RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (Full Version)

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Sir MaxiMo -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 13:35:50)

O.o AK!?
That's what I thought!

Who made you an AK?

Fav Food?
Ah, this one. Besides tomatoes still warm from the vine, freshly-picked roasted corn, beef, and arugula, let us move on to general cuisines. I do love mah Asian foods, be they Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai, or others lurking in the recesses of memory.

Funniest AE Video?
Not made by AE, but I have to say Moglified!

House In AQ? Egg in DF?
Just a Forest Tent in AQ so far, and one of my characters hatched an egg in DF

Pirates or Ninjas?

Best SpongeBobSquarePants Character?
SpongeBob isn't the only one?

Scary Movie 1, 2, 3, 4, Epic Movie or Date Movie?
Obscure Surreal Movie

What were you used to ask to the AKs in the MtAKs?
"Why did you lock this before I got around to posting my questions?" heh. I haven't posted in many. Most commonly, something about books/reading taste.


oblivionmasterman -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 13:37:37)


Do you like sea otters or river otters more (I personally love river ottters)
That's a tough one! They are both so joyful. I think river otters were my first love, from some old movie set in Ireland. I think they were river otters, anyway.

What is your favorite food
Besides the other delicious things I've posted about, I do love a good paella!

how old are you in otter years
I think otters live life in the moment and do not count in years, so I say Many

Favorite shade of blue
The kind tinged with green, a dark aquamarine.

What does your name mean
Sort of means Fair, but see p. 1 for more details.

Do you get tired of all the questions or just tired of all the answers
It's fun, actually! "Tired" isn't the word, exactly, but I must say it takes a long time to type out the answers. But I asked for it and I am not complaining!

whats pi cubed
You're asking ME? hahaha!

Is your main df character a guy or a girl, and what is the name of his or her dragon
A girl, and she has not yet named her dragon. Her poor, starving, neglected dragon o.O

If you wrote on the design notes what would your color be
Probably this same color with the 8s in it, as otherwise I would forget the color code and it would end up being different every time, confusing all of us.

What country do you inhabit

that is all thanks for answering all of my questions[:D] have a good day (or night)
You're welcome, and Thank you! I plan to have both a good day and a good night! You too!

God of thunder -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 13:39:18)


do you have msn?=D
Nope XD

do you have\like birds? i have 2
Have? No. Like? Yes! Especially crows, which of course I would not cage. I like to talk to whatever birds are around, and they usually hop around listening to me. And my neighbors do the same, only they are hopping with laughter ...

is it fun bein a AK?

thee who selt it delt t, was it you?[:-]

:O my b-day was 07/07/07!
Happy Golden Birthday! A bit belated, but I just found out today!

do u like cat?
I love cats!

im alergic to them =(

my bird just said hello to you =D
Hello, Birdie! Now I'm being laughed at for talking to a bird I can't see!

How quickly can you find out what is unusual about this paragraph? It looks so ordinary that you would think that nothing was wrong with it at all, and in fact, nothing is. But it is unusual. Why? If you study it and think about it you may find out, but I am not going to assist you in any way. You must do it without coaching. No doubt if you work at it for long, it will dawn on you. I don't know. Now, go to work and try your luck.
This one dawned on me as I was falling asleep, and Alac confirmed it. I don't want to spoil this for anyone else, because it's such a great one! Thanks! Nope, not even in invisible ink!

If Mr Smith's peacock lays an egg in Mr Jones' yard, who owns the egg?
I almost got this one wrong! It is now owned by Ripley's Believe It or Not. (Again, not to completely spoil it for others.) It is displayed next to those rooster eggs XD

Exactly how many slices of 1.5 cm each can you cut from a whole bread which is 22.5 cm long?
Me? I probably couldn't manage to cut even ONE that exactly. This involves some kind of math o.O

If you had only one match, and entered a dark room containing an oil lamp, some newspaper, and some kindling wood, which would you light first?
Teh match highlight to see this answer...

