=AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (Full Version)

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blues -> =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 2:05:19)

Hello to everyone! Iīm the new CR&A AK.
In this thread you can ask every Question you like and I will answer it, except if it getīs too personal.
If you donīt know how this kind of threads work, take a look here!

I will edit in my answers in this color.

Please limit your Questions to a maximum of 15 per Post!

This thread will be open until next Friday.


Zizzy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 2:08:08)

Hello Mithrandir! (You know I am addicted to Tolkien, so here's a Tolkien name that suits you =P)
Hey Zz!

Fun being an AK? =P
So far yes. Have to get used to it

Well, over to my important questions:
go Zz

Do you like cookies?
of course

Do you like Tolkien? (You know what's going to happen if you say no. *sharpens Anduril*)
Who does not?

Favourite book?
Lord of the Rings, honest!

Favourite movie?
Groundhogīs day

Favourite cake? (Don't remember the name of it, but I know what you're going to say =P)
Black Forrest Cake hehe

Am I mad?
Donīt think so

What are you going to do as an AK? Just the same old stuff or something new? =P
For sure the same old Stuff, but Iīm looking forward to the CRE

Do you have a pet? (real life)

Favourite AQ item?
Asgardian set now!

Meh, I'm never good at making many questions....
doesnīt matter

Bai bai blues Mithrandir, and watch out for Anduril! =D
bai Zz

(and: Gratz on becoming an AK, you truly deserved it ;) )
Thank you very much!

To below: The powah of Anduril will always get the 1st reply! =P

Tolkienfanatic: Curunir?! *ZzlzhtT asks blues to skip Tolkienfanatic* That is an insultment, and I am a more Tolkienfanatic than he is =P

Tolkienfanatic #2: *Uses his Dunedan power and kicks Tolkienfanatic* Pffft... you're not a numenorean, you're just a regular man. This Dunadan will destroy you! =P

aNyThInG -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 2:09:55)

2nd post.. What?! No fair... hax!!!

Hey any :)!

How are ye?
Really good

So, what it feels like being AK? First, you got a title and custom avvy and now you're an AK!
It feels awesome, really. A dream became true

Hmm that's all for now.. Gah!! Fine, I'll make sure I got the last post.
short and sweet..... nice!

Tolkienfanatic -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 2:13:37)

3rd reply

Heya blues, we could do this over IRC but that is no fun [;)]. Oh, and congrats, naturally.
Thx TF! For sure itīs more fun this way.

Whereabouts do you live?

Rough age?

Paper or plastic?
Paper all the way

Simpsons fanboy, huh?

Why are you currently lying in IRC by saying you are away?
always forget to change my nick....

How come you never /hop'ed?
Lies! I /hopīed but nothing happened :(

If a researcher measures 200 counts per minute coming from a radioactive source at midday,
at 3 o'clock, she finds that this has dropped to 25 counts per minute; how many ears do you have?
I hope not more than before

What methods do you use to keep CR fun and not so monotonous? Loud, angry music works for me.
Music is always good, also chatting helps!

EDIT: ZzlzhtT, I don't know about Mithrandir, blues strikes me as more of a Curunir type of guy o:
EDIT #2: Them be fighting words, buddy! *puts on Numenorean Helm*

Frayzer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 2:14:43)

Gratz blues! From being a helpful guy to a AK! You deserve it!
Thank you very much!

1. Will you still help out in rating characters?
Of course. i still have the Center

2. Are you a male or a female?

3. Who is your favorite Simpson character?
guess hehe

Ok that's about it (4th Reply) [:D]
again short and sweet :)

Z -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 2:15:26)

Fifth reply! Will edit. :P

(It's more than 15 lines of text, but it's actually only 14 questions.)

/me waits

Do I know you? O_o
could be.... :)

Missing your "Helpful" title? I sure do ;_;
a bit, but I like ArchHomer

Favorite AK?
ah, thereīs not only one. Of course all my friends form CR&A and EC (Aqua, Astral, tensy and you!) All the others I have to get to know better.

Favorite Mod?
All I met are nice (SCAKK of course :))

Don't you neglect the Void's Rating Centr!

Quick! Head or Tails?

Pff, you lost. -_-"

So how's the AKship working for ya? ^_^
Great so far. Got my firts hayt-PM today

Any other forums you would like to AK in beseides CR&A? (I bet Equipment Comparison).
your bet is right. GGD would also be fun for sure.

