Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (Full Version)

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time losh -> Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 18:57:44)

Hey there everybody, Time Losh here

I've been instructed by court of law to show you guys around and answer any and all questions you have. I don't really have any rules here for what questions you guys can ask me

Try to have some limits and just use common sense in your questions and we should get along just fine

I shall be answering in Orange

Søren -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 18:59:08)

Time LOsh!

1 What are the Falerin Torture Pit Rules and Regulations?
The torture pit doesn't have a lot of rules but they really appreciate it if you don't bleed to much on the equipment

2 Name 5 rules.
1. You don't talk about AK Stuff
2. You don't talk about AK Stuff
3. When someone says stop or goes limp, even if they're just faking it, the fight is over
4. Only two guys to a fight
5. If this is your first night at L&L, you have to fight

3 Are your shackles padded?
Mine actually aren't as per my request. I have oddly shaped ankles and walking is already strange since I had the surgery on my leg so I requested that my shackles not be padded just so that it wouldn't be a factor when trying to figure out what size i'd be

4 How were you abducted?
I got an message from Falerin saying I was invited into the league of heroes and that we would have meetings at the Fireworks Candy and Puppy Dog store...looking back on it I think he might have lied

5 How comfortable are you shackles?
My shackles aren't to bad, they keep my legs sweaty which actually DOES provide a level of warmth when i'm trying to sleep over the shivering cold and ignore the sounds of the screaming

6 What will be your title?
I've been putting a lot of thought into that and part of me wants to go with "My mom says i'm Cool" but I haven't really decided yet, I want it to be original yet tasteful. L&L's Drunken Master also had a good ring to it but as was pointed out it might be frowned upon

7 How does the extra shiny moderator interface differ from the <gulp> human one.
Unbelieveable power that if I were to tell you your head would cave in and your heart would explode within your chest

8 Any dark secrets I haven't found out already about you?
I'm actually just six squirrels and a duck in a man costume

9 Now that you're a big AK star, will you still have time for us little people?
Of course, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys

10 What is a losh?
I knew I would get asked this eventually and I have two explanations for it So kindly everyone listen up. Many years ago there was a show called Pelswick on Nickolodeon, I enjoyed this show, it was funny. In one episode about fake wrestling Pelswick finds out his friend is going to lose. He tries to explain it to his friend who just goes "Me? Lose? L-O-S-H?" Pelswick then pauses for a moment and says "...thats losh" I couldn't stop laughing at that for some reason. But to make a Losh something I didn't completly rip off. I wrote a short story about a race of giant worms called Loshes. They were enormous fat purple worms that had strawberries dangling from their heads, they eventually died out because they considered their own species flesh mixed with the strawberry to be a delicacy

11 WHO?!
Professor Plum

12 WHERE?!
Billiard Room

13 HOW?!

Congrats time losh



Sairex the Dragwolf -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 19:08:24)

It's about bloody Time...Losh...
Nothin' wrong with a little blood, my average story contains 47 Gallons of it

Ok no more dumb jokes from me...

Is it that easy to tell when I'm lying?
Sure, why not

Congrats by the way, a lot of good has come your way lately.
I really appreciate that man, you're one of the original Loshies and it's good to know you're still around

I hope you have a couch in your cell.
I did but I traded it for a blender, I just can't start the day without my smoothies

Why don't you answer my PM's? I thought what we had was special!!!
I did, I just sent it to the future, you'll be getting it soon

See I was lying about the jokes.
I figured as much, but a wonderful chicken crossing the road story jammed in there would have been fun

Congrats, again! Keep an eye out for Rico...she steals food from other inmates...did I say inmates?
No dude, Rico's a champ, we're thinking of forming a duo (she just doesn't know it yet <3) lol

Suuichi -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 19:39:18)

time losh!