EDIT:hehe, forgot to say bye,

bye bye have fun with the uestions [;)]
Bye! They were very fun! Thanks!

P.S. Your bird is very beautiful! And I forgot to say bye to her! Bye, bye, Birdie! XD

snpaa -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 13:42:09)

snore i really dont even feel like doing this....youre probably not even going to awnser this
Ha! And hai!

do you speak english?
Early and often XD

do eat food?
At least once a day, sometimes more

are you a cannibal...if so join me for lunch?
Nope ... but somehow I think that joining you for lunch would be deadly!

give me ten reasons why im better than you(and dont copy and paste the wikipedia entry i dont feel like reading a novel)?
2, 4, 6, 8 Who do we appreciate? 9, 10 Do it again!

give me ten reasons why you should worship the ground i walk on?
See above!

boxers or briefs?
I think I like dogs better than legal papers. But I think you should not deduce more than I intended from that answer.

is it true that all problems in the world can be solve by mods?
Do you mean, like, moderators? Or do you mean the old '60s/'70s fashion style? Or something more along the lines of something you might find at the old Lurker Lounge? ZOMG Haxx!

if i exist and chuck norris exist then who should you worship?
Merely to exist is not enough.

is it true that mods have been the cause for people "starting revoloutions"
Some may say this is true; however, I think one must look deeper for the actual cause.

is it true that mods act like mods in there everyday life...such as banning people from your house ,locking a subject with you wife or husband who ask you where have you been al day and deleting subjects like "hes the murderer"?
*spits coffee on keyboard* That's a literal ROFL! *dusts kitty hair off shirt* I really need to vacuum this room one of these days is it penut butter jelly time if not then where he at where he at?
>.> <.< >.>

is it true that all the mods and archknights got together yesterday and talked about banning everybody from the forums?
Talked about it? Heck, we tried to do it! But the only banning that actually worked? It was SCAKK. Yep, SCAKK got banned!

DO YOU support snpaafable?
Do I look like a table?

[:@] didnt awnser a word i said did you?(STOP WASTEING MY TIME)?

edit: i forgot to ask you whats your name and social security number ? also tell me your credit card number i promise ill only buy dragon coins with it all supports AE like AE right .....THEN TELL ME? if you dont that makes you hypocrite.
I R Not a hippo! I R an Otter!

pjc -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 13:46:20)

Hiya Maegwyn! I see we finally got a MtAK thread! :D
At long last ...

Congrats on being an AK (even if it's only slightly late). Thanks!
Now, my questions:

1) How long have you been an AK before you decided to make a MtAK thread?
Months. Since early May.

2) How different is it being an AK than being a normal Member?
Well, mostly I am a normal Member when I am not doing AK stuff. But it's different in that if I am in one of "my" forums and see stuff that doesn't fit the rules, I have to do something about it whether I had planned to be AKing at that moment or not. Even if it means PMing another AK because I'm walking out the door in 5 minutes or something.

3) Are you enjoying AK-ing?
Yes! Of course it has its moments of less-enjoyment, but yeah!

4) Do you play any sports?
I always got picked last and it traumatized me, so no. I'm about as good at sports as I am at number-stuff XD

5) Your favourite TV show?
I used to love Max Headroom, for one. See p.1 for other TV-related answers.

6) Your favourite music genre?
See p.1 for more detail; I do love a Gypsy/Flamenco/Spanish influence, but I listen to Everything.

7) Your strongest school subject?

8) Your weakest school subject?
Everything beyond algebra that uses numbers.

9) Why did you choose "Maegwyn" as your name? It looks Welsh.
It is Welsh-inspired! See p.1 for more about that.

10) What colour is the front door of your house?
Cream, with a beige panel and maroon trim. Well, that's the storm door. The inner door is dark wood of some sort.

11) What's your favourite country you've visited?
Alas I have only been to Canada besides the US where I live, so I must say Canada for now. Canada!

12) Have you ever met any other AK's/Mods/Game Staff in real-life?
Not yet.

