RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (Full Version)

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Cheddar -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/15/2007 14:19:23)



10. Are you: A. a Human, B. an Elf, C. a Dwarf, D. an Orc, E. a Drakel, or F. Other?
If you are asking about the character, definately an other. My stories I'm trying to get written have races that AQ doesn't, and I use see my AQ characters as them visiting.

Ooh. Interesting.

11. Mind naming a few of those races? I'm interested, now.
Several races have learned to shift between human and "animal" forms like dragons do in some fantasy works. Phoenixes, Auguries, Evalians, and Crisarlets for the main ones. The others have several variations I'm not going to go into here.
12. Hmm. Now, what planet does your story take place on?
It's called Odeycia.
13. Being a writer, myself (I have written two Novellas and am working on the third of six), I want to know: how descriptive are you when describing your etc. (unimportant/only appear once) Characters in your stories? Personally, I describe any noticable articles of clothing, their hair color (Blonde, Red Head, Brunet, etc.), shade (Dark, Light, etc.), and type (curly, wavy, straight, etc.), their skin color, and their eye color. I guess that's pretty descriptive, but there is a lot more to e said about them.
So far I've only managed timelines and lists and am having extreme difficulty putting the actual stories down.
Now for the random questions that can be answered in a number of random ways (yay)!
14. Truth or dare?
15. Deal or no deal?
No deal.
That's all. I've used my 15 questions.

Flamethrower -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/15/2007 15:13:28)

Hello! (Gives Fuzzy greeting)

1. What do you think of me posting like this?
*shrugs* Your choice.
2. Pie, Cake, or Ice Cream?
3. LOTR, or Harry Potter?
One has an a more entertaining story and the other has a much more detailed world... I have to go with the detailed world. So many other stories could arise from it.
3. If LOTR which one and why? If Harry Potter, which one and why? If neither, why? If some other random funny response, then why?
Well I actually said why in the last question. It is the enormous potential of Middle Earth.
4. Would you rather have the title, Creative or Helpful?
Helpful, if it had a "!" on the end. But... I'm above those, so I'm fine as is.
5. Favorite Smiley? (Includes forum, and text smileys)
The motion one where a mod smiley blasts a spammer smiley.
6. Wolf or Eagle, which is cooler?
Eagles can fly. That gives them a healthy head start on being the cooler.
7. Favorite letter of the Alphabet?
I don't have one.
8. Bold, Italicized, or Underlined?
I prefer plain, unless the use calls for one of those.
9. Favorite word?
I don't have one.
10. Favorite AK/Mod/Admin?
11. Mario vs Link, who would win?
Mario can jump, but Link has a sword... who do you think? Not to mention Mario is rather short to be trying to outfight most of the Links. Some of the Links can even control time. I'm rather sure the swordsman is going to win.
12. Talents? (Weird ones included)
Reading fast, beating console RPGs with ease and quickly, babbling of certain facts about certain games, but all that is easily countered by my horrendous memory.
13. I'm almost out of questions!
That isn't a question.
14. Play any Instruments?
15. Last question (for now), How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?
...I answered this EXACT question in an earlier post.
Bye bye! (Gives Fuzzy goodbye)

OmniM. -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/15/2007 15:24:56)

Another one?? Wow, AKs keep popping up.... I will ask you 10 questions. If one of the questions has been already answered, you can edit my question. Here we go!