Thank you

Now for the fun part! Muahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

1. What if the hokey pokey really was what it's all about?
It is, we just don't realize it yet

2. Who gave you the AKship?
Falerin recommended me and offered me the job but I think Reens may have been the one to actually appoint me, I don't know, I never really thought to ask

3. What color are your shackles?
I went with black, not because I wanted to look cool or evil or anything, but because you never know when I might have to attend a funeral or break into a bank, black seemed only appropriate

4. What shape are your shackles?
Rounded of course but in the front they curve up into more of a point, makes it look pretty cool actually

5. When did you become an AK?
WHEN is a bit of a confusing question 'cause technically it was the 26th for me but still Friday for most other people

6. If someone asks you, "a penny for your thoughts?" and you put your two cents in, where does the extra penny go? Or do you get change?
I'm a man of my word, they'd get two thoughts from me but the other thought would probably be something along the lines of "a fool and his money have been parted, I shall laugh"

8. If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2?
Don't you remember the poem that nerdy unalthletic kids invented to try to discourage jocks? "First is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with lotsa hair upon his chest" Since it was probably a nerd who came up with the whole concept, we decide to stick with our idea of 2 being #1

9. Did you notice there was no #7?
Only if you didn't notice that there is no spoon

7. Which do you like more; AQ, DF. or MQ?
AQ is the only one of the three I actually was/am interested in MechQuest, seems like a good place I could make Marrow into a strong character but I just never got into it

10. Are you flabbergasted by all of the new buttons?
There is an invisible hammer by everyones posts, you can't see it, it's a ghost hammer

11. If you mix hyperdimensional space monkey ninjas with a piece of First Mate Rhubarb pie and add a bit of Cysero's yogurt and divide by the square root of a kumquat, and then multiply by Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu (yes, that's a real word), and then subtract Lopadotemakhoselakhogaleokranioleipsanodrimypotrimmatosilphiokarabomelitokatakekhymenokikhlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryono-
ptokephalliokigklopeleiolagōiosiraiobaphētraganopterýgōn (that's a real word too), what is the answer?
Bucket (I kid you not, I figured it all out, it's bucket)

12. If the plural form of mouse is mice, then shouldn't the plural form of spouse be spice?
I always wondered what the plural for Dominatrix was. Dominatrixi? Dominatrixies? or does it just stay the same?

13. Were you expecting to get AK?
I expected it the same way that Roy expected that tiger to attack him, it was inevitable but we still didn't see it coming when it happened

14. What was the first thing you did when you became an AK?
Danced a merry jig then played The Sims, I killed a lot of them to see if I could act out what being an AK was gonna be like

15. Does Alac really collect the souls of AKs?
Well if you know me, you know already that I don't have a soul, I traded it for half a candy bar back in 94

Well that is all. Congrats once again!


Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 19:46:55)

It'sssssssss Time Losh! *Cheering from a crowd*

So... let's get the questions underway...

1. Will you admit to being my lesser in matters of writing?
When you win one of these i'll consider it *holds up writer of the month trophy he made out of a spray painted action figure*

2. Will you admit to be my lesser in every other way on earth?
When you get one of these i'll consider it *holds up a coffee mug that says "Worlds Best Everything"

3. Couldn't Recar so kick Jack Rose's...backside?
A lot of people could, Jack is actually pretty weak, he can defend himself long enough to get away and use a gun with skill but thats the limit of his abilities, Jack isn't much of a fighter, he's a detective

4. Do you like my new name change? Guess who I used to be...
Hello...Mr. Tom

Ok, enough of the big headedness... time for the lightning round:

5. Will you still write the great stories that you like to pump out for us?
Of course, Jack has gotten quite cozy hanging out around here, he'd be pissed if I tried to evict him

6. Is there any natural light in the cell Falerin gave you?
Sometimes he sets other people on fire, does that count as natural light?

7. You do know that, since I'm filled with so much unbelievable jelousy for you winning WOTM and becoming an AK, do you know I will annoy you every single minute of every single hour of every single day?
Fair enough *sits back and listens to Electric Six while reading Play magazine*

Well my questions have broken the rule you set...oh well! [:D] Have fun being an AK!

Sir Nicholas -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 19:57:41)

Yo, TL my homie. Great work.

1. When is the next chap of your 'first' Jack Rose Story?
I'm getting around to it, I actually had an idea and desire to write it last night but for some reason my body tricked me into sleeping instead

2. What's it like being an AK?
It's like being kissed by a thousand tiny beautiful angel ladies...*daydreams about beautiful angel ladies* I'm sorry what were we talking about again?