13) Your favourite smiley? I like this one: [sm=rmjxpt.jpg]
XD and o.O. The forum-generated smileys ... I like [>:] but I think it means something I almost never intend, so I never use it XD

Since I've been so cruelly restricted to 13, I'll have to stop there (I could ask questions all day). <.<
The cruelty! But I've been answering questions for days; if I didn't set a limit, it could go on for Years!

Congrats again, and have fun AK-ing on the forums!
Thanks! I am going swimming again!

Markin99 -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 13:50:42)

Hi Maegwyn
Hi! I have time for one more before jumping in the water.

Q.Do u like Black

A I have one-two-five-many black shirts!

Q.Whats ur fav food/colour/drink/AE game

A see p.1 and scroll up for all except favorite drink, which is 1/2 orange juice and 1/2 ginger ale poured over ice, which I call The Refreshing Drink

Thats All thnx
Thanks! That's all for me for now, too! /me splashsnugs on the way out

NeoSano11vr -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 14:01:22)

Hey Maegwyn, hows it been going?
It's been going great!

Just one random question: Frosted Flakes or Wheaties?
Post Toasties! gettit? hehehe!

Do you like the band The Used at all?
So far I have not listened to them, but I might.

A Mod you like/are freinds with?
I like all the mods. I don't want anyone to feel left out, so I don't like to single out just one.

An AK you perticularly like?
Same as above :)

A favorite Admin?
Look ^

Favorite AQ weapon?
Not good for every situation, but I think the Zardwarts wand is brilliant!

Favorite type of Soda?
Blue Sky's White Tea Pomegranate. Or Coke. But I dislike the Coca-Cola corporation, so I wish I did not like Coke.

Ever played Tales Of Symphonia?
Nope. Is it fun?

On a scale of 3 to 8, 5 being the highest, how well do you understand this scale? Hmm...

A movie you enjoyed?
Pan's Labyrinth was excellent. Brutal, but fantastic.

Do you like the show Scrubs?
Never have seen it.

Ok, c u nextweekor two...?
Yay! c u l8r!

Crz_Mirror -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 14:05:32)

Hello, and congratz, also you get same questions as other aks/mods.
Hello, and thanx, and ... what? I'm not speshul?

Do you capitalize the letter e if so you will be punished?
Check my profile. I am kind of addicted to the capital E.

Do you like elves?
Yes, I do.

Do you sick your otters at lawn gnomes?
No, I dance with them. Seriously, I have danced with a lawn gnome.

Can you do the moonwalk? Have you seen a otter do the moonwalk?
Not very well, but my cousin is very good at it. And, no, not yet. But I hope to one day!

I own an otter, so will you put a little word for me to become an AK? jk.
You asked this question of other AKs/mods? Good luck with that!

Can you otter-out forumites?
Can I? Or would I?

Well I'm done c'ya.
Ok, then I guess I'm done too! Cya!

Lord Suluk Shadragon -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 14:11:12)

Have you actually seen what Artix,Zhoom, Reens, Cysero, Pae, Etc. look like in real life? (This si not asking to see them, it is just Curiosity.)
I saw a couple of photos of a couple of those people, but not face-to-face, no.

Are you waiting for the Ninja class as much as i am?
Not quite as much, I think, but yes it will be a cool thing!

Resolute -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 14:30:04)

Hello Maegwyn!

What is so cool about otters?
They swim, they are virtually carefree and always seem happy, and they are sleek and shiny!

Are you in any clans?
Gentleman's Club (not exactly a clan), Nautica, and Dawn of the Cursed

How much wood could a peckerwood chuck if a peckerwood's a checkerboard square?
Say that five times fast!

Is your real life name Megan? Just a guess...
It's a good guess, but have a look at my profile ...

Do you like math? I hate it worse than anything else on this world...
And now have a look at the first post here!

Whats your favorite thing about DF?
The old silliness and puns and so on.