1.Do you believe aliens are real?
At the moment, no.
2.What is your opinion on human cloning?
I wouldn't view them as a clone. In my mind, they'd be much closer to an identical twin that by some freak time jump is much younger.
3.Have you ever played D&D?
4.If so, what character and class did you played?
See above
5.What is your opinion on the case of Michael Jackson?
I didn't follow it much, but the guy's been charged multiple times. I think he's guilty.
6.Who will win: Dr.Doom, Doc Ock, Magneto, Doomsday, Green Goblin, or Joker? You must choose one from this list.
Are you kidding? Magneto can control all metal! He certainly isn't the strongest, but that takes out the toughest competition right there. He could probably force Dr. DOOM to zap everyone for him.
7.Gundam or Transformers?
Gundam, especially 08th MS Team. that short series was awesome. If you meant in power... Gundam Wing Zero kills anything if it can hit them.
8.Pokemon or Digimon?
9.Do you think dreams are important to the human mind? If so explain.
If you mean as in goals, then yes. Without dreams there would be no ambition and no advancing. The world would stagnate.
10.If the devil walks in your house, what weapon or object you choose to beat the hell out of him?(Irony there.)
Probably nothing. His weapons are lies, not claws as Hollywood depicts. I might pick up a bible and tell him to get out, but no literal weapons.
Those are my questions. Ciao!

Vaseline28 -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/18/2007 1:22:38)

/me snugshugglescongratulesetc.ules.

Anyways, I won't post any questions, I'll just say congrats for this, you have deserved it!


FIne, questions it is!

1) Why the name? I've never heard of "Genoclysm" before...
A character of my own creation, for fantasy stories. He was created to bring destruction to a sorcerer's enemies, so he was called Genesis Cataclysm to convey the intent. It of course was shortened. He was the main villain at the time I made an account, and the name is obviously uncommon enough to be unique, so I chose it.
2) And the avvy, what is it, and why?
It is a modified Niith. Genoclysm is a shapeshifter who turns his body to gas particles to escape damage, and is very interested in the dragon race, so I felt this matched him the most.
3) Spots or Stripes?
4) Curtains or Blinds?
5) Any reason why you were drawn to Speculations and Theories when you joined these forums?
It didn't exist at the time. I had already gotten interested in the 755 and Truth threads in the GGD before this was made, and I followed them here. I also got involved with the others who chose to seek on IRC.
6) Are you scared of Scakk?
Of course not. He's too cool to be afraid of... for me.
7) I won't ask the "favourite AK" question as I've done MtAK and know what it's like, so, what's it like to be an AK?
Addicting, truthfully. >.>

As some extra info, there is no need to answer this question

8) If you could solve one of the worlds problems, what would it be?
The need for war is the greatest problem, so I'd solve that.
I'm out of questions, but if you ever get bored, I'll come and give you some more!

bigwavedave -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/18/2007 18:05:02)

So, lets ask you a few hard questions....
And if anyone has asked these questions just edit them!!!

1. Is it true that nothing rhymes with orange??? Not even doorhinge???
I don't know. I suppose door hinge does.

2. Are you fighting against the ninjas in the war???
The DF war? No, I haven't fought for either side.

3. How much do you know about all the games???
I guess you could say I studied up on them.

4. What's your favorite color for a mech????
I'm not really sure. Maybe a design like one of the blue gundams from the Encounters in Space game.

5. If someone stole your name for MQ would you abuse your power on them???
I don't have that kind of access.

6. Squirrels (did I spell that right?) or chipmunks???

7. Who is the most evil thing ever (inside and outside the game)???
Falerin, and he's proud of it. [:D]

8. Do you count by 1's or 47's???

WA -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/18/2007 18:43:57)


how much wood would a wood bumblebee bumblebee if a woodbumblebee could bumblebee you?
what is the average yearly rainfall in the amazon basin?
I don't know.
if you were to have the ability to do anything you want for 2 hours what would you do?
Make a way to have the ability any time I wanted.
do you like hamsters?
or sausages?
Not really
when was your last encounter with a troll?
5 minutes ago.
what religion are you?
So far, southern baptist.
do you have a lawyer?
is he good?

could he bring me to court?

would he bring me to court if i, i dont know, maybe broke into your house, stole all your money and then bombed your house to smithereens?

what would you do if i was outside of your house right now ready to do that?
Do something you wouldn't like.
did you check?
I have spy stuff telling me whenever anyone is there.
was i there?
did you discover the secret plans which i DIDNT leave at your house and the bomb which ISNT hidden also and WONT explode a minute after you read this?
What isn't isn't.
so long and enjoy the last *checks watch* 50 seconds of your life

~Divinity~ -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/19/2007 0:35:14)

I'm gonna ask you my other 10 questiopns if I can think of 10.