3. What're your plans for the future now that you and Rico are large and in charge?
To finally get rid of those bats that have been attacking people in the Writing Acadamy

Bonus Question: Do you know the Muffin Man?
I actually don't but I DO know Drury Lane (he's a detective created by the same two men who made Ellery Queen)

Alright, that was a joke.

But seriously;

4. Which of the Evil Dead Movies is your favorite? Personally, mine is Army of Darkness. (Loads shotgun) Hail to the King baby.
I'll have to agree with you there, first one was classic, second one was hilarious and informative, but yeah, gotta love Army of Darkness, maybe that could be by AQ Title "I Am the Boomstick!"

Alixander Fey -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 20:06:52)

Do you like me?
Sure, why not

Did I really get the first set of questions?
Not even close my friend

Can I PM you a list of peaple I want banned?
Of course you can, I need more stuff to throw on the fire anyway

So, when will you take over Falerins position? Coup!
No, i'm not the type to mutiny, besides, if he's anything like me, his computer is already well guarded

Do they feed you, or just lock you up down there?
Of course they feed us, we're not slaves. We actually get a lot of great food, roast beef, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, rich plump turkeys, delicious pudding, cold jelly and custard, hot sausage and mustard, brownies, cakes, cookies, pies, man it's a never ending buffet of desire and wonderment. We're only locked up when we're working

Have you noticed any strange growths or odors since they forced you to swallow the AK pill?
I had the choice to take the blue pill but I didn't, so I suppose thats my own fault, as for growths...there was that tube thing growing out of the back of my head when I woke up

What will your title be?
Still thinking about that

So, when will you start approving people?
I asked Rico about that and as per her answer I actually don't think I do, I think I help read over peoples work and help them out as much as I can, and maybe recommend saying "I think this person is ready" but I still think Rico is in charge of the actual approval process

Now you have to help pick author of the month! Already overwhelmed?
It'll be fun =D ...yeah no, i'm screwed. I'm glad I got to win before I became an AK though, 'cause a judge actually winning does seem a little unfair

If I don't like something that you do, can I send hate mail?
Never stopped ya before, why would I stop ya now?

Onomatopoeia -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 20:15:07)

That color looks more rust-red-ish than orange.
A. I noticed that 2. I'm to lazy to go change it all to a different shade of orange and D. This is still orange...just...yeah, different kind...except I DID change it, mwahahaha

Can I have your name?
No, i'm still using it

True or false:Swords are pointy sticks of phallicy goodness.
False, SPEARS are pointy sticks of phallicy goodness

Why dost thou use that particular avatar?
Ever since Bishop Finch was released i've liked him. He seemed funny and cool and so far he's one of the only characters whose really put Zorbak in his place. His little smirk and awsome pose against the bar reminded me of myself and I think this avatar expresses my unique brand of evil quite nicely

Who put the Bop in the Bop-shoo-bop?

Ono out!

Søren -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 20:33:25)

Time Losh! I'm back!

1 What is your favorite book?
Either The Hitchhiker Series by Douglas Adams, Pest Control by Bill Fitzhugh or And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

2 Favorite Alcoholic Beverage?
Probably a Negroni, a classy little cocktail with Gin, Vermouth and Campari

3 Whiskey or Vodka?
Jack prefers whiskey but i'm more of a Vodka guy, I can make more interesting cocktails with it

4 Are you going to strangle me for asking you these questions?
No, if I did anything to your neck i'd snap it while you slept, you wouldn't feel a thing

5 How many tortures are there in total?
7, One unique and horrifying from each continent on earth, including the ever feared Antarctica Ice Torture

6 Favorite L&L Story?
I assume you mean of the ones that aren't mine. I'm not really sure, no offense to anyone else but it's a tie between Fall of the Antiphon by Elda142 (which is a spinoff of a story I wrote lol) and Lessers current story Tears of Ice

7 Where is the Loshie's HQ?
Well i'm in Japan so where do you think it is? I rented out Godzilla's out apartment under the sea

8 What must one do to become a Loshie?
Prove to me that you have some knowledge of my stories...or have a cute sister you can introduce me to xD

9 Favorite Torture?
The one where they shackle us to the ground and place a robotic dog on the ground

10 Favorite Story that you've written??
Hard to choose, The Flashback was a classic, The 7 Stories was the introduction to Jack Rose...I actually think that The Tortoise Lives is one of my favorites because it was a story I took in an interesting way, it was more like 6 stories taking place at once

