RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (Full Version)

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SIGMUND -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (3/26/2008 8:52:05)

Hey Digdog have you got any more work ready for the gallery?
Are any other Lucian players creating some artwork, sigs, avatars?
Anyway if you are in lucian we are having a party. Here is the invite.

< Message edited by SIGMUND -- 3/26/2008 8:50:48 >

Ebrithil -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (3/30/2008 23:21:35)

Good job on the artwork fellow Lucians(Wish I could draw more than a stick figure...). Really like the armor.

Sir Gnome -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (4/6/2008 14:51:45)

You can now discuss the Design Contest - Clan Banners! here. I'll edit in answers to any questions you have about it too.

kandymine -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (5/14/2008 19:43:26)

Sagris, that banner/sig you made is really good, I wish you could have posted it in time for the clan banner contest. I think you would have had a good chance of it winning.

wolfbrother -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (8/5/2008 5:06:54)

Making sure this thread doesn't disapear.

Nico -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (8/6/2008 0:39:25)

auhmm.. im a lucian :)).. can i ask something here that could help me!? answer me in PM.. Thx.. LoveYouALL!

kandymine -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (8/6/2008 9:45:02)

You can post your question in the Q and A thread or pm me if you wish.

DigDog -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (1/21/2009 9:22:44)

I posted our animated clan flag in our Lucian Artwork Thread, prolly should have done it earlier.

kandymine -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (1/23/2009 22:00:41)

Yeah, go DigDog. We are the only clan with an animated flag. [:D]

DigDog -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (2/1/2009 17:08:10)

Posted the banner and sig for the Operation Blinding Light in the artwork thread.

HeavensWarrior -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (2/1/2009 17:36:48)

The Blazing Light banner looks ABSOLUTELY EPIC! Shiney job Digdog![:D]

BWNocturne -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (10/10/2011 13:17:24)

not sure where to post this, but as it's art related, I'll just post it here.

Edit: *ahem* I forgot something there. Exodus Winter will be providing the Artwork, so suggestions can be PM'ed to said person.



Holy schweet, another great piece of art, Exodus. If those were implemented in game, it would almost make me reconsider my clan.
Can't we hire you for some schweet Lucian armor design?

I would like the challenge of creating your clan's armor. I'll probably finish the armor in 5-6 days from time this pm is posted. I have some ideas already, so I'll get started.
Also, can you forward this to your clan (if you want too, of course). If you or your clan members have suggestions. PM me.

masterwolfie -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (10/10/2011 16:51:57)

I was just thinking about posting this! This is great news!

Badass Angelic look which has been through many battles. Lucian clan has a long history of conflict and sometimes rough and tough attitude with that posh touch. Well that's how I view the clan members.

Monocles included. XD

Exodus Winter -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (10/14/2011 19:51:30)

BWNocturne, it is done :)
Your suggestion gave me the idea for armored wings.

masterwolfie, your suggestion will take time it will be coming sometime next week.

All of Lucian can view the fresh for the smithy version.

Your Welcome. :)

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (10/14/2011 23:12:01)

That's some amazingly awesome work. Lucians should be proud of wearing this on the battlefield.

Makes me want to request something for Nocturu.

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (10/15/2011 14:02:44)

Just saw it!

This armor? I LIKE! [:)] (It has monocle's aproval! :P )

Seriously,THANKS for the work n the time devoted to it, Exodus Winter! :)

BWNocturne -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (10/16/2011 15:44:47)

It looks absolutely amazing, Exodus. Glad you were so enthusiastic about this.

Thanks for the time and effort you put into this, and I surely hope to see some more of your art in the future.

masterwolfie -> RE: =Lucian Artwork Comments Thread= (11/8/2011 13:56:48)

Just noticed it was done and I got to say. I'm really impressed by the art work. The monocle was a nice touch and all honesty... Staff we demand by also saying please get onto it and give us this clan armor :D

It has a monocle instant win.

Maybe we should actually get the stats worked out for the armor?

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