What do you think of AQ,DF, and MQ conceptionally?
They seem awesome. AQ has a lot of potential, as do the other two.

What other parts of the forums besides S&T do you frequent?
Game Balance Issues every so often, but now that I'm an AK, I also started frequenting a couple others such as Paxia.

Do you have a favorite suggestions thread?

If so which one?

What's your favorite part of the forums outside S&T?
That's too hard to decide.

Now on to the random ones.

Chili or turkey?

Which was I talking about the food or the countries?
Countries, because you had a lowercase t.

Do you fear they will find you and chain you down?

Just different questions now.

Favorite tv show?
I like Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist, and Ghost in the Shell nearly equally.

Favorite Movie?

I'll debate with you later Geno. Congrats for the final time. Oh and tell you're you're fellow Ak's they better watch out, one of them may be subject to the random side soon, Avens, Zivens!

Richie Ritz -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/19/2007 0:41:58)

OMG! You like tennis!

I love tennis too...

I hope to go pro in a couple of years...

I have an interscholastic tennis tournament tomorrow. Wish me luck!

If you ever come to hamilton, give me a shout on the forums and we will play!

Favorite tennis player? Me love Rafa to infinity and beyond...

k c ya later

oops forgot... good luck with akship and congrats and all the usual formal mumbo jumbo[8D]

Liking isn't the same thing as playing... >.>;

Atrun -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/19/2007 8:50:50)

Hm, I suppose I'll just ask one question. You mentioned you like Dune. Just the book or the series, and if the series, just what Frank Herbert wrote or any of the books that Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson wrote to continue/finish the series?
I've only read the first book.

Congrats on the AKship by the way.

WA -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/19/2007 19:57:56)

i am just wondering how long will you keep checking this for
Since it is in the S&T, Probably until people stop posting or I get too busy to worry about it anymore.
how long do you think it took me to overcome your spy and plant a bomb on your house

what do you think is the craziest S&T you ever saw
If I told you, I would assuredly hurt his or her feelings, but most of the speculation from a specific person.
the most likely

if you could mix any three animals what would you make

do you play DF?

if so what is your fave class? if not insert random words in the space

do you think humanity will have made a moon base by 2050?

do you like bush?

why or why not do you think he should be impeached?

if you dont like him you might like this anti bush slogan

hug a tree, impeach a bush
i never thought i would miss nixon

do you have any personal S&Ts that you would never make a thread about it because someone would lock it that you could make now?
No, that is silly. My being an AK hasn't changed my posting rights on this forum; it has only allowed me to enforce rules. Plust, why in the world would certain speculation be against the rules unless it wasn't really speculation about AE games' storylines?
are you undead?

if you answered yes to the first question do you plan on avoiding artix for the rest of your life?

did you go to dragoncon?

bumblebee or wasp?

so long and thanks for all the fish. so sad it had to come to this...

The limit was 15 per person.

leeko -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/19/2007 20:10:20)

Knew you'd be an AK one day Geno.....

Wow, you have the 3rd AK thread that I've posted on!
Now, on to the questions:
1. Why did you pick the limit at 15?
Because I read that certain users were causing problems in other MtAK threads by spamming questions.
2. Don't you think the Scottish accent is uber?
3. Do you watch Doctor Who? (best show FTW!!!! [:D])
Sadly I have never had the opportunity.
4. What timezone?
Whichever one is an hour behind server time.
5. Would you be willing to work for a secret organization?
That would depend.
6. Would you change your above answer if I said we get club jackets?
Jackets would not be a deciding factor.
7. 7 is my lucky number.

8. What's yours?
I don't have one.
9. Was number 7 even a question?
10. Does that count on my limit?
No again.
Ok... I'll mercy you, only because I can't think of anymore questions (really, 15?)
<does teh uber 2-fingered salute>

1324doom -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/20/2007 11:12:06)

i just have one

1) if u had a theme song wat would it be?
Sorry it took so long. I was having difficulty deciding. The best I've found is Rise, the song played in the intro to Ghost In the Shell: 2nd Gig.