Well done again, TL

Sairex the Dragwolf -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 21:04:14)

Jolly good, Robert!
No you foolish child, i'm Losh

Have you ever considered talking British? It's Marmalade!!!
By law i'm not allowed anymore, court order

Vodka is good, but never mix vodka and gin without adding something non-alcoholic...TRUST ME!
Well of course, only an idiot would do that, ha ha ha ha ha (yes, i'm laughing at your expense) ha ha ha ha ha ha

Ever tried writing some poetry?
Yes, I wrote one poem about an old flame of mine, the long distance relationship we had that lasted during the Cherry Blossom season, it was actually pretty good

Hail the Bronse Ape!

Why am I here? It's 4 AM I should be dreaming about sexy cars and fast women...wait.
I dream about Tacos

SZO11 -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 21:26:23)

What genre do you prefer to read or write?
I love mystery, it's my favorite genre both in reading and writing. Nothing gets my blood pumping faster than a good whodunit

Do you know how to play Mahjong?
I used to play on my computer, and over here they have naked anime video mahjong, but to answer your, not really

What kind of humor interests you? Completely random, slapstick, puns, parodies or other?
I don't like stupid humor which is why I don't like movies like the new American Pies or Borat, but other than that i'm up for most humor, I love to laugh. Jokes that rely on incredibly stupid voices, just sex and crap jokes bug me (the occasional sex and crap joke is alright but much, ya know?)

If you could (Or will) take over one country, which one would it be?
Iceland, they have very attractive models and it seems like a good place to build my doom fortress

If you got stranded on a isolated island, and could make only one other person(Male) suffer with you, who would that person be and why?
Has to be a dude you say? Hmm...probably my friend Greg

What is your weirdest dream ever?
4 Words: Neko Girls in Bikinis

And for the final question, Who am I? Not name, but as a person. Like am I superman? Or the mayor of Dallas.
You are a genetically enhanced sushi chef, enjoy

TreadLight -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 21:53:53)

So, we finally meet.
Mr. Anderson...

I still haven't gotten to talk or see you in the IRC (#legendsandlore).
Ah yes, well I swing by every now and then

I know you are new, though.
Yes, yes I am

Actually, around today, you hopped in and out in a matter of seconds!
I did?

Hey, nice initals you got ther. "TL." Hmmm...
Why thank you

Well, as I said, we'll talklive, very soon ^\^
Totally cool, take care

Coyote -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 21:56:51)

1) What do you do with a tomato?
Turn it into a golem

1) Play any musical instruments?
Bass (guitar not like the violin style instrument) and Ocarina (because of You-Know-What)

2) Combs, or brushes?
Combs, they're bendy

3) Do you have pneumoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis? Hippopottomonstosesquippedaliophobia?
No and Yes, i'm afraid of everything except Bees (but I'm afraid of the fact that i'm not afraid of bees)

5) Do you believe that you, as a person, can stand a licking and suffer a taste of defeat without chomping down on yourself?
Are you coming onto me!?

8) Do think that I really intended for you to answer that question?
Jeez I hope not

13) This isn't a question. HAH.
For Pony!!!

21) Is there really a chickencow level?
Yes but in order to get to it you have to get through the minotaurs labyrinth without using the wizard key

34) Have you figured out why the numbers are weird? If you find out, I'll give you a cookie. =D
I think I know, i'm rather curious, please explain

55) So long, and thanks for all the fish.
You're welcome Mr. Dolphin

Clyde -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 22:20:42)

/me raised the toasting glasses filled with whatever suited their tastes. :)

What are we celebrating again?
How incredibly awesome I am

I am sure it was something about Cows and Tanks, right?
No no, they were just hired for the coronation ceremony

Why is your name Time Losh?
I've always had an interest in time, and Losh is something I explained earlier, they're mythical beasts I invented in a short story I wrote

Do you happen to like Sushi? I never tried it, so tell me if it's good.
I do but some types of sushi have horrible consequences (Unagi for instance)

What's your favorite Poem?
Beowulf (yes, it's a poem, an epic poem)

