RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (Full Version)

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somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/16/2007 1:06:58)

Saw this months ago... The guy even made a version where you get to steer the xwings/tie fighters.

EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/16/2007 14:36:49)

Oh, should've guessed that. Just thought it was cool.

Any link to that version?

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/16/2007 15:12:07)

How did they make that? it wuz amaing.....yet at the same time had SOOOOOOO many glitches.

Hypnotic -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/16/2007 16:00:20)

I can't get the download to work. Is there no program.exe?

EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/16/2007 17:15:24)

Wow, I've been reading around, and I've realized that if I ever want to make myself a decent game I'm seeriously going to need to read up on my physics/trig.
Damn, thank god I'm a kid, cause I've got a hell of a lot of learning to do.

ion24 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/16/2007 18:07:33)

I Want to make a Game, and i want to know how i make an animation stick to a Command Key (Arrow Keys), Anyone know how?

P.S. i'm VERY New to it. i have Looked at LBB's Tut On Flash, It Helped alot, it Didn't Say how to Make an Animation stick to the arrow Keys, but i Think i can figure it out...

ALSO, i'm Now having a problem STARTING Flash. This is what i did: i click on flash, it comes up with the "Activate Flash" Screen, i Say "I Want to try it", I Hit Continue, It May Ask if i want Basic Or Pro, Then it comes up with the Flash Pro 8 Start up, it goes as far as "Initializing Fonts" Then it cuts, Flash Won't come up And It's STARTING to get on my Nerves. Help!

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/17/2007 20:54:11)


then after u add that to the person, make a single frame called walk. then, make everything in that frame a movieclip. in that new moviclip inside ur characters movie clip, seperate him into different sections on different layers. then add walking animations using motion tweens. :) glad i culd help :).
btw, eragon, where did u find that x-wing animation??? i tried going to the main page, but that duznt go anywhere eather.

EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/17/2007 22:03:34)

I browse the web for Flash physics implementations, engines, and articles. Basically I just try to acquire as much knowledge as possible from various sources, as I'm sure flsg and somebody do too.

ion24 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/18/2007 8:53:36)

SirSchmoopy Can i Make the Command One Key? 'Cause he runs Right, And i want the animation to Only Turn On If i Press the Right Arrow Key. And how do i set a Neutral Animation, Like if no Keys are Pressed he just stands? And do i have to Have Multiable Flashs Open?

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/18/2007 17:25:25)

ion24: after the if(), add:

I'm tired(REALLY tired) of suggesting people to not copy/paste code from tutorials, so I'll just help a little bit now >_<
EragonZZZZ: ask your math teacher about physics lol

petermaxo -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/18/2007 17:49:59)

e.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(_global.action == "hit"){
}if(_global.action == "none"){
if(_global.eaction == "none"){ //problem: the program is skipping the if statement and going strait to the "battle" frame

any ideas? I tried tracing eaction, and even right before the if statement it says it is not "none".

EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/18/2007 19:25:05)

argh, the _globals melt my eyes.
Melt them I say! Melt them!

x_x worries, I got meself a nice physics book. I like figuring things out on my own.
Besides, they'd be all like 'so this is a vector' and I'd be like "n00b! I kn0w wh@t a \/3C70r 1$"


SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/18/2007 20:41:06)


EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/18/2007 21:58:20)

>_> another thing just made my eyes melt.

Well, a _global variable means that your entire .fla file, regardless of what part, has access to it.

somebody621 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/18/2007 22:06:59)

Rofl @ Eragon. I've got my own little book! lol haha

It's called "Real- Time Collision Detection". Except flash is being stupid right now. So I've temporarily lost my mojo.

ion24 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/19/2007 9:35:05)

@flsg: Why? What Happwns if you C/P Code?

EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/19/2007 15:58:53)

@ means you aren't a programmer. You don't learn anything and you'll never understand what the code does.

I'm sure all of you have heard of the infamous Flash 'V-Cam' (on newgrounds and many other places)'s such SIMPLE code, yet people always just copy/paste it and never take the time to understand could easily teach someone programming fundamentals (as far as animation goes).

ion24 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/19/2007 17:26:45)

What does taking hours of typing Teach? C/Ping is MUCH faster and it doesn't Fry the nerves in your wrists.

flsg -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/19/2007 17:55:29)

ion24: ok, I've been here since 3 years, I saw lots of threads and I posted a lot, but no offense, this is one of the WORST post ever.
There are some guys who may have less will in flash than you, but you just DONT say this kind of things. This is flash, not some game making programs. If you wanna copy/paste code only, I suggest you RPGMaker or something else, but NOT flash.

Now eragon may continue what I said >_<

EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/19/2007 18:12:52)



What does taking hours of typing Teach? C/Ping is MUCH faster and it doesn't Fry the nerves in your wrists.

Okay, fine. You know what, this post pisses me off beyond anything I've seen online today.
Here, I'm going to copy/paste some code for you that I get STRAIGHT from a 'tutorial' site, and you tell me EXACTLY what each line does, mkay?
onClipEvent (load) {
     yspeed = 0;
     xspeed = 0;
     wind = 0.00;
     power = 0.65;
     gravity = 0.1;
     upconstant = 0.75;
     friction = 0.99;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
    if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
        xspeed = xspeed-power;
    if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
        xspeed = xspeed+power;
    if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
        yspeed = yspeed-power*upconstant;
    if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
        yspeed = yspeed+power*upconstant;
    xspeed = (xspeed+wind)*friction;
    yspeed = yspeed+gravity;
    _y = _y+yspeed;
    _x = _x+xspeed;
    _rotation = _rotation+xspeed;
    if (_root.wall.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
        xspeed = 0;
        yspeed = 0;
        _x = 50;
        _y = 50;
    if (_root.environment.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
        xspeed = 0;
        yspeed = 0;
        _x = 50;
        _y = 50;

Ooh, I'm sure we've all learned a lot from staring at that code.

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/19/2007 20:50:59)

Ion: thats how i started out, but trust me, you don't want to continue C/p. it'll ruin ur flash experience foreber!!! And if you really really really fdont know the code, get a teacher, or type it, instead of C/P. that helps u understand a bit.
eragon: can i plz answer!!!!! i kno it!!! it's so tempting!!!

ion24 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/19/2007 23:48:55)

@Flsg: Ok, SORRY, But i saw a game(A GREAT One) That was made with flash( Clicky!)
And i wanted to make my own, SORRY for trying.

@Eragon: .......

@Sirschmoopy: I tried to type what Eragon pasted, i Have no clue what it means o_0

EragonZZZZ -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/20/2007 0:24:11)

Don't apologize for trying.
Trying is fine. We encourage it. However, we don't consider copy/pasting actually trying.

I'd be happy to help you if you want to learn AS, or even some general programming concepts.

But copy/pasting...

@Sirschmoopy: I tried to type what Eragon pasted, i Have no clue what it means o_0

SirSchmoopy -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/20/2007 7:05:48)

Peter: can u teach me how to use globals???
note: i said Teach not tell, teach, so dont lecture me flsg [:@]

ion24 -> RE: Flash Q&A Thread 4 (9/20/2007 9:26:48)

@Eragon: Ok, let's do it through PM So the thread doesn't get Roadblocked With Spam[:D]

@Sirschmoopy: Where was she Doing that o_0?

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