Ianthe -> Chaos/Unity Shield (10/5/2007 0:02:22)
Chaos/Unity Shield Level: 5 Price: 500 32 Sellback: 200 250 16 Location: War of the Clans! ; Devourer Saga Items Shop Element: Neutral COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: +3 Ranged: +3 Magic: +3 ELEMENT MODIFIER Fire: -3% Water: -3% Wind: -3% Ice: -3% Earth: -3% Energy: -3% Light: -3% Darkness: -3% DESCRIPTION Your alignment ranges somewhere between chaotic and ordered, good and evil.This shield grants you special defense based on how much you favor chaos or unity.EFFECT Your character's alignment ranges between +8 (Unity) and -8 (Chaos). Based on the alignment, the shield's stats change (if your alignment changes while you wield the shield, you must re-equip it to see the difference). These values are NOT ADDED to the above Defences/Modifiers - instead, these become the new Defences/Modifiers for the shield: UNITY +8 = +9 Combat Defence, -11% Fire, +5% Water +7 = +8 Combat Defence, -10% Fire, +4% Water +6 = +7 Combat Defence, -9% Fire, +3% Water NEUTRAL +5 = +6 Combat Defence +4 = +6 Combat Defence +3 = +5 Combat Defence +2 = +4 Combat Defence +1 = +3 Combat Defence ±0 = +3 Combat Defence -1 .= +3 Combat Defence -2 .= +4 Combat Defence -3 .= +5 Combat Defence -4 .= +6 Combat Defence -5 .= +6 Combat Defence CHAOS -6 .= +7 Combat Defence, +3% Fire, -9% Water -7 .= +8 Combat Defence, +4% Fire, -10% Water -8 .= +9 Combat Defence, +5% Fire, -11% Water [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/Deus_Ex_Machina_Eh/AQ/Encyclopaedia/Chaos-Unity_Shield.jpg[/image] Image from .*..*..*.. Stats from .*..*..*. and Cold_Heat. Typo correction from RusseyFooly. Effect from flyingkidjoe, ShadowWrath, Kalanyr (via silaren), Nex del Vida, and other people. Confirmation "It's close enough to post" from Reyn Roadstorm. ±8 alignment from ShadowXXX.