RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (Full Version)

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Dragon Queen -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (4/25/2008 17:03:38)

Possible more humanlike Gaia?


sacchi -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/1/2008 13:49:28)

Oh...this thread needs some help with activity.

Are there any pictures in "storage" or planned for the next stages? Any token goal made? Something?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/1/2008 15:20:44)

Well currantly I am looking for images. I have one so far and I think I might us it as for token goals I like to keep them secret.

sacchi -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/1/2008 16:16:11)

Hehe ok

When I have time I'll search for some pictures, but you gotta tell me.
Do you want Gaia to keep with animal pictures or can I look for pictures with...well...more fiction in it.

Edit: Ok, since I hate HW, I looked for some pictures very quickly. Pmed 'em to you.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/1/2008 16:43:40)

Well for now I think we will keep Gaia with less fictional pictures for now but after about 3 or 4 updates I might use some of the ones you pmed me. Anyway as an event isn't too far away I am getting ready for a special update, though I will reveal nothing else about it.

sacchi -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/1/2008 17:03:17)

Not even a little spoiler? :D

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/1/2008 17:16:48)

None, but the event can't be far away so you will find out soon.

~Divinity~ -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/1/2008 17:48:23)

You guys compare this to Eddie and Xepahros and then look long and hard at yourselves.*Haha I have invaded Geoto!*

sacchi -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/1/2008 19:05:50)

^That's no fun

Better to help other clans than to laugh at 'em...

~Divinity~ -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/1/2008 23:49:33)

Ok, I suggest a rock golem, it's more fearsome. Or perhaps Gorzan the Green Mage could be your pet?[:D]

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/2/2008 11:06:46)

Well Geoto so far like to keep their pets as pets ,not overlords. One day maybe but it will be awhile yet, I would need to make a story for it and a cat becoming a rock golem or anyhing of that kind will take alot of explaining.

sacchi -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/6/2008 17:44:34)

Just looked for pictures.

I found nothing but overpowered creatures :P

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/7/2008 6:00:39)

Well, I don't think I need anymore images for now I have enough to work with, thanks anyway. I will update this once the next event starts and when it ends, the update afterwards will depend on how well Geoto does in the event.

sacchi -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/7/2008 23:34:05)

Ok, I leave it to you.

Dragon Queen -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/8/2008 0:04:53)

I do commend you guys for keeping it simple, though, and having to do with animals actually found on earth! Very Geoto. Plus you guys won't have to worry about anybody attempting to assassinate Gaia!


hotdogmarchy -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/8/2008 9:48:06)

Still no picture Oliver?
I thought you shoulda found one in a month[8D]

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/8/2008 11:23:05)

I have a picture I am just saving the update till the next Paxia event.

Beowulf Z -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/15/2008 6:10:41)

Hm, that might be a while Oliver. Perhaps not though, who knows for sure?

I anticipate the next transformation though, and hopefully, whatever is wrong with Gaia will meet a resolve that might just return her to normal. ^^

Along with Dragonqueen though, I like the fact that you've kept the theme of animals too! :D

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/15/2008 15:27:54)

Well some part of me hopes the next event is awhile away as I need to work on the story and how I am going to judge how well Geoto did, see post 38. But most of me wants it to be soon. I wish I knew when it was but only the staff know exactly when it will take place, I hope they give us a hint soon.

Annabel Lee -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/16/2008 21:02:11)

Awww, aia is sooo cute! I wwwuuuv kitties and dragons. Maybe she could become fused with a dragon the way a vampire is fused with one to make a vampdragon?

Dragon Queen -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/19/2008 19:28:54)

A liondragon? I there aren't many out there that are cute, though... I mean there's this, but it just doesn't match up with a vampragon...


paladin606 -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/20/2008 4:45:32)

Actually that pic looks pretty cool.I think thats the way to go on this,Gaia seems a little plain.Maybe combine a couple of the earths creatures together.Like head of a lion and a body of a gorrilla.

Dragon Queen -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/20/2008 7:06:34)

Well, I could look around for some crossbred forms.... I'll edit here when I find something nice.

1. Tiger-Dragon? - Okay, but it's pretty cute and less intimadating than you'd think, though, right?


paladin606 -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/20/2008 7:46:04) Yeah doesn't exactly strike fear in heart.The first one you posted was pretty cool looking.Maybe more realistic creatures would work.(lion,bear,etc.)

Dragon Queen -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/20/2008 10:37:37)

So, cool, intresting, detailed animals, possibly hybrid, posssibly jsut powered-up versions like that lion, etc. Got it. Will edit later.

1. ... A Beast of some sort. - I do know that it is a cross between a griffin and a wolf, though. Maybe a snake, too. But it is a little uber for Gaia to spring into.


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