Time Losh + Various drinks = ?
Time Losh + Bourbon = Slurred Speech and Sleepiness
+ Brandy = Angry and Loud
+ Gin = Calmer, enjoys strumming his bass and watching a movie
+ Rum = Insane loud fun pirate
+ Sake = Feels like he's been kicked in the mouth, keeps to himself
+ Scotch = Fits of laughter and incredibly short memory span
+ Tequila = Fun and Hyper, does stuff like riding an electric floor buffer
+ Vodka = Not much difference but becomes incredibly good at old school games like Pac-Man and Tetris
+ Whiskey = Will actually get out on the dance floor and attempt to "bust a move"
+ Wine = Incredibly calm and classy, more polite and sweet than usual but does occasionally slur
and lastly Time Losh + ANY ALCOHOL = Flirting with women...a lot

Would like more questions?
Bring it on, I dare you! I dare all of you!!!

Alright then,

Hope your days are filled with joy and what not. Congrats as well.
Thank you

~Clyde :0

deathwalker05 -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 22:25:01)

1. Have you figured out Vis's code?

2. Want me to tell you?
Was my theory about Sherlock Holmes wrong then?

3. Was your answer no? To bad if answer was "no", you get it by adding the 2 previous numbers together.
I failed math

4. Was #3 actually a question?
Not even a little bit

5. I reallly have no questions, just wanted to post the answer to Vis's number question.
Fine, be that way!

6. Bye, farewell, hope to see a new story chapter soon, and no, none of these were questions.
I know where you sleep!!!

Congratulations on becoming an AK[sm=untitledm9zb.gif.bmp][sm=Kightc.gif][sm=Vorpal.gif]

Senomi -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 22:29:27)

I already congratulated you on IRC Losheh, and since doing so again would be superfluous, I'll just bombard you with questions until you... become mildly tired with said questions! *flashlight flicker*
No praise needed, I know I rule

1) Warmup question! Stretch out those tense typing fingers here and get the sanity out of your system. You don't want to pull anything... or do you?
Depending on how you ask these questions I may end up pulling some of your teeth out, i'd enjoy that

2) Is "time losh" the result of a toothless old man trying to say "time loss?" *"Fat, purple worms" will be considered a cop-out.
No but I did reference that in The 7 Stories how the band was supposed to be called Time Lost but the guy messed up on the t-shirts

3) Solve this. Nao. :D
No Yes! :D

4) *subtley points at new forum name*

5) Life is a sexually transmitted disease, eh? :D
No one is a virgin, life screws you at every turn

6) You has neopolitan, I has cosmopolitan, and Versy has 'nilla wafers. At whose run-down shack is the party to be held?
Versy's, A. we paid more for our stuff and B. I'm not allowed to have people in my shack anymore, court order

7) I am Losh, therefore I am awesome!

8) *pew-pew!* You've been lazered, my good losh, and it appears that you're no longer alive. Got a backup plan for this?
Three years ago I ate radioactive maggots. Once I die, they will eat through my flesh, My DNA will activate the chemicals and transform them into sinister clones of me...with super powers

Well, I'm off to write a paper on the worst president in history, Georg- *bang!* Oh my... so that's what it feels like to be Whittington!
He made Bill cry by undoing all the good that Clinton had acomplished (say what you will about his personal life, he did some good things for america)

< Message edited by Dick Cheney -- 1/26/2008 06:06:06 >

Søren -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 22:29:54)

Timeeee Looooosssssh!

1 Rum+Vodka+Whiskey+Gin= ?
A really crappy 8th grader house party

2 Hugs or Drugs?
Hugs of course

3 Paper or Plastic?

4 Career?
Bartender for now, Art Teacher for a little while and eventually I wanna write for TV

5 Does Alac really give you cookies along with the Shackles?
Cookies yes but The Cake is a Lie

6 Does Reens really collect the souls of AKs?
Usually yes but as i've already said I didn't have one to steal

7 Did Alac give you the official AK dictionary?
Yeah, spoiler alert: the zebra did it

8 Name 5 AK Dictionary Words?
Uh...i'll get back to you on that

9 Zorbak or Kabroz?
Doesn't make no difference no never mind to me

10 Time Losh, are you going to let this go to your head?
No, why do you ask? *looks over at giant neon sign saying "All Hail Time Losh! Time Losh is Life!!!" What? Because of that? pfft, don't be silly

Albino Slug -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 22:50:14)

Do you remember me? (I should hope so, it was only a day ago we last talked I think.)