Favorite text smiley?

Favorite non-text smiley? ([:)],[;)], etc)

Don't you think your color code is hard to remember? (Although the color is really nice.)
I hope not. And if, blame Ghost for it!
What?! Blame ME?! O.o ~Ghost.

Why won't you change your name to reds? Or greens?

What have you named your Dragon egg?
Homer of course

How is the CRE plan going on? I'm sure you're excited. ^_^
Yes, Iīm excited. I hope it will start soon.

This proves The Void's and #Strategy = pure awesome, doesn't it? XD
seems so. 4 AKīs from the Voidīs is not bad!

!pie blues
/me dodges. I prefer lemon, not Zard :)

'Tis all from me, see you around. ^_^
see you soon Z!

Stephen Nix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 2:44:29)

congrates on your position blues
Thank you very much!

did you have another name before this one..i keep think you did?
no, Iīve always been blues

Where else are you planning to AK?
No plans, really. Let me get used to beeing Ak first :)

who did u get the position from?
got SCAKK`ed

itll be cool to see you around blues.....but i ust ask my qualifing questions,,..

r u evil or good
sometimes good, sometimes ebil, but more the first.

if i attack u with my ice uberness penguin iceburg attack waht would you do?
*shivers*, dodge of course

does this shirt make me look fat?
this is a shirt? are you sure?

does it make u look fat?
fortunately I have no mirror here.

what will be your signature lock?
Donīt plan to get one..... but if itīs needed Iīll use bluesīed

cya blues and remember with great power comes great responsibility! LOL cya
That I know :)! see you

Mechster Chief -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 4:32:58)


gratz on teh akness
Thank you very much!

i wish to be there "someday" lol
good luck

i just got 85 and working for LR so you will so me at the voids for a rate soon :P
youīre always welcome

or maybe working there..
why not?

who told you that you were an AK

fav /colour/food/thing to do
blue/Cretan food,Spaghetti,Sushi/guitar playing, reading

thing that you do and like most ( rating dosent count )
my job to be honest

thats all for now from me

Feral Ninja -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 4:39:54)

Hello, Blues.
hey feral_john

Will any of this interupt with your Ratings?
just a bit

Do you Like this job?
Itīs awesome, I love it!
Glad you like it. ^^

Did you like the new simpsons movie?
hehe.... Spider-Pig!
Hehe, favourite part of the movie. ^^

What kind of music do you like best?
depends, but most the old school Rock (Genesis, AC/DC,Meat Loaf, Joe Cocker....)
me to! I like Black sabbath the most. :P

What did the staff liked about you so much that they made you Archknight?
Donīt know. Best to ask SCAKK this question :)
nah, he's to busy. :P

Those were all the questions, i thank you for answering these questions. ^^
Youīre welcome
Goodbye. ^^

Evil Artix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 4:52:27)

Wow! Blues! absalout-congrat-a-fabulous-super-duber-omgwtfbbq for the Ak'Ship!
Thank you very much!

...Hi! ^_^

You've come very far young padwan, Use your new force powers wisely :P Lol, I sound like Evo or something :P
Will do Obi Wan

Howz it going for you? Liking the ability to edit *almost* anyones post, with your uber pwnage words?
good so far :). Iīm more deleting than editing right now.

Whos your favourite Ak(Apart from yourself)?
all my friends from CR&A/EC (Aqua, Astral, tensy and Z)

Where do you live?

I'm in Australia :D

Do you know much about Aussie?
not too much but a friend of mine lives there

A favourite Aussie Animal?
Wombat or Koala

Fan of the Simpsons eh? Especially Homer? I guess you've seen the movie then :D I have, 3 times already :P(Don't ask me how lol)
The movie is awesome. I really like Homer (Spider Pig hehe)

Your so much more awesomer than the likes of Astral, Ultrapower Pie and Evo aren't you? :P Don't be scared, they're all soft...ish....
oh, I donīt think so. But your Opinion is up to you!

If you could steal an item of any sort from a staff character that was precious to them, what would it be?
VIK, too bad that is was just temp.....

Whats you dream in real life?
win the Lottery!

Will you still be able to find time in the void with this new responsibility? Because it would be such a shame to see you go :(
Of course. I still do Ratings there, maybe it will take a bit longer now to finish them.

