RE: Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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Dev -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/26/2009 21:53:10)


Picture of Dinozard -


Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Watashig -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/2/2009 23:17:21)


Draykwing needs to be updated.
Updated. Thanks! ~In Media Res

toxine -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/3/2009 11:57:16)


i've got some stats for new Draykwing

first it consumes 40 SP per turn, if you can't supply this a message comes up saying "the draykling retires from battle exhuased"
it deals around 20-40 per hit for 2 hits
attack rate is 100%
it's location is Dragonslayer armour (all versions) but the golden and eclipse armours summon the light version and the normal and elite armours summon the fire version

they have triggers
fire version:
Dragons 125% B/R/S void
all others 90% B/R/S
light version:
undead, vampires, zombies, weres 115% B/R/S light
Dragons (Same as above) void
undead /were- dragons 130% B/R/S void or light (whichever it's weakest to)
all others 90% B/R/S

Hope this helps
Noted. Thanks! ~In Media Res

manu buhay -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/10/2009 9:45:39)


why havent they posted any info on dinozard horridus yet in the pedia?

by the way this pet dishes out 60+ damage at a monster with 95% resist on water..0_0
Taken care of. ~In Media Res

JMill -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/12/2009 23:34:52)


Picture of the new Rascorpion pet is here.
Sorry, but I used ssjgoku5's image instead. ~In Media Res

Ward_Point -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/13/2009 0:24:06)


Cochin cyberhen. Level 6. 150 gold. 2-4 Melee damage
Appenzeller Cyberhen. Level 20. 855 Z Tokens. 8-24 melee damage
Guardian Cornish Cyberhen. Level 32. 1100 gold. 6-20 melee damage
Silkie Cyberhen. Level 50. 2500 gold. 8-26 melee damage
Sultan Cyberhen Z. Level 55. 3015 Tokens. 12-38 Melee damage
Guardian Bantam Cyberhen. Level 72. 10,000 gold. 14-42 Melee damage
Rhode Island Cyberhen. Level 92. 40,000 gold. 18-54 melee damage

Description for all pets: Tick tock bock bock
All added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

ssjgoku5 -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/13/2009 1:31:38)


Cochin/AppenZeller/Guardian Cornish/Silkie/Sultan Cyberhen Z/Guardian Bantam/Rhode Island Cyberhen

Level: 6/20/32/50/55/72/94
Price: 150/855 Tokens/1,100/2,500 /3,015 Tokens/10,000/40,000 Gold
Sellback: 30/???/220/500/???/2,000/8,000 Gold
Location: Back to the Future

Element: Fire
Damage: 2-4/8-24/6-20/8-26/12-38/14-42/18-54
Suggested CHA: ???/???/???/54/???/???/???
BTH: ???

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Fire
Damage: ???
BTH: ???
Rate: ???

Hits: 3
Type: Melee
Element: Fire
Damage: ???
BTH: ???
Rate: ???

Tick tock bock bock. (Add "Guardian Only" for the Guardian versions)
Added these. Thanks! ~In Media Res


Rascorpion Pseudochactoidea/Hemiscorpiidae Z/Buthoidea/Chactoidea/Chaeriloidea/luroidea

Level: 9/20/24/52/70/90
Price: 450/855 Tokens/900/2,750 /10,000/45,000 Gold
Sellback: 90/???/180/550/2,000/9,000 Gold
Location: Absolix Rising!

Element: Earth
Damage: 2-7/8-25/4-13/9-27/13-38/19-53
Suggested CHA: 0/???/0/???/???/134
BTH: ???

Hits: 2
Type: Melee
Element: Earth
Damage: ???
BTH: ???
Rate: ???

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: Earth
Damage: ???
BTH: ???
Rate: ???

Monster takes damage from Poison each round

He may be a dangerous mutant, but he's YOUR dangerous mutant! (Add "This Rascorpion is almost as powerful as the level 52 version" for the Z token pet)

Added these too. Thanks again! ~In Media Res

manu buhay -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/18/2009 12:27:31)


Rascorpion Pseudochactoidea/Hemiscorpiidae Z/Buthoidea/Chactoidea/Chaeriloidea/luroidea cannot inflict poison damage to undead type creatures...ive noticed that when i tried to poison the undead paladin and it didn't work...same thing happened when i tried doing the same thing to the banshee messenger...
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Keeper of the Owls -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/18/2009 15:02:13)


All pets now have "Suggested Charisma" instead of "Training Difficulty"...
*sigh* It will be too much work to change all the entries, so we are just going to stick with "Training Difficulty". Thanks! ~In Media Res

Reign Man -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/19/2009 0:04:10)


The Lavender, Rose and Carnation series need to add Snugglefest 09>>Special Quest: Warlic Takes Love Potion #729! as a location. They will be rare as of tomorrow (according to the home page).
All updated. Thanks! ~In Media Res

manu buhay -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/19/2009 15:49:58)


is there like a chance to poison the enemy? i tried to poison a kelp ball it didn't work so i thought water elementals are immune to poisoning but i seemed to be able to poison the natator...really weird...
The monster can resist with a Save Roll. ~In Media Res

kittycat -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/19/2009 22:47:01)


