RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (Full Version)

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Erason -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (2/11/2010 18:42:01)

Gah! Sorry for taking 48 hours, people, but thanks for understanding.

I've sorted out the main problem, but there is still a little graphical issue. I can't for the life of me figure out why that maintitlemedium isn't working appearing. DigDog, you help would be appreciated. Will you be happy if I PMed you with further info and promoted you to temporally admin to solve this?
I've brought the board back online, though. Enjoy!

DigDog -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (2/12/2010 3:22:52)


DigDog, you help would be appreciated. Will you be happy if I PMed you with further info and promoted you to temporally admin to solve this?

Sure thing.

Balu -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (2/12/2010 4:16:11)


GCC Council Members... I know that Oliver Bell is our clan head and that Erason is the head of the General Council but are there others? Can someone give me some info. regarding the High Council, General Council, Head Strategist Council, Encouragement/Peacekeeping Council.
Are there people with duties and ranks in these categories?

Nevermind...I found the answer here!

lifeman9 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (3/6/2010 11:38:56)

You guys still haven't gotten this locked? I can give you the code and you can make a new one if you want, just give me a holler.

Kosefira -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (3/8/2010 20:18:30)

I'll lock it if you like.

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (5/27/2010 13:40:05)

I haven't taken over this thread as it hasn't reached its 30 page lock and I still refer to it from time to time to gather information. I do run the copy of this thread on the Private forum and I will run this one when I have time to make a new one and copy down anything in this one that may be useful.

Balthier -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (7/13/2011 21:07:17)

From the Newsletter:

Trouble is brewing between Geoto and Aerodu clans on Paxia, and it is about to erupt in a new war! Join in, help unravel a growing mystery, and battle on! ****FOR ALL PLAYERS****

Looks like we're going to war in some form or capacity.

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (7/14/2011 8:14:47)

Sounds interesting. If there is a war we will need a new war thread.

Balthier -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (7/14/2011 13:01:25)

Its a war but not one where we compete against each other.

Patrules7 -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/5/2011 20:57:29)

There has to be some group attacking geoto on the paxia war. I kept fighting till I maxed out my xp and gold on defending and then fought about 30times after that but I keep seeing every now and then a burst of attacks on us in the hundreds.

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/19/2011 4:09:52)

Sorry I haven't been around lately, my main computer is broken forcing me to rely on my laptop which doesn't like play games very well.

Balu -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (10/6/2011 15:13:17)

Our clan is under attack fellow clansmen! By a group of numbered beasts, commanded by someone unknown to us. It`s time to grab your ubers, call your pets and summon all those friendly guests because the earth clan is going to war!! So , log on, click "Today's event" and join the effort in defending Geoto in the new Paxia War event. Battle on!!

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (10/7/2011 4:59:37)

I am here to fight alongside you, sorry I am late the release came at an awkward time. Lets catch up to Aerodu fellow Geotians and obliterate this poor excuse for an army, we have all faced much worse.

Kinzdor -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (1/23/2012 18:03:57)

I am Kinz`one of the Aerodu game masters. I urge you that if you`r is a part of Utalment Paxia Conquest,then stop defending and attack Dyanmi head on.

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (1/24/2012 4:41:45)

I have already started taking part in ultimate Paxia conquest, though only for the last 2 weeks. So far we have failed an attack on Dynami and succeeded in attacking Nocturu. If anyone wants to contribute to the plans for this game please post or pm me. As for attacking Dynami, we are currently neutral towards them so it would require a lot of persuasion to openly attack them in game, attacking them in this forum game doesn't seem to affect the overal stances of each clan, have any other clans agreed to help with this venture?

Kinzdor -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (1/24/2012 16:37:11)

None except Natucia!

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (1/25/2012 2:56:02)

How much support can we expect from them and from Aerodu if we agree to this? I am unsure about this proposal but if we can expect decent support I will pm the members who are active and ask for their views.

dethhollow -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (1/25/2012 7:06:23)

well, as the spokesperson for Nautica, I can assure you that we and Aerodu are ready for a full-on assult. If Geoto plans to join in, we would each only need around 700 waves to beat Dynami's usual 2,000 defended.

EDIT: just thought of a VERRY good reason to help us... If Dynami defeats Nautica, Aerodu, and Igneous, they'll go for Geoto next and I dought you'd want to face a clan that can farm 2,000 waves without any help.

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (1/26/2012 10:10:36)

I am well aware of that problem, but we have no grudge against Dynami, I will ask for some advice from other Geotians but going on the offensive is very far from our usual strategy. If the responses I get are positive I may be be able to help.

dethhollow -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (1/30/2012 16:51:02)

geoto, I must urge you PLEASE help us! Nautica has only one space left and boxed in on both sides. Next weekend we will lose without your intervention.

Help us defeat Dynami before our fate becomes yours.

Oliver Bell -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (1/31/2012 16:47:24)

I am well aware of the situation and as promised I will re-evaluate the proposal, but I am not sure what the results will be. If the feedback I get is still negative I will see if part of Geoto could help for the week end.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Geoto Council Coalition Thread III (8/6/2013 22:41:38)

At this time there is going to be an overhaul of ALL clan governments and as such this thread shall be locked. Please take notice of this thread

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