Holy Photon Revolver (Full Version)

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wizard21 -> Holy Photon Revolver (10/26/2007 13:17:27)


Holy Photon Revolver

Level: 5
Price: 1,200 Credits
Sellback: 120 Credits
Location: Tek's Mechs SC Arms, Star Captain's Club Artillery Shop

Equip Slot: Front Arm
Damage Type: Laser
Damage: 22-28
Hits: 1
Energy: 8
Cooldown: 3
Bonuses: None
Special Effects:
  • Chance to stun for 1 turn.

    Combos: None

    Description: Pristine antique photon revolver. This version was standard issue for high ranking officers.
    Image: Holy Photon Revolver

    *Thanks to TreadLight for image, #13 for reformat!*

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