Is DF better then AQ?
Alas, not for me. Great game, but AQ is my main online game.

Who is your forumite idol?
There was once, long ago, a forumite who has now left us, named Neon. And I was a huge fan. Now? I have given up having idols, but there are many fellow forumites whom I admire greatly!

If you were locked in a cage with a lion, a tiger and a laywer, who would you shoot first?
The lock!

Can you say Onomatopeia? I can't even spell it...
I can say it as well as you can spell it.

Whats the difference between a duck?
Is this a math question? Viaduct?

Well, see you around!
Thanks! See you around too, I hope!

tombstone -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 14:34:37)


How are you doing?
Fine, thanks! And yourself?

Wii, PS3, or XBox 360?
I need a money.

What goes up but never goes down?
Your age? Unless you're Merlin, of course, or Maegwyn.

Whats your avorite MLB team?
Cardinals! And then the Mets and the Tigers.

Whats your favorite NHL team?
I used to be a Detroit Redwings fan. I never watch hockey any more though.

Which do you prefer, Dogs or cats?
I love them both, but I suppose I prefer cats since I have almost always had a cat, and never my very own dog. But I surely do love my cousins' dogs and my best friend's dog and most of all my ex-fiance's dog.

Whats the best tasting ice cream?
Hand-cranked home made by my cousin, usually vanilla. When it's really, really hot outside it tastes even better.

Do you like Final Fantasy? If so, which is the best?
I have never understood how there could be an FF2, let alone a 3 or 4! XD Well, I've never played so I don't have a preference yet.

How many colors are in a rainbow?
All the ones we can see and a couple that we can't.

Whats 1+1= ?
That looks sort of like algebra to me.

Who's your favorite comedian?
Robin Williams, back when he used to be spontaneous and funny, before various stupid movies.

Maybe more questions later. Bye.
k -- laterz!

Avro -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 14:36:04)

o.o *pets otter*
*purrs* (Yep, otters purr.)


do you eat pickles?
Yes! Dill pickles are my favorite, but bread-and-butter pickles are delicious with peanut butter.

favourite AK besides yourself?
I adore all, and have no favorite.

chocolate cake or ice-cream cake?
hmmm ... both ... ok, ice-cream cake!

how tall are you?
5' 5-1/2"

favourite number?

can you leet speak?
I can, slowly, but I prefer English. c4n j00?


djiredhadimo -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 14:38:25)

hey, congratz for your AKship

1-is it fun to be AK ?
Yes, mostly! :P

2-Do you have pets ? what are they ?
I have one cat. See p.1 for more infoz.

3-Can you speak more then one languague ? If yes, what are the others ?
I can speak Spanish pretty well, my French needs practice but I can get along in it, and I can be polite for about 5 sentences in German. I can understand a fair amount in German. I read better than I speak, and can get the main ideas out of things written in Italian and Portugese. I can read a tiny bit of Welsh and write a few things but so far have not learned to pronounce the words o.O

4-In what contry do you live ?
The US.

5-You play more AQ or DF ?

6-Was the last movie you saw good ?
Yes! I don't see movies often, but my best friend & I went to see Pan's Labyrinth, and it was excellent!

7-Do you think i'm weird ? it used to be "do you think i'm crazy" but enough AK answer to know now...don't make this visible plz
Do you mean "weird" in a bad way? Then no! but I haven't seen your gallery art yet ... you do know that if anyone highlights this they will see the invisible stuff, right?

8- SECRET QUESTION: Did you see my gallery art ? ANSWER: And now the answer is yes! I commented :)

so that's all for the moment...see ya on the forum
k, see ya around!


Cataclysm -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 14:52:35)

Wow, sure took ya long enough!