Anyway, See you! And good luck!
see you and Thx!

HailFire -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 4:59:46)

Blues, Same old same old
Hey HailFire

Do U live in the U.S and If so which state
no, I live in Germany

Fave Car
one that brings me from pont A to point B without Problems

Liking your new buttons?

Dream Car

Fav Cake
Black Forrest Cake

Dream Holiday


Shrub Turkey

Why Blues
favourite color, nice music

Im due for a rating soon as I get Reign Plate So Warning
youīre welcome!

Fav Simpson Character

Which New Gen Console do u have (Wii, 360 Ps3)
none til know, they are a bit expensive in germany

U have a Job?

If u could be a Kitchen Utinsil What and Why?
Mixer, must be fun to mix things up

Do u Like new Guardian Armor Graphics?
yes, better than the old one

If the Aq world turned real which class would u be

Dem or Republican


=It Flew=

destructionist -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 5:00:13)


Congratz on you new AK ship. And here we go.
Thank you very much

1)If given a choice, which part of the forum do you want to be in charge of the most?
CR&A and EC. My favourite ones. But also GGD must be fun!


3)Country of Origin?

4)Now, that you are an AK, do you feel any weight on your shoulder?
no weight, just respnsibility

5)How about the shackles?
are a bit uncomfortable, but you get used to it

6)who pmed you to inform you about your promotion?
Reens PMīed me

7)What was your reaction upon receiving the news?
Didnīt trust my eyes and started to search for my glasses, just to realise I have none.
started singing and dancing.
Still smiling since this moment.

8)What was your title before being an AK?

9)Favourite way of editing/locking/ending a thread/post?
no favourite way, just to do it pollite.

10)Which of this would you choose?

a)Durian or Mangosteen(hope i got that right)?

b)orange or apple?

c)noodles or rice?

d)meat or fish?

e)vegetarian or carnivore?

f)crocodile or lion?

11)After MQ comes out, would play it?
sure Iīll give it a try

12) Did you watch the simpsons movie? If yes procede to 12a) if not, procede to 12 B)

12a) what promoted you to watch the show, and what are your feelings about it.
as Simpson fan I had to watch the movie

12B) Since you like Homer so much, why not?

13) are you a very lonely guy?
not really

14) AQ or DF do you like better?

15) Having fun?

I ran out of space for questions... Oh well, good luck in your new post!
too bad.... see you and Thx!

Magic Gladiator -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 5:03:06)

Hy there,fellow,looks like there's another moderator to respect!
Iīm AK not Mod. Modīs are my Boss

Do you like aq?
of course

How surprised were you when you found out that you're going to become a moderator?
completely surprised. It came completely unexpected

Is it boring to be a moderator?

What is your build?(I'm a magic gladiator)
changed it to Pure Warrior

And now for the greatest question of all times:Do you like pie?
I love pie

Do you know anything about Romania,my humble country?
Iīve been there one time....looong ago

Hmmmm....I think that's it for now,see you later,have fun moderating :)
see you

There's nothing else to see here !!! :P
too bad!

pjc -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 6:03:33)

Hey Blues! Congrats on becoming an AK! :)
I gots me questions for ya:
Thank you very much!

1) Are you enjoying being an AK so far?
Yes, itīs great.

2) How different is it being an AK than being a normal Member? Is everything all different and strange? Or does it feel relatively the same?
As AK you have more responsibility. you must be an example for others, so itīs different a bit, but not strange.

3) Did you have a Helpful title before you became an AK? I do recall seeing your name... somewhere...
yes, I had one

4) Why did you choose your forum name?
my favourite color and I like the Music

5) I always wanted to be an ArchHomer... I can't believe you stole my title, and my dream. >.<
too bad, the early bird catches the worm :)

6) Do you play any sports? If so, what do you play?
a bit handball. did more in former times

7) Your strongest school subject?
let me think, school is long over for me: chemistry

8) Your weakest school subject?

9) How would you describe your house? Is it big, modern, small, cosy... or something else?
House? I have a House? wow.... oh, just an appartement. cosy and a bit chaotic

10) Exactly how many Homers are in your avatar?
let me count.... one.... two.....many

11) Do you play AQ or DF more? (May be a stupid question considering where this thread is)
the last weeks I played a bit more DF, when I had time

12) As you are an ArchHomer, what are your opinions on SpiderPig?
as long as itīs not on my ceiling, I like it

13) What's your favourite smiley? I like this one: [sm=rmjxpt.jpg]
not bad, how about [sm=feiertag-smiley-011.gif] this one?

