Ultra Chain Axe (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Ultra Chain Axe (8/8/2007 19:18:44)

Ultra Chain Axe

Also see Advanced Chain Axe and Chain Axe.

Level: 77
Price: 30 000 10,839
Sellback: 22 000 22 500 5,419
Location: Yulgar's Beginners Shop Adder's Forge Shop Yulgar's Intermediate Shop

Element: Ice
Attack Type: Melee
Damage: 7-28 9-35
BTH: 5%

Hits: 2
Element: Ice
Attack Type: Ranged
Damage: 200% Base, 200% Random, and 100% Stats each
BTH: +20 each (without Stats)
Rate: 50%

A hand-axe connected to a bludgeon by a length of powerful chain. Half of the time you attack with the axe, and the other half of the time the bludgeon swings out on the chain to strike your enemy for a 2-hit ranged strike!


Image courtesy of Minion of Poelala. Thanks to Illuminator and TheDark. Correction from Cow Face. New image thanks to Wingman.

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