RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (Full Version)

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Erason -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (12/14/2009 10:32:18)

Heh. We're more active on the gPets on our Pf.

sacchi -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (12/14/2009 10:35:42)

That's not an excuse to leave good old Gaia begging for an update :P

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (12/14/2009 11:32:10)

Sorry guys, we have the required amount but I am a bit behind with updating other threads. For the link i have added you to the special thanks section.

Erason -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (12/14/2009 16:35:27)

Shall we move Gaia to the Pf, therefore making her a gPet?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (12/14/2009 17:09:52)

I don't think that is a god idea, besides I have a few weeks free coming up to get things done in, starting next week.

sacchi -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (12/14/2009 19:29:49)

Woot, now that I'm friend of Gaia, I won't be lion food, right? RIGHT!?

And just wanted to remind you about the thread. It's not like I'm hurrying you to update it now, I know by personal experience how it can be to update pet threads :P

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (12/15/2009 11:10:10)

I know I used to keep track of other clan's pets awhile ago, don't worry Gaia won't become overlord of Geoto.

lordcrepe -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (12/15/2009 21:22:31)

Someone give sacchi a brownie for his timely interest in this thread[8D]

Saved the pic to my photobucket as well so with so many backups there's no way it'll get lost again[;)]

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (12/16/2009 11:21:22)

Ok thanks for keeping a back up.

sacchi -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (12/18/2009 16:39:01)

*eats brownie*

And Bell, what's wrong with having Gaia become overlord? I totally made Eddie and his son fusion to become the ultimate fire being ever lol.

ergomad -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (12/29/2009 5:51:52)

I say we go. Now you probaly ever heard me before. After all I've bee inactive for a year or two.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (6/4/2010 9:03:14)



And Bell, what's wrong with having Gaia become overlord? I totally made Eddie and his son fusion to become the ultimate fire being ever lol.
Exactly, what can you do to your pet after that?

JoeSkippy -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/4/2010 16:40:39)

Wow. I had never seen ANYTHING even related to this before...kind of interesting. kind of. haha

Balu -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/4/2010 16:47:05)

Those are not the best of news concerning Gaia. I wonder what we can do for her?

lordcrepe -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/7/2010 17:12:45)

[&:] Well that's interesting. Now to see how we are supposed to affect this war against the Drakel to cure Gaia. Looking forward to the updates.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (6/10/2010 14:43:49)

Lordcrepe you are looking at the log of the story so far, the updates are in reverse chronological order, the currant update is at the top of the page above the picture. Sorry if the layout is still confusing I will see what I can do about that.

EDIT: Added a sub title to prevent confusion.

neo_manni -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (3/10/2013 1:23:56)

wow it has almost been 3 years since someone talked here... I wonder if I can get some "GEOTO" members feelings about getting together on Minotaur day to wrack up some defence point to show geoto strength it would be pretty cool as a Minotaur is an Earth based beast and most of AQ uses the daily changing LOL misc item on this day quite often.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (3/10/2013 3:39:00)

3 YEARS! Ok I have clearly neglected to update Gaia for a bit longer than I thought, still I will see if I can't cook up a Gaia update soon enough, though I will need to find my old notes.

neo_manni -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (3/10/2013 13:28:46)

good luck finding your notes. looking forward to seeing what you unleash.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (3/11/2013 4:54:41)

Might need to wait a while, I will need to get access to my old PC, which my sister and mum now have, apparently I never transferred them to memory stick.

neo_manni -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (3/12/2013 10:54:19)

good luck with that bro.

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (3/12/2013 21:31:02)

Hey Oliver, did you check the Geoto forum? I see a thread for you there....with Gaia....just saying. :)

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (3/13/2013 3:39:02)

I assume you mean the Geoto private forum, I will check now but I don't think I know what thread you are talking about.

EDIT: more detail as to where would be helpful all I can see is the thread I made containing a backup of Gaia.

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (3/15/2013 21:11:22)

I see now it's just the backup of the first posts here. I guess the originals were in the old thread that was deleted from here. :(

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 Gaia has returned! (3/20/2013 3:46:38)

Yeah we did lose a lot of Gaia's first pictures and history at one point,thread went inactive and deleted before it got a new owner, me, so I had to explain the hole in Gaia's history, see the first post for how I did it. Since then I thought it important to keep a backup on the private forum.

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