Shout Tut (Full Version)

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The One To Rule -> Shout Tut (9/10/2007 10:35:39)

Be sure to visit my gallery :3
Other outcomes:


Outcomes/Comments accepted Criticism appreciated

Wen Su the Tank -> RE: Shout Tut (9/10/2007 11:03:32)

hey could u show the smugde settings

The One To Rule -> RE: Shout Tut (9/10/2007 18:51:54)

on first post

Trip -> RE: Shout Tut (9/10/2007 19:56:04)

Nice Tut Ill Show My Outcome soon [:D]

The One To Rule -> RE: Shout Tut (9/10/2007 20:52:42)

Can't wait to see it :3

_Depression -> RE: Shout Tut (9/10/2007 21:23:52)

o.o Wow, so short yet so goooodd. Yay, thanks for share, ToTR.

The One To Rule -> RE: Shout Tut (9/10/2007 22:02:55)

Thanks :3 I tried to make it simple XD

The One To Rule -> RE: Shout Tut (9/10/2007 23:26:01)

Another Outcome of my tut


DeathKnight2 -> RE: Shout Tut (9/14/2007 22:14:32)

Perty :P Your smudge skillz are like O.O

The One To Rule -> RE: Shout Tut (9/14/2007 22:27:44)

thanks :3 been smudging for a while XD

AND 1 -> RE: Shout Tut (9/14/2007 22:49:00)

Yez, smudging is nice. I believe I'll follow this. =)

The One To Rule -> RE: Shout Tut (9/15/2007 15:30:05)

yay :D thanks can't wait for an outcome

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