1. What is... Your quest?
I seek the Holy Grail.

2. What is... The airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
African or European?

3. What would you say if I said, 'Chicken tenderssss'?
I'd say, "What's the magic word?"

4. How does this make you feel?
Could you please pass the pepper?

5. What is... your favorite color?
Blue. No, yell-

6. Say, why am I on question six? Crap, what comes after six?
You're asking me?

54. Is this the right number?
Sounds good to me!

30353636345363426176472. Howzabout this?
Oo shiny!

24325346. Okay, thanks... This must be right! Why'd you choose a baker's dozen?
I didn't remember anyone else choosing it, and it made me laugh.

2525. How do you feel about spammers?
Mostly I just feel that they should save their spam for some other non-AE forum, one where it's allowed. I always have hope that they will mend their eeevil ways here XD

å°Σ┘┼. What number is that?
That's Greek to me!

16745≥. Oh noes! Almost no more questions! Gotta make this one count... What's your favorite number?

♪: Final Question: Did i just annoy you? a lot?
No! Not even a little!

*prays this doesn't count as a question* Could you please rate the above questions on a randomness scale of 1-5?

PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 15:35:12)


Hope you can relieve some of the Friday stress here in the GGD. [:D]
Me too! I should be able to be around more on Fridays now.

Your name is.. kinda unique yet cute and catchy! :D

Who knighted you?

Nix isnt here yet, good, very good... maybe this time the AK wont actually run out of cookies. Can I have one? :3
Yah, where is Nixie? Where is teh Nix? And here is a delicious cookie for you!

Cats or Dogs?
Scroll up. Cats with an explanation.

Dragons or Naga?
Dragons, I s'pose.

AK Prison question: (because they are a must to ask ones)
Obligatory AK question! (because unlike some people, I make up new questions each MtAK thread and this is the only one that is repeated xD)
Does your editing color fit the color of your shackels?
Yes, they are torturing me with the silliness of pink XD

When was the last time that you have seen the sun or light at all?
They let me out to go swimming almost every day!

Does Alac feed you: slop with bits-O-chunks or gruel with chunks-O-bits?
I'm special ... I get bits-O-chunks potage garnished with chunks-O-bits!

Are you allowed out of your cell? (SilverWing is allowed cuz she behaves :3)
Yes, but not because I behave. I go in my cell when I want to, not because I have to!

This is the 11th question.. are you afraid yet? >:)
*shivers involuntarily*

AHA! I broke the rules and made only 12 instead of a dozen! TAKE THAT! (counting does suck :D)
R00lbreaker! *takes it and runs away*

Hope you dont suffer too much have fun being an AK! (this doesnt count as a question! No it doesnt! [:(])
Hope springs eternal!

zumosmorph -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 16:33:02)

W007! How ya doin'?
w00t! Doin' fine! You?

So, whats your favorite genre of music?
Tough one. Scroll up/see p.1 Basically if I really, really like it, it's probably classified as alt-something XD

Ever listened to 3 Inches of Blood?
Nope, never heard of 'em.

Amon Amarth?
I think Ailifr might have linked me to a video of them one time?

Don't think so.

No, but I know a guy called Nightfish!

"Weird Al" Yankovic?

Ever been here?
Yes indeed!

Ever been to my gallery? If not, could you click my sig? And post?
Not yet, and sure -- *runs to do that next*

So um...thats all I'm gonna bother you about.
um ... no bother! Thanks!


Watashig -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 16:50:44)

Hiyas AK!

Do you think it is hard being an AK?
Sometimes it is, yes. Decisions can be difficult at times.

Do you know me?
Your name is familiar-ish, but I don't think I particularly know you yet o.O

Do you know vaseline28?
Yep, vas is awesome!

*Reads first post* I like Chocolate + Strawberries too. I also like C + S = Chocolate-covered strawberries. Do you like peaches?
Oh yes! I like peaches a LOT! They're also excellent in salsa.