Has it gotten to you?
Yeah pretty much


Bill Fitzhugh

Pest Control

Anything else?
I recently got into a comic book series from Dark Horse called The Umbrella Acadamy, it's really good, a dark musical sort of humor and action that could have come from my own mind <3

Coyote -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 22:51:24)

1) I's a coyote! Not a dolphin! Can't coyotes eat seafood, too? D=
No, no they can't (and i'm changing my color)

1) It was the Fibonacci Sequence. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55. Can you figure this one out? It's just a little harder. =D
Stop Making me do Math!!!

2) Yay bass guitar. /Nobody/ at my school plays that, for some reason. I'm forcing one of the guitarists that I know to play bass, just 'cause he has one. XP Can ya play YYZ?
Of course, I love Rush, I can also play Cygnus, Far Cry, and The Twilight Zone

3) Fingered, or picked?
...we're talking about chicken right?

6) Am I starting to bug you? Hopefully, you won't tell me to buzz off, or mind my own beeswax.
Nah, I like answering these questions, it's fun

10) Ain't it unbearable, answering all these questions? It was a burden that I had to bear earlier, and lemme tell ya, it was pretty grizzly. At least there weren't giant, page-long whoppers of questions. I would want to strangle those people with my bare hands. =D
See above answer

20) Aren't I so punny? XP
*whacks you with a ladle* That was your Punishment

35) .
.............................*goes insane* WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?!?!?!?

_Depression -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 23:04:14)

Salve, magister. Nomen mei _Depression est.

1. Do you speak Latin?

2. Latinam dicitne?
Sure, why not

3. In your opinion, is character development more important than plot development?
Depends, in My case it's character development because my stories are predictable and everyone knows how they're gonna end. Jack is gonna solve the murder, so for me I find it's important to get into the characters as deeply as possible. But thats for Mystery, for something like Fantasy you want an elaborate plot filled with twists and turns that no one saw coming

4. If there were two hot stories out and you could buy only one, which of the following titles would you pick: Radian Story or Radian?
If I saw two books with those titles I would just assume Radian Story is an expansion pack similar to Elder Scrolls Oblivion Game of the Year edition

5. If there is a scenario similar to the one in question 4, would pick the book containing: angels and swordfights or robots and child pilots?
Tough choice, I like angel girls (they're cute) and I like robots but robots implies sci-fi and almost anytime there is a child in a sci-fi scenario I usually hate them and want to punch them in the face

6. In your honest opinion, am I at least a mediocre writer?
Yeah, who said you weren't, you've got talent pal

7. In an even more honest opinion, would you like to see a fantasy story with a female protagonist or a general fiction story with a male protagonist?
The Chicks in Chainmail series (it's not what you think!) have taught me that fantasy stories with female protagonists are usually awesome

Vale! (See ya [literally, "Be well!" (imperative)])

Albino Slug -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 23:09:00)

Did you just answer this?
Yes, Yes I did

How about this?
Yes, Yes I did

This one maybe?
Yes, Yes I, not this one


@_Dep, Greetings teacher, my name is _Depression? You forgot some endings on depression. I think your a boy so that would be _Depressionus.
Yay for my uber 1337 language skillz.

TreadLight -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 23:11:27)

I'm bringin' mahself back. It feels like I haven't really finished.

Favorite Band?
Voltaire, Creature Feature, Rush, Emilie Autumn, Rasputina, I could go on

Sandwiches, just in general

Pest Control by Bill Fitzhugh

Heart Under The Floorboard. Beats For. Lenore. Nevermore ~ Buried Alive by Creature Feature

Have you ever seen me before?
You were here just a little while ago

Oh, and "TL" is my initials too. That's why I said that up that.
I picked that up (also I fixed your typo)

Who's your best forum buddy?
I have a lot of great forum buddies but Lesser is probably the one I have the most contact with outside of the forums

A dog named Remshot and a Japanese Beatle named Lizard

So, that's it for about, naow. Have a great time!