135 -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/20/2007 19:22:10)

Hey Geno!

Am I considered a semi seeker :D
I don't know.
Do you like my moglin Stories?
I'm not a story critic.
Do you like Nel?
Do you dislike Zorbak because he's a n00b?
What's your opinion on Tony Deller?
Don't care
What's your opinion on Britney Spears?
Don't care
Do you know what Fal cooks besides cookies?
Read the Zardian and you would know.
Why did you choose the shadow dragon ava?
I've already answered this multiple times, and it is a tedious explanation.
Did you ever used picture smilies like this[:D] before?
What is your real life like?
What gender are you?
Like pizza?
I usually don't like pasta. Pizza is no exception.
Do you think Ryuusei and Omega would be the most focused antagonists in the Devourer storyline?
You lack the clearance for that, citizen.
Favourite ice cream flavor?
Wish you luck!

Rangersareawesome415 -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/20/2007 20:34:01)

HI! I have some DF dragon Questions.

Will baby dragons grow any larger?

When is the next Titan quest?

Since DA holders can speak Draconic, why can't we talk to our dragons?

Does Artix have a dragon?

What about Cysero? Zhoom? Warlic?

Why does Exodus have immunity to darkness, while all other titans are vulnerable?

Thanks for helping me!

Nice try. Even if I did know the answers, I wouldn't be allowed to answer many of them because of the NDA. One I DO know and CAN answer though is the Exodus. It is a darkness elemental, so it is immune. If other elemental titans didn't have any good resists, then I would say it was an oversight on the part of whoever coded the monster into the game. I've only delved into the inner workings of AQ so far.

(Note: AKs are NOT privileged with special knowledge; staff members are. It would do you no good to try to ask other AKs. On that note, it wouldn't do you any good to ask other staff either due to the NDA.)

SiLvErWiNg -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/22/2007 16:36:37)

congrats and *snugglehugglepounces* that's pretty much all the energy i have for today :( but i'm sure that after lots of long posts, you appreciate the shorter ones ;) (at least that's how i was. "two lines. yesh! ^______^")

Ĉon -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/25/2007 20:39:31)

Hey Geno! Congrats.
I still remember you 3 avi's ago.....

What are you feeling right now?
A little bored.
Am i bothering you?
Of course not.
What are you planning to do now?
Do stuff... like write articles for the ezine.
Do you even remember who I am?
Yes, but I don't remember why I remember you.
On a scale from 1-10, what chance do you think i have of becoming an AK?
I don't remember enough about you to really answer that.
That' s pretty much it for now...bye!

vashi -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/25/2007 22:13:01)

hi i have no clue who you are but i saw you posting in the golden set thread so um yeah, hello.

are you smart?
I'd like to think I am, and enough people have told me I am for me to believe it.
how good are you at tennis?
If I ever tried playing myself... I would probably be terrible. I'm bad at sports.
what is your position on halo 3?
I hope it will redeem the flaws of Halo 2.
sorry if my questions were a bit curt. later.

gorliga -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/30/2007 0:47:06)

arch knight......... i've played it before, its not really that good, they should of spent more time on grafics,

In this case, it is referring to a forum position, NOT that game. It means I can moderate this part of the forums.

Hilbert -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/30/2007 1:13:34)

1.) How are you doing?
2.) Are you sure?
Of course
3.) What got you into wanting to be a Moderator?
I'm an ArchKnight, not a Moderator. I enjoyed being a part of the forums and wanted to help keep them free of spam, flaming, and other things, but they asked me to be an AK. Asking to become one will make it certain you won't be.
4.) If you had to choose between A.) Crimson B.) Black C.) Purple D.) Pink, which one would you choose?
Hm... out of those, I suppose black. I'm not a big fan of reds.
5.) What's your occupation?
6.) College or Univserty or none of the above?
Currently attending a college.
7.) What's your life dream?
Raise a family and get to a point where I'm not worried about finances.
8.) Where you do you see yourself ten years from now?
9.) How's the interrogation going?
Which one?
10.) What's the meaning of life?

