have the link to that forum you invited me to

[1]ninjas,pirates, and dragons oh my [yes this is a question]

[2]why did you change from a arch magician to arch rider

[3]AQ or DF

[Question 4 has run away with Question 5]

[Question 6 has gone to search for Question 4 and 5]

[7] woohoo lucky number 7! *runs to casino*

[8]woohoo I'm back

[9]who's ur favorite mod

[10]did you have any warnings before you became an ak

[11] How far can u get I've gotten to 250yd

[12]Have you seen the movie number 23

[13]ahhhhhhh unlucky #13 *runs off screaming to find artix*

Dragonlord_zero -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/2/2007 2:44:07)


so u became an arch knigh wizzard now :0

ever remenber seeing me post around b4?

wat did u do so special to get promoted? spill CHOCOLATE milk outa ya nose?

so do u gotta use fetuses (fromm stem cell reserch) to keep ur powers just like n that one episode of south park?

wat is the worse thing about being an AK? i mean u cant be in clans and stuff like that can ya?

so how much moretime u think ull be spending, because of this importat title, here at the forums?

wat can ur powers do? (excluding voice alterating screams of a 4 year old girl wen u see a centepie?)

so do u get to rub gasoline on ur head every morning likr xan? or do u have a fish bow isntead?

does ur head light up?

how much longa can u take my stupid questions? xD

anyways seya around

happy birthd, marrige anive..shoothing milk outa ur noes day.... congratz

finally got it right wooo[:D]

ps: on another total random and complete different subject

do u know why on my profile it says i got 300 posts while it should be 3,000 now?

stala42 -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/2/2007 3:07:06)

How did you get 2 dragon amulets?


Wats AK?

Wyvern Knight -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/2/2007 4:03:31)

Hello there. About time you made this :p. Congratulations for become an ArchKni- Errr, Rider.

1) Erm, Um, Ah.... Ok, congratulations will just do for now >.< It's like, 3:00 over here. Mind functions failing! Can I ask more at a later date? (More importantly: Will you actually make through ALL of them ^.^?)

The Crypt -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/2/2007 4:36:14)

Hiyaz magic number 23!

A few not so personal personal questions(on a scale of 1 to 10 these are 4 in being personal questions)

Do you play DF? if you do who do you think is better in terms of characters you or artix?

What do you like better AQ or DF?

Cookies or brownies?

Pudding or tapioca?

mage or rouge?

warrior or warrior?[:)]

cake or pie? Why?

and now one philosophical question.


end of philisophy class

Why you not edit/answer our post/s?

Shadow Oblivion -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/2/2007 4:41:19)

didn't you know my birthday is august 23 and i'm always lucky with my birthday did U just use magic on number 23

Rocisky -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/2/2007 5:10:33)


Are you from...The magic lands of 23 numbers?

do you think Norwegian people is cool?(Gardex is Norwegian)

Have you seen any of the scary movies?

Have you played some of the games from Need For Speed?

Is this weird questions?

Am i weird?

Do wizards kick warrior's ass?

Lamborghini Muricielago LP640 or Ferrari Enzo(or the old Fiat Multipla?Or the Kewet El-Jet

That was all...Bye

Arc -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/2/2007 5:13:36)


How's it going?

You know what this means? > 神

You know where it appears? (DF related)

Still going to be an editor apart from being an AK?

Favorite Videogame? (Apart from DF, AQ and MQ)

Favorite Food?

Favorite Editor?

Well... cya! (and good luck with future edits! Iif you're going to make them ;)

lellyna -> RE: Meet the Arch-Rider - Magic Number23 (8/2/2007 5:29:47)

wooohoo lellyna is here


hows life?

like tuna?

good or ebil (ebilebilebil)

kitten or puppy

plzz give this shoe back to silverwing


eating or zzleeping?, or lellyna?

am i asking stupid questions?

[sm=silly.gif] or [sm=AngelWrath.gif]?

what planet do u live on?

not a single word about

cya *winky*

Edit: BONUS: Count da typos

tuna on

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