=AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (Full Version)

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Aelthai -> =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 11:51:51)

Now, some of you may recognize me. Most of you won't. I'm usually over in Game Balance Issues ... though I promise I'll spend more time here, now.

I am also a Squire of Order. I got stolen to work here, too.

I don't really know why I'm posting this when my "Meet the SoO" thread only just closed, but most of you probably didn't see it.

So. Now is your chance to learn about me.

Firstly, if you don't know what this thread is for, please see the Meet the Mods Archive.

Any questions except those requesting personal information are allowed.
Limit is 15 questions, only one post allowed per person.

I reserve the right to not answer questions if I don't like them. Or just don't want to.

But mostly, I'll just be silly.

Ask away.

Circe -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 11:53:01)

Ahem...FIRST REPLY!!1!shiftone!!!1!! Now that we've gotten that silliness out of the way...

Yay our new DF AK! /me welcomesnuggles the Running Shoe!

You'll like it here, I promise. Alac is really very generous and wonderful!

*waiting for the $5 I get everytime I shamelessly promote alac's best interests*

So: Happy to be here or SUPER happy to be here?
SUPER happy :-)

If you had to choose right now, would you rather ride a giraffe or a llama?

Do you think baby hippos are adorable?
Of course!

Do you play a mean pinball?
Only on my computer.

Do you like chocolate milk?
Who doesn't?

As a member of the balancing team, do you feel uniquely qualified to judge on a scale of 1-10 the talent of a kangaroo doing cartwheels across a telephone wire?
I'm a member of a team, so I'm not uniquely qualified....

And now the questions that will help us decide whether you're Awesome or GLORIOUS:

What's your favorite television show?
That's a hard one. It's either Dr. Who or Torchwood.

College food: Macaroni and Cheese or Ramen?
Macaroni and cheese. Made from REAL macaroni and REAL cheese, of course!

What kind of music do you like?
Country, mostly, but I'll listen to almost anything.

What movies do you like?
Um. I'm not a big movie-watcher.... hm. Princess Bride, Labyrinth, Independence Day, Final Fantasy Spirits Within ... those are what comes to mind immediately. There are others ... probably even some more recent ones!

And finally (since I lost count) how much do you enjoy sitting around doing nothing?
Not at all. I can't, actually -- if I stop "doing something," I fall asleep!
Oh, and you had 12 :-)

Welcome snugs again, I'm super pleased to have you here!
Me, too :-)

The Game -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 12:16:03)

Hey Aelthai!

1. How does it feel being a DF AK and an SoO?
Like I'm going to be very busy. But good-busy :-p

2. What do you want to do first as DF AK?
Kill bugs :-)

3. Any other forum you would like to AK in?
I'm already a SoO. I think that's ambition enough for now.

4. Are you going to help out with MQ?
Um. I think I'll leave that at a strong maybe. The last time I went into the MQ forums, they scared me.

..Of course, that was quite a while ago. I should visit again.

Well, I do not want to bug you too much. Bye!
See you around!

pjc -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 13:45:20)

Ael! :D

/me claims first non-AK/Mod post!

Congrats on the new AKship, I love the avatar by the way!
Thanks. It's a favorite of mine :-)

I have a few questions for you, not too many though, because I know you’ll have your hands full what with being an AK and a SoO. ;)

1. Is it much different being an AK than it is being a SoO?
Well ... a SoO is also an AK. Though I will note that the DF boards are ... quite active.

2. Are you going to be on #dfstrategy often to hang out with us lunatics? :D
That depends on two things:

1. How do you define "often"?
2. How much time I have available :-)

3. Now for the killer question. If I have five pieces of lettuce, and I throw them vigorously at a block of cheese wearing a pink and yellow Santa hat called John, then how many triangular bathtubs would it take to consume a jumping parrot’s brain cells on Wednesday?