14) Have you ever been arrested or got in trouble with the Police before? o.O
ahemmmm.... no, never :)

15) Any good with musical instruments? And if so, what are you best at?
Iīm playing Guitar

That's my 15 questions for you... ^_^
Hope you have fun doing whatever a SpiderPig ArchHomer does!

Live long and prosper, my friend... [sm=twill4a.gif][sm=feiertag-smiley-011.gif]
you too

UZ -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 6:10:36)

First, gongrants to you, Blues!
Thank you very much!

I have few questions for you:

AQ or DF?

Which one do you prefer: Rating centers or just plain rating?
Rating centers to be honest

How many languages do you speak?
German, fair English and a bit Greek


Do you like being an ak?
Itīs awesome, just have to get used to it :)

Do you like Twilly punting?
poor Twilly, heīs so nice giving me healings....

Favorite Moglin?

What is your favourite TV show?

Where do you live?
Bavaria, germany

Are you stupid?

What you do most of day?

Pie or not?

Do you think pizzas will rule the world someday?
No, Homer will eat them before they can manage this

These were all questions. Goodbay, and gongrats!
Goodbai and thank you

Gus. -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 6:20:12)

blues! ^^

So, you're a big Simpsons fan, eh?
I like the Simpsons, yes

Was the film up to expectations?
It was pretty funny

Spider Pig?

Were you surprised with the AK-ship?

So, how's being a warrior going?
Like it more than being Hybrid

As a comparer, what piece of equipment annoys you the most?
Ranged Weapons, the pedia entries for many of them are a bit outdated

As a rater, what can't you stand?
Impatient Ratees

What build would you take points off for?
I would like to deduct points for 0 DEX builds, but I never would do it.

What's better, the power to lock or the power to edit other peoples posts? (the personal avatar power you already had before)
Thatīs no question of what is better. I dont like it when I must do it. If everyone would follow the Rules, that would be great!

Wish there was a Simpsons reference in Aq?
ah, no

Multi-Homer>X-Ray Homer??
hehe, no. The multi Homer just describes my actual condition.

All the best as the new AK, you really deserved it and...
Thank you very much!

Good luck with your ratings (and comparisons) and "talk" you soon!
for sure

Blue Moon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 7:47:46)

Hmm.... What should I ask?
good question

When should I ask it?
better question

SHould I ask it?
best question

Would you care?
ask another question

Ok im asking it >.>

White bread or rye? >.>
White bread
BYE :o
pooh, that was difficult :)

boomies -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 7:52:35)

16th reply!


Now then, to start da questioning!
letīs go

1. I beatzors Nix...Whats your opinion of hm? he actually missed Nicky, Maes, and your MtAK so far!
heīs really bad. bad,bad,bad!

2. Do you get any sun it that cellar?
Sun? Whatīs that?

3. Why Blues, and why that title and avvie?
my favourite color and I like the music. Homer is cool, he takes eveyrthing easy!

4. What did you do when you got the PM saying you were a AK and who sent it?
Reens sent it, but Goofy talked to me before.
Didnīt trust my eyes and started to search for my glasses, just to realise I have none.
started singing and dancing.
Still smiling since this moment.

5. Have you heard of me? I am known for posting multiple questions. Ask Any AK after....I think it was Versilaryin....
Not until know....

6. When did you become a AK?
3 days ago

7. What does AK stand for? Nix says Ant Killer, .Silence says Archaic Kitchener.
Aktinic Keratosis

8. Who is your favorite AK, Mod and Admin?
AK: all my friends from CR&A/EC (Aqua, Astral, tensy and Z)
Mod: All I met so far are really nice (SCAKK of course :))

9. Artix vs Cysero
who are these two guys?:)

10. Who is your favoite Forumite?
there are many

11. How often do they feed you in there?
I think they forgot me completely til now *starving*

12. Who are you sharing a cell with?
Thereīs really no space for another Person here :(

13. Do you think there are spies everywhere?
*looks around*

14. Whats a computer made of, donkeys or cows?
Donkeyīs rock!

15. You are CR&A AK, rate me!
OMG you phail.... :)

good afternoon

Exeliron -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 7:57:06)

Sup Bro?
Hey there!