I got a Rascorpion Chaeriloidea , TD = 94
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Drakeh -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/20/2009 6:32:03)


Rascorpion can poisen monsters, but there chances of resisting the poison. I fink if 2 rascorpion pet attack hits (2 hit attack) monster became poisoned but it can resist that attack. The poison last 10 turns.
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/26/2009 8:46:21)


The attack rate for 100% of Blue Muhrble, Red Muhrble and Yellow Muhrble can be fixed. Thanks. :p

Level: 10

Training Difficulty: 10. <-- It's no lonnger as Training Difficulty
Attack rate at 10 CHA: 67%.
Attack rate at 0 CHA: 62%.
CHA for 100% attack rate: 80. <-- It's a bit confused to read, isn't it?

Suggested Charisma: 10. <-- It's now as Suggested Charisma
Attack rate at 0 CHA: 22%.
Attack rate at 10 CHA: 62%.
Attack rate at 80 CHA: 100%. <-- It's good. :)


Level: 10

Suggested Charisma: 10.
Attack rate at 0 CHA: 22%.
Attack rate at 10 CHA: 62%.
Attack rate at 80 CHA: 100%.


Level: 35

Suggested Charisma: 40.
Attack rate at 0 CHA: 47%.
Attack rate at 40 CHA: 67%.
Attack rate at 110 CHA: 100%.


Level: 70

Suggested Charisma: 60.
Attack rate at 0 CHA: 37%.
Attack rate at 60 CHA: 67%.
Attack rate at 130 CHA: 100%.


Level: 90

Suggested Charisma: 90.
Attack rate at 0 CHA: 22%.
Attack rate at 90 CHA: 67%.
Attack rate at 160 CHA: 100%.
The entries have been cleaned up. However, it will remain "Training Difficulty", at least for now. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Crisis94 -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/26/2009 15:40:06)

they should change or at least start on the next new pet that the encyclopedia entry should say suggested charisma instead of training difficulty because it has been changed

Epsilon2012 -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/26/2009 18:29:00)


The new highest lvl WarLichKing has three attacks...
-A 1 hit light attack(magic)
--And a 4 hit darkness attack(magic)
---And a 3 hit Energy attack
----And so far he has attacked every turn(with 0 charisma)

Note...He might randomly choose an element for his special
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

CHAIML -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/26/2009 19:16:41)


@ssjgoku5 Actually, the Rascorpion luroidea is level 93.
It's been fixed in the post. ~In Media Res

taz_td88 -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/26/2009 19:57:13)


The highest level warlich also takes some of your hp every once in a while to boost his next turn.
From my experience it has been 9.
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

PieLover31416 -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/26/2009 20:44:22)



1) He's a post-sweep guest

2) He's multi-element, but has a 115% attack to make up for it compared to normal post-sweep guests. I think his elements are light, energy and darkness

3) His darkness spell is apparantly uber with 4 hits. I have yet to get it. The other two are "meh" in comparison

4) He is an MP drainer

5) He has an additional move that allows him to drain HP/MP from you to power up the next attack

Quoted from UltraPowerPie from the thread; Original info from Aelthai.
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

jimij770 -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/26/2009 22:14:20)


heres a pic


also DemiWarLich drains 32 mana each turn
Images should be taken at high quality, so I used a different one. Still, thanks! ~In Media Res

taz_td88 -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/26/2009 22:47:27)


WarLichKing drains 59mp a turn
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Magister -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/27/2009 8:07:42)


WarlichLord uses 45 MP a turn and drain 6 hp on his power-up drain attack.
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Other_Guy_27 -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/27/2009 13:34:01)


The Gong of the Wind! pedia entry lists attack rates at 3 different CHA, none of which are consistent with eachother according to the CHA/2 formula for difference in attack rate.

Edit: The rate at 75 works out comparead to the rate at 0 but the rate at 0 would mean 100% attack rate at 70 and the rate at 15 would have 100% rate at 60. The rate at 15 shows an increase from the rate at 0 indicating that rate increase = CHA instead of CHA/2. I don't know which of the three, if any, is the correct rate though.
Taken care of. Thanks! ~In Media Res

ssjgoku5 -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/28/2009 21:50:34)



Location: Summon WarLich Spell series
Cost: 59 MP per turn to keep guest

Hits: 1
Type: Magic
Element: Light
Damage: ?
BTH: ?
Rate: ?

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Lightning
Damage: ?
BTH: ?
Rate: ?

Hits: 1
Type: ?
Element: ?
Damage: ???
BTH: ?
Rate: ?
Effect: "WarLich uses your life force to charge his next attack!"

Hits: 4
Type: Magic
Element: Darkness
Damage: ?
BTH: ?
Rate: ?

Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Nex del Vida -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/1/2009 16:36:42)




Also see other WarLiches ( WarLich, DemiWarLich Z, DemiWarLich, WarLichLord Z, WarLichLord).

Location: Summon DemiWarLich Z spell

Shouldn't it read "Location: Summon WarLich King spell"? Right now it says WarLich King comes from Summon DemiWarLich Z.
Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

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