What's your favorite fruit order, using Bananas, oranges, peaches, strawberries, apples, and pears?
I'm so bad with 'favorite' and 'like better than' questions. Probably oranges, peaches, apples, pears, strawberries, with bananas last ... but do I really like strawberries less than apples and pears? The concepts of "favorite" and "better than" must involve some kind of *gasp* math!

c4n j00 sp34|< 1337?
<r3p|4c3 th1s w1th 4nsVV3r h3r3>

Do you know I want to snuggle you? *Snuggles*
<replace this with answer here>
Now that you say so, I do. *Snuggles*

Tick-tock, tick-tock. Ze chocolate piece is me. Do you want to bite ze chocolate?
Er. *Ding!* I think I'll have that other piece of chocolate instead!

AQ > DF?
For me, yes.

I'm done for now.
Being chocolate is dangerous!

Wyvern Knight -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 17:03:55)

Hello Maegwyn, congrats on becoming an AK! ....But yet another AK throws away the "Ribarg!" Part of their title >.>. You guys disappoint me! (bballman23, I'm looking at you)
Wyvernkni! Nice new name! Thanks! Yeah, I was sad about jettisoning the Ribarg! part. Any ideas of how to fit it in?

1) Video Game Preference?
Alas, access to PC only.

2) Play Super Smash Brothers Melee? Tales of the Abyss? Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance? My all time favorite games! Only one most people might know is SSMB though >.>.
Alas, no.

3) Excited for Mechquest? I am!

4) Do you have a sort of signature item, one you can't use as effectively but like anyway? (AQ/DF?)
AQ - a couple. Magical Cheese Wedge, because it makes me laugh. And my first pet in my lineup, the Dark Vampragon. I think someone on liek p.4 asked about this specifically so I will wait until I get to that post to 'splain.

5) Was it a mistake selling almost all my stuff for (AQ) Asguardian Set?
In my honest opinion? Yes. I think you reduced your strategy options to almost nil by doing so. But if it was worth it to you, then I wouldn't call it a mistake, just a decision that I would not have made.

6) Excited for the sweep? What part do you look forward to most?
Yes! I'm probably most excited about what will happen in the new class system. And of course, the Staff of Awe.

7) Out of the Dragon Fable classes, and those to come, which one is your favorite and why?
Sadly, I am really not into DF enough to have the foggiest idea. I have been saying to myself all week that it's time to get on and also read up in Guides and 'Pedia, but my main in AQ is pretty close to L99 now and I just keep playing him instead. (Yep, in-game he's mostly considered male o.O wow did that backstory get complicated or what!

8) What's your opinion on global warming?
Seems to me there's enough evidence that irreversible climate change has already been set in motion by the actions of mankind, along with historic evidence of non-human-related warming and cooling trends. I make a point of being aware of how my own habits and actions could possibly affect the world as a whole, and do my best not to do things that could contribute even more to man's (negative) effect on the earth. I'm too modern to go live off the grid, though. I need mah hot & cold taps!

9) Wait, weren't you knighted ages ago? Why step out now?
Indeed! But now I have time to answer questions and have fun!

10) If I had been born two days earlier, I would've had a birthday on 6/6/06 :p. Wouldn't that have been something?
Then you would've shared a birthday with a friend of mine and also another person who posted earlier! Happy belated birthday!

11) If you could change one thing about the way Dragonfable works, what would you change?
I know most people really like the walk-around aspect, but I get annoyed when I get to the next screen and all there is to do is click to walk again. And I get lost sometimes o.O The only change I can think of to 'fix' that would be a map showing where you have been/where you are in relation to other places you have been. I don't think that would be feasible in Flash, though.

12) Do you agree that when used correctly, Google holds the answers to everything?
No, because the darn thing doesn't pick up stuff that's a few 'layers' down. It's a good start, though.

13) Do you believe the accuracy of Wikipedia? I can't tell >.>?
Nope. Especially with the news that edits come from corporate IPs and even the CIA o.O

....13!? Come one! Evil Archknights have been known to set it at 15, but 13? Cheapskate >.> Fine, have it your way punk! No more questions for you!
Hey! It wasn't meant as 'cheaping out' ... XD thanks for the questions!

And I guess that's enough questions fo- wait, I had about 20 questions? Maybe less maybe more? Only the numbered one's count!
o.O Count? Is that math?