Thanks for putting up with us all, good luck, and all the best with the forum work! :)

Suuichi -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 13:48:03)



Now for the fun part! Muahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

1. What if the hokey pokey really was what it's all about?
Then it's a good thing it is still a party thing.

2. Who gave you the AKship?
Alac asked me, if that's what you mean.

3. What color are your shackles?
Shackles? Who told you abou-- Er. What shackles?

4. What shape are your shackles?
I say again, what shackles?

5. When did you become a SoO?
December 30, 2007

6. If someone asks you, "a penny for your thoughts?" and you put your two cents in, where does the extra penny go? Or do you get change?
Well, they pay me a penny and I give two, so the person who asks must get it :-)

8. If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2?
Because mechanical pencils are more popular.

9. Did you notice there was no #7?
#7 is the next question.

7. Which do you like more; AQ, DF. or MQ?
Let's see ... lots of content, a semi-linear story, or mechs. Hm. Why do I have to choose?

10. Are there any buttons that are different from those as a SoO?
Buttons? What buttons?

11. If you mix hyperdimensional space monkey ninjas with a piece of First Mate Rhubarb pie and add a bit of Cysero's yogurt and divide by the square root of a kumquat, and then multiply by Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu (yes, that's a real word), and then subtract Lopadotemakhoselakhogaleokranioleipsanodrimypotrimmatosilphiokarabomelitokatakekhymenokikhlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryono-
ptokephalliokigklopeleiolagōiosiraiobaphētraganopterýgōn (that's a real word too), what is the answer?
Ray guns, of course. Designed to be used by the hyperdimensional space monkey ninjas for use against their oppressors.

12. If the plural form of mouse is mice, then shouldn't the plural form of spouse be spice?
If the plural form of deer is deer, shouldn't the plural form of--

13. Were you expecting to get AK?
Not at all.

14. What was the first thing you did when you became an AK?
Continued testing the bug I was looking for. Well, and started laughing because I could see all my free time evaporating :-p

15. Does Alac really collect the souls of AKs?
I am prohibited from answering that question.

Though I should note that Alac wasn't the first person to catch me.

Well that is all. Congrats once again!


Wyvern Knight -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 13:48:31)

Congratulations on your victory =p. Anyway... on to the questions.

1) How are you going to handle two positions? (I can't even handle nothing...)
As best I can.

2) What is the meaning in your name? (Mine is a little obvious no?)
It's my name. I've used variations on it for years. As far as I know, it is not a standard name.

3) Ever heard of Super Smash Brothers Brawl? (I want!)
Of course.

And that's all for now. Too lazy =p. Good luck!

TreadLight -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 13:53:04)


Hey, we met on #DFStrategy, where I already congratulated you.
Yes, indeed.

So, did you ever think to become an AK?
Yes, but I didn't expect it to happen.

An SoO?
I applied for it, so I have to have thought about it ;-)

Who is your favorite NPC for any of the three AE games?
Right now, Zhoom. Complex and interesting, with a story we haven't seen much of. My preferences change regularly, though!

Do you know what Chrono Cross/Trigger is?
Of course!

What's your favorite video game besides AE stuffs?
Final Fantasy ... Hm. Probably Tactics, but it's hard to choose.

I have nicknames for everyone over the iRC, what would youlike yours as? Ael? Thai?
Ael is best.

Cya later on IRC!
See you!

Brilliancy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 13:53:22)


/me snugglehuggles
/me snuggles back

How long time have you resisted accepting the AKship? [;)]
I didn't?

Have you already decided if you prefer SoOing or AKing?
No ... each has advantages, and both are still bright-shiny-new :-)

Well... that's two more questions than I usually ask... so...

Welcome to DF AKs group - it's great to have you here :)
Thanks! :-)

See you!

Doklim Falcon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 13:55:08)

*Doklims eyes turn yellow, like they do before he strikes at his foe*

Well then, I won't take up too much of your time...

Just curious, but what does your name mean (if anything)?
Nothing that I know of. Would you like me to make up a meaning?

If you could become an animal, what would you be?
A cat of some variety, probably. Or possibly a wolf....

I suppose that's all I have to ask you...

*Transforms into his Falcon form and flies back towards his training grounds*

Søren -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 13:58:40)


How are you doing?
Quite well.

Now for the easy questions...

<shackles Aelthai to the table>
Do you really think those will hold me?

Do you all three AE games?