Lady Eliac -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 23:14:50)

Timeloshhhhhhhhhhhhhh! *Snuggles*
*snuggles back* Hey, how ya doin'? =D

You know, I'm beginning to think its a goal of Falerin's to make all my friends AKs. I think he has a personal vendetta. :P
Don't be silly (she knows to much, take your suicide pill)

So, are your shackles pink or blue this year?
Black actually, the blue ones were to small for me and the pink ones are...well I refused to wear them

I think you'll be a great AK, dude. Seriously. :D
Thank you, that means a lot to me

Will you still have time for us wee folk?
Absolutely, you guys are the biggest reason of why i'm even here (and yes you are, I asked Falerin)

Does Jack Rose feel that this will effect his personal life?
He's at the casino right now, I think this power has gone to his head more than mine. He's trying to get lucky tonight, both with cards and the ladies

Tha's all for now, I'm still getting over my happy dance. *Happy dances*
*joins Eliac in the happy dance* Whoooo

Coyote -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 23:16:15)

1) anyone lived in a pretty how town
(with up so floating many bells down)
spring summer autumn winter
he sang his didn't he danced his did
Whatever helps ya sleep at night pal

2) Do ya fingerpick your bass, or do you cheat and use a pick? =P
Oh right...well now I want chicken. I fingerpick, I tried a pick 'cause it was easier on my fingers but it's harder for me to play with a pick. The Bass is easier with fingers, y'know?

3) YYZ has my favorite bass part by far. So many solos that actually sound cool. Unless you account for Slow Ride, with that crazy bass lick at the very end that pwns the guitar part so badly that it's almost funny. So, if you do use a pick, try playing something by Malmsteen or Slayer. That's a fun bass part for ya. *evil grin*
I'll pass dude thanks, I know what i'd be getting myself into. I actually play Bass in a band with my friends, we're called Grand Theft Audio

4) Gah. Now I want to play my guitar. Stupid Ibanez guitars that have to be special-ordered and therefore can't come within a week. =/


6) You gonna log on MSN anytime soon? Rico, RP, and I get a lot of business done through MSN instead of through PM. It's faster that way, usually.
Sure, PM me sometime, i'll give you my address

7) No question limits, on your part. So I can keep asking until I run out of questions. Bwahahah.
Eh, I was sorta gonna go with "wait at least 5 posts before asking more questions" but no, I don't really care

8) ...Which happens to be about now.
I win!

9) Y'know what I realized? I haven't really asked any questions for you to answer in this post. The one question is just a reiteration of a previous question.
More or less

10) Do you like pie?
Yeah but Pie can't compete with Cake, Bostom Creme Pie is the only kind that can come close to cakes greatness

(In all earnestness, I'm gonna try to ask serious MtAK-style questions next time instead of just random statements. Or will there even be a next time? ._. )
Absolutely, ask as many as ya want

_Depression -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 23:17:31)

cerebus: well, most names would use the 3rd declension endings, so "_Depressionem" would be more correct.

And, "magister" can also be translated as "master" or "captain (of a ship)". I leave the technicalities up to the man with the upgraded overhead display. =/

Should've asked these earlier, but...:

If there's a book, and a movie based off the book, which do you pick up first?
Book usually, there are few cases where I prefer the movie more (Shrek, and Big Fish are a few examples)

When I make a move to punch you in the chest, how do you respond?
Snatch for your arm and spin you around, by the time you catch what happened and spin back around to face me I've taken a swing at your jaw (I used to take Brazilian Jujitsu (sp?) and I currently take Boxing

Let's say there are four pumpkins, two oranges, and a grapefruit. How many different alcoholic drinks could you make if you were given a full bar (but had to include at least one of the aforementioned foodstuffs in the drink)?
About 26 I can think of right off the bat, i'm sure there are more

Including me, how many people would dare to ask you a seemingly useless question to obtain important information regarding a future writing project?

Is there a limit to how many times I can depreciate myself on a public forums? Do I get more chances if I'm funny?
No, only I may do that

*takes out rocket launcher and loads it, pointing at time losh's threads* Care to rethink your answer?
Put the thing away before you hurt yourself, besides, my threads have withstood far greater weapons and threats that that roman candle you're holding

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