BTW: Hey wait, one more thing...:

Whoops, had something to say, erm.. <.< >.> Candy is good! ^.~.
Trick or treat!

...~*Itsy-Bitsy Spiiider...*~
<.< >.> I think it's raining ...

Suuichi -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 17:15:20)

Hey Maegwyn!

Congrats on the AKship.

1 & 2. Why the name Maegwyn? Are you a mage that won?
See p.1. Or is it scroll up? I forget. Hey! I didn't think of that! I am a mage that won (most of the time)!

3. Any pets?
Yep, cat. See p.1 or scroll up XD

4. Are you a chef? I ask because of the baker's dozen thing.
Good question! I'm not actually a chef exactly, but I do love to cook. I like to make up my own recipes. I'm not much of a baker, though, although I plan to learn more about pies.

5. In school?
Nope, but I'm considering the idea of getting a masters/PhD in English to (try to) become a University prof. But I don't want to move, so the chances of getting a position aren't as great as if I had the option to go anywhere that wanted me. There are a lot of universities in the general area, though, so the question is, is it worth spending all that money for the education to take a gamble on being able to use it for a career? And I'd have to get a loan, so if I don't get a decent salary, how on earth do I pay back that loan? Bah! I hate 'grownup' decisions!

6. U.S.?

7. Birthday? The month and day is fine. Don't need the year.
Hmmm ... I think you missed something in my first post o.O

8. Who asked you to become an AK?

9. Do you like the pwetty new buttons?
Bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer!

11. Is being an AK fun?

12. Did you notice there was no #10?
Heh. Nope. Lookit that. There isn't.

10. DF or AQ?
Oh! There it is! (AQ; sorry I didn't say before.)

13. Why a baker's dozen?
The perfect number for that question! I think someone else asked; basically, I thought it was amusing. XD

Thanks a bundle! ^_^
Thank you!

zelda lord -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 17:30:23)

yo u suck
just jking you the best =D





krazy demon child -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 17:55:32)

Hola! Wow, thanks for pre-formatting this for me! *snuggles*
1.why did you pick an otter.
It started back in the early days of the Nautica clan, when we used to be able to post stuff that now goes in the L&L or RP forums. My character liked throwing parties and inviting people even from other clans, and somehow during all of that I realized that she was actually an otter. The water/happy personality/dancing thing. long have you been an AK
Since early May.
3.why did you pick a bakers dozen?
Scroll up/see p.1/found it amusing old are you in otter years?
Did someone else ask this? Or did I read ahead and you're the first? Well, otters are basically ageless because we're too busy with today's fun to measure how many yesterdays there were as of today. Or something like that XD you like AQ more than DF?
Yes, AQ is my first "love."
6.where's your dungeon... room at?
My dungeon study/computer room is on the first floor with a window that looks out onto my Bella Roma rose and the "bee garden," (mostly mint) with the little old-fashioned bathroom on one side and the kitchen on the other so it only takes moments to throw off the shackles and make a run for it take a break. you like otter pops?
Are they like the Boston Pops? Otter music FTW!
8.what's your favorite movie?
I said Mystery Train before, but I forgot to mention Airplane! Elaine in that movie is my twin. you like dogs?
I have a lot of 'dogfriends' and I like them but I don't have one at home.
10. is the beaver vs. otter war still going.
There was a war with the beavers? Let us have a feast instead!
well I guess I better let you get back to work.
Ah, I suppose I should check and see how things are, eh? Bye! And thanks!

lordkale -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 18:00:48)

Boxers or Briefs?
Scroll up :)

I'm more of the purring type.

Do you like beef?

Do you like Pie(Ultrapowerpie not pie kupo)
Yep! Good friend from 'way back!

What came first the chicken, or the egg?
The egg. The chicken was an afterthought.

Are otters considered a Reptile or an Amphibian?
Not usually.


Is it pronounce Pet-Smart or Pets-Mart?
The former, although it should probably be the latter.