Col. Mustard

In the library

With the pipe

Zorbak or Kabroz?
And, please. Not or.

Cyrus or Galanoth?
I'm just going to say that I don't want EITHER of them mad at me.

Which one is your favorite?

Who abducted you to become an AK?
Alac ... as long as you don't mean my SoO-ship, which was earlier :-)

How does it feel to be an AK?

Who is your favorite AK?
I'm sorry, I can't answer that.

What part of the forums will you be AKing?
Game Balance Issues (as a SoO), and DF Bugs and GD; some other DF and maybe some MQ as well, though probably not as much.

Favorite Book/Series?
Choices, choices ... Right now, either Lois McMaster Bujold's Chalion series or David Weber's Off Armageddon Reef series.

Favorite Movie?
No idea.

Do you or do you not like bears(Say 'I do' or you will regret it...)
Bears? Well, how can I know? I've never met one.

For or against The'Galin?
For unity. I'm not sure that that's against The`Galin, though. In fact, I think he might approve.

<Unshackles Aelthai>

See you!

Wolkanne -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 13:58:56)

New AK :0!


Know who i am? i can certainly say that i never seen you :/
No, i'm afraid not.


Sneevils or zards?
Zards. Sneevils are interesting and all, but the first time I met a HellZard!!!!

Like Guild Wars?
What i've seen of it looks interesting, but I haven't had time to play with it.

Like Counter-Strike?
I haven't played that in years....

What color/shape are your schackles?
What is a schackle?

Favorite AE game? (ebil games are acceptable as well)
AQ, DF, or MQ. I can't decide.

in the words of snake:

See you!

Resolute -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 14:02:31)

Happens. And Circe was pretty determined....

Heya Aelthai!

So, congratz on the new AKship!

So, thats and interesting name. Sounds elvish. Whats the origins?
The name Ael comes from a book. I used Aelthas for a while, but decided that I preferred Aelthai.

Col. Mustard

In the library

BUT HOW??!!?!?!
With the pipe.

If you were invisible for one, day, what would you do?

You should make a biography about you, it would be interesting?
It's mostly interesting to me :-)

What would you look like in a manga cartoon?
Probably ... something like my avatar :-)

And if you made a movie, what would it be about?
Hm ... I don't know.

Whats your morning routine?
1. Alarm goes off
2. Attempt to wake up.
3. Actually manage to wake up.
4. Get out of bed.
5. Get dressed.
6. Feed the cats. (assuming they let me wait this long)
7. Water the cats.
8. Get on the computer.
9. Do stuff on the computer.
10. Leave.

What is your superhero name?

Can you run a mile?
Only if I'm allowed to walk most of the way. My knee and ankles just won't take the abuse anymore.

What would you do if I poked you with a needle?
Yelp and probably hit you.

Infant bubble raging with tunacan's catfish?

What would do you differently?

Do you have an army?
Of course.

Well, see you around!
See you!


Destro* -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 14:08:19)

Alright, so yup, I've never seen you before ever! SO HI!

Ransom comments and such ahead.

1. Should I fear you
Only if you feel the need. Or decide to annoy me.

2. I've been called crazy many a time.... are you crazy?
That depends on how you define crazy. Personally, I'm volunteering my time to attempt to help out a game company I have already paid. Does that qualify?

3. I've been wondering for a while... If you had a red shift that created the color black, while Artix was knocking on Cysero's door with a tiny metal spoon, and Lake jijiva (<--- yes, that's a Real *made up* name!) exploded and 2+2=Fish on waffles, what would be the square root of pineapples?

4. Can you picture yourself weighing 1 cubic ton?
Not on Earth.

5. What's your favorite fruit.
Is that supposed to be a question?

6 That Was Retorical! Everyone always answers the retorical ones.
I do believe the word you're looking for is rhetorical :-p

7. If I ripped out my heart, would it scare you. *moves hand over to chest*
Impress would probably be closer. You may be crazy, but you're really not much of a threat without a heart.

Well, congratulations to you.