Siege -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (9/30/2007 19:15:25)

Whoah, geno's an ak! Cant say I didnt see that one coming though.

Hows everything?
Do you worship 755?
Are you a cor-dem?
Nope, but that gives me an idea...
Do you secretly work with the brilhado?
Thats just a couple questions to show how little I know of the truth saga. =P

Whats your opinion on the following statement:

Recount the past, invision the future. But always live in the present.
It means that you shouldn't sit around and daydream about what was or will be excessively, to take care of yourself now. It stresses the importance of what you are doing now.

Good day to you, see you on IRC.

shamshir19 -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/2/2007 18:19:13)

if u could, would u go to see hell without being affected or would u rather go straight to heaven?
I'd prefer to never view such a place. I would avoid the first choice entirely so long as I have a choice in the matter.

mighty mosquito -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/2/2007 18:35:50)

Always amusing to pester these new AKs!

If you had a nickel every time someone asked you "Are you happy to be an AK?", how many chocolate bars could you buy?
None! I would buy Lindor truffles.
Do you have a favourite sports team?
What's your opinion on Cysero's yogurt addiction?
I find it is better for all of us if I just ignore it.
If you were a necromancer, what would you turn undead?
A werewolf, out of curiosity.
Apples, oranges, or both?
If you were facing a gigantic dragon with nothing but a Zwiehander as a weapon, would you fight or run away?
Run away. I'm not suicidal.
Can you give me free Z-Tokens? DragonCoins? Pweeeeeese?
Of course not. Benefits are non-distributable.
Am I really an annoying pest?
Is that the best you've got? I've had worse.
Have fun!

star40 -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/3/2007 6:59:00)

My vote's on Warlic.
Dragonslayer or Dracomancer?
Ninja or Pirate?
Zorbak or Twig?
If you could wish for 3 things what would they be?
The ability to play any tune I had ever heard on any instrument, financial security for the rest of my life, and the power to put my stories on paper just by imagining them.
Warriors,mages or rouges?

gladiator hawk -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/9/2007 10:31:37)


So i ask the question like every other new AK's i usually ask:

*gives a pile of cookies *



Lets start the torture with the questions.

Sooo.. you have been kidnapped AK'ed?
How does it feel? (the chains)
That depends on what AKing I'm doing at the time.
Who kidnapped AK'ed you?
Why were u kidnapped AK'ed?
You'd have to ask him. It's probably a combination of the reasons I was kidnapped for his network, the dedication I showed to S&T, and my helpful nature and forum record.
Like my sig?
Yes. Who'd you steal those quotes from?
Fine by me.

Favourite food?
Favourite drink?
Sweat Tea
Favourite places to travel/were you have traveled?
I like the Tennessee mountains. They are very beautiful.
Like the weather?
No, it has been unpleasantly bright and hot here.
Mee too, its rainy here =(

Enough of this *gives another bag of cookies*


Pyroclasm -> RE: Meet the newish ArchKnight! (10/9/2007 12:58:51)

Good job geno...

Do you have paranoid people after your tail wanting to be an AK?
What would you say if I told you that I was building a device that could blow up half the universe?(well, 51%)
I would say nothing.
Which do you prefer Star Wars, or Star Trek
I never really got into either of them, but the Force is a definite win here. (That and lightsabers.)
If you answered the wrong one, what will you do to avoid getting hit?
Um... use the Force?
What else do you do on this forum?
Would you whack me if I stole your job
You can't, so it doesn't matter.
Do you like it in your seat of doom?
Doom? There's no doom. I would be able to smell it if there was doom.
Have you mastery of the banhammer?

*fires beam at rock*

Here's you geno AK rock! (The first AK rock ever made!)

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