Is PetCo really where the pets go?
My ex-fiance's dog has gone there before. My cat, however, has absolutely zero interest in going there. Evar.

Are Otters color blind like dogs?
Wow, I have no idea! If you Google otters color sight, this post is the fourth on the list (or right now it is!)

Do you like shiny things?
Oooo shiny!

Are beavers snuggably softer than otters?
I think otters are more snuggably softer. Beavers seem less sleek somehow.

thats all the questions I have *snuggle*
Thanks! *snuggles and runs off to find out about otter eyesight*

Phantasmia -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 18:04:25)

Hi Mea! May i call you that?

Sure! You can call me Mea (or Mae or Maeg) ... just don't call me late for dinner XD

That's all i have...For now

Ok :)

HitariKage -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 18:14:25)


What do you think of this?
I lasted until about 1:09 or so and got tired of it.

If you were trapped on a deserted island for weeks with out food and someone gave you all your favorite foods for free would you eat like this?
eh, didn't feel like clicking another watch-this link. But suspect it's some gross eating-messily thing, so I'd guess that the answer would be no.

What's your favorite Cysero goof?
You know me and the "what's your favorite" dilemma ... I don't know!

What type of combat do you prefer? Melee, range, or magic?
AH! This one I actually DO have a preference! Magic. The others are fun in different ways, but magic is my favorite.

Whats your favorite anime assuming you watch anime?
I don't. Any recommendations?

Whats your favorite AQ weapon?
Oh, wow. So many to choose from. One that my main does not have, the Crystal Shard series from back when I hadn't been playing very long ... that one is cool. I think the Zardwarts is innovative, I think Magical Cheese Wedge is funny ... love my Nmm in fullset mode ... and love the cool everchanging new Guardian Staff, too.

How would you kill a sneevil?
Twilly can do it for me, really.

Zorbak's annoying how would you deal with him?
Let Twilly punt HIM

How many times do you think Twillys been punted?
Eleventy bazillion. And two.

If someone annoyed you to a high degree would you hit them with a log?

How many times did the Mythbusters smash Buster?
dunno ... who's Buster?

How would you fight a giant? Hand to hand or play dirty and use a rocket launcher?
I'd give him a note and then run away while he was peering at the tiny handwriting XD

Favorite mech game?
Mechquest, I hope!

You ever have something blow up in your face before?
Yep. An argument. :P

Thats all.
Well, thanks! Sorry about having such a hard time answering "favorite" stuffs.

Aerowarrior -> RE: =AK= Meet the AK: Maegwyn (8/25/2007 18:16:28)

*Huge deep breath*

MAAAAEEEEEEEE!!11!!!!one!!1!!shiftplusone!11!!!111eleven!!!11 [/spamz0rz]

/me snuggleglomphugglepounces teh otter
/me splashsnugglewrigglepouncehuggles teh Aero

Good thing I haven't asked you anything yet. I've still got 13 questions ahead of me...
and ahead of me there are 13 x 100 or so ... that's math!

/me loves to find loopholez ^_^
/me lost the spackle somewhere, darnit! Heh. Get it?

What was the first thing that you did when you learned that you were going to be an AK?
The obligatory/customary stare-at-the-PM-in-shock-for-ages thingy.

Replied to the PM XD

Who would win in an all out SnuggleBrawl: Tensy, SiLvErWiNg, or yours truly?
I've never seen SiLvErWiNg in action ... you've beat me before, though!

What's the thing that you find most attention-holding in DF?
My hope that it will hold my attention the way AQ does ...

Can you post a pic of your dragon for me?
I s'pose I can, later, when I log in and take a screenie of the poor neglected little guy o.O

Pweeze? ;_;
Only for you :D

I'll be your fwiend...
I thought you were already my fwiend!

Well, I guess that's it for me...
Was that 13? Surely not! REally?

/me pouncehuggles the otter and shares some shellfish
/me splashsnugs and cracks 'em open for us!

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