5. Are you allergic to water?
Only if I try to breathe it.

4. Water puts out fires as _____ puts out water!

3. I don't understand how this is possible!

2. yes you can

1. Well, I went backwards from 7 as you may have noticed.
And you went up, first.

0. OMG, Final Fantasy Tactics = Best Game EVA!@!@! *heart explodes* (sorry... saw that above and had to say it)
Well, thank you for the concurrence :-)

*grabs another heart from helpless pedestrian*
I'm out, see you around. AND I BETTER SEE YOU OR IMMA RIP IT OUT *moves hand over to chest* XD

hoth181 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 14:12:37)

Hi even though you don't know me you'll never forget me *smiles mischieviously*

1. what is your favorite food?
Pizza. Or noodles. Or maybe spicy sausage....
2. resturant?
3. Pizza place?
4. AQ DF or MQ?
5. What level are you in the game that is the answer to number 4?
103, 35, and 14
6. confused yet?
7. What do AK's do that Soo's can't?
Work on different boards.
8. When did you start playing AE?
June 24, 2006
9. When did you start on the forums?
June 24, 2006
10. What is your favorite not-AE video game?
Final Fantasy .. mmm, probably Tactics.
11. Do you have pets?
12. Who is your favorite person on the AE team?
Not answering :-)
13. Will you not not not not not answer these questions?
Of course I will.
14. did I not not not not confuse you yet?
15. Will you remember me now?
Possibly :-p

That's it
Yea first page!

Falcons Wing -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 14:13:42)


do you eat squirles often?
No. What is a squirle?

favorite tv show/movie?
Dr. Who. Or maybe Torchwood.

Mmm Hmmm

its peanutbutter jelly time?
Not now.

What lvl are you in AQ?DF?MQ?
103, 35, 14

<(^.^)>, <.<, or <(~.~)>

kitty cat or puppy dog?
Kitty cat.

Does Alac feed you often?
I knew there was something I should ask about....

Any Plans to rebel and overthrow Alac?
Nah. Too much work.

whats more deadly: a widdle turtle or a lazy kitty?
Do not disturb the cat.

What question is this?

Why do you post in standard black?..colors pwn!
Do I?


Im all out of questions.. just make sure that Alac feeds you because we dont want a skeleton laying in the back yard



Howler -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 14:15:50)

Congratulations on the new AKship.

What's your favorite AE game out of the three?
Still not choosing :-p

Do you like canines?
Of course.

Forgive my ignorance, but what's a Squire of Order?
The Squires of Order assist the Knights of Order. Here is some information on the Knights of Order.

That's all the questions I have, so bye!


latedog -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 14:39:15)

A new AK I've never heard of? Impossible! Well... possible.

Hi there Aelthai!

Soooooo/oO or AK?

- - + - - - + + - + - - + - - + = - or + ?
If you add it, it's neither. If you multiply, it's positive.

Favorite Game?
Probably Final Fantasy Tactics.

Favorite brand of cereal?

Favorite favor to do?
Hm. That depends on the person who needs the favor. I think I'll go with a good backrub as being the most common.

My fear of heights does not qualify as a phobia.

How are you prepared for saving starving children in Africa?

Did that last question bother you?

I'll see you in the DF forums!
See you!

Tavus -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 14:40:08)

Hello Aelthai! *Huggles*

Magic, Melee, or Ranged?

Scimitars or bows (Ranger preference question)?
Scimitars, usually, but bows are good, too.

Favorite AQ and DF class?
AQ doesn't have classes. AQ has builds :-p DF ... probably Rogue for the base classes, and DragonLord overall.
*smacks forehead* Sorry, I was thinking of classes you choose when starting the game. My AQ favorite is probably Paladin.

Which of the current generation consoles do you have? If none, which do you prefer?
/me really wants a PS3

Bye Aelthai! *Huggles once more*
See you!

Engel -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 14:40:58)


1) Do you know what Engel means?
Probably angel (and yes, I had to look it up).

2) What questions would you like me to ask?
Whatever you like. I simply reserve the right to not answer ones I don't like ;-)

3) Favourite DF NPC?
Zhoom, right now. It changes :-)

4) Do you think the staff is insane?
Nah. Having fun.

5) Do you speak any other languages?
Only if you count programming languages.