Is it fun to be AK? worth the time?

O and by the way bart rule! Homer Suks ass
Homer FTW

Real age?

What your dream?
winning the lottery

You hate cats much as i do?
no,I like cats

o and your rule! best rater i ever meet
Thank you very much

Deathhawk -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 8:34:45)

I stole your color :P
Thatīs not my color :) (you forgot my ebil editing powers hehe)


First page post! YAY!
yay, you made it!

Thank you very much!

What did you do when you got the PM?
Didnīt trust my eyes and started to search for my glasses, just to realise I have none.
started singing and dancing.
Still smiling since this moment.

Is blue you favorite color?

Judging buy your avatar you like the Simpson's. Is this true?
Homer is cool

Are you mad at me for stealing the color?
As I told you above, this is not my Color... :)

Do you like me?
No reason for not like you so far

Can I have my order of *COUGH* now? I have been needing some of the good stuff all day.
sugar? What I can't like sugar?
Sugar? where?

Favorite book?
Lord of the Rings

Will you stop by the OOC everyone in a while? I dwell there.
When I have time, I will!


If you don't give me cookies, I will stalk you forever.
ok, here some cookies for you

Don't let Alac no your plans, unless you want to be locked up with Balos.
/me snugs Alac

Izon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 9:02:04)


Thank you very much my friend!

Hmm not this is a question thread so I need to think up some questions...
/me waits

If you couldn't be Homer who would you be?
Al Bundy :)

Favorite Book (Non-Tolkien)?

Favorite TV Show?

Do you like Pie?
oh aes

Well I am not very good at MtAKs so I will leave it at that. Have Fun.
short and sweet, Thx!

/me throws up the Void sign (not really sure what that is though)
cool, we have a sign?

Ricobabie -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 9:07:35)

Hiya ^_^
Hey ^^

Thank you very much!

/me snugs blues ^_^
/me snugs Rico

How are you today ?
perfect, itīs Friday

So what's your favourite month of the year ?

Favourite day of the year besides your birthday ?
The day my vacation begins

Did you see the Simpsons movie ? Which was your favourite part from there ?
of course! The scenes with Arnie

Your favourite smilie.

Cake or Pie ?

Dictionary or calculator ?

Ok that's all from it ^_^ Bye
bai ^^

/me bye snugs blues ^_^
/me bysnughugs Rico :P

shoopi -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 9:36:38)

Hey Blues
Hey shoopi

Favourite build?
Warrior at the moment

Most fun item in the game?
Vampiric Axe, you never know what will happen

Are you planning to get to level 130?
yes, sometimes

Do you play any other games?

Any hobbies?
Guitar playing, reading, music, movies, my handball team

Do you think you'll ever quit AQ?
maybe one time in the far far future


Infinite Shadow -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 9:42:07)

Woo!blues an AK!!Lest shope you dont get locked up >.>

Anyway,question time.
here we go!

Why is blue your favourite Colour?
donīt know, maybe because my eyes are blue

If you had to decide to get a PS3,a Wii,or an Xbox 360 which would you get?
Iīm planing to get a Xbox 360

I cant decide,can you?

Pie or Cake?

RicoBabie or Dox Para?
who are this guys???? :)

Me or Ricobabie?
who are you?????

Me or Evil Artix?
who is Evil Artix?????

Are you a girl or a boy?

Pepsi or Coke?
Pepsi light or lemon coke light

/me gets his calculator... 4568912.09645277

Math or Grammar?

History or Social Studies?
Social Studies

Thats all for now.

Buh Bye!
Bai Buh

Nah,just one more question...or two...*Cough*

ZzZhlt or SCAKK?

Evo. or SCAKK?

K,buh bye for realz.

PanDryer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (8/31/2007 9:48:23)

Hiyas, blues!
Hey PanDryer

Congrats on the AKship.
Thank you very much

When did you make this thread? o.o
today morning, at least is was morning here

If you saw a video on youtube and it showed only a dining room, would you look at it?
If thereīs something to at there..... why not?

So... How's it going? xD
perfect, really great!

What other games do you play besides AQ and DF?
none, no time for other games at the moment

Fav. Food?
Cretan Food

Now for a random question....

Say supercalifragilisticespihaladocious. Rofl. I can't spell it. o.o
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious hehe

Good-bye.... for now. O_O
bai, see you later maybe

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