Captain America Tag Tutorial (Full Version)

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Nicky -> Captain America Tag Tutorial (8/11/2007 21:26:19)

I was bored this morning x(

Also will be working on one for my other latest tag.
That one.

Enjoy :)

Placed in link, due to size.

DeathKnight2 -> RE: Captain America Tag Tutorial (8/11/2007 22:01:10)

Be bored more often lol ;D Nice tut

lguan -> RE: Captain America Tag Tutorial (8/12/2007 9:11:27)

I can try it on Gimp. Probably won't turn out as good, but still :). Thanks for the tut.

Wen Su the Tank -> RE: Captain America Tag Tutorial (8/12/2007 10:42:46)

well i love this tut and hopefully you stay bored

TyberAlyx -> RE: Captain America Tag Tutorial (8/12/2007 10:53:13)

I wish, your life will be more boring....

And I love the tut.

Nicky -> RE: Captain America Tag Tutorial (8/13/2007 7:29:42)

Thanks guys. :)

And a boring life is bad. XD

I'll probably get the other one done this weekend. It's monday now, so quite a fair wait :P

Now that I read it I think I put too much detail in there >_____>

uberboi -> RE: Captain America Tag Tutorial (8/13/2007 23:58:31)

um heres my outcome


Its really a nice tut I learned alot of stuff from this =D

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