6) Does Aelthai mean anything?
Yes. It means me.

7) Do you want to exercise your right not to answer this question?
Not particularly.

8) You are on the street and suddenly you hear: RAWR! Ima Dino! Ima eachu!
What do you do?
Sigh and look around for the child.

Thats all for me.


the zpy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 14:43:31)

Hi ^_^

First I want to congratulate you with your "AKness" xD

Now for the Dangerous mind twisting questions

1)So which of the three games are your favourite......?
I still refuse to answer that in an intelligible fashion :-p

2)Umm so..... You've seen me around??
Er ... no, you've been hiding well.

3)Well Pie?
No, thank you, pie made from a well doesn't sound good.

4)So where does Alac keeps your soul? or hasn't she snatched it yet.....
I am not permitted to answer that question.

Though I will note that Alac didn't catch me first.

5)So have you ever tryed editing?
Do you mean what I'm doing right now?

6)not? start and come visit us at the DF edited thread....
Pictures, then?

7)Now we only have to wait for tren to bombard you and then RWS will come xD

8)Do you spend any time in the DAaS/GoCA?
Time? Would you please define that word, I do not understand you.

Thats it for now..... Enjoy the shiny buttons
and all the devilish questions xP

Anon Y. Mous -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 14:44:39)

EDIT: Oh snap! 1st time I've ever done one of these and I get on the first page!

Well, since I suck at greeting people, lets just get to the questions.

1. Here's a question you'll be seeing a lot: DF, AQ, or MQ?
And here's an answer you'll see a lot: Yes.

2. Paper or plastic?
both are useful.

3. Yen or pesos?

4. 1 dime or 2 nickels?

And for the toughest question (drumroll please):

5. What if there were no hypothetical situations?
The world would be a sad, sad place.

In case you didn't catch it, the last one was a joke. Well, there's all my lame questions. I'm sure I'll be having my threads locked by you soon.
Nooooo, I couldn't ever have guessed.... :-p
How about we go with you not doing anything wrong so I don't have to lock your threads?

RagnarokCookies -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 15:21:06)

1.What is your fav dragon egg
the one I picked for my -- er. I think there are three.

2. Do you want to take over the world?
Who would want to deal with the paperwork?

3. Is the Darkness cool?
Chilly, usually.

4: What kind of pie do you like

5: What question is this

6: The Square root of onions

7: Is it fun working on DF
So far, so good.

8: You own account in game xD *Wants to know your number so he can face you*
Well, yes.
Aelthai 849378
Elthai 7727019
Pelai 10062612

9: Do you like cheesecake?

10: Were did you get your name from?
I made it up, based on a character named Ael.

11: Would Ebil Artix be cool?
Eh. Probably.

12: Are YOU Ebil
Not particularly.

13: Are you plotting to over-throw everyone and take control of battle-on
Again, who needs the paperwork?

14: Are you locked in a room, forced to program all day long
Nope. I do other stuff. And the door's not usually locked.

15: Dragon's are cool right?
Of course.

metaxum -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 15:50:17)

congrats on getting AK.

Why do they need another, it seems like they are adding alot lately.
Well, i was testing bugs for Alac, and....

ok so if faced with your forum best friends breaking the rules, do you let them go or punish them as any other member?
I somehow doubt that my best friend would be knowingly breaking rules. Which means that the usual first step is reasonable. Which I suppose falls into the "punish" category.

hawkbad -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 16:03:31)

I have only one question for you...

Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Trek.

*Shakes Head Sadly*

Sereoul -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 16:04:32)

Hey Aelthai! Congrats on the AKship!

So, what boards did you hang out on before AKship?
Mostly Game Balance Issues. Some encyclopedia (all three games, there) and a fair bit of Q&A.

Favorite console game?
I think I'll have to go with Final Fantasy Tactics again.

Favorite AE game?
AQ, DF, or MQ.

Favorite book?
Just one? Er. Um. *pulls something out at random* Memory, by Lois McMaster Bujold.

Favorite movie?
No idea.

Do you have any special talents?

Well, that's all. Once again, congrats!
Once again, thanks :-)

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