Ianthe -> Claw of Tarphon (9/29/2007 23:22:10)
[image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/paebgcgdy/BattleOn/Rare.png[/image][img]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/AQPedia2/Tags/Z-Token.jpg[/img] Claw of Tarphon Location: Z-Token Shop Level: 30 60 Price: 1,200 2750 Tokens Sellback: 1,080 2475 Tokens (< 48 Hours); 600 1375 Tokens (> 48 Hours) Element: Neutral Cost: 40 SP Activation: 1 turn Effects: +5 STR,INT and DEX; +10 Magic Defence The Bladeslinger deals 143% Base and Random damage, and gains +5% BTH The Seaquake Staff, & Volt Cutter deal 130% Base and Random Damage. Their Specials deal 116.(6)% damage (total: 175% Base and Random), and gain +10% BTH. DESCRIPTION The mysterious wizard Tarphon created this talisman and linked it to several ancient weapons: the Bladesinger, Volt Cutter, and Seaquake Staff. If you equip the talisman and one of these weapons, the weapon's power is boosted greatly! [image]http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/2930/clawoftarphonnj1.jpg[/image] Thanks to Reign Man and .*. .*. .*.. Corrections from Don of Luth and pagboy. Links from phoenixfire555. Exact effect from Kalanyr (via Doomsday Creature). Rarity from Valane.